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Chapter 3: Part-3 Making friends

*A week later. Kuoh town *

Ichigo just realized a problem with his plan... Which is ... He didn't plan for SHIT, to which you can't blame him. He did get betrayed by his friends and found out soul society was spying on him so he left the Substitute badge on his desk so that they cant track him with it if they can. Thankfully for his lack of planning, he's in Kuoh a city with practically Infinite possibilities and so he's working at a food bar which .... he still doesn't understand how .... but pays him around 900$ a week even though he's under age and doesn't have a degree .... the sad thing is... he could have earned more but disagreed since he felt like he earns way too much already...He really doesn't understand people he just learned to cook because his... mother died.... he shrugs those sad thoughts ... and his dad can't cook for shit !!! I mean really how bad do you have to be that you turn chicken along with the bone to ash !!! ASH !!! So after that and not wanting to eat take-out, he learned to cook although it was bad at the start. After a while, he thought he got good at it .... but he stopped cooking after Yuzu asked him to teach her and he has to say she was great at it, so he stopped when she basically took his job cooking for the family, but it seems as though his cooking skills seemed to stay although they're rusty.

Hearing the doorbell jingle he turns his head to greet them but stops feeling... power.... that he hasn't felt before... he didn't even realize he could feel the supernatural anymore.... maybe it's because of the Quincy cross around his hand.... thinking about it he sighs ... because of his job he didn't have any time reading the book but that's not important right now. What's important right now is finding out who they are " Welcome to Ichiraku great food," he says still embarrassed about the name since its owners are obsessed with a manga called Nawuko. he sees the red-haired.... beauty he didn't notice before because of the pressure he feels from her and her companion who is a petite lady who he would call cute if not for her scowling and glaring at him lightly behind her glasses while the red-haired beauty just smiles teasingly seeing her companions glare and what she saw and understood Ichigo checking her out

"So this is the place that everyone is talking about" The red-haired beauty says while the petite girl just scowls a bit more and she walks towards Ichigo "Hello... May I know you're name and age ?" She says bluntly while glaring at him which confuses Ichigo completely not expecting the question " Ichigo Kurosaki and I'm fift... wait no sixteen years old" Ichigo corrects since he forgot about his birthday that ... he realized he didn't celebrate but it isn't surprising with the pressure of the war on the horizon and his Shinigami duties taking up a lot of his time.

Anyways he sees the girl's scowl becoming even bigger and opens her mouth "You should be at school studying !" She says and Ichigo realizes why she is angry and thinks she's one of those follow-by-the-book people so he quickly clarifies "I'm sorry I just got into this town a week ago and didn't have the time to look into it " seeing her calm down a bit he breathes a sigh of release since he didn't want to have someone with powers angry at him while he's powerless.

"Your education should still be your top priority" She says with a commanding presence which almost made Ichigo nod but he stops himself. The red-haired student -he realized seeing they were in the same uniform which confuses him since as far as he knows the only supernatural being are hundreds of years old normally and have no reason for education but maybe they're like his .... old companions ... gaining powers with enough exposure to the supernatural- just laughs a bit "You shouldn't disrespect the person who will be cooking for us" She says with a smile " Sorry for not introducing my self after you introduced your self, My name is Rias Gremory "

Her companion realizing that she didn't introduce herself coughs and speaks with nobility the likes of Byakuya "Forgive me for asking your name before introducing myself. My name is Sona Shitori the council president of Kuoh academy "

Which explains her anger about Ichigo not studying. "Anyways we have come here because we heard about the amazing food being server here... " And so Ichigo hearing what they requested stars cooking.

* Hours later...*

Ichigo watches in fascination seeing plate after plate being placed on each other while the food is being devoured...after devouring their last plate they sigh happily with a glow around them until Rias instantly jumped " I will pay you 100000 $ every day to be my personal cook " She says while paying for all the food.... which is 2369 $ ....making Ichigo think she could after paying for all the food. Sona starts to stutter " Rias that's... That's too much money you're allowance is only 70000 $ a day !" This surprises Ichigo since... what parent in the world gives that much money.

"Sorry but I don't think I can accept so much plus I don't think my food is that good since I'm pretty rusty" He swears he saw energy surround her and she teleported in front of him " YOU'RE SAYING YOU'RE RUSTY? AND ITS STILL THIS GOOD ?" Ichigo just nods quietly and sees even Sona is shocked " YOU'RE NO-cough You're not lying are you?" Ichigo just shakes his head "No I didn't cook for a long time since.... My sister .... Started cooking for us " Rias seeing Ichigo is telling the truth although she is confused why stopped talking when he mentioned his sister but dismisses it.

"What can I do for you, to make sure you can cook for me every day" Rias asks but for Ichigo it's more like a beg... or maybe a demand? "Maybe if you can make me accepted to Kuoh academy one of the most prestigious academy in Japan, then maybe I could cook you every day" Ichigo says as a joke but is surprised when Rias just pulls out a phone and calls someone ... after a couple of minutes and asking Ichigo a couple of questions like where he used to study. Rias closes the phone and instantly says " You're expected next Monday at Kuoh academy... But for now, can you cook something else " She was serious until becoming sheepish at the end. With Sona also about to open her mouth to reprimand Rias until she closes it hearing her say about hearing more food and looking at him with a hopeful expresion.....

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