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Chapter 2: One - It's the Thoughtfulness

"Where have you been, Cornelius? Your grandfather is waiting for you," My mother instantly reprimanded me when I arrived at the hospital. "And refrain yourself from mentioning your pointless pursuit in the workforce. Am I understood?"

Crystal clear. I know how the family works. Never show any signs of disagreement to the old man for it may worsen his condition. I get to receive that kind of reminder every day.

"I know. What am I supposed to say?" I groaned in annoyance.

"If you did not prepare any positive topic for your grandfather, I suggest you keep your mouth shut. No one is interested in your useless janitorial occupation."

"You just insulted an honorable job, mom." I rolled my eyes secretly.

"Honorable, yes, if you don't belong to such family," She raised her hand. "This conversation is over and there is no further to discuss."

I couldn't agree more. Arguments with her were pointless, anyway. The nurse from the inside nodded at me, visitors are now allowed. I immediately went to the room.

The old man was glad to see me. Of course, after I lied to him that I am having a successful business somewhere else. Mother stood behind me like a ghost, watching my every move.

"Grandpa! This is becoming a very expensive habit." I was referring to his frequent hospitalization.

"Not if we can afford it," He deadpanned and motioned me to come closer. "I heard about your new job."

"What about it?" I nervously asked and glanced at my mother.

"It's sanitization specialist?" He even looked at my mother for confirmation. "I don't mean to offend but it sounds like beneath you."

"We all start somewhere." I faked my enthusiasm.

"Our ancestors already did," His aura changed. He sighed and shot my mother a disappointed look. "I hope you can do better next time, Marion. Where is your husband?"

"He is on a business trip, dad." Mom replied, avoiding any conflict.

"Be thankful Cornelius that your mother belongs to a wealthy family or you will have to beg your dad to keep your family income to your family alone and not to his other families. His brother and sister need to fix their lives." Grandpa bluntly commented.

Mother was unfazed. This is her daily philosophy with my grandfather. I felt my phone vibrated in my pocket but I am still having a conversation with the old man. He is very particular with manners. Mom noticed my urgency to leave and gave me a warning look.

"Did you get yourself a fine lady, Cornelius? I am not getting any younger."

"Like that would be easy! No one passes your standards." I complained.

"Then let me pick the woman for you. I could not allow your mom to do that for you given her choice of husband." Grandpa casually stated making mom scoffed in disbelief.

"Oh, please, dad. It's not like you had a perfect life. I'm pretty sure you have your share of mistakes," Mom blubber like a spoiled kid.

"I'm not going to wonder where your son got the rebellious spirit. I was hoping it will be from your husband's side of the family but the resemblance is uncanny," Grandpa shook his head and opened his new issue of Times Magazine. "Now leave me alone."

"Okay?" I snorted. "No thank you message?"

"I was indeed glad of your visit, young man, but your personality outweighs my gratitude," Then he waved his hand to dismiss us.

Before I could dash to the hallway, my mother deliberately coughed to stop me. I rolled my eyes. She was leaving instructions to my grandpa's personal nurse. Then, she faced me with her usual judgemental looks.

"I got promoted, okay? I am now on garbage segregation." I explained. I know that look, she will convince me to take a position in the company.

"Garbage segregation? My goodness! That is disgusting! Unsanitary!" She sounds like she was about to have a heart attack.

"You're exaggerating! We have our personal protection gears. How can you degrade our honest work!" I gasped like a typical minimum wage worker.

"Oh, please, Cornelius! You are a Blaine. We are anything but honest." She opened her purse that made me excited. She noticed my reaction, "Don't keep your hopes up, honey. I'm looking for my phone. I need my car."

"Just a hundred bucks? It's not yet payday!" I begged.

She heaved a laborious sigh. "If this is your definition of independence, Cornelius, might as well move back to the house! What's wrong with the Blaine Hall? We have a lot of spare rooms! We have a lot of space to avoid each other!"

"Look, I'm trying!" I'm under observation right now and I can't access my bank accounts. The old man cut off my funds too so I'm rich in clothes. They are too nice to sell, and I don't know what to wear. Our driver is richer than me. "I'll pay you by the end of the month."

My mom scoffed, "You think I would bother to collect back a hundred dollars? What will you use it for, by the way? A new pants?"

"Oh, God! For food and everything!" I almost scream at her face. She will never understand the struggle of the poor.

"For food? A hundred dollars? Are you trying to survive breakfast?"

I don't think she's mocking me because she literally asked me with genuine confusion. How can I put this to her perspective. I calm myself.

"Just give me the money, mom." I stated.

"Don't use that tone on me, young man," She placed her both hands on her hips then sighed. "I don't have cash, though. I didn't even bring anything except for my phone. Maybe you should ask the driver for some money. They have allowances for the gas."

Why would I ask the driver that? I am not even planning to ride with her. Before I could speak out, she dragged me to the elevator. Her driver has arrived. I can't put up my pride right now because I really needed a ride, actually. The bus fare will consume my remaining cash and I haven't ask the driver for some money yet. Aaron was surprised to see me riding with my mom. He smiled to me then opened the door.

"Aaron, do you still have some money left on your allowance?" My mom suddenly asked. I was mortified to hear it.

Aaron did not start the car and looked at my mother like she has grown another head. "I think so, Mrs. Rivas."

"Give it to Cornelius," Mom looked at me in disdain. "He is a bit, out of cash."

"I never thought money was ever a problem for the Blaine." Aaron snickered and start the car. "Are we also dropping you off, master Cornelius?"

"I believe so, Aaron. He doesn't have the means to travel." Mom replied on my behalf.

I leaned on the window to avoid further humiliation. "Yes. Drop me off near starbucks. I have a night shift there."

"A night shift? What exactly do you do in a night shift?" My mom asked. Like earlier, she is still doesn't understand the basic occupations of the bourgeoisie. Even Aaron hid his amusement.

"You should try it, mom. You're missing out in life." I responded sarcastically.

"Oh, no. It will ruin my eight hours of sleep." She immediately replied. Aaron and I almost lost it but we held it together.

We're in the middle of the traffic. There were beggars roaming the streets and a lot of pickpockets. One car was a victim of burglars. There's this one kid who was distracting the driver and his accomplice was reaching his bag at the back seat from the other side. Rookie mistake. Our car stopped beside them. I lowered my window.

"Hey! What are you doing?" I pretended to shout startling the woman who was busy reaching her price. She dropped it in a hurry when she noticed the driver lost focus with her distraction.

"What are you reaching for? Trying to steal, you little wrench!" The driver scolded her.

They both moved away from the car then slowly walked out. She stopped on my side and smacked the window. Thankfully, I closed it.

"What is wrong with that lady?" My mother reacted. "Do you know her? That is an unacceptable behavior."

"How the hell would I know her!"

"Language, Cornelius!" She even did a sign of the cross.

Aaron parked the car at the main entrance. I forgot to instruct him to stopped further, I don't want to make a scene. A janitor getting to work arriving in a Bentley. How subtle.

"Aaron, the money." My mom reminded.

Aaron handed me fifty bucks.

"Fifty?" I asked in disbelief.

"Sorry, young master. I used it to buy dinner and for the gas." Aaron explained.

"I suggest you settle to pancakes and a hot chocolate for breakfast, honey, so you can still have enough for lunch," She kissed me goodbye then they left with Aaron bursting into laugh.

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