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Chapter 7: 7 | Land Of Thunder Dragon

Inside the Dechencholing Palace, we can see a man sitting on a throne and two pillars with wingless dragons coiled around it, on both sides of the throne. In front of him, there were ten people who were part of the ruling class of the country and they were discussing the reforms that they could bring about for the betterment of the country.

As the meeting was going on a defining sound was heard from outside the Palace *Rumble*

Hearing the familiar noise a slight smile adorned the face of the man and he ordered his people "Let's end this meeting now. We will continue it tomorrow."

"As you wish Majesty." Saying that the people in the Throne room started to disperse and as they went outside they saw a huge thunder cloud above the palace and the surrounding area.

As they left the palace a kid of age ten came into the Throne room running at his maximum speed and jumped into the King's lap and asked him "Father, is big brother coming?"

"Yes, it's him alright." The King replied with a kind smile to his eldest son.

Hearing that, the eyes of the prince started to sparkle with happiness.

"Well, are you going to sit on your fathers lap when your big brother comes in, Jigme?" Asked a sweet voice.

Hearing that the Prince jumped out of the King's lap and said "No. I will be standing here when he comes."

Chuckling at the antics of his son, the King looked at the newcomers and raised an eyebrow and said "Are all of you here to see him too?"

"Yes your Majesty." Said the four women in the group.

And seven kids of age varying from six to ten spoke "Yes papa" "Yes father"

"I can understand the enthusiasm of our kids, but what about you guys?" The King asked his four wives.

Looking at each other and coming into an understanding, the oldest of them spoke "Your Majesty, we have known him since our wedding day and he's the son of your friend. Of course we would like to see him, and we have been like sisters since we met him."

Shaking his head at that, the King just smiled and waited a couple of seconds for the guest to come inside the Throne room, and they didn't need to wait too long as an White Tailed Eagle and another eagle with lightning arcs coiling around it.

As the White Tailed Eagle landed on the floor, it transformed back into the form of a human, revealing the face of the man to the ones present in the Throne room. Looking at the King, the man said "Nice to see you, your Majesty."

Nodding at the young man, the King replied "Nice to see you too, Eric."

Smiling at Eric the King spoke again "So, what is the purpose of this visit?"

"It's nothing your Majesty, just visiting here as a tourist with my familiar Storm." He said that pointing at the thunder bird that was sitting on his shoulder after it adjusted its size.

"Mmm.. Good. And I believe that you brought her to play with Druk V?" The King asked Eric.

"Yes your Majesty. Only if you allow me that is."

"Why won't I allow that Eric. After all you are the son of my friend and also the one who has befriended the Druk outside of the Royal Family." The King said.

Then looking at the rest of the people present in the room he continued "We are going to the Abode of Druk."

"Yes your Majesty." Saying that the four women took hold of the eight children and the oldest of them reached out her hand towards the King and the King took hold of her hand and his other hand was extended towards Eric.

Seeing that Eric walked towards the Kind and took hold of his extended hand with Storm still preaching on his shoulder.

"Ready?" Asked the King.

In return he got nods from his four wives and his eight children and Eric.

As he got the confirmation he along with the thirteen people teleported away from the Throne room.


Far away from the Palace, outside a cave on the Masang Kang Mountain at Northern Bhutan fourteen people and a bird appeared with the sound of thunder and flash of lightning.

As soon as they appeared there the children started to rub their hands together to avoid the cold as much as possible. Chuckling at the sight of the children Eric waved his wand and casted heating spells on each of their clothes.

Feeling the heat the children looked at Eric and said in unison "Thanks."

Eric smiled at them hearing that. And the eldest son of the King came and stood next to Eric followed by the other children too. The four consorts applied the heating charm on their clothes themselves and smiled at their children. Then looking at Eric, Dorji Wangmo the eldest of the four and the 1st Consort of the King spoke "So Eric. Got yourself a girlfriend or two?"

Hearing that question the other consorts giggled and looked at Eric for an answer, and he truthfully told them "I do have a girlfriend. Her name is Nymphadora. And yes she is a witch."

Hearing that the 2nd consort Tshering Pem said "Well, when will we meet her?"

"In a couple of years. She's not ready to meet any of my family members." Eric told her.

King Jigme Singye Wangchuck, hearing that, had a small smile on his face. Because what Eric implied was that he sees the Royal Family as his family too.

The same smile was plastered on each of the consorts too. So the third consort Tshering Yangdon asked Eric "So, do you know the reason for that?"

"Mmmm, I don't know. But I do have some doubts about it." Eric said.

"And what would that be?" Sangay Choden, the youngest and the 4th consort, asked Eric.

"I think that she thinks that she's not worthy of me even though she's the one who confessed first." Eric said.

"Wait. You're saying that, she asked you out first?" The 1st consort asked.

"Yeah. But I told her to wait, since I didn't want to be seen as a pedo, because when she confessed she was only thirteen years old." Eric told them clearing any kind of misunderstanding that could pop up.

The four consorts nodded at him in understanding.

Smiling at the interaction between his family and Eric, the King started to walk into the cave shortly followed by his family and Eric.




❌❌❌❌Chapter 7 End❌❌❌❌

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