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Chapter 2: What Are We Worth?

The red-headed teen waited for the girl in front of him to reply. So far, two minutes of silence had passed, her mouth agape and staring with the occasional blink. 'I wonder if I looked like this during my first summoning.' He felt something pawing behind him. Turning his head for a moment, the teen spoke to a white squirrel-like creature wearing a pink bow. "Don't get impatient. Let me try something." He got up from his position and stepped toward the girl, her pupils following his movement. The redhead quickly picked up his pet and brought it to her face.

Understanding what the teen wanted, the creature gave the other teen's face a lick and made a small cry.

The effect was immediate. Luz's pupils dilated. "¡Otro más!" Her hands quickly wrapped around the ball of fluff. " Oh my goodness! You're so soft. You deserve all the pets in the world. I love you so much."

As this was going on, the creature was resigned to its temporary fate. If it means it could have some food soon, all the better. The voice from earlier cut off Luz's thoughts.

"Thank you, Fou. In any case, it's good to see you feeling well, Master."

The Latina managed to recollect herself, holding the now named Fou on her lap. Then, she looked back up to the other human teen. "Uh… Sorry about the staring earlier… Who are you anyways, and why are you calling me Master?"

He chuckled. 'This is like my first time.' "Since we have just met, for now, you may call me… Saber. The little guy is Fou."

"Saber?" She looked down at the ball of fluff, who seemed to nod. The Latina turned back to the redhead."Alright, you can call me Luz."

"As for calling you master, please look at your left hand."

"My left…" Her eyes widened in shock. "Wah! What did you do to my hand?" Luz quickly tried to rub out the intricate markings. "I'm too young to get a tattoo. My mom will kill me if she ever finds out."

Saber put his hands up in a placating manner. "Calm down, Master. It is just magic, not ink. It's your command seal for our servant contract."

"Contract? I didn't sign up for anything... Wait. Did you say 'servant'?"

"I did." The teen placed a hand over his heart. "From this day forward, I am your sword and shield." The teen moved closer to her face as he spoke with sincerity and conviction. "I will protect you. I will stay with you. I will remain steadfast." As his eyes softened on hers, Luz's face flushed with embarrassment. "Until the point that you no longer need me."

Clearing her throat, Luz narrowed her eyes as she continued to scratch Fou under its chin. "But why, though? For all I know, this could be a scam, and my teacher said never to befriend a man in sandals."

Saber looked down at his apparel and back to Luz. "That sounds… questionable to a degree."

Luz blinked a few times before realizing she was seemingly talking to someone from an Asian background. "No. No. No. I'm sure that's not what she meant. But my point still stands."

Saber rolled his eyes. "Moving on. As the name suggests, those command seals on your arm are proof of our contract. The Command Spells are three claims of absolute obedience that a Master has over a Servant."

Luz poked at the seal and glanced back at Saber. "That also sounds… questionable."

Saber scratched the side of his head. "Believe me. In practice, it's much better than it sounds."

"So hypothetically, I could command you to jump off a cliff or something."

"Well, yes, but that would be a waste of a command seal. Not to mention, it would reflect badly on you as a person if you did that without reason. You don't seem to be that kind of person."

"Why, what else can these things do?"

"Well, you can summon me to your location from almost anywhere and increase my abilities temporarily, among other things." Saber put a hand to his chin. "To answer your question of why it was chance."

Luz deadpanned. "Seriously?" She had hoped that it was another prophecy.

Saber crossed his arms. "To be frank, yes. But, from what I gleaned from the pedestal you touched, a contract would be formed with the next being to touch the sword with non-malicious intentions." He paused before continuing. "Now that I mention it, where are we, and what are you doing in the woods yourself?"

'Okay. Summons… This is kinda like those JRPGs.' With tensions calmed, Luz stood back up, still holding Fou. "I'm on my first magical quest in the Boiling Isles."

The summoned hero raised a brow. "Quest?"

"Yeah." She showed her servant the map. "According to this wizard, I'm supposed to claim the Celestial Staff and free this world from an ancient evil."

At the mention of a wizard, Saber cringed. "This Wizard's name doesn't happen to be Zelretch, is it?

"Adegast, actually," answered Luz.

"Oh, thank gods." Seeing the girl's questioning look, he waved it off. "Don't ask."

"Okay…" Luz quickly got back to an upbeat state. "Since you are now my servant thing, you and Fou are now official members of my adventuring party."

Crossing his arms, Saber gave her a supportive smile. "Looks like it. So, where do we go next?"

Luz froze, pulled the map back up, and tried to figure out where to go. "Uh… I'm not exactly sure."

Saber grew a mischievous smirk. "Oh my, Master. To have gotten lost already."

"We're not lost, just deficient in navigation," defended Luz.

The hero shook his head with a chuckle. "Allow me to do my first task as your servant." He held out a hand. "May I use the map for a moment."

"Sure." When Saber took the map, he quickly jumped to the highest tree around them in a single leap. "Woah!" After a few seconds, he dropped back down and handed her the map. "How did you do that? Aren't you human too?"

"I am. I just used magic."

Luz's eyes sparked at the statement. "You have to show me how you did that."

Saber patted her on the head, much to her embarrassment. "Perhaps at a later time. We've already passed the village on the map, but if we head North East, we can bypass everything else and head straight to where the lake is supposed to be."

"I don't know. That seems like a big shortcut for my quest. I still haven't changed out my starting items." She gestured to her plastic sword.

Saber pondered for a moment. "If that's the case, I agree that you need something on your skill level." He held out his right hand and focused. Motes of light gathered and formed schematic-like lines before merging into a wooden training sword. "This is what a close friend of mine used. I'm sure you will make use of it."

Once again, Luz's eyes glimmered at the creation of the sword. "Thank you!" Her hands slowly reached out and grabbed it. She felt much more confident about her success with a few test swings. Then, looking back at Saber, she smiled wryly. "Not that I'm not grateful, but I don't suppose you can make me a magic sword that shoots lasers."

The hero simply chuckled with a roll of the eye. "As I said, you will have a weapon that best fits your skills. I don't want to lose my Master because she got too zealous and hurt herself."

Luz had to concede to that. "So, how far away is the lake from here."

"About a couple hours if we just walked. Shorter if…" He trailed off.

Luz raised a brow. "What's the faster way?"

Without missing a beat, he answered. "Well, I could carry you there?"

Luz's eyes went down to his chest and back up. "Plea- I mean, I... wouldn't be opposed to the offer." She cleared her thought awkwardly. "Besides, it's getting pretty dark soon. We should do it for time efficiency. Yes. That."

"Alright then." Saber picked up Luz in a princess carry, and Fou hopped on his shoulder. He felt the girl stiffen in his arms, but he chalked it up to nerves. "Let's take it slow to get used to the speed." With that, his magic-enhanced legs launched him toward their destination.


Lake of the 'Celestial Staff'

A witch with a sword strapped to his waist leaned against a tree, annoyed: Nevareth Bladestrife, Teen Prince of Angstmore. "I was so sure she would have taken the quest today. But, maybe, I'll have a better chance tomorrow."

A flying onion with bat wings flew over the water. "I can't believe I wasted so much material to get those quest checkpoints glamoured."

A furry man named Chris paced back and forth. "I just have to be patient. I'll get that Owl Lady soon enough." He kicked at a fairy princess puppet that went unused today.

Suddenly he heard a disturbance in the trees not too far away. "Oh, crud. That might be her." Tentacles shot from the dark and pulled the puppets out of sight.

Seconds later, Saber landed at the edge of the clearing with Fou and Luz, safe and sound. "I'm sorry, Master, but I'm not going to tell you my past just because you asked, even if you try that trick with your eyes again."

Luz blew a raspberry at her servant. "I was worth a try. At least your animal sidekick is friendly."

Fou huffed at the description.

"Fou prefers to be called a companion. For lack of better words, have the house keys." Saber gently placed both on the ground as they took in the scenery. "This seems to be the place." The Celestial Staff stood in the middle of a lake, illuminated by light rays. His eyes focused on the 'staff' and the area around them. Then, taking the new 'information' into account, he sighed and mentally prepared for what was to come.

"Wow. We're already here." As Luz approaches the edge of the lake, a glowing comes from the water, followed a few seconds later by a stone walkway rumbling into place, connecting the edge of the lake and the central platform. "This quest may have gotten to a rough start, but I'm glad to have met you, Saber. You too, Fou."

Saber smirked. "Don't talk like I'll be going away after this."

"Heh heh. I guess so." She turned back to the staff. "I knew this world wasn't all gloom and doom like Eda and King said." She continued to skip and twirl down the walkway. "There is wonder here. And I... I think I came here for a reason." She paused as she reached the platform, staring at the staff in awe. "Okay, this is it. Moment of truth." She hesitantly grabbed the staff. Blue swirls of magic came out of it, creating waves in the lake as the top of the staff glowed brightly. She pulled it from the ground and triumphantly held it above her head. "Yes! I am the Chosen One! I knew it! I always suspected there was a reason nobody understood me back home."

Within hearing distance, Saber frowned at those words. 'I'm sorry, Luz, but the world doesn't work that way.' He turned his attention to the tree line.

Luz jumped and twirled in a circle with laughter, holding the staff with both hands. "Now I have concrete proof." Suddenly the staff disintegrated, its dust blowing away in the wind. "No!" She grabbed at the dust. Around her, the rest of the illusions faded. Flowers at her feet wilted. The water drains from the lake and retreats up the riverbanks. Even the leaves disappear in a swirl. "What's happening?"

As soon as the fog rolled in, Saber leaped to Luz's side. She held her wooden sword in fear and started to panic. Then, she felt a firm hand fall on her shoulder. "I'm right here, Master." His words, strong and confident, eased her a bit.

Suddenly, a figure appeared from the fog. To Luz's shock and Saber's confusion, it was the wizard who sent her on the quest. "Luz, the human."

Luz felt a pit in her stomach. "Adegast?"

"Your naivety is your downfall, Witch Apprentice." Cackling roared as the wizard body of Adegast lifted to reveal an octopus-like demon. The sheer weight of the octopus demon cracked the ground.

"What are you? Why are you doing this?"

Several puppets drew from the shadows, each with a tentacle on their backs. They're lifted in the air and surrounded the duo.

Luz started to breathe rapidly. "Okay, Luz. Don't panic. This is classic Chosen One biz. You just have to defeat the final boss."

Saber sighed as he glared at the Octopus Demon. "I was afraid this would happen to my master."

Adegast laughed at the statement. "Don't you see? I'm no wizard. And you're no Chosen One. You're just another pawn in my plans."

Luz backed up at the declaration. "What? But… I-"

Distracted by the reveal, chains shoot from the ground toward the girl. They were immediately cut to shreds as soon as they got within one meter of her. Luz looked up from the remains to see Saber holding two yin-yang stylized Falchion swords. "Lay so much as a finger on her, and I can't guarantee your survival."

Adegast narrowed his eyes at the additional guest on Luz's quest. "Foolish boy. This does not concern you. Her mentor has been stealing customers from my business for years. Both will be destroyed."

Luz blanched. "Does everybody have a beef with Eda here?"

Adegast laughed. "With her apprentice here, I'll have the Owl Lady right into my trap, all because you wanted to think you were special.

Luz shook her head in defiance. "No. Joke's on you, 'cause Eda isn't stupid enough to fall for your trap."

Suddenly, a familiar voice approached the area. "Adegast!"

Recognizing her mentor, Luz went downcast. "Oh, heck!"

In seconds, Eda and King landed at the end of the walkway.

Adegast grinned at the success. "Ah, Eda. I have you now!"

Two cat puppets erupted from the ground, one grabbing Eda and the other King.

Now restrained, Eda sighed. "That's right. You have me. Now let Luz and her friend go."

King simply complained, "Why did I have to be a part of this!"

Adegast shook his head. "Oh, she can leave if she wants to. But I sense she wants a real fantasy, and the other will join her." The puppets breathe a cloud of fog at Luz and Saber.

When Luz opened her eyes, she was in the middle of a town surrounded by a crowd. They cheered her name and declared her their Chosen Hero.

"We have tiny food. No one here will laugh at you and cast you out. You won't be alone anymore."

Luz looked back at the crowd and the town. "It is beautiful here."

Suddenly, a villager fell down, revealing only a puppet. Saber pushed through the crowd to reach her.

Luz frowned. "They think I'm special, but it's not real."

"So what?" declared Saber. "To make something special, you must believe it's special." He looked at his Master intently. "Luz, you are enough and always will be. That's all that matters."

Luz grasped at her training sword with a growing vigor. "You're right. I don't need to be special for others." She swung her sword to cut down a puppet. "I am a Witch's Apprentice. And I'm going to earn my magic staff the hard way." Another swing cuts down two more, breaking the illusion over the two. Seeing the octopus demon in the flesh riled her up. "I believed you, Magic Man. Now feel my wrath!" With his other tentacles preoccupied, Luz sprinted forward and stabbed the wizard puppet through the stomach, making it disappear with a poof.

With each puppet removed, Adegast screamed in pain. Eda and King managed to free themselves, landing next to Luz and Saber with grunts. Luz swung her sword at the princess like a bat, making her poof away. Three cat puppets approached Eda. She drew a spell circle, sending a plume of orange smoke at them, disintegrating with distorted screams.

Satisfied with the outcome so far, Saber crossed his arms in satisfaction and watched his Master at work.

Adegast screamed in rage. The Nevareth puppet tried to blindside Luz, but his yell alerted her. She caught his sword with her own and dueled him.

Luz plunged her sword through his chest.

Nevareth grunted from the blow. "Ah, my flawless pecs!"

Eda landed next to Luz, the two sharing a smile.

Adegast gasped in exhaustion. "Back off!" He held up King. "Or the dog gets it."

King growled. "I am not a‐-"

"Ow!" Adegast yelled in pain and dropped King, twisting his body in an attempt to stop it. His back revealed a pissed-off Fou digging in with its teeth. It was nearing dinner time, and the red-headed human needed time to prepare its meal.

King rubbed his head as he looked at the white squirrel creature jump to him as if expecting something. "Uh… Thanks."

"Fou!" It quickly ran over to Saber's side.

Luz quickly grabbed the furry demon. "King, I'm sorry. I should have listened to you and never trusted that wizard. You were right. He isn't mystical or magical. He's just a big, slimy jerk." Luz throws her sword, sending it flying into Adegast's head.

The demon's screams change pitch as Adegast shrinks to less than an eighth of his previous size.

Eda and Luz walk up to the demon as Saber with Fou sincerely clapped at the victory. "I knew you had it in you, Master."

Luz blushed in embarrassment as Eda looked at her questioningly. She grew a Cheshire smirk. "Care to explain why he's calling you Master. Although given his attire, I can hazard a guess."

She laughed nervously and waved her hands in denial. "It's not what it looks like."

Eda huffed. "I bet." She bent down and grabbed the shrunken demon. "Well, that's the last time I take an outside referral." Then, in a single motion, she swallowed him. "Mmm." She looked back at her apprentice. "Oh, did you want some of that?"

Luz shook her head. "No. I'm just confused."

Eda sighed. "Thinking of calling my apprenticeship quits?

Luz looked back at the now decrepit lake. "This place is nothing like I imagined."

Saber sighed. "I apologize, Master, but it's probably best that you experienced it now than later."

Eda nodded. "Hmm. Maybe not here. But come with me. I got something to show you guys.

Soon the five of them were on Eda's staff, hovering in the sky. Luz was the only one wearing a blindfold.

Eda smiled. "Okay, you can look."

Luz peeled away the blindfold and stared in awe. "Whoa!"

The five of them saw the entire Boiling Isles: the decomposing body of a Titan. It's lying with its arms splayed in the sea, its skull illuminated by the setting sun.

Eda breathed deeply. "The bones of the Isles. Up close, the Isles can be slimy‐‐

"And very stinky," added King.

"And gross. But if you look at it from a different perspective…."

The five of them look to the sky above the Titan's skull, where stars begin to appear. As they watched, a shooting star crossed the atmosphere for only a moment.

Saber smirked. "Lovely."

Luz's expression softened. "It's beautiful."

King leaned against Luz. "Yeah."

Luz turned to her teacher. "Eda, how did you know that wizard was lying?"

Eda sighed. "Look, kid, everyone wants to believe they're "chosen, but if we all waited around for a prophecy to make us special." She chuckled. "we'd die waiting. As your friend said, you need to choose yourself."

"At the end of the day, we're people with the same value as everybody else. So if everyone else has value, you're included in that too," started Saber.

The others turned to her servant in rapt attention.

Saber's expression grew serene. "We're strong where others are weak, and most people are only focused on where their failings are. There is room and need for all of us, our gifts, and our talents. There is no secret destiny. It's just you. You are already enough, Luz. Don't ever let anybody tell you differently. Okay?"

Luz wiped a few tears from her eyes. She felt weight ease off her consciousness. "Thanks, Saber. You have no idea how much that helps." Even King and Eda turned their heads away to hide their wet eyes."

The red-headed teen shook his head, smiled, and held out a hand. "Please, call me Shirou."

Luz smiled in return and shook his hand. "Gladly."

With that, the group leaned against each other as they watched the sunset.

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