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Chapter 13: Ch 13 - Diary Problem


Of course, it wouldn't be that easy to change canon.


First days of school. It's good to be back.


I noticed something very worrying, it didn't matter how many times I tried to get the Diary from Ginny it would always find its way back to her. She was probably cursed in one way or another, or the diary noticed my willingness to destroy it and latched itself to Ginny, it also happened in canon now that I think about it, she tried to get rid of it but the book always found its way back to her. Horcruxes have innate defense mechanisms and notice if someone wants to destroy them as shown multiple times in the films, would be surprised if this one used had none.

This was worrying, but at the same time... not.

If everything went as canon none would die, the basilisk would be slain and Sirius would see the photo of the rat near Harry and would break out of jail to save his godson.

Considering the Havens seemed hell-bent on letting canon flow and considering it is also beneficial to my goals, I finally decided to let this one play out. (This will change btw)

However, I wouldn't let the snake anywhere near Hermione as soon as the petrifications start I would immediately latch onto her every time she wants to do things alone.

I needed to master three spells, and quickly: 1) Transfigure objects to roosters 2)Revelio Nemico spell (an original spell that reveals enemies or in general hostiles around you, useful when trying to spot things through walls, a similar incantation is also used, for the Ward used in the battle of Hogwarts, and it is a counterpart of the spell Homenum Revelio used to reveal human beings) 3)Avada Kedavra, for the book. Since I couldn't bring it to the seventh floor I would have to use this spell in the chamber directly.


-Platform 9 3/4-

Yup, I refuse to be late and almost get demolished by the willow. What can I say, I am a simple man.

I and Hermione were sitting in our compartment, her nervousness palpable

"Why didn't those two follow you right after, did something happen? They should be here by now, we are about to take off"

Trying to calm her down I said: "Calm down Mione, they probably had some trouble at the entrance, if they aren't dunderheads they will wait for the adults to get out and take them to school themselves."

"How can you be so calm at times like this!" she sighed giving up

"I need to be calm and collected otherwise who else will think things rationally in this compartment" I smiled conspiratorially earning a shove on my arm for the troubles

"You are impossible sometimes! How do I even put up with you all the time" she cried indignantly

"Evidently because you like me very much Mione, there is no other explanation" I retorted earning me another have shove

"Yea, yea, sure, without me around you would probably be bored all day long," she said as she sneaked in a smug

"Hey!" I retorted again with a playful frown "It is not nice to sell me out like that! Take that back!"

"Never!" she responded childishly

"You little..."

We went on like this laughing like idiots for the majority of the ride, before settling on reading some stuff her one of Lockhart's useless book me the first volume of "Fantastic Beasts, and Where to Find Them", I decided to buy the trilogy instead of Lockhart's shit.

Hermione after a while noticed I did not have the con artist's books in my regular backpack I use to keep all my stuff when traveling between lessons, something other students copied, the richer got themselves a neat Moleskin handbag with an Undetectable Expansion Charm to go with it, immediately asked

"You kept Lockhart's book in your trunk? Aren't you curious about him? He is an incredible wizard you know?"

"Ah, his books? No, I skimmed through those at the library and decided I wasn't gonna buy them"

Hermione had her mouth wide open

"Close your mouth, you may catch some flies"

"Are you stupid!?" she screamed in my ear "What do you mean you didn't buy them? What about the exams, what about-" I shut her up by placing a finger on her lips much to her embarrassment but it did the job.

"Relax will you? I made a deal with Harry if I ever need those I will just ask him for the books in exchange for helping him with the subject" I then added, "Not that I will need it tho, those books are rubbish, seems we will have another year with a trash DADA."

She gasped dramatically, oh right, I forgot she still had that habit of trusting authorities too much "Chris, he is a professor, and look at what he has written"

"I did," I told her with a smile "I just find his written feats...Um, what's the correct word... Fiction? Yes a well-constructed work of fiction"

Hermione still couldn't believe it, and I wasn't gonna have an argument with her about that so she became even more furious because of that.

Women were strange creatures, thank God for my extensive experience in my old world. I died young, at the tender age of 22, but I don't really have many regrets.

After a while, she got back to laughing with me again all it took was a bit of tickling and a couple of jokes.

At some point we arrived at the station.


They didn't know the new year's password, not having met a Gryffindor prefect yet, but help

came almost immediately; they heard hurrying feet behind them and turned to see Hermione

dashing toward them.

"There you are! Where have you been? The most ridiculous rumors - someone said you'd been

expelled for crashing a flying car!"

"Well, we haven't been expelled," Harry assured her.

"You're not telling me you did fly here?" said Hermione, sounding almost as severe as Professor


"Happy you guys are ok, you gonna need to tell me everything about that trip all right?" Ron grinned while Harry nodded

"Chris!" said Hermione

"Come on Mione the guys look like they have been through much, you can grill me tomorrow." the two looked gratefully at me before disappearing she was not looking at me so I internally sighed and asked "Wanna read something with me before going to bed?" she brightened up at that. "Ok!"

She is seriously a handful.

Not that I mind

The boy's dormitory admittedly clocked out very late recounting our adventures during the summer.


It was time for Lockhart's first lesson, and I was already grimacing.

Harry was too after the "abuse" he went through with the professor always finding him with a young Colin to take pictures.

Hermione looked happy and ready to start. Figures.

"This is going to be the worst class yet ye?" I ask Ron who looked like he just bit a lemon.

"Yup, I just know it"

"Oh come on you three" huffed the Girl "I tell you, this is going to be great"

It wasn't.

At all.

When the whole class was seated, Lockhart cleared his throat loudly and silence fell. He reached

forward, picked up Neville Longbottom's copy of Travels with Trolls, and held it up to show his

own, winking portrait on the front.

At some point the professor entered the classroom, he took Neville's book with himself on the cover and showed that to everyone present.

"Me," he said, pointing at it and winking as well. "Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin, Third

Class, Honorary Member of the Dark Force Defense League, and five-time winner of Witch

Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award but I don't talk about that. I didn't get rid of the Bandon

Banshee by smiling at her!"

He waited for them to laugh; a few people smiled weakly.

"I see you've all bought a complete set of my books well done. I thought we'd start today

with a little quiz. Nothing to worry about, just to check how well you've read them, how much

you've taken in"

When he had handed out the test papers he returned to the front of the class and said, "You have

thirty minutes start now!"

The questions were all stupid, I didn't even bother answering. What I did was open my Fantastic Animals book and started reading. Lockhart noticed and immediately zeroed in on me.

"What do we have here? What are you doing Mr?"

"Wielding sir" he nodded at that urging me to answer

"I am reading a book, sir," I told him as if it was the most normal thing to do, surprisingly I heard Draco laugh at it, seems like he enjoyed the comedy.

The professor stammered a bit "I-I can see what you are doing Mr.Wielding, what I wanted to know is why doing it while there is a test going on"

"Ah, that's because I finished the test, sir" his smile faltered a bit

"It is a white sheet Mr. Wielding"

"I am well aware sir, I can't write what I do not know, unfortunately," Draco was full-on laughing, aww why thank you, Hermione was looking aghast while Harry and Ron were unsurprisingly trying to mask their laughter as well. After all, he couldn't punish me for not knowing things the first lesson.

"I see... That's a real shame Mr.Wielding, I hope you will catch up soon then, this year will not be easy" I was surprised he left it at that, he probably wanted to be praised as a good understanding teacher. What a joke.

Then came the pixies and at that, I was literally seething with annoyance, I hated incompetence and those pixies were messing with my hair and my chignon.

"BOMBARDA" I screamed making the library at the end of the room explode very loudly making every single pixie as well as the golden trio stop and look at me with surprise and small amounts of fear.

"If you Pixies don't IMMEDIATELY enter the cage- I SWEAR TO WHOEVER IS IN PLACE UP THERE that you will be the next target of my spell" I smiled and the pixies were looking at each other with wide eyes "NOW" I screamed again a rush of frightened pixies scrambled to get inside the cage when the last one was finally in, I then closed the little door shut.


"Phew" I sighed

"Umh Chris?"

"Yes, Ron?"

"Please remind me to never make you angry" I smiled evilly

"Oh don't worry dear, if I'm mad you will be the first to know"

A series of gulps could be heard


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