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Chapter 2: Chats

Walking beside Harry down the street in Surrey, Severus knew what happened next would greatly impact the future. He hoped he would not need to get too rough with the Dursleys . . . well, that was a lie. He hoped he would, but that there would be enough left over to keep the blood wards up, even if only barely.

Coming up to the front door, Harry looked anxious, and Severus couldn't blame him. Before ringing the door bell, Severus pulled Harry's shrunken school supplies from his inner robe pocket.

"Here are your things. To unshrink them, just tap your wand on them, but remember you cannot cast any spells outside of school."

"Yes, sir."

"When we go inside, I want you to go up to your room and wait for me there, and close the door. I want to have a private chat with your aunt and uncle." Severus' lip curled with disdain.

Maybe a single hex would be alright. Something small, something undetectable, even by normal wizards. The Flatulence Hex perhaps? That could last for months, and any gas medication would only make it worse. Or maybe he could be a bit more aggressive? It would be nothing more than they deserved.


Severus looked down at Harry who had been watching him intently.

"Um, don't hurt them, okay? Please?"

It never ceased to amaze him how much of Lily was in Harry. Even after everything they had done, or rather had not done, he still did not want to see them hurt.

"I will try not to," he stated. He wasn't about to promise any more than that.

With that, Severus rang the door bell.

The door opened, revealing horse-faced Petunia.

"You!" she gasped, her face quickly contorting in rage.

"Yes — me," Severus replied smoothly, stepping forward and placing his foot firmly within the house so she could not shut the door.

She remained just beyond the doorway, glaring.

"Petunia, who is at the door?" Vernon asked from the other room.

"It's the boy and . . . one of them," she answered briskly.

Vernon stormed over soon after, his face growing red just behind Petunia's shoulder.

"Are you going to continue standing in the way, or are you going to let us in? You know, people can see us," Severus sneered, undeterred by Vernon's massive size and now purpling face. Harry shifted a little further behind Severus.

"Why should we? Your kind has been hounding us non-stop! First with owls, and then last night!" Vernon snarled. "The giant man who whisked the boy away last night broke down the door!"

"I doubt the door was all that sound to begin with," Severus replied.

"How dare you! Dudley has been scarred for life!"

"I'm sure. Now, are we going to stand here all day, becoming a spectacle for your neighbors, or are you going to let us in?"

Petunia huffed. "Fine." She stepped aside, letting them in, before quickly closing the door with a slam. "What do you want?" she asked nastily.

Vernon was glowering beside her, his hands clenched.

"Mr. Potter." Severus looked to the stairs.

"Yes, sir." Harry hurried up, not risking a look back, though he had seen Dudley hiding behind the couch.

Severus and the Dursleys heard the door close.

"I will not bother suggesting we sit, for I will make this quick. I understand your hatred for my world and may have been able to . . . sympathize with that, but right now the fact of the matter is — I don't, because I don't bloody care. From now on, you are going to treat Mr. Potter like a human being and not like an unwanted guest you hide in the basement or in . . . a cupboard." Severus glanced toward the little door under the stairs and glared. "I don't expect you to be kind, but simply responsible adults. You can be responsible, can't you? You will give him full, balanced meals from now on, and will not lock him up anywhere — whether that be a cupboard or a room. And you will leave his things alone and in his room as well. You will also not have Mr. Potter doing more than three hours of chores a week — I suggest having him set the table and garden, that's fair. If I discover you are treating him as you have in the past, I have secret, untraceable ways to make your lives miserable. I promise."

Vernon was now shaking in rage, while Petunia was growing pale.

"Y-you have n-no right to say such things to us!" Vernon declared. "We have sheltered, clothed, and fed the boy for years now and have had to handle his unnaturalness!"

Severus raised a sarcastic eyebrow. "Out of the goodness of your hearts, of course."

"We were not given a choice! And then he went into that cupboard, of his own free will, soon after he came here! He would not go into the spare bedroom without wailing!" Petunia shrieked.

"Did you ever think of why, you daft woman? He had witnessed the murder of his mother in such a place, and that memory was still fresh! Of course he would take refuge in a small, secluded location. Any child would!"

Petunia inhaled sharply and even Vernon paused. Severus heard Dudley gasp from behind the couch.

"But then you turned his haven, which would have been temporary if you had bothered to help him, into a prison — placing locks on it for Merlin's sake! And you think my people are barbaric and medieval. Pathetic." Shaking his head, Severus took a few steps into the living room, pulling out his wand.

"Don't you begin doing any freakishness here!" Vernon bellowed.

Severus paid him no mind and flicked his wand toward the huddled figure behind the couch. "Finite."

Dudley gave a yelp, clutching his bottom and hopping out.

"Dudley!" Petunia cried, hurrying toward him as Vernon swung his meaty fist at Severus. Severus easily leaned out of the way.

"I-it's gone!" Dudley cried, his eyes wide with amazement. "It's not there anymore, t-the tail!"

Vernon stumbled forward after over extending in attempt to hit Severus.

"Now that you have one less 'freakish' thing to deal with, you will promise to do as I said regarding Mr. Potter, otherwise I'll just put the tail back and carry through with my promise. Got it?" Severus asked, flaring his magic out from his center for emphasis.

"Fine-fine, we promise," Petunia said, fearfully. "Now get out!"

"Thank you. I will leave once I have spoken with Mr. Potter."

With that, Severus went up the stairs.

O o O o O

Severus opened the door to find Harry with a snow white owl and a short little letter. The boy's things were still tiny and had been set on the grubby little desk by the lumpy bed.

"Sir, she was in here when I came in, and look, Hagrid wrote to me!" Harry said, quite excited. "Look, he wrote she's a late birthday gift for me!"

Severus looked back to the owl, which he recognized as Hedwig. Harry followed his gaze, his excitement suddenly dimming.

"I can keep her, right?" he asked, though his eyes grew sad. He sighed. "The list only mentioned students having one pet. I can't have two, can I?" His voice was resigned.

Severus narrowed his eyes in thought. "I will speak with the Headmaster and explain the situation to him. Coral is the special case. If the Headmaster can see how much you need her and how helpful she will be to you, he might be willing to make an exception and allow you two pets. Exceptions have been made for students in the past, so you would not be the first."

Harry looked at him hopefully.

"But I am not promising anything. If he says no, there's nothing I can do, but rest assured, the owl will be taken care of. You may take care of her for the rest of the summer, but come September, you will have to accept whatever the Headmaster decides."

Harry nodded, used to disappointment but willing to hope. The owl gave a hoot.

"I do not want to encourage attachment, but she will need a name," Severus stated after a moment.

"I understand I might not be able to keep her, and she understands too," Harry said, looking to the owl. "Don't you?" The owl nodded. "See?"

"Indeed. Well, for name ideas, I suggest your history book we bought today."

"Okay, professor," Harry said, before looking at his bedroom door. "Um, how did the. . . ."

"Discussion go?" Severus finished with a smirk.

Harry nodded.

"As I had imagined," he answered. "They are unharmed and your cousin has been de-tailed."

Harry's eyes were twinkling in laughter. Severus was impressed with the boy's self control.

"I will send you the book on parselmagic soon, as well as a few potions I expect you to drink."

"Potions? What will they do?"

"They are potions for a nutrition plan I have set for you. When you read your potions school book, you will find two of the three I will be sending you."

"Why am I going to drink them, sir?" Harry asked, frowning.

"Must you really ask? How many boys your age are shorter than you? How many are stronger?"

Harry ducked his head in shame and embarrassment.

"It is of no fault of your own, Potter," Severus continued, back tracking a bit. He needed to remind himself to be honest, not utterly brutal.

"Has my magic been affected, like . . . with what you had said earlier? About the food?" Harry asked softly, dejected.

"No, but if things had been left alone, it would have. I expect you to eat your fill at meal times from now on, and if the Dursleys withhold food from you as they have clearly done in the past, I will know. And I will quickly rectify that situation, should it arise."

Harry blinked.

"The Dursleys know the consequences will be . . . unpleasant should they do anything I told them not to. I have given them fair warning." Severus shook his head. "It is disgraceful that they need such coercion to do what they should, but people are selfish, afraid, and prideful. As such, I ask if I may give you something."

"You've given me a lot already, professor," Harry said, amazed the professor was now asking to give him yet another thing, whatever it was.

"This does not only concern the Dursleys, Mr. Potter. It concerns anyone who would wish harm or ill-will upon you."

Harry frowned. He was not sure he liked where this conversation was going.

"What are you talking about, sir?"

"How much did Hagrid tell you about the Dark Lord?"

"Well, he said he was very bad. Had gathered followers and stuff, killed those who stood against him. He told me about . . . that Halloween night." Harry touched his forehead, his fingers brushing across his scar. Harry closed his eyes, before reopening them and looking up at Severus. "But that was pretty much it. Is there something he left out? He wasn't really forthcoming. I had to talk him into telling me as much as he had."

"The Dark Lord is not dead." Severus decided to just get to the point, as it seemed Harry was ready for it — might even appreciate it.

"Hagrid doesn't think so either."

"I don't simply think he is not dead. I know he is not."

Harry swallowed, quickly realizing the implications of the professor's words.

"I am not telling you this to frighten you, but to prepare you, for there are people in the Wizarding World who want him back and you gone."

Harry frowned, his brow creased. "Like Lucius Malfoy? Is that why you didn't want him to see me?"


Harry tilted his head, still thinking. "But, what could he have done then? I mean, you were there and other people. Would he have done something in broad daylight?"

"I did not want him to see you with me. I am his son's godfather. It would have complicated matters."

Severus could tell Harry's mind was digesting what he was saying, trying to figure out what implications it had and what else was behind it. Good. He wanted Harry to use his head and get into the habit of figuring things out. Things underneath the first discovered reason or cause. It would also help make things easier for him later if Harry ever did learn the whole truth.

"Okay, professor. What did you want to give me?" Harry asked, a little uncertainly.

"This," he answered, holding out a simple, silver chain necklace.

"What is it, sir? I mean, does it do anything?"

Severus gave a small smile. The boy was learning quickly.

"It will alert me if you are in danger and notify me of your location should such a situation arise."

"Oh. Well, I suppose that's a good idea," Harry said, taking the necklace. "Um, I assume this will be just like the holsters?"

"Yes, keep it on all the time. You are also the only person who can remove it, or lift it even, once you have it latched."

"Lift it?"

"You wouldn't want someone to choke you with it, would you?"

Harry quickly shook his head no, recalling how often Dudley pulled the back of his shirt when he managed to catch him and how hard it was to breathe when the cloth of his shirt pulled taut against his throat. He'd rather be kicked by Dudley than have his shirt pulled like that again, but he would rather Dudley grab his shirt than Uncle Vernon. Harry unconsciously put his little hand to his throat, gently touching his pale skin. Severus' eyes narrowed a bit, but didn't say anything about it.

"Remember you cannot do magic outside of school, unless your life is in danger, but that doesn't mean you can't read about it," Severus said, deciding the conversation needed to move onto less troubling things.

"Yes, sir. I will read everything I can."

"Very good. It would also be beneficial for you to practice using your quill. After you have read a chapter, summarize it on parchment. I find that muggleborn students, or students from the muggle world, have a hard time writing well initially. Which is unfortunate for them, as I count off for chicken scratch and ink covered assignments. If you want to show me you deserve an E or an O, or even an A, I have to actually be able to read your writing."

"I understand, sir, but . . ." Harry paused, organizing his thoughts. "I don't know the grading scale. I should have asked earlier, sorry."

"You are forgiven, Mr. Potter," he answered lightly. "The scale, from lowest to highest, is: T-Troll, D-Dreadful, P-Poor, A-Acceptable, E-Exceeds Expectations, and O-Outstanding."

Harry nodded as Severus glanced around the little room again. It would be a Spartan existence for Harry before school started, but it was better than the cupboard life he had just left. Severus thought about casting a few charms to improve the items in the room, but he settled for a more practical route.

Waving his wand about, the potions master silently cast reparo. He was quickly rewarded by an amazed gasp from Harry as the rickety old bed leveled out, the desk regained its original finish, the leg of the desk chair straightened, and a few other smaller things repaired themselves. The room was still bleak, but it was no longer pathetic.

"Wow, thanks professor!" Harry exclaimed. "That was the most wicked thing I've ever seen!"

"You're gushing again, Mr. Potter," he warned, though the faint smile softened the harshness in his voice. "But you're welcome."

Harry smiled sheepishly.

"Do you have any other questions before I leave?" Severus asked as he pulled out the train ticket and handed it to him.

"Where is this platform nine and three-quarters?" Harry asked, reading the elaborate ticket and tilting his head at the three-quarters bit.

"It is beyond the barrier between platforms nine and ten. When you get to King's Cross railway station, you simply walk into the wall between nine and ten. The wall is an illusion, so simply walk through it. It will take you to Hogwarts Express."

"Okay," Harry said, trying not to sound disbelieving.

"Go early so you can get a good seat and avoid the crowds."

"Yes, sir." Harry straightened his back some, standing a little taller. He had no further questions and was letting the professor know he could leave. "Thank you, Professor," he sincerely thanked.

Severus gave a brief nod, acknowledging his thanks and respectful dismissal. "I will see you on September 1st, Mr. Potter. Expect the parselmagic book and those potions in a few hours. If you have any concerns with anything, send a letter with your owl to me. She'll find me."

Harry nodded, feeling a little uncertain with what he should do now that the professor was leaving. Should he walk him to the front door?

"I will walk myself out. I don't believe your aunt and uncle will mind you staying up here until dinner," he said.

"Alright, sir. Good bye, and thanks again."

Severus waved off his thanks as he stepped out from the room. "Until September, Mr. Potter." With that, he shut the bedroom door and headed back down to the Dursleys.

After a quick statement to Vernon, informing him he would take Harry to King's Cross station on September 1st whenever Harry said he wished to leave, the dark robed potions master finally headed out — to the relief of the Dursleys.

O o O o O

Severus knew there would be repercussions he would have to face for going to Diagon Alley and involving himself with Harry as he had. So when a house elf popped before him the moment he flooed into his quarters from Hogsmeade, he had not been surprised.

"Master Severus Snape sir, Headmaster Dumbledore sir asks for yous to report to his office."

"Of course," he answered silkily. "I will arrive in a moment."

With a bow, the Hogwarts elf popped away.

Severus hurried to his potions shelf and pulled the nutrient potions for Harry before summoning the parselmagic book he had promised him.

"Mittens," he called softly.


"Yes, master?" she asked as Severus jotted down a note.

Mittens was a tiny house elf who had, for whatever reason, attached herself to Severus. She had been a Hogwarts elf, but soon after Severus had become a professor, she decided to serve him and become his personal elf.

"Put these items in a box and attach the note to it. Then take the package to Fury and have him deliver it to Harry Potter in Surrey," he said, handing her the items.

Fury was his northern hawk owl that lived in the owlery, as the dungeons were no place for an owl.

"Yes, Master," she said with a bounce. It wasn't everyday Severus had a task for her, as he was not prone to asking others to do things he could do himself. "It will be done just as Master says."

"Thank you, Mittens."

She bowed and popped away.

Severus straightened and turned toward the fireplace, preparing himself mentally for what he was about to endure.

The last time he had seen Dumbledore . . . alive. . . .

Severus shook himself. He could not allow himself to dwell on the past. It had not happened in this timeline — it would not happen.

But Severus could not stop his mind from thinking back, scenes of that day flashing violently in his mind's eye. He had to fight the bile from rising up his throat. No one should die that way, least of all a leader like Albus.

Exhaling slowly, he occluded, reigning in the calm and solidifying his mental walls as he buried the painful, horrid memories. Events would not repeat themselves; he would die before he would allow it.

Confident he had himself under control, he took a handful of floo powder and stepped into the fireplace, disappearing in a flare of green flame.

O o O

He stepped into the eccentric office, the entire atmosphere almost foreign to him now. It had been over two years since he had been here and seen this office whole.

He looked to the desk, finding the Headmaster signing some documents.

"You wanted to see me, Headmaster?" he asked, softly announcing his presence — even though he knew very well that Albus was already aware of his arrival.

"Ah, Severus! Yes, please, sit down." He looked up, gazing over his half-moon spectacles. His eyes were as kind as ever, but there was also something else. Bemusement?

The potions master did as asked, sitting as he often had before. Straight-backed and stiff.

Putting aside a stack of papers, Albus held out the bowl of sweets. "Lemon Drop?"

Severus was very tempted to take one, but it would be so out of character that it might cause Albus to have a stroke. He politely declined.

Acting disappointed, the headmaster set the bowl back down after taking a candy himself.

"Well, I had an interesting conversation with Hagrid a few hours ago," the older, much older, man began.

"I can imagine," Severus said tersely.

"I am curious, Severus, why you went to Diagon Alley," he continued, unbothered by the younger professor's curtness.

Severus didn't reply immediately, thinking about how best to handle this. He couldn't tell Albus the truth, that was for sure. He would begin asking too many questions and it would complicate things that were best left alone for Severus to handle on his own.

"I was . . . curious," he answered finally.

"About Harry?" Albus' eyes gave a slight twinkle.


"So you went to see him for yourself? But why did you decide to relieve Hagrid and take Harry to get his supplies yourself? Were you so curious to spend an entire day with the boy?"

Severus knew he had to tread carefully. He had to make this believable. Very believable.

"At first, I simply wanted to determine the boy's attitude and then be on my way, but upon seeing his physical condition and attire. . . ." Severus' tone grew dark and dangerous.

Albus quickly leaned forward, his eyes growing concerned. "Please, continue, Severus."

"The boy is underweight and was clothed in ragged old clothes that were at least three sizes too big for him."

The Headmaster's eyes widened.

"I felt it best for me to take over and ensure things were not worse than I had already been able to gather."

"What did you learn?" Albus asked, afraid to hear the answer but needing to know.

"Enough to have already sent the boy several potions," Severus sneered. "I will be sending him three potions every week for him to drink."

Albus exhaled slowly, his wrinkles becoming more pronounced as he frowned. "How bad is it?"

"Nothing that I cannot repair, but, had things been left alone, next year at this time I wouldn't have been able to say the same."

Albus closed his eyes in emotional pain as guilt, stronger than a furious Hungarian Horntail, rose up within him. He should have listened to Minerva, but there was nothing he could do about it now.

"I have already had a . . . discussion with the Dursleys. Their mistreatment of him will not continue. Mr. Potter will be eating full meals and sleeping in a real bed from now on."

"A real bed?" the Headmaster asked in alarm, his eyes snapping open as another emotion swelled from his center.


Unfortunately, Severus did not comprehend the extent of anger now glistening in the older man's eyes, and promptly answered. "Oh yes, Mr. Potter has been sleeping in a cupboard for the last ten years. The Dursleys had moved him into the spare bedroom after the first letter," he stated flatly, having to control his own disgust until it was instantly forgotten in the next split second.

Magic erupted, and it was only thanks to a century of using magic that prevented all of the Headmaster's things from shattering spectacularly off his desk and shelves. As it was, his self control was not good enough and the bookshelf directly behind him exploded, pages now fluttering all around him in a mighty and intimidating display of his old power.

Albus leaned forward, his head bowed as he reigned in his magic — magic that was still rippling through the air and causing his hair and clothing to shift in a pulsating breeze. His left hand was flat on the desk, while his right was clenched into a tight fist at the center of his chest. Fawkes gave a concerned squawk and quickly flew to him, landing on his left shoulder before lowering his feathered head and lovingly burying his beak into the man's white hair.

Severus was speechless.

He had never seen his mentor so . . . furious.

Student letters were addressed automatically, and it was only after Harry had not replied to his first letter that McGonagall looked at what was being written. The first letter she saw was addressed: 'Mr. H. Potter, The Smallest Bedroom, 4 Privet Drive.' She had not known about the cupboard, so had not been able to tell the Headmaster.

In Severus' future, the Headmaster had known things were not good in the Dursley household, but had not known the extent of it. He had been suspicious, but by that time the war was in full motion and there was nothing he could really do.

"How is Harry?" the old wizard whispered as he stilled his magic, papers now settling down around them.

"Mentally?" Severus asked softly, a little nervous about causing another bout of accidental magic from the old man. His mentor had yet to look back up, but gave a stiff nod, prompting him to answer. "Sound and strong as far as I could tell."

"You are . . . pleased with what you found," Albus commented, his shoulders relaxing a little but his voice revealed surprise as he rose his face. Fawkes straightened a little, but remained on his human's shoulder.

Severus didn't deny the statement, but moved on, deciding to quickly move away from Harry's treatment at the Dursleys. He did not like seeing an enraged Dumbledore.

"I found that the boy is a parselmouth," he said calmly.

That bit of news last time had not stunned the old man, why should it now?


Had the situation been different, he may have smirked at the flabbergasted Headmaster, but he could find no amusement just then, for he spotted a flicker of fear in the normally twinkling blue eyes.

In that instant, Severus knew he had to shift his approach, and as abruptly as he could. Apparently, curving away from the abuse of the boy-who-lived as he had had not been a good idea.

He lifted his hand in attempt to calm his mentor, pitch black eyes locking onto blue, trying to convey to him that it was not what he was envisioning. Harry was not a monster.

"I have gotten him interested in parselmagic and I am sure he is already pouring over the book I have sent him."

"Parselmagic? Does he . . . does he know what it entails?" Albus asked, clearly looking for a sign that Harry was not another Riddle.

"He knows its purpose — healing and protection. He was quite intrigued and is hopeful his learning it will ease people's fears of the gift. He is . . . like Lily," he admitted softly.

The Headmaster calmed, his eyes twinkling once again, this time with relief and joy.

"Which brings me to a little problem that has arisen," Severus continued, his tone telling Albus that it was not urgent as he brushed a tiny puff of cloth from his black sleeve.

"Oh?" He shifted forward in his seat, ignoring the obliterated pieces of book and paper on and around him.

"Yes. I gave permission for him to have an exotic pet — a small, magical coral snake."

"For parselmagic?"

"Yes, but I had not anticipated Hagrid also getting a pet for the boy."

Well, he had, but he didn't have to tell Dumbledore that.


"I have told him he may not be able to keep the owl Hagrid has given him, due to school rules, but that I would bring the issue to you. He is prepared for whatever you decide."

"Well, I see no harm in making an exception for Mr. Potter, as long as he agrees to learn parselmagic. If the Board learns of the exception that has been made for him, they will want a very good reason for it to be allowed. I can think of no better reason than a young wizard learning a benevolent form of rare magic."

"Those were my thoughts," Severus agreed.

"I am proud of you, Severus," the old man said suddenly, peering intently at him. "From your previous comments about Harry this summer, I had been . . . concerned you would not treat. . . ." He cut himself off and sighed, as if ashamed of himself for not having faith in his spy.

Severus looked down, now quite ashamed of his earlier behavior concerning James' son, knowing Albus had had very good reason for being concerned. Last time he had acted very foolishly. His anger at James had outweighed his love for Lily for a long time, until it had been overpowered by the reality that Harry was not his father — or his mother. He was their son, yes, but he was his own person, and although he had many personality traits that reminded Severus of Lily, the boy was inexplicably one of the strongest and wisest warriors Severus had ever had the honor of fighting alongside. He had grown to become his brother in arms . . . and, dare he say it, a friend.

The headmaster swallowed thickly. "What you have told me today . . . I know it could not have been easy to learn it firsthand. I . . . applaud your self control. I cannot say I would have been able to handle it as honorably."

"It . . . was a close thing, Headmaster. And actually, it was Mr. Potter himself that prevented me from hexing his aunt and uncle to oblivion."

"Oh? How so?"

"He asked me not to hurt them. He even said please."

The old wizard's eyebrows rose, his eyes moist. "Remarkable," he whispered.

They fell into a comfortable, albeit odd, silence.

"Severus?" Albus asked after a moment.

"Yes, Headmaster?"

"What are your thoughts on the boy for this coming term? Really?" Albus asked, his sad eyes telling Severus he should be completely honest with this answer.

"He has . . ." Severus brought his hands together, a touch of a smile on his lips. ". . . Great potential."

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