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Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Hi, it's the author!

I wanted to apologize for the delay...

Between the holidays and all that I had little time to write, then I lost the rhythm so in three days I could only write two chapters.

I was writing and then deleting again and again.

So sorry if you find this chapter disappointing.

normally this one chapter should have lasted much longer, to explain the time jump. finally, I told myself it wasn't that important...

just filler with MJ and Flash...

Anyway, thanks for reading!







I knew I didn't need to be worried, but I couldn't help it...

From the moment I heard the news, my mind wouldn't focus on anything else but Tony Stark.

As I listened to the sound of the hammer falling on the anvil a smirk crept across my face.

Fortunately Tony was still going to get away despite my intervention in his life a few weeks before.

It was at this point that I decided not to care, or at least not to listen to what was going on in that cave half the time.

So I started writing an AI to occupy my overly agitated mind...

I estimated the coding time at 2 weeks minimum with my speed, that for an AI of the level of JARVIS, but I was not going to make an AI of the same level, no, I wanted some things more!

Because if S.H.I.E.L.D. managed to hijack JARVIS's defense protocols, then there was nothing to tell me that they wouldn't do the same with mine if they discovered it first...

Then Flash showed up the next day, the guy was well-behaved, at least he wasn't disrespectful.

Finally, I let him have the guest room, I was surprised at him though, contrary to what I thought he was not so bad to be around.


I went back to school, I was mostly hanging out with Flash, no actually I was only hanging out with him...

also, Flash apologized to Peter and also to Ned, and he stopped pursuing Mary Jane after a few days.

Days turned into weeks, and finally, a month passed.

The time spent here was long and relatively boring, to be honest, I hesitated several times to apply for a degree early.

I thought about all the things I could have put in place if I hadn't promised my parents to go to college...

however, I was going to keep my word, for a little bit...

And luckily one thing had sort of motivated me to wait all this time, and that thing was going to happen today.

I glanced outside as the school bus finally stopped in front of the imposing Oscorp building...

putting my hand in my left pocket, I found a small circular electronic device, which will be useful for later.

All the students including me got off the bus, then we entered the building, I kept a close eye on Peter and Ned the whole time, even talking to them from time to time about all the technologies we could find there...

that was the scientist in me talking.

Finally, the whole class arrived in a room containing various animals in Terrarium, I quickly looked around and saw that only one spider was missing...

looking around, I spotted the missing spider on Peter!

I quickly walked over to him and flicked the switch on my little electronic gadget! Instantly cutting the video feeds of the room!

''AAAH! Crap!'' Peter screamed as the spider bit him...

he stumbled a few times but I held him up before he collapsed...

Luckily I had planned this little piece of technology!

I called the teacher saying that Peter was feeling bad, then he told me to wait, although he was certainly wondering what to do...


Still supporting Peter to stay on his feet after staggering so much, I looked at the teacher waiting for his judgment...

"Professor?" I questioned to make him understand that I was waiting for his green light to leave this place...

He answered "go ahead, quickly" and allowed me to take Peter home.

That's when Peter finally passed out...

I knew he wasn't dying, and I was certainly more competent than half the doctors on the corner, so I took him home, instead of the hospital or his house...

it was closer, and also I had all the equipment necessary for his recovery, yeah...

I wanted a sample of his blood once the gene rewriting process was done...

nothing Machiavellian or weird, just understanding how his powers worked.

I hurried out of that crazy building, and once I did I rushed back to my flat at a high speed, but still not enough to harm the future Spidey.

Of course, I was monitoring Peter's condition every couple of seconds, luckily he wasn't conscious to see how fast I was moving...


''yes Mrs. Parker... sorry, but I think... yes, well please come quickly then.'' I stopped the call with Peter's aunt, she was yelling at me the whole time...

but she'll understand later that I did the right thing. (Ben is already dead like in the MCU)

Peter was lying on my hospital bed in the laboratory of my second flat, I had done a whole battery of tests on his body, and contrary to my expectations he had nothing special before the spider bite...

the spider...

yes I had retrieved it, in a jar, and no it was not dead, so this little creature and I were going to have a lot of work to do...

As for her aunt, I told her to come as soon as possible.

And after half an hour she was already ringing my doorbell like crazy...

I went to open it quickly.

The first thing she said to me was. ''I hope you have a good reason for doing this!''.

''I'm sorry, but...'' I tried to answer the angry woman in front of me.

She walked past me without even listening to me and walked through my lab without the slightest hindrance...

''Oh my God! Peter!" she shouted from what used to be the living room of the flat when she saw Peter in this state. ''you better have a good excuse kid!" this time it was me she shouted at...

"Okay... Peter is changing..." I started but she yelled again. "changing? What have you done?!" she had tears running down her cheeks...

''Listen to me!" I shouted, scaring her, and that was the point, I needed her to listen.

''His DNA is being completely rewritten as we speak, all I did was save his life!" I began without mincing words, the more direct the better for her...

"Saved... his life?" she said, still looking at Peter sweating in the bed.

''yes, the thing that bit him, that spider...'' I said referring to what I had told her earlier on the phone, and she flinched slightly as she remembered.

I explained that the thing had undergone multiple experiences within Oscorp without going into too much detail, and finally, after a few minutes of explanation, she asked.

''Why didn't you take it to the hospital then?!" she shouted at me.

Sighing. ''I thought about it, but once his blood is taken, what do you think will happen? Between the government and Oscorp, not to mention everyone else...''

his eyes widened at my question. "But he's just a teenager.''

''I'm afraid they don't care...'' I said softly.

Finally, I explained a little more about all the risks Peter was running, whether it was from the bite or the power-hungry people who might try to experiment on him...

of course, I thought of Norman Osborn who in several comics had cloned Peter!

I offered May to stay here tonight, and she accepted to sleep in the Laboratory not far from Peter...


Late in the night, Mrs. Parker had almost fallen asleep from exhaustion, and that's when Peter woke up, it didn't pass me by, but I let them have their little moment...

''hum...'' Peter made a sound signaling his imminent awakening.

Peter's aunt opened her eyes instantly, and she saw that her nephew was showing signs of waking up.

So immediately she stood up clumsily due to fatigue and went closer to Peter.

''Aunt May? Where... am I?'' Peter asked with difficulty, his throat feeling dry.

''Yes, it's me, Peter, you're safe...'' his Aunt answered with a sad tone, for she knew that Peter was never going to have a so-called normal life again...

the two of them talked for a little while, but always under my supervision, I didn't want Peter to have any contact with anyone else because he could kill him without meaning to...

yeah, I was a bit paranoid, though I knew how hard it was to adjust to a sudden new strength.

I decided to make my arrival at that moment. ''Hi Peter, how are you feeling?" I asked even though I already knew.

''Connor..." was all he said, but his eyes spoke volumes.

I shrugged, then handed him a piece of paper, which he hesitantly took...

''What's this?" he asked clearly puzzled.

Then I handed him a second piece of paper, which he took without much thought.

''On the first paper, this is your body a few minutes after the bite... as you can see, your DNA rejected the foreign substance first, destroying your cells, it was killing you...''

Peter widened his eyes and looked at his aunt in expectation of confirmation, she nodded with difficulty, and Peter continued. ''but... I'm not dead... so?''

''on this one, this is your body a while after the bite, as you can also see, your DNA is basically not the same anymore... everything about you has been... changed.''

''What do you mean? I don't feel any change...'' Peter frowned.

''Yeah... you'll feel it soon... your body is still under the influence of the drugs.'' I wanted to let him know he was on drugs...

"What? But I feel normal, I don't understand...'' Peter said as he looked at the sheet more carefully...

''Peter, I had to give you about 14 times the dose needed by a fit adult to even stop you from crying in pain... right away you feel normal because you're on morphine and stuff...''

''14... times!" he almost screamed and started to panic, but it was better to find out like this than to destroy half his equipment at home...

''Peter calm down, do this for me please...'' his aunt tried to reason with him.

"Okay, okay...'' He came to his senses after a few seconds, then he realized, "So what? My immune system has become stronger. How much stronger? ''

''Not only that Peter, in fact, everything about you has undergone drastic changes, your strength, your agility, your senses, and certainly other stuff I can't predict,'' I answered, anyway he was going to find out for himself...

he stood there for a moment without saying anything, just looking at his hands strangely...

''Peter...'' his aunt took his hand and stroked it gently to comfort him...


1 hour passed

May Parker had already fallen asleep, so I thought it appropriate to make Peter understand the extent of his 'powers'.

At first, Peter found it hard to believe, but it wasn't until he realized he could see properly without his glasses that he really realized that there had been changes in his body...

''slowly, we don't know exactly what kind of ability you have acquired,'' I said lying I knew very well what power Peter would develop...

''got it.'' he stood up very slowly, then I put a mirror in front of him. ''wait! A spider bite gave me abs! Cool...''

''Later Peter, come on, follow me." I took him to a gym specially designed for my future teammates (okay I'm not saying that...)

We arrived in the training room and Peter was looking around curiously.

''So what do we do?" he asked, then I resumed. ''Let's start with your new strength...''

Peter began to lift weights, easily, very easily!

It was only when he exceeded two tons that I told him to take a break, although he didn't need to...

After that I had him run on a high-end treadmill to test his speed, then endurance.

The tests lasted quite a long time, in fact, most of the night...

but Peter was too happy to even notice the time passing.

''Is it over? I can go on, you know...'' he said arrogantly.

I looked up from my note sheet and handed it to him, he read it quickly and nodded his head for confirmation, however when he saw his speed and strength he fell on his ass or so.

''10 tons?! Minimum?! And what is that speed, you must have made a mistake...'' he shouted in surprise.

''Yeah, ten tons, but I think you can lift more in an emergency, you know, adrenaline and all that... the speed is just an estimate, but yeah, you're as fast as a car, man," I confirmed at once.

Peter didn't know what to say, he was shocked and surprised. ''And now? What?" he asked.

"Now? You go on with your life, don't do anything abnormal for a few weeks, and don't do anything stupid..." I said, waiting for him to contradict me.

''but...'' Peter looked conflicted.

I looked up at him and stared intently. ''But? What, what are you going to do with it?''

''I mean, what if some things... no, you know what, forget it," he said, looking away.

I could see what he was thinking, he could see himself being a hero across town.

Either that or using it for his own benefit. (I know the mc did it with vibranium but it's different.)

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