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Chapter 3: Meeting The Fates and a Satyr

Fun fact you might not know. When demi-gods sleep there's a chance that their spirit will leave their body. For reference, it's like when the Ancient One meets Doctor Strange (Marvel) for the first time and knocks his spirit right out of his body to prove to him the existence of magic. This ghost-like form can also be referred to as an astral body.

If you're thinking wow that's cool that means you can ghost through walls, spy on your enemies and if you're lucky spy on the girls in the shower. If this is what you're thinking, unfortunately I have to be the bearer of bad news. At least for right now I have no control over my astral form and if I'm asked to explain what it's like I'd say it's like dragged around like a ragdoll.

My surroundings blur as I'm pulled from place to place starting from the planes to forests, then ponds, rivers, and lakes before finally stopping in front of a little run down shop.

It seems to be some kind of voodoo magic shop. Looking up I manage to make out the name Readings of the Three.

The three? There's a lot of three's in the Percy Jackson world. Could it be talking about The Kindly Ones, no they doubt they would have anything to do with a voodoo fortune telling shop.

Before I could figure out who the three refused to, I felt a force dragging me inside.

Inside I could see three ancient women with silver hair and bony arms. They were sitting in rocking chairs in a semicircle around a basket of yarn. The two on one left and right seemed to be knitting something. Unfortunately I couldn't tell what it was supposed to be. The one in the middle seemed to be feeding the yarn to the others but what stood out the most was the giant pair of scissors laying by her side.

They seemed to be made of gold and silver but they were many times larger than a normal pair of scissors.

It took me a few seconds before I realized who these ladies that sat before me were. They Fate, from left to right the first being Clotho who has domain over birth, then Lachesis who has domain of life, followed by the one who has domain over death Atropos.

While I was collecting my thoughts I heard Clotho speak: "Perseus Jackson, your Fate has changed."

"Your weave has become untwined." Atropos spoke and as if to prove her point she pointed to her Clotho and Atropos's work and it was as she said the weave was unraveling itself.

"And when we attempt to reweave it" the last of the Fates Lachesis spoke, pointing to her sister on the left.

Clotho, sitting in her chair, takes her needles and attempts to reweave the cloth but as she does the other end starts to shrink before disappearing completely. Seeing her work getting shorter and shorter she paused for a second before setting down her needles.

Looking up she spoke: "As you can see your fate is becoming untwined."

"This also means that you are forsaken by the fates." Lachesis said.

"We can't weave your fate so it is your own." Atropos finished.

Letting their worlds sit in for a minute while Clotho and Atropos made another attempt to weave my fate before getting fed up throwing down their needles.

"What does that mean? And what do I do now?" I asked.

"What does it mean?" All three replied.

"That you are on your own"

"That we can't guide your journey."

"Or tell how your life will end."

"No prophecies will find you."

"No Fates to guide you."

"And there is no telling when it all will end."

As they reply they collect their yarn, their knitting needles, and their basket.

Before I could ask anything else Lachesis waved.

"It's time for you to go."

And she waved. I was pulled back to my body only to wake up in a cold sweat.

Going over what I had learned, It seems that the Fates are unable to control the direction of my life. If I had to guess I'm probably the only person beside the giant Thoon that Fates can't control.

I know what you're thinking wow what luck now that the Fates don't control you you can do whatever you want. Sorry to l break it to you but your thinking is actually wrong. First of all that means I won't get any prophecies as they are decreed by the fates. Which makes it hard to leave Camp as a prophecy is usually required to do so.

Which also means that I won't have the protagonist halo. While in some cases this is a good thing it also means I won't have stupid luck. For example someone with the protagonist halo can just walk around and happen to pick up the exact item they need to defeat the enemy they are pitted against or just so happens to overhear that one of the enemies they're facing has a vital weakness that is easy to exploit so on and so forth.

Then there is the fact that my death is undetermined, meaning I could theoretically die at any time. That I'm not vital to the Fate plan I'm expendable.

On the lighter side of things I can use my new gifts to mediate some of the danger and with my future knowledge I have from Percy Jackson books I can hopefully survive until the end and if ever in too much danger I can always nope out and go to a different world.

After weighing the pros and cons of my situation, I'm distracted by a glare blinding my eyes. Looking over to the window I can see that the sun is rising meaning that the day has just started.

Getting up I notice a mild pain and while not nearly as bad as the last time I got out of bed it still hurts to move. Getting up and stretching my muscles. Trying to adjust to the pain, I heard a sound from the door followed by a thud of something hitting the floor.

As I turned to see who it was I was rushed and pulled into a bear hug. Looking down I barely have time to notice what seems to be mini horns sticking out of curly brown hair before the smell hits my nose. Wet goat. Phew.

While I'm trying to tune out the smell I hear, "Percy I'm so glad you're ok I thought you were a goner for a while there"

"Um, do you mind letting go?" I asked.

"Ya, sorry it's just so good to see that you're alright." He backs up and a few steps before tripping on something and falling on his ass.

When he fell one of his shoes came off and a horn of some kid landed at my feet.

As I reach down to pick up the horn I notice that where a foot should have been instead there was instead a hoof in its place.

Seeing the hoof I started connecting the dots. Curly brown hair + goat smell + hoof = Gover Underwood.

Grover Underwood was Percy's satyr protector who went undercover to "Protect" Percy while he attended Yancy Academy. It was Grover's responsibility to safely guide Percy to camp where he would receive training so that he could learn how to survive in the world.

As I pick up the horn Grover stumbles to his feet or hooves in his case before he notices that one of his shoes is missing and that one of his hooves is exposed..

"Oh, Styx", he said.

"These things never stay on right?", he mutters as he struggles to get his shoe back on.

"You have hooves, what are you, a hoof man?" I asked, knowing the answer but still playing dumb. And to be honest I was surprised to see someone with hooves in real life.

"I'm Satyr actually.", he replied.

"The half man half goat form great mythology?" I ask.

"The very same", he replied.

He tried to play it cool but I could tell by how he was shuffling and twitching that he was nervous. Probably worried about how I would view him now that I know the truth.

"Great, my best friend is a goat-man."

"Satyr", he interrupts.

"Satyr", I corrected.

"Well there are worse things in the world, glad to meet the real you Grover." I say attempting to put a smile on my face.

"You don't hate me, you know for not telling you the truth?" he paused for a second before continuing: "You know about what I really am." he finished as he shuffled nervously while clearly trying to minimize his presence."

"You're a fine G-man although I have to say a lot of things are starting to make sense."

Before the conversation could continue we were interrupted.

"Percy, Grover, sorry to interrupt but Mr. D would like to see you."

Ai_Profile Ai_Profile

If you notice any major grammer or plot issues please let me know I'm a new writer so any help is appreciated.

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