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Chapter 8: (8) No More Turning Back

Inside the Small World.

White Haven.

A golden-haired elf finally opened her eyes. As she surveyed her surroundings, she discovered that she was currently on top of white fluffy clouds and wherever her eyes went, it was full of white clouds and there were 3 humans that were looking at her curiously, especially the female that has glistening eyes. Without even saying anything, she brandished her flaming sword and swung at the 3 mysterious humans before her.


Before she can even fully swing her sword, she suddenly felt that she can't move her entire body and the tip of her sword was caught in the fingertips of the middle-aged man.

"Stand down, Child." An aged voice that's filled with the vicissitudes of life said slowly.

"Not only are you beautiful, but you are also capable as well to earn the recognition of a Greater Fire Elemental! If you were faced with ordinary monsters, you would simply annihilate them easily!" The female was singing praises in a melodious voice as she stared at the elf with passionate eyes.

After several seconds, the golden-haired elf was finally freed from her unknown restraints when she calmed down and was not exuding anymore hostility then she asked, "Where am I and Who are you guys?"

The female in a blue-white long gown was the one who answered, "You were recognized by the Supreme One and thus earned the qualifications to enter and evolve in the White Haven."

She then turned to look at his other 2 companions before smiling and saying, "As for us?"

"My name is Doryu." The middle-aged man in Black and Violet clothing said amicably.

"Viper." Swiftly said by the hunchback man.

"Tch! You can call me Ehecatl, dear." The woman in blue-white long gown glared at Viper first before shifting into a caring mother persona in front of the elf.

After hearing their names, the elf was gob smacked!

How could she ever forget these names?

The names bestowed on the original 3 dragon lords!

The very beings that she swore to chase and surpass were right in front of her!

After being stunned for a few moments, she immediately kneeled down on one knee and said respectfully, "Chiasa greets Lord Doryu, Lord Viper and Lord Ehecatl! It's my extreme pleasure to finally meet the original dragon lords!"

Ehecatl was taken aback by her behavior, so she immediately helped her up and said, "Why don't you tell me all about the happenings below for the all the years that we were asleep?"

As the hours passed by, the 4 of them chatted happily and their relationship grew deeply immediately as Chiasa seems to possess the innate charisma of a Leader. As they continued to chat with each other, an extremely ominous yet familiar aura descended.

"You guys have finally woken up." The soul avatar had undergone a tremendous change at this moment, he was shrouded in a brown-orange fog that seems to come from the chaos itself.

This fog was an experiment he is conducting using stardust energy, the densest energy possible. The intrinsic skill "Magicule Breeder Reactor" allows him to use stardust as the primary source of energy, if he knew about this before, he would have never attached the skill to his small world. But there are no medicines for regrets, he could only move forward. This fog around the soul avatar is a magic he created to gather the stardust energy released inside the small world.

He fully intends to change all his magicule capacity into stardust energy!

This was also the reason why spiritual lifeforms could thrive inside his small world without a physical body, the energy inside is completely independent to the outside world. Add the fact that it has its own rules that's completely different to the Cardinal World.

In essence, his small world has become a paradise for magic borne creatures with physical bodies and spiritual lifeforms without physical bodies. He unintentionally created a nurturing ground for powerful monsters that will turn the world upside down in the future.

But that is another story for the future.

Hearing this voice and the familiar aura, the 3 dragons immediately knelt down in one knee and said in a loud but respectful voice, "Supreme One! Thank you for bestowing us names and allowing us to break free from our shackles to evolve further!"

Chiasa was too stunned at the sudden turn of events, and it was too fast for her to process. Regardless, she immediately knew the identity of the newcomer, she also knelt down and said, "Chiasa greets the 'Absolute' King of the Gods!"

It was none other than the 'Absolute' King of the Gods!

The being only mentioned in the legends and only appeared once but never showed his appearance. She pursued strength her whole life to gain the recognition of the being in front of her. Now that he appeared here, she can't control her emotions as her emotions currently are at the highest that they have ever been for her whole life of 268 years!

The soul avatar just looked at them coldly, although he repeatedly said that they don't have to kneel down every time he appears, these dragons are just stubborn.

He immediately checked their conditions and was shocked to the changes of the dragons, so he asked emotionlessly, "All of your elements have deviated from your previous one, what happened?"

Hearing the question of the Supreme One, Doryu was the one who answered, "Supreme One, that is indeed the case, upon waking up, we were surprised at our changes, so we spoke with each other. We came to the conclusion that we viewed our previous elements as 'inferior' types, so we yearned for a more powerful variant. After consolidating our strength, I found out that I now possess the Ghost attribute, changing my race to a Ghost True Dragon King. Ehecatl now possess the lightning attribute, making her a Lightning True Dragon King and Viper carries the nether attribute, making him a Nether True Dragon King."

The soul avatar fell into complete silence as he digested the information he heard and thought to himself, 'They indeed possess a different attribute, but it should have stemmed from their original. In other words, their original attributes were strengthened. Moreover, they have a 'True Dragon' title, but they are still ants in front of the real True Dragons. This should only be an evolutionary stage for the dragon race, the highest and the strongest.'

After reaching this conclusion, he was very satisfied at the surprises bought by these 3 dragons that followed him the longest.

He finally remembered something and asked, "You should have sensed it as well, I transferred human souls to you during the moment I named the three of you, what happened there?"

This time, Ehecatl was the one who answered, "Supreme One, we actually needed 5,000 souls to evolve to a True Dragon King. We also needed to possess a physical body, which you provided using your Extra Skill "Split Body", and a strong sense of individuality, which we harnessed while staying inside the small world. These are 3 requirements needed to be fulfilled to reach the highest evolutionary stage of dragons. However, the 3 of us extracted more than the souls required, I sincerely apologize for that, Supreme One!"

As the dragons bowed their head lower and asked for forgiveness, the soul avatar just tossed this problem at the back of his mind as a couple thousands of souls would not affect his Soul Pool. Moreover, he can clearly see that they have extracted more souls because of their desire to grow stronger and be of use to him, the additional souls that they have extracted should have been the 'vessel' that they used to absorb more magicules and not die from magicule poisoning. Thus, he said.

"It's not a problem as long as all of you made use of it efficiently, but I will not tolerate any kind of failures from the tasks that I will be handing out."

After saying this, he ignored the dragons and turned to look at the still kneeling elf who reached the 'Enlightened' stage.

"Chiasa, you finally reached your lifelong dream, but are you contented with your current strength?"

He asked meaningfully as if he's hinting at something.

Chiasa has heard the entire exchange between the dragons and the being floating in the air, so she immediately changed her way of addressing him and said, "Supreme One, I always thought that when I overcame my limits, I will be able to stand as an equal with the original dragon lords. But clearly, that is just my delusion." She then glanced at the dragons that are still kneeling down without any changes to their expression, seeing that they didn't even take her seriously, she sighed heavily.

The soul avatar nodded his head as he heard Chiasa, "You are correct that you are indeed inferior to them currently. But they have already exhausted their potential and they have no more chances to evolve further. You have a potential to really surpass them, but at the end of the day, potential is all that you have." He reminded her in an ancient voice.

Without waiting for their responses, he waved his hand and a silver-haired elf that was sleeping inside a barrier appeared in front of them.

"Take care of her." He said slowly then disappeared immediately afterwards.

As the oppressive atmosphere also disappeared, they finally looked at the elf encased in a barrier and Chiasa recognized her immediately and shouted, "Morgana!"

She ran towards the barrier but was deflected strongly. She only grunted the pain away as she charged at the barrier again, but before she could move again, a soft hand landed on her shoulder, and she heard a melodious voice beside her ear.

"Easy now, dear. You don't want to disturb her evolutionary slumber, don't you?"




An isolated island in the middle of the Ocean.

An extremely huge summoning circle was imprinted in an open ground.

In front of the summoning circle stood 6 humans with different appearances.

4 were males and the other 2 were females. After dividing his divine soul and letting them inhabit his Extra Skill "Split Body", he extracted 5 powerful souls that belonged to cultivators that he slaughtered in the past and completely erased their memories and viscously altered their souls to make them completely loyal to him. After he was done, he let his clones devour these souls completely and create a new ego, personality and self-image.

The result was more than what he expected.

After reforging their souls, the clones immediately grasp powerful skills and absorbed stardust at an unbelievable rate. They directly bypassed magicules and went on to absorb stardust energy. The most unbelievable thing was that these 5 clones were recognized by the voice of the world and obtained the 'Demon Lord Seed'. All along he thought that the only thing he lacked was a name to obtain the 'Demon Lord Seed', but his clones obtained it before him, and they don't possess a name. But even so, he still didn't panic as he was certain that to evolve to an 'Awakened' Demon Lord, one must possess a name as one of the requirements. So, he came to a conclusion that he needed something else before he could obtain the long coveted 'Demon Lord Seed'.

In conclusion, these 5 clones were already bona fide beings at the level of 'Demon Lord Seeds'. They are far stronger than Chiasa, an enlightened one. When in reality, they should be on the same level. They could already contend with the 3 True Dragon Kings, if not defeat them. The strength of the 3 True Dragon Kings could be considered on the lowest end of the 'Awakened' Demon Lord level, although it was not strong compared to other 'Awakened' Demon Lords. It was still terrifying for the current him.

So right now, the military strength that he possesses could be summed up as follows.

The strongest were his 5 clones, then he would be ranked second as he can now defeat the 3 True Dragon kings, then the 3 True Dragon Kings and lastly would be Chiasa and Morgana who are both at the 'Enlightened' stage and are the parallel of 'Demon Lord Seeds'.

A feat that was supposed to be impossible!

Lifeforms that only possess a demon lord seed and a being that does not even possess a demon lord seed are stronger than the monsters that are on par with a newly awakened demon lord. One could only imagine how powerful they would become if all of them could awaken. This could be attributed to his divine soul that could allow him to constantly absorb magicules and stardust energy without exploding.

If he would count his small world inhabitant's strength as well, then he could mobilize several thousands of Kijins, Baki, Gyuuki and Dragon Lords. After almost a millennium inside the small world, Kijins which were evolved form of ogres, Baki the evolved form of Mezus, Gyuuki the evolved form of Gozus and the Dragon Lords the highest evolution stage for dragons without the aid of a name, human souls and a strong sense of self, appeared one after another and established the ecosystem inside the small world.

Not only that, but there were also other races as well such as elves, dwarves, elementals and fairies (elementals that incarnated into a physical body and is corrupted by magicules), cryptids, insectars and magical beasts.

Right now, he intends to summon demons and rear them inside the small world. He was also hellbent on capturing some stray giants in the Barren Lands but was afraid of the True Demon Lord Dagruel and was only able to capture over a hundred of them. But it was already enough as they were already reproducing inside the small world.

With the help of the accelerated time inside the small world, he was confident on raising an army of monsters the quickest. And he was also confident that his small world will continue to expand, so he doesn't need to mind the convolution inside.

Although he doesn't really need them at this moment, it wasn't so bad if there are powerful individuals under him that could complete menial tasks for him. He was just raising these monsters just to satisfy his regrets of his second life wherein he dreamt of creating a paradise for monsters and beasts.

He also considered putting in humans in his small world, but he learned that they can't stand a dense amount of magicule concentration unless they became semi-spiritual beings, thus he ignored them. Another reason was because of the biases he held towards humans. Monsters and humans will never bridge the gap between them, coexistence between them may exist in the short run but true coexistence is just naivety.

He would never side with humanity again after what he went through at their hands during his second life. It was a groundless bias, but he intends to go all out this life and he doesn't want any fickle beings near him.

"Hurry up and summoned them already!" This urging broke his train of thoughts. When he looked at the direction of the voice, he was met with a wide smile from a teenage boy.

This was one of his clones, a playful teenager boy with fiery personality. His clones also consisted of a tolerant and open-minded old woman that looks like a grandmother, a quiet and reserved middle-aged woman and epitome of motherhood, a calm and stoic 30-year-old dude that seems to embody stability and the strongest of them all was an arrogant but reticent young man that has a cold air surrounding him.

After looking at all of his clones, he walked towards the humongous summoning circle and chanted the demon summoning magic. After several seconds, more than 500 lesser demons were summoned and due to the bindings, that were enforced during the summoning, they didn't move as if they were statues. Seeing the number of lesser demons that were summoned, he thought to himself, 'More than 500 were summoned with just my mana capacity, if I were to use the magicules inside the small world, I could probably summon at least 5,000 of them.'

He looked at the more than 500 lesser demons and ordered his clones before leaving, "Stuff them inside the small world and let them wreak havoc to destroy the peace inside... And summon more of them, the stronger the better."

"And where are you going?" asked the teenager boy.

"It's none of your business." In which, he just replied coldly.


The teenage boy stuck out his tongue and insulted him for more than a hundred times in his mind before heading towards the demons.

He just looked at the boy like a big brother and walked away. The reason he wanted to let the demons wreak havoc inside is to destroy the inhabitant's sense of security because only war, destruction and carnage can give birth to powerful heroes.

He intends to nurture these monsters and beasts through constant fighting.

And just like that the years passed by in the blink of an eye.




5 years left before the birth of a Unique Slime.

During these 5 years, the small world has continuously absorbed not only magicules but also stardust energy. Causing it to enlarge faster than expected. Before, it was estimated that it would take at least 2 years to have another 50,000 square kilometers increase. However, ever since the stardust energy became abundant, the small world quickly enlarged to over 550,000 square kilometers, but the accelerated time has stopped increasing at 1,500 when it reached 500,000 square kilometers.

It was still exaggerated when one thinks about it. 1 day in the real world is equivalent to 1,500 days inside the small world. This was extremely beneficial to creatures that was freed from lifespan to grow stronger such as demons, dragons, elementals, cryptids, insectars and so much more.

Currently in the White Haven.

3 True Dragon Kings alongside 50 Dragon Lords and 1,500 Arch dragons were bowing their huge draconic heads towards a floating white-haired soul avatar.

After the successful evolution of the 3 True Dragon Kings, all dragons also went into evolutionary slumbers, and it resulted in creating 50 new dragons lords and 1450 new arch dragons. This number might not be that huge, but one had to know how difficult it is for dragons to procreate and evolve.

Not only that, but the weakest among them is also considered to be at A- (A minus) rank or the Hazard-class and the strongest, the 3 True Dragon kings, could go all the way up to S- (S minus) rank or the Disaster-class and this was only based on their magicule count, not their actual skills and proficiencies. Thus, this was a force to be reckoned with.

The reason that they were all gathered together here was to officially form the Dragon Corps. The soul avatar was shocked to see the explosive growth of the dragons, so he spontaneously called all dragon lords and arch dragons here in the White Haven to avoid the imbalance of power in the 4 mini continents. He wants to nurture these dragons to be his subordinates and fighters, it wasn't exactly in his plans to create the Dragon Corps, but now that they have grown to such heights. He wanted to create a place where they truly belong. A place where they can grow stronger together.

"Congratulations on your successful evolution!" He first shouted to hype the spirits of the dragons.



All of them responded in a resounding dragon roars that shook the whole White Haven and was even heard by the inhabitants below.

The soul avatar nodded in satisfaction and continued, "From today onwards, all of you shall be part of the Dragon Corps! And this entire White Haven shall be your home and training grounds, take care of it and grow stronger!"


Another earth-shattering dragon roars resounded as the dragons expressed their excitement. A sense of belonging sprouted from the bottom of their hearts.

Witnessing this scene, the soul avatar just looked at them normally, no sense of accomplishment was felt. It may be due to his Unique Skill, or it just wasn't enough to satisfy him greatly, regardless, he just continued and called out loudly the 3 True Dragon Kings.


3 humans appeared beside him immediately and kneeled on one knee.

"Viper, Ehecatl and Doryu will be your commanders-in-chief." He declared in an ancient voice filled with undeniable majesty then disappeared immediately afterwards.

Viper, Ehecatl and Doryu couldn't even respond to their Supreme One before he disappeared, but they weren't surprised as it was already a normal thing for the Supreme One to disappear immediately after accomplishing things. They stood up and just sighed while shaking their heads.

Doryu then shouted at all the stunned dragons, "Now! I want all of you to experience hell!"




After forming the organization of the Dragon Corps. He immediately went to the Forbidden Zone, the highest layer of heaven in his small world.

Inside this vast gathering of grey clouds stood 4 doors, and in front of these 4 doors were 4 humans that are accompanied with 4 glowing orbs of light.

"How much chance of success do we have?" He immediately asked the 4 humans as soon as he arrived.

"Main body, you worry too much! Don't worry I will succeed in my own way and in my own terms!" A confident young voice came from his side as a teenage boy loudly proclaimed while grinning from ear to ear.

"Hahahaha, it's so good to be young and full of energy." An elderly female voice also resounded as he looked at the teenage boy that's full of spirit. She then continued solemnly "Only 30% chance of success."

The white-haired soul avatar become solemn after hearing it, but he quickly shook his head as determination filled his pair of scarlet eyes.

"The Voice of the World has already sensed my small world, and we have no other choice but to succeed." He said in a low voice, but all of his clones managed to hear it.

He then looked at the teenage boy that has already quieted down, then to the grandmother with a deep frown, to the middle-aged lady that's deep in contemplation with the her head hanging down low and finally to a large dude that just stood there with his arms crossed in his chest with a stoic face and said, "It doesn't matter if we only have 30% chance of success, force it to reach 100%."

He then to look at the sleeping young man not far away and said, "We'll commence after he awakens into a True Demon Lord, and after you received his gifts to increase our chances of success."

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