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Chapter 10: Not So Fun Anymore

Inside of the targeted warehouse were two factions. It was easy to know who belonged to who. To the left was a group of criminals dressed in tuxedos. To the right were young delinquents, some having band aids on their cheeks.

A trade was underway. Two briefcases could be seen in the middle of the two groups. One briefcase was full of cash, while the other was full of experimental drugs.

Unfortunately, it seemed like the trade was a bust. Their voices were getting louder. White Rabbit sneaked over to a nice vantage point. Her eyes were locked onto the briefcase full of cash.

"You better watch it, brat. Black Mask doesn't tolerate disrespect like that." An older goon spoke. He was dressed in a tux, with several rings on his fingers.

"Spare me the lecture, old man. I could give a rat's ass who you work for. I'm going to say this one last time. Show us the rest of the money. We aren't one to be cheated. Don't take us lightly." A younger thug spoke. A lit cigarette hung from his mouth.

"This is what I hate about young upstarts. They can't appreciate the scraps we give them." The old man mocked.

Collective laughter filled the room. A majority of the suits didn't take the delinquents seriously. None of the younger thugs were laughing. The delinquent leader made a signal with his hand behind the back. It was time to focus. Do or die.

"So you admit it. Then the deal's off." The young gangster declared.

He quickly swept both briefcases, sending them sliding to his group. It happened so quickly that the older men couldn't react. Anger quickly clouded the older man's face.

"Little runt. You won't survive to see the sunrise." He growled while reaching for the pistol in his coat. It mattered not. He was too slow.


A bullet went through the old gangster's forehead. He was deader than dead. The delinquent leader had been faster on the draw. As soon as the gunshot sounded, more gunshots were let off from behind him.

It was his team. They were covering his back, putting caps in the ass of the suits caught off guard. Bodies fell to the ground as the suits hid behind cover. Military assault rifles were pulled out, along with shotguns and hand cannons.

For a radius of about 10 miles, it sounded like a warzone. A constant loop of offensive and defensive fire between them. It was a gang war.

As Sora watched from a nearby rooftop, he realized that this was occurring on a very large scale. Much larger than he expected. If it continued, Batman could make an appearance. He focused on Jaina waiting to see what she would do.

White Rabbit snuck through the back lines of the young delinquents. She was quick, but stopped whenever she needed to. It didn't take long for her to reach the briefcases.

'He's watching…' She thought.

Utilizing her agility, she leapt forward. The momentum carried her into a front flip. She grabbed the case mid-flip, flying through the nearby window. Sora raised an eyebrow. Her agility was top notch.

Just like that, she'd escaped the gunfight. Jaina landed in the next room. She hadn't been detected by any of them. Not bad. Her next goal was to circle around the building and return to Sora. Unfortunately, it wouldn't be easy.

"And what do you think you're doing, Rabbit?" A voice sounded from beneath the gutter.

White Rabbit's instincts kicked in immediately. She flipped into the air, stepping off the wall and landing on a pile of crates. Her actions were right on time.


The gutter burst open from beneath her previous location. A muscular, humanoid creature was revealed. His body was covered in green reptilian skin. Rows of sharp teeth could be seen jutting out of his mouth.

'Killer Croc.' Sora thought, watching from the roof.

"I'm actually headed home. Would you like to escort me? I'd love to have a bodyguard." She answered in a flirty tone.

Her words caught the figure off guard. There was a moment of silence. Suddenly, the reptilian laughed.

"Hahaha! Normally I'd take you up on that offer, but I'm on the clock. A job is a job." He said.

Without wasting any more time, the human reptile charged toward her. A strong fist hurtled forth. Jaina hopped once again, evading with incredible flexibility.

Killer Croc's fist smashed into the pile of crates, turning them to scraps. The rabbit was now on level ground. She looked up at him due to his height.

"Calm down, sweetie. You won't catch me like that!" She mocked.

Crocodile only gave a low grunt before charging in again. Instead of throwing a punch, he went for a grab. White Rabbit leapt over his tall frame, her feet stepping off his back.

"Slippery bitch. Get back here!" He growled.

"So rude. A gentleman should treat women with care." She answered.

The exchange went back and forth, with her dodging every attack. Anger could be seen on the reptile's face. Jaina was getting further away from the warehouse. She was too quick. Croc had to resort to throwing objects. Eventually, he gave in.

"Dammit. You brought this on yourself. GRUNDYYYY!" He yelled.

"ROARRR!" A loud warcry sounded nearby. Suddenly, a nearby wall exploded.


A grey monstrosity burst through the concrete like the kool-aid man. It was bulldozing everything on its way over to Jaina. Each step cracked the ground. Grundy's strength allowed him to move extremely fast. The hulking beast reached her immediately.


An incredible punch filled with explosive power launched down onto her. If it connected, she'd become a puddle of flesh on the ground. Right before it hit, the bottom of her heeled boots opened up. A form of energy exploded beneath her.

In an instant, she'd accelerated out of the way. The speed forced her to utilize her acrobatic skill to the max. Only then was she able to land safely. Smoke could be seen rising from her boots. The ground was cratered where she used to be.

'Rocket boots. Quick bursts of propulsion to change her direction.' Sora thought with a raised eyebrow. He was just about to step in.

Solomon Grundy didn't stop for even a second. He was immediately upon her once more. White Rabbit's face grew pale with every exchange. Each brush with death left her rattled.

The grey beast grasped for her with a single hand. A burst of energy allowed Jaina to flip over the attempt. Luckily, she landed on the roof above him. She didn't look back as she dashed away as fast as she could.

A small cylinder was pulled from between her cleavage. It immediately grew to become a white umbrella. Grundy's voice could be heard from behind.


Solomon didn't even bother getting on the roof. Instead, he sprinted through the walls below. He was catching up quickly.


The sheer destruction from its actions made her skin crawl. It was like a death machine, headed straight for her. Pointing the umbrella toward his direction, razor sharp carrots shot through the building and pierced Grundy's skin.

It was a futile effort. Something of that scale wouldn't even faze him. White Rabbit was getting extremely close to Sora. She was almost there. Almost.

Right before she reached his building, the hulking monstrosity burst through the roof. Both hands came together for a ground pound. Time slowed down to a crawl. Jaina gave Sora a pleading look, begging for help with her eyes alone.

'I guess that's all she has. Not bad though. I was thoroughly entertained.' He thought.

The sleepy man straightened his index and middle finger, forming a blade. His arm blurred due to the speed of his movement. To Jaina, he hadn't moved at all.


A ray of light swept across Grundy's shoulders. Both of its arms dropped to the ground. That wasn't all. Its legs disappeared as well, causing the beast to fall on its face.

White Rabbit finally reached him and collapsed on the ground. She breathed heavily due to exhaustion. Her arms wrapped around his leg, knowing how dependable it was.

"Relax…catch your breath. Once you do, go home." He soothed.

".........." She didn't respond.

SwayStar SwayStar

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