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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: A New World

"Where am I its cold .I wonder if going to hell must feel cold on the way .I wonder if I was singled out to die .Well if this is my fate goodbye cruel world ,"Izumi thought.

A traveler wearing a tattered cloak poured a bucket of ice cold water on Izumi's face and Izumi started to groggily open his and try to take notice of where he was.

'Wait I'm alive this has to be a joke .Where is the evil being that takes pleasure in my misery?' Izumi wondered while checking his body to make sure he is alive.

"My son what are you doing all the way here ? Are you lost perhaps ?" The stranger asked.

"Where am I...." Izumi trailed off asked he lost consciousness.

"Let me get you to an inn ," the stranger said while lifting Izumi into a standing position and supporting Izumi with his arm.

The stranger dragged Izumi toward a cart and placed Izumi in the cart.

"How much for transport to Lakeside inn ?" The stranger asked the driver of the cart.

"250 wels ,"the driver told the stranger.

The stranger pulled out 250 wels from his money pouch and gave it to the driver of the cart and boarded the cart.

'Interesting this kid reeks of the presence of death and ash ,though why is he here and in weird clothing ?' The stranger wondered.

Three hours later they arrived at Lakeside in and the stranger put Izumi on his back and carried him to the reception .

"Mr. Takawa I see you are back with a guest do you need to upgrade the room you stay in?" the receptionist asked while handing Takawa his key.

"No just my room is enough for two but here is more money to cater for his food ," Takawa said taking out 100 wels from his pouch and giving the receptionist .

Takawa took Izumi to his room and lay him on the bed in the room.

'He should be awake by night then he can answer my questions ,' Takawa thought.

Night time came and Izumi woke up and started looking around the place trying to figure out where he was as he sat up on the bed he started recalling the events of earlier in the day.

"You are finally awake I see let me get you something to eat ," Takawa said to Izumi while going out of the room.

Takawa arrived a few minutes later with a tray of food that was a bowl of soup and bread .Takawa watched as Izumi slowly fed to recover his strength .

"Let me start with simple questions ," Takawa said.

"Who are you ?" Takawa asked.

"Aizawa Izumi ," Izumi answered in a low tone.

"Where are you from ?" Takawa enquired from Izumi.

"I am not sure myself ," Izumi answered not sure of his answer.

"Who are you old man ?" Izumi asked

"Call me Zein Takawa ,"Takawa said.

Izumi realized that his sense of smell was better he sniffed the air in the room and smelled a hint of iron from Takawa.

"I smell a mixture of many things coming from you but the most prominent is the smell of iron which I mean to say is blood ," Izumi said.

"I see you have a sharp nose .Yes that is blood you smell as I picked up an injury in a war but that is nothing too concerning ," Takawa said.

"We will take you to the adventurers guild for you to register as an adventurer but for now we need to get you new clothes because at the moment you stick out like a sore thumb ," Takawa said.

"Then after your registration I will train you so that you may be able to survive in this world ," Takawa said.

Takawa led Izumi to a clothing store that was right next to the inn .

"Pick something that fancies your interest ," Takawa said.

Izumi browsed through the clothes and found a black hooded coat ,a black shirt that was modified to have a mask that covered up his mouth and nose ,black army boots and black pants .Izumi got dressed in the attire he had picked out and when he came out of the changing room the female cashier and female customers were blushing and husbands to the female customers were shooting him glares.

"Since you don't have money I guess they are on me this time ," Takawa said while taking out 300 wels and handing it to the cashier .

"Come again soon ," the cashier said in a jovial tone while looking away from Izumi as she was blushing .

Takawa led Izumi to the adventurer's guild which was at the center of Ecnal town.

"Zein brought another stray dog I see ," an adventurer seated at a corner said.

"Shut it Raphael before I make you do it," Takawa told the man sharply .

"Why don't you make me ," Raphael said rising to his feet and lunging at Takawa with a right hook.

Takawa caught the right hook and punched Raphael sending crashing onto the table he was seated earlier.

"Now who is the dog so stay down like you should," Takawa said with a fake smile on his face

"You..." Raphael said while standing up to go for another attack.

"Take your fights out of my building," a red haired woman said.

"Ok," Takawa said.

"Fine," grumbled out Raphael.

"Izumi meet Misha the master of this guild branch. Misha meet Izumi ," Zein said doing the introductions.

"So your the one who he wants to register as an adventurer ?" Misha asked.

"Yes ," Izumi said.

"Follow me, let us get you registered ,"Misha said while leading Izumi to a basement.

"Place your hand on the crystal ," Misha said handing the crystal ball to Izumi.

Izumi touched the crystal ball and the ball recorded zero .

"I thought so ,"Izumi said while sighing.

"Don't worry that happens for most guys ," Misha said.

Misha took a photograph using a photography crystal and placed it in a machine where a plaque with all his details manifested.

Alydzck Adventurer's Guild

Name: Aizawa Izumi

Class: Commoner (Level 1)

Age: 16

Species: Human

Power: 10

Dexterity: 5

Magic: 0

Vitality: 50

"At least one of my childhood dream came true ," Izumi said lwhile admiring his plaque.

"Now you have some work cut out for you . You can pick requests on the board for you to gain experience," Misha said while leading Izumi out of the basement.

"Izumi since you are done we start your training ," Takawa said with a demonic smile and cackling like a witch making a potion of disaster.

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