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Chapter 2: Training

One day while meditating under the tree as he usually dies upon finishing his run around the property , Gochi begins to hear footsteps that sound different that the light footsteps of his mother or the heavy footsteps of his grandpa Ox-king. Afraid that this could indeed be the androids that his mother spoke of he began to prepare to throw a divergent fist towards the person coming his way. Once the footsteps came close enough Gochi springs into action throwing a punch as hard as he could toward the new person.

"Gochi calm down it's me your brother, I didn't mean to surprise you like that" Gohan says blocking Gochis punch before getting caught off guard by the delayed second strike and asking "Youch what was that?"

"Hehe sorry Gohan that was a technique I came up with one day" Gochi answers embarrassed

"How did you do it, I didn't think mom really knew anything about ki?" Gohan

"She didn't teach me anything about ki she just had me do stamina training. One day after finishing up a run I sat under the tree and closed my eyes to catch my breath and could feel that energy bubbling up. After playing around with it ,and getting in trouble for blowing up a tree, I managed to make that technique and thought it could be useful because even if you know it's coming there still isn't much you can do since if you try and focus on blocking the delayed hit you would still have to focus on blocking my second punch. So what do you think?" Gochi asks

"It's genius Gochi! Maybe you can show me how to do it after we do some training. The first step of that however is teaching you to fly" Gohan

"Please do" Gochi replies with a visible enthusiasm in his eyes

"Flight is a rather basic ki control technique, or at-least compared to that double punch technique you made. I will actually be teaching you two skills. Flight is the main one but the other is a support skill for flight so you don't have to worry about eating any bugs when your flying at high speeds. I won't be able to stay very long today and personally teach you but if you follow along this book that I will give you I will come back in a few days and check your progress and start your training for real" Gohan says handing Gochi a book for flying off

Opening the book Gohan gifted him the steps to flying were a lot easier than expected. 'Using your ki, have it leave you sending you in the direction of your choosing. At first you will only be able to launch yourself in directions but as you get better you will be able to hover in one direction. The support technique is using your ki to form a shield in front of your face to keep small debris from getting in your eyes, nose, and mouth'

Just like Gohan hinted at flight was rather easy compared to the ki control needed to use divergent fist. The face barrier was a little harder to give down due to him have to build a construct out of ki but he eventually got it down as-well.

1-year later

Much progress was made over the year. He had made a lot of progress over this year. With the assistance of Gohan, Gochi was able to create a technique of sorts that they dubbed {ki armor}. When fighting, fighters would instinctively use their ki to reinforce their body part that was about strike the opponent or be hit. The semi-technique that they had created would instead of just that part, you clad your body entirely in ki reinforcing your entire body at all times which would enable to be protected at all times by forming a cotton ball like zone around your body cushioning blows you received so that you can not be caught off guard.

The other pro to this technique is that they discovered it enabled them to not damage their surroundings as much. When in a fight your ki responds to your intentions of who is your opponent and who isn't making your ki form a cotton ball like area above your skin. While it does not completely negate the damage done to the terrain from say, you being launched into a mountain. However where as before the technique the mountain would have been shattered, it would now just have a small crater around your bodies landing zone.

He had also made major progress on being able to control himself in his great ape form. At one point Gohan wanted to just cut off his tail and be done with it but Gochi refused saying his tail was very useful to him for a variety of things.

Gohan had been training Gochi for 1 year at this point. During this time Gohan introduced him to his other pupil, Trunks. Over the year Gochi and trunks became close friends as well as fierce rivals. Even though Gohan wouldn't admit it to either of them, he was jealous of the two having a friend his age to be friends and rivals with.

While their training had made them a lot stronger, neither Gochi nor Trunks were anywhere near the level of Gohan.

Gochi has made major progress with his {dark heaven and earth technique} to the point that it, to him anyways, felt like it was tailor made for him. With his daily meditation his ki reserves were making steady progress making Gochi wonder, just what was the limits to this technique?

"This just in Strawberry city is under attack by the androids please evacuate the area if you can" The radio begins to blare

"Damn it those monsters" Gohan grunts dashing from the table that him and Gochi were having dinner at "Gochi stay here you are not ready yet to fight them"

As Gohan flies off towards Strawberry city, Gochi sneakily follows behind him towards strawberry city.

Phoenixrd Phoenixrd

As always please let me know what you think and if you see any errors! {} techniques ' ' thoughts " " speech

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