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Chapter 16: Curve 15: The Lord of the Howling Moon

Eamon arrived at the grand mansion located within the fortified city of Goryeong, accompanied by his two loyal followers and a significant number of guards. The butler and the guards greeted them warmly, and the butler informed Eamon that Don Gavanni was expecting him. Eamon smiled in response.

Inside the mansion, Don Gavanni was having a conversation with his daughter. "You will do exactly as I say, and you will have no choice but to follow my orders," Don Gavanni declared.

The woman was in tears as she glared at her father, trying to break free from the guards who held onto her arms. "I would never follow you, you scum!" she exclaimed, filled with anger.

Don Gavanni slapped her, causing her to fall to the ground. "How dare you speak to me like that? You're just like your mother," he said.

Upon hearing her father speak about her mother, the woman became even more furious and glared at him once more. "Is that why you killed her?" she asked through her tears. She stood up and faced her father. "How could you do something like that, father?"

"Where did you hear such a ridiculous accusation? Your mother died due to robbers who robbed our mansion! How dare you accuse me of such a thing?" he retorted.

"The Goddess knows what you did, Father. How could you do something like that to your own beloved wife? Why did you spare my life? You should have killed me too!"

"Soyeon, don't do this to me. The Archpriest has already arrived. Behave yourself. Otherwise..," he stepped closer to her daughter and whispered, "I'll kill the man you've been hanging around with," Don Gavanni threatened.

"You, demon..." The woman's spirit was crushed, trembling with fear at the extent of her father's twisted nature. A few seconds later, the butler entered the room, accompanied by the Archpriest and his loyal followers.

"May the blessings of the Goddess be upon us this day, Don Gavanni," Eamon said with a smile as he approached them.

Don Gavanni humbly bowed his head in respect. "I am grateful for your presence, Your Grace," he replied.

Eamon gazed at the woman and chuckled. "Your daughter is truly a beauty. How gorgeous, it is no wonder that the Goddess has chosen her for me," he said, running his fingers over her face.

The woman could no longer contain herself. She spat in his face and exclaimed, "You scoundrel! Stay away from my family! I will not marry you!"

Eamon chuckled. "You should learn to humble yourself, woman, for soon you will be my bride and bear my child. A prophecy came to me in a dream, and you have a crucial role to play in it. The heavens will grant you and your family everything, so humble yourself and show me the respect that I deserve as your future husband."

Soyeon glared at Eamon with defiance in her eyes. "I will never respect you or marry you. I'd rather die than be tied to a man like you," she said, her voice filled with conviction.

Eamon's smile faded and he stepped closer to her, his eyes narrowing. "You will do as I say, Soyeon. You will marry me and bear my child. It is your duty and your fate, and you will not defy me," he said, his voice cold and threatening.

Soyeon stood her ground, her chin raised in defiance. "You don't know that. I will never submit to you. You may have power and wealth, but you do not have my heart or my respect," she said, her voice shaking slightly but her resolve unwavering.

Her father finally intervened to calm them down. "I deeply apologize for her disrespectful behavior, Your Grace. Please forgive us. She clearly does not comprehend the gravity of her words," Don Gavanni said, bowing his head in apology.

Eamon's face relaxed into a smile as he looked at the father. "I understand, Don Gavanni. The bright sun shining upon us is a sign of the Goddess' never-ending mercy. However, I would greatly appreciate it if you could ensure that your daughter behaves herself from now on."

"I will do my best to see to it, Your Grace," Don Gavanni said, bowing his head in acknowledgement.

The woman was at a loss for words, not knowing how to react. Her father had become completely consumed by the false prophecy fabricated by the deceitful archpriest. She felt lost and alone, not knowing how to escape the looming future that had been forced upon her. The weight of the situation pressed down on her, leaving her feeling helpless and despairing. As she looked around at the faces of those present, all she saw was greed and manipulation. She knew that she had to find a way to break free from this suffocating web of deceit and find her own path, although she had no clue of where to start.

Meanwhile, inside one of the rooms of the central house, Kei was sitting alone in his room. He could feel a strange sensation coursing through his veins. Although he could not be certain, he suspected that it was probably due to Fredred's meddling.

"It's been days since I last spoke to Fredred. I'm pretty sure he's just as confused as I am about what happened," Kei said to himself, trying to make sense of the situation. "I still have no idea how Master Yoo managed to steal my power."

He took a moment to contemplate and search for a way to restore his spirit energy. He could no longer hear Fredred's voice in his head, and although he could still feel his spirit core within him, he was at a loss to explain the disruption to its flow. As long as this disturbance persisted, he would be unable to tap into his spirit energy and practice spiritual arts.

After a while, he heard Yeji calling out to him from his door, "Kei! Master Yoo is summoning us. Let's go."

Kei stood up and left his room, following Yeji outside to the central house where they found Master Yoo standing with a man. He is youthful in appearance, with jet-black hair that is styled in a sleek and sophisticated manner and small face. Although he has a slender build, he is toned and athletic. His small eyes are piercing and sharp, seeming to cut straight through to one's soul. His skin is fair and smooth, and he is dressed in a luxurious, dark red robe (One that is a darker version of the conclave's traditional garb).

"Suho!" Yeji exclaimed, rushing over to him and embracing him. "It's been a while since I last saw you. How have you been?" she asked, a bright smile on her face.

"I'm glad to see you, Yeji. I've been doing well these past few months," Suho replied, before turning his attention to Kei. "And who might you be?"

"I am Kei Netherwulf," Kei introduced himself.

"Kei, it's a pleasure to meet you. I am Suho, Lord of the second division, the Howling Moon," he said, bowing his head in greeting.

The two men exchanged bows as a sign of respect.

Deep within himself, Kei could not help but wonder, "He is the leader of the second division? If I recall correctly, Yul's right-hand man told me that the first three divisions were of varying skill levels. Is Suho really that skilled and strong compared to Yul?"

Master Yoo called for their attention and stood before them, speaking confidently. "Suho, you must be curious as to why I summoned you here so suddenly."

"Yes, Master, I am. Please tell me the reason for my summons," Suho replied, his gaze fixed upon the ground below.

"I am directing you and your division to collaborate with Yeji's division from now on. Yeji apprised me that the Archpriest of the Divine Order and his followers have been consorting with witches and consummating deals with a nefarious fiend," Master Yoo elucidated.

"The Divine Order, you say?" Suho inquired, turning to Yeji. "Have you obtained any evidence to support this claim?"

"Unfortunately, we have not. We only recently discovered this information while investigating the Divine Order's chapel in the outskirts of the city," Yeji responded, her expression somber. "We have no concrete proof, but I heard it myself from someone named Father Alele and Wichelle that they are working with each other. Eamon aims to destroy the Seven Conclaves. He even made a deal with a fiend named Zhuanxu just to fulfill that."

Master Yoo continued, "That is why I require you to investigate the chapel, Suho. I am sure you are also cognizant of my decade-long enmity with Eamon Grale. I had thought he was merely cultivating a cult, and rumors circulated about him offering human sacrifices. However, now that I have received confirmation from a leader of the conclave regarding their malevolent intent and actions, we cannot overlook this any longer, especially now that we have learned of his association with the fiend, Zhuanxu."

"I understand, Master. I shall endeavor to gather as many facts as I can," Suho said, nodding in understanding.

Master Yoo glanced at Yeji and commanded her to travel to Zheng Fort to assemble her men and Suho's.

"It shall be done, Master," Yeji said, bowing respectfully.

"Return here after that," Master Yoo added before inviting Kei and Suho inside his room. As Yeji left the Guild House to journey to Zheng Fort, Master Yoo told Suho to bring Kei to the hidden stronghold of the Providence Society.

"Master, why do you wish for me to do this? The Providence Society is a secret organization, and its existence should only be known to you and the other high-ranking commanders," Suho remarked.

"I am aware of this, Suho. However, Kei is no longer just anyone. He is now a member of the society," Master Yoo explained.

"Wait, really?" he inquired in surprise.

Lingshu nodded in acknowledgement. "Hence, take him there immediately. Assist him in becoming familiar with the society's ideology and disciplines."

"I understand, Master," Suho replied.

Upon being left alone, Suho directed Kei to follow him to the covert headquarters of the Providence Society, located in proximity to the Imperial Palace within Oden Fortress. In order to arrive at their destination expeditiously, they availed themselves of a skywhale for transportation. During their journey, Suho interrogated Kei concerning his background, leaving Kei to contemplate whether or not to deceive him. He knew fully well that Suho was a member of the Providence Society, and Master Yoo had assured him that his identity would be protected.

Eventually, he chose to speak the truth. "I hail from a distant realm, far beyond the reaches of this galaxy," Kei said, as straightforward as he could be.

Suho simply regarded him, uncertain of how to react.

""You don't believe me, do you?" Kei queried.

Suho chuckled softly before responding, "I've encountered a great deal in my time. Nothing truly astonishes me anymore."

"Then, what's with that reaction earlier?"

"Don't mind it. I was just thinking of something else."

"You thought what?" Kei pressed.

"I believe I now understand why Yeji has taken an interest in you," Suho stated.

Kei's eyes suddenly widened in surprise. "What did you just say? Why did you mention her name out of the blue?"

"I have a knack for observing people, especially those I hold dear," Suho commented, his eyes narrowed as he studied Kei. "You are a straightforward person, not one to engage in unnecessary chatter. However, I sense that you have experienced much suffering in your past. Your eyes reveal much to me," he added, his gaze piercing like that of a snake. "There is also something unsettling about your spirit core. My eyes allow me to perceive such things," he concluded.

Kei was astonished by his perception. "He's good, and he can see my spirit core through those eyes? Now I understand why this man is the leader of the second conclave," he thought to himself.

"We are nearing Oden Fortress. Stay by my side when we arrive. The covert headquarters is situated within the Imperial Zone, an area where the Imperial Palace is situated. It is a heavily fortified location, accessible only to a select few, even among the nobility. I will have to utilize my privileges for us to gain entry," Suho informed Kei.

After a brief interval, they finally arrived at the heavily guarded Oden Fortress, the most fortified of all the fortresses in Iona and renowned for its wealth and grandeur. It was said that the walls of the fortress were so thick and strong that no enemy could ever hope to breach them.

As they approached the gates of the fortress, they could see the impressive watchtowers that stood guard over the entrance. These towers were manned by skilled archers and equipped with the latest in defensive technology. The gates themselves were made of solid iron and guarded by a group of heavily armed soldiers.

The guards greeted them as they entered. "Young master," the guards said as they bowed before Suho. He returned the bow and they entered the gates, the solid iron doors slowly swinging open to allow them passage.

Upon entering the fortress, the two of them boarded a calash, a carriage drawn by horses, and set off towards the Imperial Zone. This was an extensive region located at the center of the fortress that housed the palace of the Emperor and his family. It was nearly impossible for outsiders to gain entry to this area, but as a member of the highest nobility in Iona, Suho could just utilize his privileges to gain access.

As they made their way through the bustling streets of the city before the Imperial Zone, Kei was in awe of the grandeur and opulence that surrounded them. The streets were lined with ornate lanterns that glowed in the twilight, casting a warm light on the bustling crowds of people. The buildings were adorned with intricate carvings and decorations, each one more elaborate than the next. The air was filled with the sounds of music and laughter as people went about their daily lives.

"This is so much different than the city in Goryeong," Kei commented, taking in the sights and sounds of the capital with wonder.

"Of course, this is the capital of Iona, after all," Suho replied, a hint of pride in his voice. "It's the center of our nation's power and culture. You'll find that everything here is a bit grander and more opulent than in other cities."

As they approached, the gates of the Imperial Zone came into view. The grand entrance was made of gleaming marble and adorned with gold accents, its towering columns adorned with intricate carvings. The zone itself was protected by a high wall, adorned with watchtowers at regular intervals. These watchtowers were manned by soldiers who were on high alert, their eyes trained on the surrounding area as they stood ready to defend the Imperial Zone against any potential threats. The wall itself was not only a physical barrier, but also a symbol of the exclusivity and luxury of the area within. Only the most elite members of society were granted access to the Imperial Zone, where they could enjoy the many amenities and privileges afforded to them, and one of them is Suho himself.

As they stood before the gates of the Imperial Zone, Suho reached into his pocket and retrieved a small, gleaming medallion. Made of pure platinum, this medallion represented Suho's membership in one of the three royal families of Iona. Its intricate design and precious metal were a symbol of the wealth, power, and prestige that came with belonging to such an esteemed family. The medallion served as a badge of access, granting Suho and Kei entry into the most guarded and exclusive area, the Imperial Palace.

As he presented his medallion to the guards at the gate, they were waved through with a respectful nod, a testament to the privilege and influence that came with being a member of one of Iona's royal families.

"Lord Suho!" the guards lining up at the gates of the palace called out as they saw the medallion. They bowed in respect as Suho and Kei passed by, allowing them to enter the palace.

They walked through the Imperial Zone, their footsteps echoing off the polished marble road. They made their way to a tower that stood near the Imperial Palace, its imposing height and grand architecture a testament to its importance.

As they entered the tower, Suho led the way to a hidden door that was disguised as a part of the wall. He pulled out a small, intricately carved key and inserted it into the lock, turning it with a sharp click. The door swung open to reveal a stairway leading down into darkness.

They descended the stairs, their footsteps echoing in the quiet space. At the bottom of the stairway, they found themselves in a dimly lit dungeon. The air was musty and damp, and the walls were made of rough, ancient stone.

This hidden dungeon was known only to members of the Providence Society, a secret organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of ancient knowledge. It was here that they kept their most valuable artifacts and documents, hidden away from the rest of the world.

Suho led the way through the winding corridors of the dungeon, his steps sure and confident as he navigated the twists and turns. They passed rows of shelves packed with ancient scrolls and manuscripts, as well as elaborate artifacts and relics from long-forgotten civilizations that the society gathered from all over the world.

As they navigated the winding corridors of the hidden dungeon, Suho led the way to the innermost chamber. It was a large, circular room with a high, domed ceiling. In the center of the room stood a heavy iron door, its surface adorned with intricate patterns and symbols.

Suho reached into his pocket and retrieved a small, intricately carved key. He inserted it into the lock and turned it with a sharp click, the sound echoing through the chamber. As the door swung open, a faint glow spilled out into the room.

Inside, they found three throne seats arranged in a semi-circle, their backs facing the door. In the shadows behind the thrones, they could make out the silhouettes of three figures. As their eyes adjusted to the dim light, they could see that the figures were shrouded in cloaks, their faces hidden in the shadows.

Who were these mysterious figures, and what secrets did they hold? Kei could only wonder as he and Suho stepped closer, his mind racing with anticipation.

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