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Chapter 2: Attention Pilots

Rayelle sat cross-legged outside a cafe in City 9. She didn't have her stage makeup on or the red hair coloring, so she didn't attract much attention. Still, a few bodyguards sat nearby just in case. The worst one was her bassist.

"ADAM!!" Rayelle yell-whispered just like a mother scolding a child in public.

Adam Hunt was the bassist of Night Hawks. He was also a pilot in the military due to his insistence on following Rayelle. Adam was a large half-human/Zentradi who acted like a protective older brother. He favored a tank top and military fatigues casually because he claimed he wanted to be ready for action at any moment. Fortunately, Macross 10 hasn't seen any military action since the day it launched.

Adam was also the reason for Rayelle's current headache when she watched him intimidate two girls from entering the cafe.

"What are you doing, Adam?!?"

"They could be carrying weapons!"

"They were only carrying smart phones, where would the weapons be?"

"Those could've been artificial limbs, they could be packing some serious heat in those things!"

Rayelle shook her head in despair.

A gentle voice cut through the noise and said, "Who is packing some heat?"

Rayelle turned to look at the next source of a headache.

This tall, gratuitously handsome man was Garrett Forger. He was the current number one movie star on Macross 10. His perfect facial features made him seem like he came out of a painting, while his body was the ideal balance of muscle tone and bulk. He wore a white suit despite the warm weather.

Behind him, his entourage pulled up in a limousine and two escort vehicles and started to block the area, as his appearance always caused a crowd to form.

A few fangirls had already spotted him and screamed his name.

Garrett smiled and waved politely before taking his seat across from Rayelle, and Adam quickly sat at the table next to them.

Rayelle couldn't decide if it was better for Adam to leave or to have him stay and keep staring daggers at Garrett. She decided on the latter.

Garrett did his best to ignore Adam and said softly to Rayelle, "Jokes aside, you've been cold to me lately, Rayelle. What's wrong?"

"This, us, everything, I don't know. Our relationship became a publicity stunt and it's not fair to you when you have so many options," Rayelle said while sweeping her hands at the crowd, mostly of women, that had started to circle the area.

"Yes, but nobody holds a candle to your fire. Just like your hit song, I burn for you."

Rayelle blushed slightly. She wasn't sure if it was from his feelings or the accidental pun, but it was somewhat refreshing.

"Maybe, but I can't change that I don't feel anything for you anymore."

"I can't force you, but I will get you to fall in love with me again," Garrett said, then flashed his perfect smile as he got up to leave.

Rayelle took a big sip of her iced coffee to cool herself down because she was still weak to his good looks. She didn't want attraction anymore; she wanted a connection.

Adam rushed over to Rayelle and said, "Rayelle, we're going to want to leave as soon as he does."

Rayelle nodded. Meeting in public with Garrett was never pleasant because she would get hounded by fans and reporters after Garrett left. They quickly got in their SUV and left.


Dirk gripped his guitar excitedly as he slowly walked out on stage. He felt the surge of excitement from the millions of fans that had come to see him and his band, The Red Bombers.

The crowd roared as he approached the microphone, "BOMBERS! BOMBERS! BOMBERS!"

From above, a man with spiky hair and round glasses came hang-gliding towards the stage.

Dirk's eyes opened wide as one of his inspirations was coming to see him.

Dirk shouted, "FIRE!"

The hang glider smacked Dirk square in the forehead and brought him back to reality.

"Wake up! You have drills soon!"

Dirk looked up to see a familiar face looking over him. Louis Maddox, a young male Zentradi who Dirk initially thought used his family to become a Captain. He realized he was mistaken after seeing Louis's continuous effort and dedication to the military.

Dirk shot up in his bunk and then sharply said, "Sir, sorry sir!"

"You know I hate that. It feels weird enough being the youngest in a squad with the highest-rank."

Dirk shrugged, then asked, "What did you hit me with anyways?"

"Nothing, that was all you. You shouted 'FIRE' while sitting up in bed, then smacked your head on the bunk above you. Sleep at home for once!"

Dirk didn't like sleeping at home when he had military exercises because he was such a deep sleeper that not even an alarm would wake him up.

Dirk rolled out of his bunk, then quickly hopped into his flight suit. Flying in the atmosphere was the only thing that got him as excited as singing. He didn't mind space flight, but it felt more suffocating when all around you has nothing but the blackness of space.

Dirk and Louis followed the other pilots out to the hangar. Eventually, they joined up with the female pilots. A familiar woman with short green hair weaved through the other pilots to make her way toward Dirk.

"Good morning, Helena."

Helena Stark, a female half-human/Zentradi, is the Captain of Dirk's squad. Her flight suit and uniform were always crisp and clean, just like her personality. She kept her green hair short in military fashion and never wore any jewelry that Dirk could see. Dirk would consider her cute if she would loosen up a little bit, but he knew she was just being responsible as the Captain.

Helena glared at Dirk for not using her rank but let it go and said, "Good morning, Lieutenant Dirk Millo. I trust you are aptly prepared for today's joint exercise?"

Dirk checked his breast pocket for his earpiece and music player, then looked back at Helena and firmly said, "Ma'am, all set, Ma'am!"

Helena's anger started to rise visibly.

From behind Helena, a tall Zentradi female with her hair in a side ponytail clapped Helena on the back and said, "He's a music junkie, just let it go."

This woman was Elise Maddox, Louis's older sister. She was the polar opposite of Louis. Elise was lazy and sloppy but highly talented as a pilot. Her figure was amazing, but Dirk couldn't stand her personality.

"Are you going to sing again for us today?" Elise teasingly asked.

Dirk recalled the incident where he sang during an exercise and accidentally switched to an open comm channel for everyone to hear.

"That was an accident!"

Elise inched closer to Dirk, then wrapped her arm around his and whispered, "I can sing too you know."

Helena finally snapped and bonked Dirk and Elise on the top of their heads.

"Go find your squad!"

Louis just shook his head at his sister. He knew she was fascinated by humans, but she would start to get a reputation by saying things like that to just anyone.

"Dirk, she's..."

Dirk put his hand up to stop Louis and said, "I know, she's just messing with me. I'm not the least bit attracted to her."

"Liar. We all saw your reaction," Louis said with a grin.

"That's because-"

Helena grabbed Dirk by the arm and pulled him away suddenly, then shouted to Louis, "Time to get serious, we're here."

Louis nodded, then walked off to find his spot in the hangar.

Dirk quickly found his place behind Helena and folded his arms behind his back, with his feet facing squarely forward. He acknowledged his other squadmate, Alek, when he passed.

Alek was a Human male about the same age as Dirk. He is quiet and always arrives on time every time. Alek would listen to orders but could never be found outside the military complex, which confused Dirk a bit.

"Good morning, Alek," Dirk said politely.

"Good morning," Alek plainly replied, then took his place a few steps behind Dirk.

Twenty-four pilots lined up neatly, eight columns wide and three pilots in each column. The Captains stood in front while their two squad members stood behind them, arms folded behind their backs.

Glancing around, Dirk felt everyone seemed more excited than usual. He thought today was going to be another atmospheric flight drill.

A small armed escort came from the main personnel door in the rear center of the empty hangar. The guards on duty turned to salute the large Zentradi male that came through it wearing silver stars on his shoulders.

"Pilots salute!" roared the officer on duty.

All pilots in the hangar saluted towards the General that approached the makeshift podium.

General Ricardo Maddox, the large Zentradi man, stood in front of the podium. His uniform stood out gallantly compared to their flight suits. General Maddox was also the grandfather of Louis and Elisa, but he did not dote on them in the least.

Dirk knew something big was happening if General Maddox showed up. He suddenly had an epiphany as soon as the General returned their salute.

Today was the day they would begin joint exercises with Macross 10!

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