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Chapter 2: Graduation Day

"Cella, wake up." Dad's hand pounded on the door as the bright morning light bleed through my windows. The muggy air filling my room from the small crack I had left so I could hear the sounds of the summer night one last time.

"I'm up." I groaned, slinking out of bed and into a sitting position on the floor beside my suitcase. My eyes panning over the half-finished packing job. Groaning once more and standing up to grab my towel and bathroom bag, I trudged out of my sticky room, passing my father's open door where he was putting on his gear.

"Cella, what time is the ceremony today?" he asked, noticing me stalking by and stopping me in my tracks.

"2, but it's okay if you can't make it. I'm sure Nonna and Nonno will take plenty of pictures." I was the only Granddaughter in my current family on my mother's side. So, they made it a big spectacle to fly over just to be there for me. It was really nice having them here and being able to fly to Italy with company this time.

"Barcella, I will be at your Graduation. You are my only child. I wouldn't miss it for anything." planting a small kiss on the top of my head and turning his attention back to his gear belt, I made my escape to the bathroom.

Taking in my matted hair and dark circles I sighed heavily. I hated and loved looking in the mirror at the same time. I was my mother's twin, just with my father's pale red hair. Her same deep brown eyes, same round face, same plump pouty lips and high cheek bones. Shaking the thoughts from my mind I climbed into the shower and turned it on, welcoming the shocking chill before it slowly heated to the perfect scolding temperature.

Turning off the shower after washing away the sweat of the night, I could hear the faint sound of the front door closing as my dad left and the pitter patter of my Nonna's feet in the kitchen. The faint scent of cigar smoke drifted through the house from the back patio where Nonno had his morning cigar every morning. I slowly slipped back to my room, rummaging through my closet for one of my old dresses that I hadn't ever worn, settling on a white strapless with little flowers. Pulling out my white sleeveless vest and tugging my damp hair up into a hair clip I settled on the look for now. We were required to make an appearance at the school until after 12 and I already knew whatever minuscule amount of makeup I put on would be whipped off by Hailey and Rillie then replaced with an obscured amount of whatever they felt like doing. I loved my best friends, but they had yet to realize that it was June in Florida and unlike them, I had sweat glands that worked.

Giving myself a once over in the floor length mirror on the back of my closet door, I simply shrugged. My simple plain jane look had gotten me by in school so far, why did I have to dress up for this when it would be covered by the graduation gown anyways. Accepting the look and grabbing my bag, phone, and keys I made my way out to the kitchen.

"Barcella, oh my beautiful Nepote." Nonna swooshed in, plastering kisses on every bit of my face she could find before holding me at arm's length and gripping my shoulders firmly. "So much like your mother, come, come, I will make you breakfast." she ushered me to the kitchen table beside Nonno, who was now reading the morning paper. I didn't understand why but this had been their routine everyday they had been here.

"Nonna, I actually have to meet up with Hailey and Rillie for graduation prep. I was just coming to say goodbye." the small look of disappointment on her face almost had me faulter in my plans.

"Maria, she will be living with us all summer, let her have her time with her friends." with that I kissed them both quickly and rushed for the door with a simple goodbye and see you later.


"So, what's the verdict on the acceptance letters?" Hailey asked as soon as she sat down in front of me at the small cafe. Rillie soon following her with powdered sugar covering her mouth from the jelly donut she just bit into.

"I got into Hawaii Pacific and Berkley. Both with full rides into their Oceanography programs." I say nonchalantly, though when I initially opened the letters of acceptance I had jumped for joy and nearly broke my Nonno's eardrum. Who also happens to be the only one who knows so far. I hadn't found the right time to tell dad.

"And which one do you plan on choosing? Isn't time running out?" Rillie reminded me with a mouth full of donut. I didn't understand how she could eat so much and still be so small. I took on running, which was probably the only reason I wasn't gaining an abundance of weight with my Nonna's cooking.

"I sent in all of my documents to Berkley; I go for intake week in August."

"So, this very well might be our last day with you for a while." Realization seemed to dawn on both of them as tears sprung to their eyes. We had been best friends since kindergarten. The 3 inseparable misfits. I would be lying if I said it wouldn't be like losing sisters at this point.

"Oh, please don't act like you won't forget about me at Auburn with all the hot football players around you, and Hailey you're going to NYU you'll be surrounded by some of the smartest Lawyers in training. And we always have video calls and holiday break." I tried my best to seem upbeat, but it really did seem like we were all going to very faraway places. I took a long sip of my iced coffee to drown out the burn in my throat from the tears I was trying desperately to choke back.


I sat there waiting anxiously for my name to be called, my neck soaked in sweat and sticky from the hair spray that held desperately to my hair in a vain attempt to keep it in place, my feet ached from the heals I should have adamantly denied wearing. My row stood and began to walk to the stage, moments away and I refused to search the audience. If my dad was there, he'd let me know, if not then I wasn't going to risk disappointment.

"Adison Hill, Jonna Hunter, James Kefer" they continued to announce till I stood on the top of the stage. "Barcella Walden." a loud eruption of cheers came from across the field, much louder than I had ever anticipated. My eyes followed as did everyone else's as I walked up and shook the principles hand. My eyes filled up immediately when I realized not only dad, but all of his off-duty buddies and his partner were all there making a big deal about my graduation. I continued my way off the stage and back to my seat where we waited for the final few names to be called and the final speeches to be spoken. Finally, the ceremonious tossing of the caps signaling the graduation of the class.

'I did it mom.' I said silently up to my guardian angel. 'I wish you were here.' I took a shaky breath and turned to find my two troublemakers then head to our little entourage of family clustered together.

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