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Chapter 2: Chapter Two

The other students rushed in from the side doors and surrounded them, jeering and shouting. This was a planned attack.

Kori knew the principal was not yet in school, so she was dead. Or no she could use her powers.

The slap was enough to pull Kori out of her head.

"You thought you could get away with that prank you pulled yesterday evening. Yeah?" Rafal jeered.

He pushed her to the ground and pinned her. Just before the first blow came, Kori looked into his eyes. She could feel the power surge through her and in a millisecond, Rafal was thrown up and against the cupboard behind him.

Kori heard him scream. She stood up and watched him writhe in pain as he slowly fell on the floor.

Before she could control it, she looked at a wooden box on top of the cupboard and it came down.

It missed Rafal's head by whiskers and hit his right shoulder.

Kori felt all the energy drain from her and then she lost consciousness.

*. *. *. *.

Kori opened her eyes and she was lying on her bed, in her room. And then it all came back to her. Everything that happened earlier that day.

Kori would have dismissed it as a dream except for the fact that she still felt so weak and her head was throbbing.

She sat up and reached for the glass of water near her bedside. It was a bit far and as she stretched, the glass moved close enough for her to reach.

As she put the glass to her mouth, she saw her grandma standing by the door.

"How long have you been here?" Kori asked.

"Long enough to see what just happened."

Kori took a gulp and winced. She hoped she wouldn't always end up like that anytime she attempted using her powers.

"Grandma, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for any of that to happen."

"But it did. And you were expelled." Her grandma said.

Kori wasn't happy, because she almost killed Rafal. But then, she was happy. She didn't have to deal with the kids of Central City High again.

She hoped that whatever new school she'll be going to, the kids there would be nicer.

Kori remembered Balin spoke of a school for supernaturals. She'll look for him and ask about it when she's stronger. She didn't want to talk to her grandma about it just yet.

Kori's grandma walked slowly towards her and sat on the bed.

"How are you feeling now? Hope you're feeling better."

Kori nodded and her grandma sighed.

"I'm really sorry I let all these happen. But I had to let you be because you weren't of age. But I think it's time now."

Kori's grandma walked across the room to open the curtains allowing light in and at the same time allowing Kori to process everything she has just heard.

She came back and sat down.

"Grandma, what are you talking about?" Kori asked.

"Do you realize that sometimes you do strange things that normal humans can't do? For instance pulling that glass of water closer this afternoon, just by looking."

Kori looked a bit puzzled. How did she know?

Her grandma saw the look on her face and continued.

"I know you can self-heal. That's a very rare power which will attract unnecessary enemies."

"Wait a minute grandma. You mean I'm... I'm really a supernatural?" Kori forced the words out of her mouth.

She opened her eyes in surprise when her grandma made no unusual expression.

"Supernaturals. Who told you about them?" She asked calmly.

"Balin did."

"Oh! I should have known. That loud mouth." She said screwing up her lips."

"He saved me from a group of bullies, grandma." Her grandma rolled her eyes, more out of habit than any other reason.

"Always seizing the opportunity to show-off his powers. Anyways, since you already know about supernaturals, they have a school. Did he tell you too?"

"He was about to before you came in yesterday evening."

"Alright. The school is called Marvelo School of Supernaturals. It's just like a normal school but for people with superhuman abilities. You can learn to control your powers, use them more effectively and even discover dormant ones."

Kori was listening attentively. It sounded interesting, but a part of her didn't want to have anything to do with this school.

"So, why are you telling me all these now?"

"First, because it's about time and second be ause that's your new school." Kori's grandma said with a tone of finality.

"And what if I decide not to go?" Kori replied, folding her arms across her chest.

Kori's grandma was a bit put off by her reaction.

"Why wouldn't you want to? Your Dad schooled there. You will definitely find it interesting."

"Wow! We're finally talking about my parents. And what makes you think grandma, that I'll like to go somewhere my dad schooled after he abandoned me here for years?

Was that my mum's school too?" Tears were begining to form in her eyes.

"You will not talk about your parents like that. Do you understand?" Her voice was firm and carried an aura of threat in it.

"This school is for your own good. You'll learn how to control your power before it destroys you and those around you." Kori's grandma concluded and walked out of the room.

Kori sighed and let the tears slide down her cheeks.

Later in the evening, she went out to find Balin.

Kori finally found him two blocks away. He was outside sitting on a step outside his house and thankfully so. Because Kori had been thinking of what to tell his parents if they were to open the door when she knocks.

Kori sat next to him.

"Hi Balin. Good evening."

"Hi Kori. You can call me Bal. That's what my friends call me." Balin said stretching out his hands for a handshake.

Kori stood for a moment to observe him. She didn't trust anyone, especially boys.

Before she could get out of her thoughts, she heard him speak again.

"I get it. You're not a shaker." Balin said smiling.

Oh shit! She didn't realize she had left his hand hanging.

"Erm... Sorry about that."

"It's okay. How have you been?"

"I've been good. I've been expelled from my school because I almost killed that bully you met yesterday."

"Wow! That's impressive. Balin said with a grin.

"It was a mistake. Not like I'm proud of it. Kori said.

"And now, my grandma wants to send me off to this stupid school of supernatural. I guess that's where you wanted to tell me about yesterday."

"Alright. Chill my dear Kori. First, my school is anything but stupid and also, you'll like it there." Balin said.

"Wait a second. That's your school? No wonder I don't see you around on this street. You're almost always away."

"Yes I am. It's more like a boarding school. And you not seeing me around is really because we just moved in here recently. I only started schooling there last year.

You're an underage supernatural until you're 15." Balin explained.

It was then it all fell in place. That day was her 15th birthday. What a birthday gift to get. She thought.

"You know, for someone who is a supernatural, I think you spend more time in your head than in real life."

"I think so too. Tell me how the school works." Kori said.

"Okay. I'll try to be brief about everything. Plus I don't want to spoil anything for you. That school is better experienced than told."

"There are two semesters in each year. There are four houses. Each new student will be sorted into houses according to their abilities. Then, you'll have a roommate. Assigned of course by the school. She could be in the same year level with you or not."

Kori yawned before she could stop herself.

"I know. I know. My stories are always boring. Now you see why I said you should experience it yourself."

"Oh wow, thanks for trying to tell me about it. If I change my mind and decide to go, you'll know about it." Kori said and stood up to go.

"Kori wait. I'll really like you to come with me. I think we'll make good friends." Balin said.

"That's left for me to decide Balin. Goodnight."

Kori walked back that evening thinking about Marvelo School of Supernaturals. She hoped there would be nice kids unlike those at Central City High.

Kori met her grandma eating at the dining.

"Kori! Where have you been?" She asked.

Kori walked to the table and sat down.

"I went to see Balin."

"I thought as much. And what's your final decision?

"Grandma, when you left yesterday, I saw a pair of red eyes look at me from my mirror."

Her grandma had a puzzled expression on now. She was thinking.

"That should not be something to worry about. No evil whatsoever can harm you inside of here. Which is why you should be extra careful when you're out of here. Now, back to my question."

Kori took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Yes. I will go." Her grandma smiled.

"Yes, you will go my darling."

Kori started eating and for some strange reason she felt at peace with her decision.

*. *. *. *.

The day flew past so fast. Kori didn't bother letting Balin know about her decision to go to Marvelo School of Supernaturals.

She felt it wasn't important since her grandma already said she'll with him and his parents. So, he'll still get to know. Besides she wasn't really cut out for this whole friendship thing at this point in her life. Kori concluded in her head.

Finally, the day came and Kori packed up her things to leave.

She had never seen her grandma so sad.

"I'm going to miss you my little pumpkin. But it's time for you to go." She said sadly.

"I'll like you to have this Kori."

It was it was a beautiful bracelet made of beads. It had the image of an owl carved into a coin, in-between two beads.

"It's from your father, he gave it to your mother. Please take it Kori."

Kori took it reluctantly and put it inside the pocket of her jean trousers. She hoped she wouldn't have to wear it.

Kori's grandma gave her a hug for the umpteenth time and then let her go.

They heard a car stop in front of the house. Kori took her bag and made for the door with her grandma behind.

"Good morning Mr and Mrs Schwanger." Kori's grandma greeted Balin's parents.

"Goodbye sweetie." She said to Kori.

Kori walked to the car greeted Balin's parents and got in while Balin's father put her bag at the trunk together with Balin's.

He went to talk with Kori's grandma for a while and in few minutes the journey began.

Balin had been silent since the journey began while his parents chattered away on random things that weren't of any interest to Kori.

Then he spoke.

"You said you'll let me know if you changed your mind." Balin sounded hurt.

"I know I did. But you were going to know anyway since I was to go with your parents. So, I didn't deem it needful to tell you anymore."

"I hope this is not how you intend to make friends when we get there." Balin said.

Kori sighed and relaxed against the head rest. She wasn't ready for all of this.

They were silent for a moment and then Kori spoke.

"Do you go with your parents every time? In other words, is this the only way? Kori asked. That question was totally unnecessary even to her but she had to look for a way to break the ice.

"There's another way. But it's only Supernaturals from second year and above that use that way. I would have tried it out this year but my parents had to bring you. So..."

Kori was thankful he didn't complete that sentence because she was already starting to feel she had robbed him of something he desperately wanted to do.

Maybe she'll make it up to him or not. Maybe she'll let him be her friend but then, she can't trust him completely. Kori concluded in her head.

It was a long drive through a lonely road Kori wasn't familiar with. Not like she was familiar with any road at all. She had never left her grandma's house since she was a little girl and the only road she knew was the road to school and back.

After a little more drive, they arrived.

The school didn't look as haunted as Kori had thought. Probably because it was still day.

The gates were made of bronze and had a lion and a snake engraved on its right and left posts respectively.

The gate opened and Balin's dad drove in.

Balin got down without a word and went to the trunk to get his bag. Kori followed.

Kori looked up at the building, it was giant with a towel at it's center. She couldn't even count how many stories it was at a glance.

Balin's parents had to leave immediately, as it was getting dark.

After they had taken their bags, Balin's parents got out of the car.

"Alright. Make sure you have a good semester boy and take care of her." Mr Schwager said.

"Don't forget to take care of yourself too." Balin's mother said and gave him a hug.

With that, they went into the car and it drove off.

The environment seemed homely to Kori. Maybe because there was a garden —like the one her grandma keeps— on opposite sides of the compund.

Balin made for the door completely ignoring Kori.

"Hey! Where are you going? Am I supposed to come with you? Is this how you do the 'caring'?"

Balin stopped.

"Well, you completely made it clear that you wanted me to mind my business and that's exactly what I'm doing." Balin said.

Balin was still mad at Kori and Kori wasn't ready to apologize for something as trivial as that.

Kori shook her head.

"You're just being petty. You know what? Just tell me where to go and I'll be fine by myself."

"Fine. When you step in, keep on going forward, you'll find another door. That's where first years are sorted and assigned to their rooms. I wish you the best of luck." Balin said and went in.

Kori stood outside for a while. She didn't know what to expect.

She got to the huge door and somehow, she felt it opened for her because she didn't remember touching it. And then she went in.

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