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Chapter 5: Rescue

- Above Paris France: 04:20PM

Clark floated lazily over the city of lights, eyes closed and ears listening as he listened to a specific voice. The reason he was there was because his patience had finally paid off.


Clark was flying over the New York skyline, he flew high to avoid being seen while using his powerful eyes and hearing to keep watch over the city. As he flew over the Chrysler building, he was contacted by his synthetic ally using a very specific bandwidth that only he could hear.

{Kal-El, we received a signal from the monitoring program we set up on SHIELD's satellite network... that's him.}

This was the first phase of its operation, a program was made to monitor all communications in the world that were tapped into SHIELD's mainframe. It might not be entirely legal or ethical, but he saw the need for it and so he did his own snooping to get the results he needed, albeit with precautions of course.

Their technology was advanced and unknown, to be sure, but that was no reason to get cocky or assume they couldn't be caught. Clark was a firm believer in the phrase "Assumptions are the mother of all tragedies".

From there beginning the search for the child, S-08 monitored throughout the Fortress for any signals that matched Osborn's voice patterns, as well as recording the patterns belonging to any agents of his, once found, he would track the locations and send them back for Clark.

He couldn't respond to S-08's comment, but they both knew what was coming next when he flew out to don his street clothes and assumed his identity. Landing on a secluded roof, he activated a new function on his suit as he finished changing.

Light soon surrounded his face, and instead of a man with black hair and brown eyes, there was a red-haired man with deep blue eyes with a lighter skin complexion as opposed to the light west coast tan.

'I have to give S-08 credit, this new hardlight function is a good way to hide in plain sight. Now I just have a wheelbarrow uniform and I get the packages we prepared for the DNA samples' Clark thought.

This was another aspect Clark had to cover, makingsure they had the right child, so he and S-08 found a simple solution, disguised as a postman he would go to the Parkers' house and using a genetic scanner disguised as a pen, he would collect DNA samples from Peter and Mary Jane.

-End of flashback-

He was worried at first that Peter's spider-sense would be triggered, but the process was so quick and harmless that he never suspected a thing, something Clark was grateful for.

Now here he was after his artificial confidant had captured a conversation from his target that led them to this town. He'd made sure to memorize the voice of Osborn's accomplice, so now he just had to find it, though providence seemed to favor him when his patience bore fruit.

"Hello Colette." He heard it speak in fluent French, it was close enough to the voice he heard that he used his telescopic and X-ray vision to find the source, there he found a woman in her late twenties and early thirties with brown hair and eyes clear talking to a teenage girl holding a sleeping baby.

"Hello lady." Colette responds kindly, seemingly unaware of who or what the woman before her had done, as well as the true connection she had with the sleeping baby.

"Did she cause you any trouble?" the woman asks, from what he can tell by her voice, there is interest but false warmth in her voice.

"No ma'am, she was nothing but a perfect little angel. Aren't you precious? Your mother is so lucky to have such a sweet and beautiful child." The teenager's voice shows that she is very involved with the child, making him wish she didn't have to get involved in this farce, but he can't deny the child's parents the right to raise their child and keep him out of harm's way from Osborn.

The teenager leaves the baby in the crib and then turns to look at someone else in the apartment.

"Thanks again for the babysitter, here's your payment."

"Thank you ma'am, glad I could help, goodbye."

He sees the girl leave and the woman gives up the act, she takes one look at the baby and picks up a phone.

"It's Mongrain."

{Ah Alison, how are you and our little bundle of happy?} The distinctive voice of a Norman Osborn comes from the other end.

"The kid is fine and so am I, any idea how long I have to keep up this act?"

{Patience my dear all will reveal itself in time, indeed as long as you get paid what difference does it make how much time you spend with our little bundle of joy.} The psychotic looked calm, but there was a trace of seriousness there.

"I don't like to play mommy, I'm a professional and even if you pay me well, I value my freedom when I'm not working." The woman answers back to the boss.

{I understand my dear, I truly understand, but once I make my triumphant return to the land of the living, the games begin again and the child can take his place as one of my pawns against my dear arachnid friend.}

'That damned snake! What does he think this is really a game?! 'Clark thinks furiously as he goes downstairs, time is up on Mongrain and Osborn's little game. Landing on the porch and forcing open the doors, he walked towards the shocked woman who grabbed her purse and pulled out a silenced pistol.

'I can't let a ricochet hit the baby!' He thinks quickly while keeping a stony look on his face.


The muffle shot comes out repeatedly as the bullets head towards him, it has no consequences for him as he casually catches them like flies and drops them to the ground.

Once he was within arms reach, the desperate woman drew back her gun arm, aimed it at Clark's face and slashed him in the left side... he didn't even give her the benefit of turning her head. Faster than she could see, he grabbed her offending appendage and applying enough force to make her think twice about doing it again, he yanked the weapon free with his free hand and casually squashed it.

"It was not cool." Was all he told her as he pushed her towards the door, the strength was enough to knock her out but not to kill her, his tactics can be difficult but deep down he didn't intend to kill people as that wasn't something Clark Kent did as well as his own fears of losing himself to power.

"Hello Mr. Osborn, you sound pretty good for a dead man."

{What the hell is that?!} The villain yelled on the other end of the line.

"I still don't have a name at the moment, but what I can say is that I'm someone who doesn't like sick bastards like you playing with the lives of good, honest people like they were toys..." The plastic creaked as he felt her anger stand up to the insidious madman on the other side.

"ESPECIALLY bastards who think children's lives are expendable, so be prepared Mr. Osborn, because if you thought Spider-Man was a thorn in your side, wait until you get a load of me, you sick fuck. "


The remains of the phone slowly fell as the Kryptonian took a moment to calm down. For although he had the same ideals of believing in good and virtue, he knew that someone like Osborn was simply incapable of doing anything good that wasn't out of self-interest.

Once he was finished, he moved on to the next part of his plan, picking up a small device the size of a cell phone, he approached the baby and from the device a blue light passed over its small body.

-FULL ANALYSIS... 100% CORRESPONDENCE. — It reads on the screen.

"Point for the good guys." He smiles as he says this after reading the results. Stepping back, he pulls out two special pieces of equipment, at first glance they appear to be mere crystals no bigger than a silver dollar, but they were so much more.

Gently he placed one on the baby and in moments the crystal seemed to expand and engulf her tiny body. Clark then moves towards Mongrain to adjust its position and proceeds to do the same as before leaving behind an adult-sized crystal with her inside.

What these crystals actually were was a form of stasis pod, the occupant would peacefully sleep in a dreamless state and be preserved and protected for transport.

Carefully picking them up and keeping a good handle on both of them, he left for New York... it was time to get a family back together.

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