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Tales of Orshoogdugui Gazar Tales of Orshoogdugui Gazar original

Tales of Orshoogdugui Gazar

Author: Destrominator

© WebNovel


The ancient gods of Orshoogdugui have left the lands, and have burned the continent into shambles. Sadly, the people have suffered, but have not suffered more than the royal family. Even if they were born into nobility, they were respected as people who cared. And to see their people die and starve was too much guilt for them. Their kings and queens grew mad, and slew their children. Utop a peak in northern Orshoogdugui, their bodies hang for all of eternity. King Xavier faced the first repentance, he would have to watch his lifeless family as he drove to death in the mountains. Then there was Queen Gendall, she was assassinated and her body was dumped into the great abyss. The two had 5 children, all of which were respected and held great power from the Ancient gods.

Among the gods, there were a select few that stood out among the rest. Kandyalla, the goddess of magnificent light and disastrous death. She held the power of the sun, and controlled the souls of the dead. Diavel, a great god who stood for peace and grace. He was a majestic being who could charm the very gods into submission. A man that held the very stability of life and love. Fria, a goddess of many talents. She has been nicknamed the goddess of the "All Seeing Heart." This name was given to her because of her vast amount of knowledge about the world. Yubu, god of wine, jurisdiction, and gratitude. He was the creator of the world changing beverage, and a person of justice. Anyone who was put in front of him in court was always judged equally and correctly. Krai, the god of the skies. He controls the very weather and the rain which falls from the clouds. He is the supporter of life, granting them the most important ingredient for life, water. And then there is one final god who has yet to pick a vessel for his strength. His name is Kaiser, the god of creation and omniscience. But there is one person, who he is observing closely. All of the six, except Kaiser, all have vessels (royal family children) living in Orshoogdugui, and all share the same name as said gods. But now that they have been crucified and banished to the north, only one god remains in the lands. Yet, people are losing hope, and some are even wishing for everything to end. People have gone far past insanity to the point of suicide.

Where did the gods migrate to? No one knows, the only ones who knew were Fria and Kaiser. Fria has been dead for decades, and Kaiser has been inactive ever since the gods left. Only some have hope for the world, and others are trying their hardest to survive. While most, have to survive off of dead rodents, and scraps of food left in trash cans and junk yards. The people were no longer living like you used to, so they started to riot. Towns were razed, and crops were burned. The land was a wasteland, until a separate god noticed their state and revived all of the royal family members. Now that they had their rulers back, they thought that they could live again. But no, the god didn't want to help them. Instead, he turned the king and queen into tyrannical bastards. The riots continued, and battles between leaders were common. Until, Queen Gendall killed Xiaver while he was sleeping. No one could confirm nor deny this was true, but many people suspected.

But then, as a rumbling shook the lands, Kaiser awoke from his dormant state. His first thing he said was, "Heed my words, I am Kaiser, god of that is all knowing. And I have never seen such disrespect to the extent that I would need to emerge from my slumber. Anyhow, if this is how the future must play out, I'll play along. I have chosen one child to be my vessel. And he will be the key to this land's future." The child was unknown, but people theorized if a child close to the royal family would be him. Or if one of the children in the royal family would gain another god to guide them. No, it was neither of those. Instead, he was a boy living out in the town of Farmstead. The town was a brilliant place for farmers, seeing as the soil was rich. But he was not just a farmer, ever since he could speak, he had been training his blade. Working to be the best swordsman in all of Orshoogdugui. His name was, Kaiser Daido.

(At the time of writing this, I have not gone through and completely planned everything out yet. So if in the future you feel confused, refer back to this chapter for all of the things you need to know. Different characters and magic will be posted here, and I will update this page as I plan more and more.)- note 1

Kaiser Daido was a young man who trained for years to master the blade. He grew up in Farmstead, a thriving town that grew various kinds of goods. But then, an opposing faction came to kill the men and women. They killed his parents, and he confronted one of them when he was only 13. They kicked him down and they told him, "If we come back, we will slay everyone. We will burn everything, and erase this town off of the map." Kaiser simply replied, "If." After that, the town reconstructed the homes and important buildings. While they did that, Kaiser trained even more and one day, the enemies returned. But this time, Kaiser defended the village, and slew them all. He returned their heads to the mayor of their town, and simply left after that. At 17, he had killed 13 men.

Susan Frill, grew up in the sewers of the royal Capital. After the migration of the gods, poverty and illness skyrocketed an astronomical amount. But there was one virus that killed the most, the Blue plague. Victims of this virus would have their white blood cells killed, and their livers would rupture. Both of Susan's parents were infected by this, and they passed away unable to see their daughter grow. For years, she would gamble for food, and kill for coppers. Soon, she had a bounty of over 1200 silvers, and a body count of 52. At the age of 18, she was targeted by the royal army, and fled the city into hiding.

When Kaiser was scavenging in the East forest, he was attacked by her. Kaiser not wanting to kill, only defended himself. After the mishap, Susan greatly apologized and they grew to know each other. They became friends, and soon would adventure together.

Character descriptions:

Kaiser Daido- Long black hair, tall lean muscular body. His eyes glow purple in the dark, and they glow even brighter when angered.

Susan Frill- Long brown hair, average height with a well built body. Her body shape was built for swift and agile movement. Her brown eyes seem invisible in the dark, but when in the sun, they appear a sharp orange surrounded by a darker tone.

(Soon, when more characters are introduced, I'll add more character descriptions if some are confused.)- note 2

Orshoogdugui Gazar looks like a U, in the middle of the arch is a large landmass of mountains. On the two tips of the U are forests that stretch for more than 140 km. Under the East forest is the town of Farmstead, there are other towns but this is the center of farm trade. On the bottom of the U, is the royal Capital that is surrounded by walls in every direction. Under the U is a wide arch that stretches the width of the U and then some. It is a forsaken land covered in volcanic activity and death. On the west coast is a giant tree that has been dead for nearly a century. Residing in the tree is the god Kaiser. Surrounding these three land masses is a whole bunch of other continents that we will cover. North of the continent is another continent is a barren wasteland of sand and sedimentary rock. There are towering plateaus and escarpments. To the east of Orshoogdugui Gazar is a warped continent that is littered with mana and life. It is the birth place of Elves and magic. In the center is a giant tree that supplies the entire world with mana. South of Orshoogdugui Gazar is a wall of ice that reaches about 35 meters. On the top is a breeding ground for giant's, trolls, and frost dragons. West of Orshoogdugui Gazar is a giant hole. Giant boulders stay afloat above the hole because of Mana and inside the hole is a whole different world. Inside is a vast city with boundless night skies that glisten year-round. It is a majestic yet dangerous landscape. It is also thriving with demons and other demonic entities.

Dragons inhabit every part of the world, but there are more dragons in the continent north of Orshoogdugui than any other. North of Orshoogdugui Gazar is Deadtrem, east is Herdill, south is Wiln, and west is Jukslu.

-note 3

After becoming Kaiser, the god of creation and omniscience, Daido will have to work his way through the other gods and become the Khan of Orshoogdugui Gazar. He will have to kill Kandyalla, Diavel, Fria, Yubu, and Krai. But he will have to do this with the looming threat of the Blue Plague taking Susan.

<I have big plans for this book and I really want to make Kaiser as badass as possible. So there will be some insane shit happening soon.>

-note 4

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