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Chapter 4: Slice Of Life Ain't Bad

I pulled up to the karaoke bar and hopped out of the car. I swiftly walked into the place and asked where Daniel and the others were. As I walked into the room I was given, I saw way more people than I expected.

I saw Zack, Mira, Zack's goons, Yui, Zoe, and Daniel.

They all paused and just stared at me. Then the worst 3 minutes of my life happened. The mosquito wouldn't stop buzzing for 180.2857 seconds straight. She was mad at me for kicking Daniel's ass today even though the only damage I caused was a sore neck. His body rarely showed signs of injury from what I saw from my friends. I mean he had his head stomped into the ground by some big ass giant always talking about danglers, and his body was just like "No sweat bro, injuries aren't in my vocabulary."

Usually, I would have just ignored her, and gone on with my business, but since I have to deal with her at school every day for the time being, I'd rather her get it all out now than annoy me forever. After she was done, and was panting from yelling for 3 minutes without breathing, I finally got a word in.

"....sorry, I guess."

She once again got worked up and started to turn red. I just ignored her this time and walked up to Daniel. I reached out my hand and looked him in the eyes.

"No hard feelings?"

He immediately shook my hand with a smile.

"None at all, you taught me a valuable lesson. But one day, I'll get back at you for the beating."

I just smirked. I was kind of surprised by how easygoing he was. He was usually stiff and awkward. I think he might have loosened up from the ass beating he got too. It's a good thing though. I turned around and looked at Zack. He stared back and nodded. He seemed neutral about the whole situation.

Zack's lackeys walked up to me and put their arms around my shoulders. They had to reach up as I was pretty tall.

"Hey man, you're pretty strong! What you did today was AMAZING! Do you fight professionally?"

Never in my life did I think I'd meet people who liked to dick-ride this much. But, alas, 'tis the fate of the weak to worship the strong.

The last person to talk to me was Zoe. The lackeys kept talking to me but I just acted like they weren't there.

"How'd your meeting go?"

I was kind of surprised she remembered.

"It went...swell. The other party was very compliant."

She was confused about how I answered it, but she just shook the thought and congratulated me.

"Congratulations on your business deal then. I hope your 9,685 hooligans are happy."

She said jokingly. Sigh, why does no one believe I have 9,685 hooligans under me?

"You still don't believe me, huh?"

"I mean it's kind of hard to believe someone can make 9,685 hooligans submit to their rule at once."

She said with an awkward smile.

"Hm, you don't say."

She tilted her head, and looked at me with a blank stare.

"Nothing, so what do you say we all sing?"

After I said that, everyone in the room cheered, and we began a round of singing that lasted 2 hours.

[2 Hours Later]

"Wow, Joshua, who knew you could sing like that!"

Zoe was looking at me with stars in her eyes as we walked out of the building. Well most of us, Daniel got drunk and was passed out on my back. Pretty sure the fatty should be here to pick him up soon.


I just responded with a nonchalant thank you and kept walking.

"Big bro, you should be an idol."

Zack's lackeys now wouldn't stop calling me big brother. Never thought I'd meet male groupies. Leave it to anime, huh?

"You can stop calling me big bro you know."

They both looked at me as if I'd uttered the greatest words of blasphemy ever.

"HOW COULD WE EVER!". They both shouted in sync.

Welp, I tried.


I all of a sudden heard a male voice from down the road. I smelled 'em coming from miles away, to be honest.

"What do you want, fatty?"

"Umm, that's my roomate. I came to check on him because he was taking a while to come home."

Oh? A wonderful excuse.

"Oh, well take 'em. He's drunk so he won't be waking up any time soon."

I dumped Daniel on Fat Daniel's back and saluted him before starting to walk away. Zoe and Yui were staring at Fat Daniel with disgust.

'Ew Daniel is roommates with that orcish fatso?'

That's probably what they're thinking. I think Fat Dan noticed it too, because he started to seem down.

I patted his shoulder and he looked up at me, but I didn't look down at him just straight ahead.

"Don't count yourself out, tubby. You have potential, now realize it. Make it reality. You can't count on others your whole life."

He looked up at me awed and slack-jawed for a second. Until Daniel snored on his shoulder.

Even I was taken aback by the bear-like snore.


Zoe snickered to herself at him snoring. She seemed to be blushing a bit. Good, hopefully, she switches her sights to him and not me. She's not even annoying me anymore I just am not interested in her. I need someone that's more than just looks.

Fat Dan said his goodbyes and began to run off. I know he's going to be hyperventilating when he gets back home.

Zack, his goons, and Mira were all gone so it was just Yui, Zoe, and I. I decided to walk both of them home. After I waved Zoe off, and made sure she made it into her home, I was done for the night. I called Park Hyun-woo, and 2 minutes later he pulled up in the Cullinan from earlier.

"Take me home, Hyun-woo."

"Yes sir, boss."

As the car cruised and the music played in the background I looked out the window and smirked.

Slice Of Life Ain't Bad Afterall.

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