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Chapter 51: Don't Fight Your Instincts

'It hurts. Everything hurts. I can feel Trigon forcing his way in!' Raven thought.

She brought her hands to her head and entered her mindscape. The brooding teen titan fought against the soul crushing pain all the while. One would vomit their insides if dealt such pain.

When her feet touched down in the mental world, she saw her father. The face of Trigon seemed to force its way into reality. It seemed as if the very air was ripping apart like paper. His head was massive, a red tint with four eyes above the nose. Two massive horns stuck out from each side of the skull

"Let me in, child. It's our destiny to be together." Trigon spoke.

His voice shook the realm. Father and daughter stared at each other. The sky was cracking like glass and falling to earth. Just like her mind. Raven stood her ground, ignoring the whispers of the devil.

"No! What would happen to this world if I let you in?! It's not happening, Trigon." She screamed in a mixture of anger and pain. Every movement of his squeezed her soul.

"Your world? Hahahaha! Your pitiful world. It's the entire universe! Your planet would just be the foundation of my rule. I'll destroy it all to rebuild." A nasty smile adorned his face.

"You're insane!" The angry teen titan spat.

"We can rule this new realm together, Raven. Just let me in. Let. Me. IN."

"That will never happen. Get out of my head!" Her eyes glowed with power.

"It's too late, my daughter. You lost control for only a second. That was all I needed. I shall force my own way in." As soon his words finished, he tried to brute force his way into reality.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Raven screamed in horrendous pain.

It was the pain of nightmares. Unbearable. Unimaginable. She could only fall to the floor, curling into a ball. The fetal position was what the body resorted to when faced with horrible circumstances. Trigon's arrival was imminent.

Raven couldn't even think. It felt like an eternity of torture…until it was gone. The pain vanished as if it was never there. Replacing it was comfort and bliss. The mental world had changed colors, now resembling an old film in black and white. It resembled the twilight zone.

'Darkness? No…the surroundings are still bright. What in the world?' She thought.

The energy wrapped around Raven, soothing her aches from earlier strife. A pleasurable feeling spread through every inch of her body. It felt so good in fact, that she held back a moan.

Unfortunately for Trigon, the feeling wasn't the same. The light was harsh to him. It was sharper than the strongest blade.

"Is this the light of judgement?" He spoke aloud. It was unknown what he was referring to.

Suddenly, a vast and immeasurable pressure descended upon him. It was like an endless ocean. Mixed with killing intent, the force threatened to swallow him whole.

"Urrrgh!" Trigon grunted.

It was as if he'd been hit with the weight of a thousand stars. The air left his body, rendering him silent. Slowly, the demon god's image faded away from the mental world. Raven would never forget this scene. Her father's mental image withered away like dust.

"This source of infinite energy…Formidable." Trigon muttered softly before disappearing.

Relief flooded the pessimistic beauty's system. The soothing light danced around her. After taking one last look at the changed mental world, she left.

Clear eyes slowly opened to reveal the physical world. The first thing Raven saw upon waking up were two golden orbs. Everything else was blurry, but those golden magnets were absolute. They demanded her attention. A hand was gently caressing her face and it felt like…home. The feeling was indescribable.

"Who…" She weakly grabbed the arm that held her.

'Who are you?' Her body was too exhausted to speak. A thumb rubbed against her cheek, tracing her jaw.

"Sleep. You will feel better soon." Hearing the young and elegant voice, her heavy eyelids closed. She soon drifted off into peaceful dreams.

Some hours passed before Raven woke up. This time she was fully conscious. It was strange that she didn't feel a massive headache as usual. The somber beauty only now realized she was lying on a large tire. For some reason, her instinct told her to look up. Then she saw it.

Particles of light were floating around. They didn't snuggle her with their closeness nor did they stray too far. Like fireflies in the night, these particles stood guard around her.

Raven couldn't help but reach out towards them. When her finger touched one, the entire room turned white. The gloomy girl shielded her eyes from the blinding light. Once it was gone, she looked again. She couldn't help but open her mouth in shock.

The room was filled with butterflies made of pure light. They danced around the dusty room, contrasting with the unfinished building. A few of them landed on her hands and shoulders. She fell into a daze as this scene played out before her.

A few minutes went by as butterflies responded to her every action. Some were lazy, resting on her soft thighs. Wings slowly batting up and down. Others flew around with vigor. Eventually, they began to disappear. Raven didn't even notice until the one on her finger started to fade away.

She immediately frowned, not wanting to part with them so soon. The pleasurable feeling slowly vanished along with the butterflies of light. Her hands tried to catch more of them, but they shattered into bits and disappeared. A few more seconds went by…and she was empty again.

Nobody to depend on but herself. Who could stop Trigon but her? Everyday she had to control her emotions to keep her father at bay. She almost failed this time, if it wasn't for that…light!

"It's him! Who are you?!" She spoke to herself. Those lights belonged to him.

Only then did she feel something deep in the core of her being. It was the presence of another. A connection. Raven turned toward the wall, but she was actually looking way beyond it. Her gaze went all the way to Rhode Island.

Was that where he was? She could feel it. His general direction. Could he feel it too?

"Raven! Raveennnn!" Starfire's voice called out in the distance. The somber girl flew out of the room, following the voice. What she saw caused her to frown.

"Starfire…Robin. Beast Boy." She spoke up.

Starfire could be seen holding a broken Robin. His legs were bent in the wrong direction, knees and elbows shattered. Even if he recovered it wouldn't be the same. Robin would have to put down the mask.

Beast Boy was also unconscious. His condition was much better though. Raven picked both of them up with her dark power.

"Are you alright?" Starfire asked. Raven nodded.

"I'm fine…I think."

"I'm glad. A horrible event this was."

"We should get out here. Robin needs a stasis pod."

The Teen Titans had lost badly today. While it was unknown how Cyborg fared against Atlas, it was clear that he hadn't met up to assist. They would have to find him as well. Raven glanced toward Rhode Island once more. After shaking her head, she focused on those around her.

'I'll find him after. This feeling. It will lead me to him.' She thought.

SwayStar SwayStar

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