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The GLEE in murder The GLEE in murder original

The GLEE in murder


© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1. Marlena Queens

There is glee, euphoria, in murder!

|~| The Mailman.


A year ago...

Marlena rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time. Her director for this new movie, Noise, really fit the name of the movie. All he ever did was talk, talk, talk.

"Marlena, put on more makeup, you're not pretty enough for this scene!" Or "Marlena! Quit sleeping and come practice, the movie is not gonna shoot itself!" Or her personal favourite; "Marlena! Stop sleeping with the whole of Hollywood just to get recognition, focus on this movie!"

Funnily enough, she was still a virgin at twenty five. Everyone just assumed that because she was a girl, she had to have slept with at least half of Hollywood to get to where she was. The rumours disgusted her but her agent insisted it was good for business and for her to let it be.

"Are you even listening to me Marlena?! Jeeze, women! They have the attention span of cockroaches and brains the exact same size!" He was also the most masochistic, mysogynistic male she had ever met. But like her agent said, kiss as much ass as you can and never let on to your true emotions.

"I'm sorry Ray, it's like you said.." she almost choked on the words but miraculously managed to get them out ".. women are dimwitted"

He sighed like he was the one who had to deal with assholes all day. The nerve!.

"It's ok. As I was saying, you need to put more effort into this movie. The lead is a girl who went mute after loosing her dad. I don't know how you're going to pull that off, all women ever do is talk! But you at least have to try..." She stopped listening again and instead thought of the date she was having later that day. Her friends had convinced her to join a dating site called Cupid's arrow, much to the chagrin of her brother, since she was having problems dating. It wasn't that she didn't have any suitors, it was just that the suitors usually wanted one thing or another from her. Money, fame, fashion, recognition, it had to be something. So she'd join the site anonymously and wear a wig and makeup, disguise herself and go on dates. If anyone went far enough and love came into the equation, she'd tell him who she really was. The plan was full proof.

The plan would lead to her death.


She didn't recognize him, he knew. He almost didn't recognize her but he'd know those cold blue eyes anywhere. She was too vain to put on contacts to hide her identity. He once told her her eyes were her best feature and she believed him.

"Hi, are you Mark Langley?" She asked him as she came up to his table, looking good enough to eat in her skin tight red dress and black net panty hose. She wore a blonde wig and had on heavy makeup. She'd even gotten a tan. As if that was enough to fool him.

"Yeah, and you must be Carla Bennett" he said to her. It irked him to use the name she had chosen. All he wanted was to let her see him for who he truly was. Although that wasn't possible. He was also in disguise, one that was significantly better than hers.

"Yes I am. Sorry I'm late" she said.

"Late?" He started as he pulled her chair out for her. "You're right on time. I was just a little paranoid and nervous so I came early to make sure everything was perfect" he said. She laughed.

"Truth is I'm nervous too. I've never been on a practically blind date. I don't do this often" she said with a nervous giggle.

Wrong. She whored around and he knew it. He couldn't prove it but he knew for sure. But no matter. Once she was his, all that would stop. She'd be loyal as a puppy to him.

"Yeah, it's my first time too. On the website you said you like Italian so I picked this restaurant because of that. I hope that's ok?" He asked, giving her his signature loop sided grin that had ladies tripping over each other to jump him. He could almost feel her swoon.

"It's perfect. Not too fancy, just like I like it" she said with a slight blush.

"So, ready to order?" He asked her.

"Yes please, I'm famished" she replied.

He waved the waiter who came toward them.

"I'll have the Spaghetti Alla Carbonara and a bottle of Sangiovese. What will you have Carla?"

"Well I'll just have what he's having. It's my favourite" she said the last part to him with a conspiratorial wink. He smiled at her, another of his charming grins, and winked back playfully.

The rest of the date was a blur. He plied her with alcohol and she was too busy being charmed to notice.

At the end of the evening, he convinced her to let him drive her home, since she was too drunk to be trusted by herself in a cab.

Throughout the ride, she kept mumbling nonsense and he kept nodding and grunting when the occasion called. He couldn't wait for tonight. His jeans felt tight on his crotch with anticipation. He would have her tonight and she would finally see him in the light he wanted to be seen.

They arrived at her apartment building and took the elevator to her penthouse on the top floor. She fell on the couch and began taking off her heels. He discreetly locked the door behind him.

He walked to her kitchen and poured her a drink from her favorite cabinet of liquor.

"Thank you" she slurred and took it from him.

There was a prickly feeling at the back of her head that she couldn't be bothered to consider in her drunken state. But it kept pushing and pushing even as she sipped more of her favorite wine.

Hold on. Her favorite wine which she kept in a locked safe under her kitchen cabinet in a false bottom. Something he shouldn't have known.

"Where did you get this?" She gestured to the glass in her hand. She was slowly sobering even as her muddled head swam.

His eyes widened.

Something else occured to her as panic began to set in.

"And how did you know my house? And the code to my door?" He cursed under his breath. He didn't think she was sober enough to notice these things.

"Because I know everything about you Marla" he smiled at her. The jig was up. He could finally tell her how he felt. They could finally be together. Forever. "I know even the things you don't know. I know that you snore when you're really tired after a shoot. I know that you sleep in silk PJ's because of how soft they feel on your skin. I know that you prefer using the shower in the morning and the tub in the evening so you can wash away the days stress with a bottle of Screaming Eagle Sauvignon Blanc and a good book. I know so much more because I love you Marla" Sure this wasn't how he imagined the confession to go but he didn't want to lie anymore.

Her breathing quickened. Ice cold fear gripped her and she began to shake with the force of it.

"Oh God! Who are you creep?!" She screamed. She clumsily got up and stumbled towards the door. He caught her before she could make it.

"Calm down and listen baby. I've loved you forever. Since we were kids. I set up this whole date for you!" He shook her so she'd understand.

"Get away from me. Just please get out!" She screamed. All of a sudden, his eyes darkened.

"After everything I've done for you, this is how you repay me? By kicking me out?! I have been there for you through thick and thin.." she hit him with the vase that was beside her and ran toward the door again. She reached this time and struggled with the handle. It was locked and her keys were no where to be found.

"Looking for these?!" She turned toward him. He dangled her keys in front of her.

She ran for the bedroom, her heart pounding. If she could just get to the phone, she'd call for help. Plus her door was made of thick insulated metal so if she locked it, he couldn't get in. She reached the door just as he yanked on her hair and drew her back.

White hot pain exploded through her scalp. Tears began to pour from her eyes.

"Help!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, although knowing how futile that was. Her apartment was practically sound proof.

"Shut up bitch!" He screamed and continued to drag her by her hair to the living room. He tossed her on the couch and began pacing in front of her.

"All I wanted was for you to finally see me! That was all I wanted. Our happily ever after. But no! You just had to kick me out like everyone else! You fucking bitch you're no better than the rest of them!" He screamed. She shook with the force of the sobs racking her body.

"I'm sorry. Please don't hurt me" she said, trying to buy time. If she could get to the counter a few feet from her, she'd get her emergency keys and get the hell out of the apartment.

"I won't hurt you my love. Never" he leaned in and kissed her. She quickly bit him and hit her head hard against his. She kicked out and was satisfied by his groan of agony that she had kicked precisely the right organ. She bolted for the counter as he fell to the floor. She also grabbed her phone and dialed 911 as she ran for the door, heart threatening to burst out of her chest. She struggled with the keys.

"911 what's your emergency?" The voice asked. She opened her mouth to speak. She never uttered a word. The first blow from the bat knocked her unconscious.


He laughed and laughed as he stabbed her. In and out the blade went. Only as he stabbed he didn't see Marlena. He saw his mother, he saw his bastard step father. He saw his highschool teacher and he saw his first, second and third girlfriend.

"Take that mom" he screamed, laughing maniacally.

"How do you like that father?!" He'd say another time.

"Mrs Grundle, you deserve this!" He would scream the next minute.

He laughed and laughed. Oh it felt so good to finally get even with them. All of them!

He calmed down and sobered up after an hour. Then, he looked at the mutilated body of Marlena Queens on the ground. Shock was the first thing he felt.

He killed her.

And then panic.

He killed her!

And then realization.

She wasn't bitching anymore. She was quiet. The voices inside his head were quiet. For one he was at peace. Happy. Free.

He killed her!

After then came exhilaration.

Look what he could do! He could make her shut up. He could make them all shut up!

He killed her!


Kory couldn't shake the nagging feeling about the 911 she had received an hour ago. It seemed like just another prank call. She said the standard line, and then a few seconds later the line went dead. There was nothing to suggest foul play. So why had it been bugging her for so long. Usually she had these kinds of feelings and, now that she thought about it, when she listened to it, it sometimes turned out to be valid.

But other times, it got her in trouble.

What to do?

'Screw it' she thought and dailed the number again. Not reachable. Ok so maybe it was a prank call and the person turned off their phone so the police wouldn't get them.

Her heart said no though. She sighed and walked out of her cubicle.

"Hey Mike, could you please trace this number for me?" She said to Michael Dover, the number one tech genius in CPD (Chicago Police Department) and her best friend. He was insanely hot for a geek though. He had blonde hair that he always ruffled by running his hands through that kinda gave it that hot, just rolled out of bed look. And his eyes were a gorgeous emerald. He turned those eyes to her and smiled.

"Sure. Give me ten seconds" and true to his words, he was done in ten seconds.

"It's registered to, you won't believe this, Marlena Queens! She called 911?" He asked, skeptical.

"Yeah but the line went dead before she said anything. I've just been having one of those nagging feelings in my gut about it. If I alert dispatch to just check it out, they wouldn't break a sweat right? I mean it's a celebrity we're talking about here" she said.

"Kory.... You know what happened the last time you called in the Calvary for a false alarm" Mike said.

"I got busted down from detective to clerk, it's kinda hard to forget" she said dryly. He winced.

"I'm sorry. Look all I'm trying to say, K, is that you've gotta be sure before you talk to the big guys. I don't want you to loose your chance at lieutenant. The Commander is already skeptical about you" he said, running his hand through his hair in frustration.

"I know but I have a horrible feeling about this one and I'd never forgive myself if I didn't do anything and someone suffered for it" she stared at him, desperately pleading with her eyes. He groaned.

"Fine fine. Ok tell you what, I'll go with you to check it out right now. If it's nothing, we'll say we took an early break. If it is something, we'll call in the troops. Sound good?" She smiled at him.

"Thanks Mike"

They left the station and Kory drove Mike's department issue Car so he could Google Marlena's address.

He gave directions and as the foreboding feeling in her chest increased, she pressed harder on the gas pedal.

"I know this is department issue but technically I'm not on field work today so we can get pulled over for speeding, K" Mike said calmly.

"Sorry" she said and reduced the speed slightly.

They arrived and she jumped out of the car, Mike on her heels. They stopped at the reception desk.

"Hi, how may I help.. " "CPD, we need to see Marlena right away" Kory said, cutting the receptionist off.

"I'm sorry but I need to see identification" the lady at the counter said.

Kory reached for her badge in her pocket then cursed as she remembered it had been revoked when she was busted down.

Mike put his hand on her shoulder and took his out. The Receptionist inspected it then nodded.

"The elevator is that way. She's on the top floor. Penthouse" the receptionist said. Kory sped off and Mike followed.

"You're getting me worked up K" Mike said as they pushed the button for the top floor.

"If it's a false alarm dinner's on me tonight" she said. He grinned.


The elevator dinged and she ran out and knocked on the door.

"Open up, it's the police!" She screamed. No reply.

"Marlena Queens, this is CPD. We are going to enter the premises if you don't open up" still no answer.

"K, you know we can't enter the apartment without probable cause. We'll get in trouble for this, wether or not you're right" Mike said as Kory reached for the handle.

"Seeing the door slightly ajar is probable cause right?" She asked.

"Well after getting a 911 call that was abruptly cut off, yeah that would be probable cause but the door isn't..." But Kory already twisted the handle and the door opened slightly.

"What do you know, ajar" she said with a smile. She smelt it as soon as she stepped in, even before she saw the blood and the mutilated body. The smile slipped off her face.

"Mike" she whispered. He quickly shoved her behind him and pulled his gun. She cursed when she reached for hers out of habit and found her hip empty.

"Stay outside and alert dispatch. Stay outside Kory" Mike said.

"Fuck you. I'm still a cop, gun or no gun. The first procedure is to clear the scene and make sure the suspect isn't still on premises and that's what we'll do" he cursed.

"Fine. Back to back. And we don't split up" he said. They walked back to back first to the kitchen, then the bedroom, the TV room, the guestrooms, bathrooms, nothing. The suspect was long gone.

"Ok. I'll call dispatch and alert them. You call homicide" Mike said. Kory grabbed her phone and dailed the clerk at homicide. All the while, she stared numbly at the mutilated body of Marlena. Her brain matter was scattered all over the floor and on the bat that was obviously used to beat her. There were multiple stab wounds on her back and Kory knew, should they turn her over, they'd find more on her front. The knife used was burried to the hilt on her back with a note pinned on it.

From where she stood, she could just see the words scrawled on the paper.

Finally shut the bitch up.

She held back the food that threatened to come back up and the tears of guilt, anger and pity.

"CPD Homicide, how may I help you?"

"Janet, it's Kory. I wanna report a homicide" she related the details to her and when she was done, Janet remained silent.

"I'm sorry Kory" She began after a pause, "but it's kinda hard to take you for your word since the incident..." Janet trailed off and Kory cursed.

"Here, talk to Mike" she shoved the phone to her best friend and began pacing angrily.

"Send people over right now Janet. We're at the scene" Mike said. He spoke to her a bit then hung up and handed her phone back to her.

"Fuck!" She said.

"Fuck is right"




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