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Chapter 27: Failed (Part 1)

In the secret hideout of the Leech pirates...

The flagship of the Leech pirates had returned from its tour of the coastal villages of the West Blue some minutes ago and everyone was preparing for the big celebration party. A celebration party that had to be postponed a bit due to the large number of wounded they brought and who had to be treated immediately

Everyone in the secret base located on a small secret island that could only be accessed through a secret sea cave was extremely busy with their tasks. The Capitan, Vice-Capitan and the other wounded pirates made an effort to recover, the only doctor on the base worked overtime, the cooks lit their stoves and the other pirates without a job or benefit took care of the other tasks related to preparing everything for the big party of that night…

All except one, the one in charge of guarding the secret entrance! A dream job for those who didn't like to work, since 99.99% of the time all one had to do is sleep or do anything else but guard the entrance in question, as he was doing now...

However, today he had the misfortune to work twice since months ago, because another ship apart from the captain was entering the secret hideout

An unknown ship! But crewed by known people...


It's you two!?

We didn't expect you to come… at least not so early" Said the security guard pirate, partly relieved seeing that those who had entered while he was sleeping were the renamed Scum 1 and Scum 2, his co-workers. He would have been severely punished if he had let an enemy ship pass without even raising the alarm.

"Yes... a few things... have happened..." Scum 2 answered breathlessly, who was half dead after pedaling at full capacity for more than an hour

"Wait here, I'll call the captain" Said the pirate security guard, who went to look for the captain as ordered in case those two returned.

And just as they expected and feared, after a few minutes Captain John, quite wounded, tired and bandaged but armed with his characteristic saber, arrived accompanied by the security guard who had received them...

"Wow, wow…

I didn't expect you to come back... at least not so early...

I suppose you will have fulfilled your mission then…" Said Captain John the Leech with a kind smile... as he held the saber by the hilt, possibly to draw instantly it if the answer didn't satisfy him.

Because Scum 1 and Scum 2 had disobeyed his orders, behaving like cowards and endangering the entire crew, John instead of killing them due to being shorthanded, he sent them to find the person who had started a fire on the other side of the island so that they could bring his head and anything else of value as punishment

If they didn't bring his head they would be punished... probably even with death... but if they managed to bring his head and something of real value John had promised them that they wouldn't be punished and that he would also let them participate in the party

The problem... at least for the two scumbags... was that they didn't have any head to deliver, but they did have a plan to stay alive... or at least to keep helping Fred against their will.

"More... or less captain" Scum 1 answered with obvious nervousness, as did Slag 2. Although they wanted to, they weren't able to hide the cold sweat that fell from their faces nor camouflage how they looked askance at the captain's weapon

A saber that was being held by his hand, with which he was gripping it harder

"More or less?" Captain John the Leech asked, making less and less effort to hide any kind of friendliness in his face and tone of voice. It was more than evident that he was angry with them and that their next words could determine if they lived or died.

'Please devil child...

SAVE OUR LIFE!' Both scums thought as they prayed to their new and only cruel god

During his hellish boat ride Fred developed a story, which he forced the scum to learn by heart, a story with which to excuse the lack of a corpse and thus prevent the captain from mortally punishing his two servants. After all, it would be relatively inconvenient not to have them available on this infiltration mission.

"We went to the other side of the forest and there we found in a cave near the coast a hermit who lived there alone and as you ordered we tried to kill him to bring his head

We fought him and although he was quite strong we had the advantage, so he fled into the forest where he would surely want to use the terrain to his advantage. However, he didn't count on that this would be precisely his end since while he was preparing traps for us he was killed and eaten by a giant boar" Said Scum 1, trying to interpret the role that had been given to him as if he had really lived it... just as he had been taught in drama school... after all his life depended on this performance

And not only his life, but also that of Scum 2, who continued with the next part of the story, just as they had rehearsed on the ship "We got to see how the five-meter monster ate it and ran away after that, so we don't have any heads or anything to show...

That's why we went to see what was in the cave in case we found something of value...

We came across very interesting things, like this amazing pedal boat, thanks to which we were able to get back here so quickly…

And of course we have loaded it to the top with everything we find, like some tools, weapons, some bottles that we don't know exactly what they contain and two giant barrels full of boar meat!

We suspect that this hermit and the wild boar that devoured him had unfinished business…"

So the tale of the nonexistent hermit eaten by a wild boar that was already hunted ended, leaving Captain John wondering what to do...


I thought I told you to bring me the survivor's head as well as valuables...

But I don't see any heads…" Captain John said as he jumped onto the ship examining it from top to bottom, including the merchandise inside.

"Yes… but…"

"However, what you have found satisfies me quite a bit…

Which is why I've decided to replace the price of the hermit's head with his loot.

You have disappointed me a lot in the town... don't think that this leaves your score to zero, but at least I will give you the opportunity to get it in future missions

I hope you won't let me down again as there won't be a third time

Although of course you won't be able to enjoy the party, you will serve your nakamas as waiters tonight as punishment" Said Captain John who drastically changed his mood when contemplating the small but incredible ship that was now his property. A sudden change of mood that at least delayed the execution of the two scums

"YES SIR!" The two scum responded enthusiastically, feeling incredibly lucky that they had passed this test and lived another day.

And they weren't the only ones happy, their captain was too and wanted to make sure he would be in the next few hours by asking "We have received some news from outside?"

"Not yet sir, everything is normal" The pirate security guard answered, who hadn't received any message from his or other Den Den Mushi

"Good, very good...

Leave the tools and the bottles in the warehouse, tomorrow we will check what they contain

But above all, get the meat to the kitchen quickly, the party will start in an hour and the more food there is, the better.

Leech! Leech! Leech!" Said Captain John, hurrying the two scums to unload the ship's cargo, since he wanted to man it with all his might.

His inner child forced him to get on the command chair and pedal as soon as possible!

"YES SIR!" The scums shouted at once as they loaded the heavy stuff onto the ship at full speed despite being extremely tired from pedaling. However, Fred's magic and strange tremors allowed them to continue their work as pack donkeys for a longer time.

For this reason, following the orders of their cruel captain, on several trips they carried the two enormous barrels that contained the boar meat that Fred and Stephen had previously hunted and were unable to eat... but contrary to what their captain told them, they also carried tools and bottles to the kitchen

"This is the last box?

Leave it there, once we finish with this we will see what you have brought" Said one of the cooks, indicating to the scum where they should leave the merchandise

Once in the kitchen store, after making sure that no one, not even the cooks, was looking at them, they were about to remove the meat that was in the barrels after saying certain key words "Well...

We have already left the shipment safely in the kitchen…"

And under a few kilograms of meat they found another wooden lid, which they opened after making sure once again that no one was around.

'Perfect the [Phase 1: Trojan Barrel] of my plan has been a resounding success!

Better than expected!' Fred thought as he and Stephen climbed out of the false-bottomed barrels usually used for maritime smuggling, especially in the days of piracy on his old world.

And a few seconds later, after slightly stretching his joints and analyzing the situation, Fred used his [Sleeping Beauty Mark 10]-sprayed needles again on the two cooks in the kitchen, who fell to the ground almost instantly.



'The [Phase 2: Nightmare in the kitchen] has also been a success' Fred thought with relief to later start directing the operation "Shrodi and Scum 1 lock the door and make some excuse so that no one enters while I perform my magic...

Stephen and Scum 2 bring the bottles of [Sleeping Beauty Mar 10] here"

"Yes, boss...

Mew..." The four nodded as they began to carry out their tasks.

Meanwhile, Fred took out of his jacket a plastic bottle that contained a green liquid, the partial antidote for [Sleeping Beauty Mark 10] which he called [Prince's Breath] with which he would only wake up one of the cooks

And when the cook woke up the first thing he found was that he was completely still. Gagged and with a psycho-face child who was pointing a knife at his crotch

"Hello shoddy cook...

If you don't want me to cut your sausage, you'll do absolutely everything I tell you...

Nod with your eyes if you're willing to collaborate with me…" Said Fred as he pressed the tip of the ham knife into the scrotum of the pirate cook, who felt how slowly it began to pierce his underpants.

Therefore, he had no choice but to nod repeatedly, as if he were at a heavy metal concert "Ajamf… ajamf…"


For now don't move and be quiet, act as if none of this had happened, especially if someone comes in and sees something strange" Said Fred feeling that his Pact Magic had had the desired effect, so he gave him the complete antidote called [Prince's Kiss] and proceeded to perform the same process with the other cook.

As with the first cook there was no complication with the second cook accepting his kind offer, so after renaming them Scum 3 and Scum 4, without wasting another second Fred proceeded with the next phase of his masterplan

'[Phase 3: Forced Recruitment 2] has also been a success, let's proceed to [Phase 4: Snow White]' Fred thought, he needed these reviews to calm his mind, to later assign tasks to the new scums that were currently unoccupied "Good…

I want you to add the contents of these bottles to all food and drink that will be served at this party in a ratio of at least 1/50

I have brought a lot but I don't want you to waste it, it has to be added to all foods without fail"

This was Fred's master plan, to poison the food and drink that all the pirates would eat and drink at the party...

As Edu, Tania and Sara said, it was impossible for Fred and Stephen to defeat those pirates by themselves, after all they were too many and too strong for ten-year-old children

However, Fred had poison, the weapon used by weak and small beings to defeat the great and powerful since immemorial times, whether in the animal kingdom, within a dysfunctional family or in an imperial court. Fred just needed to find a way to effectively administer his poisons to the entire Leech pirate crew without them noticing and tonight's party food and drink was the ideal vehicle.

In order to infiltrate the secret base without being seen and at the same time reach the kitchen… the place from which all the drinks and food of the party should come from… Fred ordered Stephen to create the barrels with false floors in which they got inside and hid by putting as bait the meat of the deceased Pumbaa 1 and Pumbaa 2 that they hunted that same day.

In this way it was completely certain that both would end up in the kitchen... even if they killed the two scums... and from there execute their plan, even if they had to make certain variables in the event that they didn't have their two original lackeys

With the success of the plan almost all food and drink on the island now contained [Sleeping Beauty Mark 10], Fred's favorite non-lethal poison to which he was completely immune. An odorless, tasteless, and colorless poison that in small doses paralyzed and rendered comatose virtually instantly when injected intravenously, and took approximately an hour if ingested.

A non-fatal poison whose effects wear off naturally after two days... even though Fred intended to create a version with a permanent effect... for which only he had the antidote. A poison that he chose for this situation apart from being his favorite and more effective to annul large groups, because it was the only one that could ensure not to kill innocent people, such as kidnapped women in case they ate or drank something

A simple plan in theory, but risky in its execution, especially for a novice. However, Fred had a lot of theoretical and semi-practical experience thanks to having played and completed all Assasins Creed with a Platinum trophy on maximum difficulty.

"Scum 1 and 2, distribute the food, observe the situation and report anything interesting you see when you return to the kitchen...

Shrodi, be careful and don't play the hero, you're just a cat" Said Fred, who positioned himself in a strategic place to ambush anyone who entered while the others went about their chores.


"You're very sensitive today…

Seriously, be careful…" Fred said as he said goodbye to his faithful feline pet, stroking its chin the way he liked.

Scum 1 and Scum 2 carried out the errands of the cooks Scum 3 and Scum 4 ordered them, which basically consisted of serving the drink and food that they prepared and poisoned following Fred's recipe. Meanwhile, Shrodi silently scouted the island to provide information to the group, while Fred and Stephen prepared their weapons and other implements as they hid and discussed the next phases of Fred's plan.

"So... everything is going as planned?" Stephen asked, eager to hear good news

"If all goes well for now...

If what the scum have told us is true, they'll all be in the main room drinking and eating like there's no tomorrow, which is why they haven't bothered us yet...

And obviously what they will eat will be our poisoned food and drink, so between half an hour and an hour they should all be in a coma...

Once it happens, it will be our victory" Fred replied as he stretched... as if he were a contortionist... to prepare for the next phase of his plan.

An answer made in a somewhat strange and uncomfortable position to see, but that satisfied Stephen "GOOD!"

"Don't claim victory yet...

There may be the strange case that there're people who don't drink or eat, or what I fear most, that there're people who aren't affected by my poison as much as others and those people are usually always the strongest...

It may be the case that there're people who don't drink or eat anything, or what I fear most, that there're people who aren't affected by my poison as much as others… and those people are usually always the strongest...

It's likely that seeing how their other companions suddenly fall asleep, some of them will become violent... and that's when we will have to be alert, maybe even fight" Fred said interrupting his enthusiasm, reminding him for the umpteenth time since he was born that everything could go wrong and that in fact everything used to go wrong.


I understand..." Stephen answered, a little less optimistic but more attentive and focused than before.

Stephen landed back in reality once more. Until now everything had gone perfectly, the best scenario that Fred could have imagined had been fulfilled, however, that didn't mean that the following phases, which were the most critical of all, were going to go perfectly as before..

'This is not over yet...

Until mum comes home safe and sound to us I can't claim victory...' Stephen repeated to himself as he modified a food truck he found in the room, he needed to keep a calm mind like Fred if he wanted this mission to be a success


Do you remember what I told Edu about you on the island before we left?

About how sentimental you are?" Fred asked Stephen after a few minutes of silence.


You'll be able to see 8 chapters in advance in my Pa-treon

Edited By: The_Bored_Immortal

Meralman Meralman

Second part in few days

I hope you like reading this story as I do writing it and that you leave me your comment, review and vote if that's the case.

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