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Chapter 20: The Hunt Begins

Third-Person POV:

A silver-haired woman with long pointy ears, clad in white robes, stood in a barren, scorched field devoid of life.

The woman hummed as she paced around, waiting for something while whistling.

(Whistling SFX)

"Oh, look at me! I am a poor defenceless woman wandering around a dangerous area potentially filled with monsters! I hope nobody will suddenly attack me with a sudden barrage of Fireballs!" (Tekina)

(Cricket Chirping SFX)

(This isn't working at all.)

Tekina sat down on a fallen log that remained somewhat intact after the storm of Fireballs that hit this area.

She looked off into the distance, bored by the inaction.

"Hello!?! Is no one going to attack this frail, innocent young maiden who just happens to be out in the wide open field with no witnesses or anyone to rescue her!?!"


Tekina took out a small black box from her robes with several bumps and a short rod jutting from the end.

After fiddling with the bumps, which produced a static noise, she spoke into the box.

"Hey, Enjento, I don't think this is working, I've been waiting here for ten minutes, and the guy hasn't thrown even a single Fireball."

The box crackled for a few moments before Enjento's voice sounded out.

"Try casting magic. The b*stard should have some sort of mana detection ability or device. After all, we were on top of a mountain far away from the field you picked us up at, yet he somehow managed to detect Andeddo's spell." (Enjento)

"Did you forget that I specialize in Space Magic? I don't have many other spells in my repertoire that don't rely on Space and can cause as much commotion as King Numb Skull can."


"Hmph! Isn't it true, though? Who the hell casts a High-Tier Forbidden Spell to test if magic isn't restricted!?! You could have used something more basic Spell, but noooo! You just had to show off!" (Tekina)

"Shut up! At least I'm not a perverted old hag with an elf-cosplay fetish!" (Andeddo)

Tekina's face turned a deep crimson red, and several veins on her forehead were on the verge of bursting.

"You take that back right now!" (Tekina)

"Or what? You're going to kill me? Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are several centuries too late." (Andeddo)

"You old ball-less codger! Wait until I get my powers back! Let's see if you'll still be this cocky when I teleport your bony *ss to Hell?!" (Tekina)

"Enough! If you two want to fight, do it when we are out of these damned mountains!!!" (Enjento)

"Andeddo! Be quiet until we fight!"

"Tekina! Cast that damn spell already!" (Enjento)

"Understood/Yes, Chosen One." (Tekina/Andeddo)

Tekina turned off the black box and put it back into her robes.

After rolling her arms a little for warm-up, she produced a bright green magic circle and chanted a spell.

[Author's Note: Different kinds of magic will have different-coloured magic circles]

"Wind Bullet!"

A compressed sphere of wind shot out of the magic circle and travelled off into the distance.

"Hmm, I don't see any Fireballs. Should I have used a higher Tier spell?"

As if mocking her, the sky became lit with several hundred bright orange and red magic circles about to unleash a storm of fire upon the elf-like woman.

"Why did I agree to this again?"

Enjento POV:

[Somewhere on a mountain]

Enjento, Muteki and Andeddo looked at the scene of Tekina constantly dodging Fireballs from afar with binoculars supplied by Enjento.

"We should probably begin the plan, right?" (Muteki)

"Certainly, but I want to watch her suffer a little more." (Andeddo)

"Agreed, it's annoying how she continuously makes fun of our non-existent manhoods. Then runs off with Teleportation before could beat the stuffing out of her." (Muteki)

"Don't make me recall those glorious days when we used to be surrounded by beautiful women, all cat-fighting each other just to be able to stand within our presence." (Andeddo)

"Ah, glorious days indeed." (Muteki)

"Hey, as much as I sympathize with you as a fellow man, we got work to do." (Enjento)

"Five more minutes, please!" (Andeddo and Muteki)

They said, staring at Enjento with their non-existent puppy eyes.

"Stop behaving like toddlers before bedtime! Listen, I already recorded a video with my mini-camera. After we get back, we can watch the video as many times as we like." (Enjento)

"With popcorn?" (Muteki)

"Sure, why not."

"Huzzah!" (Muteki)

"Come, my comrades! Let us go kill the one who set up the barrier so we may return triumphant and celebrate by eating popcorn and watching Tekina run around like a headless chicken!" (Muteki)

Saying that, Muteki jumps off a cliff and begins running toward the direction where the Fireballs came from.

"We should join the hunt as well, Chosen One." (Andeddo)

"Come out, Bucephalus!" (Andeddo)

Andeddo's shadow trembled and grew in size, taking the form of a giant black-armoured war-horse the size of a small truck.

(Horse Neighing SFX)

Andeddo hopped on Bucephalus' back and galloped off to catch up to Muteki, now several miles ahead.

"Geez, couldn't they wait until I got my bike out?" (Enjento)

"Oh well, it'll be fun seeing the old geezers' reactions when I outpace them despite going last." (Enjento)

Reaching into his suit jacket, he pulled out a sleek, black futuristic-looking motorcycle.

Placing it on the ground, he got on the motorcycle and leaned his body forward on the handlebar, revved up the engine and blasted forwards at 200 miles an hour, dodging trees and boulders without breaking his speed.


Enjento caught sight of Andeddo and Muteki racing neck-and-neck with each other.

He gave a mischievous grin and pressed down on the gas, zooming past the two Undead Generals who were left behind jaw-dropped.

"WHAAAT!?!" (Andeddo and Muteki)

Hearing their reaction, Enjento cackled and yelled at the top of his lungs.


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