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Chapter 2: 2. Detention


"Open your textbooks to chapter 5..." I zone out of class as Mr. Brown talks about chemistry but I'm too busy doodling on my notebook to listen. I'm already 3 chapters ahead of class so not paying attention isn't a problem.

Not to brag or anything but I'm pretty good at Chemistry, not that I love it or anything, I just have to be good at it. I never really had any interests in science but, mums orders. I'm only doing it to impress my mom. Gosh I miss her.

Someone threw a paper at me from behind. What the actual fuck?! I'm trying to concentrate on my doodling here! Another paper hits me and i turn around to face the annoying brat and to my greatest demise, it was King asshole. He was staring at me with zero to no expression on his face.

What the hell is wrong with this kid? I decide not to allow him distract me and concentrate on the class, so i turn around to pay attention but he keeps on bugging me. He pokes, scratches, tickels, he does everything possible to distract me.

I really tried my best to stay focused but this kid was just too annoying. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!! WHAT IN THE WORLD DO YOU WANT?! HUH?!!". I practically screamed at the top of my lungs. The whole class fell silent and all eyes were on Nathaniel and I. I was so embarrassed, I'm really not the type to cause any sort of trouble or distract the class. I turned to look at Nathaniel and he was looking back at me with a smirk on his beautiful face. Thats literally the only expression he's made.

"Miss Brooks, Detention." Mr. Brown said, looking at me sternly "But its his fault, He started itt" i whined "Fine, you're both under detention and since you like talking to each other a lot I'm making you two lab partners until you graduate" All colors drained from my face. Isn't it bad enough that I got into detention? Now I'm lab partners with the asshole?! Could today get any worse!

Nathaniel didn't look happy about it either, not that i would know. He has probably had that emotionless expression on his face since the day he was born. I didn't bother paying any attention to him and he stopped bugging me. Seems like he finally got what he wanted. Asshole.


"Hey baby girrll!" Screamed Mikel, my best friend. "Hey sunshine" I laugh.

Mikel has been my best friend since elementary school. He has always been there through important moments of my life. We bonded mostly over our skin color. We used to get bullied alot because we were black. Mikel was also in the closet for far too long and when he finally came out as gay, the bullying increased. All we had and still have is each other.

"I have teaa" He sang in a high pitched voice. "Always so extra" i mentally face palm. "Spill" i say. " So y'know i went to the eye clinic yesterday? So get this. There was another guy in the waiting room with me. He Is mexican, tall has big beautiful green eyes and all. He's so frickin hott. And his voice, Uh. I wish i took a picture". He says all in one breath. "Awe, someone's in lovee" i tease "Yasss, I've fallen helplessly in love" he sighs. "Do you even know his name?" i ask in amusement "Sadly i do not. Before i could say something, my name got called to the doctors office and when i came out, he was gone. I don't think I'm ever going to see him again" he said. Looking as sad as ever "But I'll find him. I know i will" i says with a whole lot of enthusiasm.

Mikel continued to talk about how hot his mystery dude is as we eat cupcakes. We talk about how Nathaniel has been a pest in my life since these past few days. I tell him about what happened in class and he was so happy and jumpy, saying some incoherent words. I still didn't get why he was so happy though.

The bell rang signifying the end of lunch. I kissed Mikel on his cheek and headed straight to class


I feel like a prisoner here. I've never really been in detention before so this is a first. Its really not that bad. Its quiet and it helped me concentrate on the my math homework.

Suddenly the door opened and Nathaniel walked in like he owned the place. "You're 30 minutes late Nathaniel" The teacher in fron of us said. He doesn't acknowledge her or anyone for that matter. He walks straight to the seat behind me.

I didn't bother looking in his direction but i could still feel him staring at me. "What?" I ask and he just stares at me. I roll my eyes and continue to work on my math homework

"Keep rolling those eyes, maybe you're gonna find a brain back there" he says still staring at me. "Oh wow, it speaks" i say rolling my eyes once again

He didn't bother saying anything after that. He just kept throwing stuff at me like he did the last time and i was getting really irritated. "What do you want King?" I say getting really annoyed. But this bitch doesn't say anything. He just keeps on staring.

So i turn my seat around to face him. And i just stay there staring at him. He was even hotter up close. You could see some of the imperfections on his face but that's what made him even hotter. He had a scar by the side of his left eye. He had little freckles on his face and his eyelashes are long as fuck. His eyes are so beautiful. Brown eyes are soo good on him.

"You have really beautiful eyes" i blurted out. I wasn't lying though, any girl would love to get lost looking at his eyes. Not me tho.

He doesn't say anything in reply, he just chuckled. Oh my God. "Did you just chuckle?! That was barely even a chuckle" i say utterly shocked at his sudden expression. He still doesn't say anything, he just looks at me with amusement written all over his face.

After some time, i took out my last box of blueberry cupcakes and took a bite out of one. Nathaniel looking at me the whole time. "I want a cupcake" he says. "And why on earth do you think i would give you one of my cupcakes after what you did the last time" retorting back at him. "Can you just give me the cupcake" he rolls his eyes.

"No" i say before taking another bite out of this sugary goodness.

He didn't give up. He tried his best, he shook the table, he stretched, he even tried snatching the one i was eating. When the time was 4p.m. i packed my stuff and left, leaving a cupcake behind for Nathaniel.

"I'm dropping you off" he says as we walk towards the parking lot. "Is that supposed to be a question or an order? i don't take orders from assholes" i say and try to walk towards my bike

I actually tried to walk towards my bike but King dragged me over to his car by my waist. "Get in" he enters is car. I really wanted to get into the car because I'm tired as fuck but I don't want to because i don't like his presence. So my stubborn ass walks over to my bike.

I felt him grip my arm, not too tight but tight enough so i wouldn't move. "Did i stutter? i said get in the fucking car" he said with slight annoyance in his voice.

"I don't have a choice do i?" I say and gets into the passenger seat "no cupcake, you dont" he says and starts the Engine. The ride to my house wasn't as awkward as i thought it would be, i gave him directions but it seemed like he didn't need them. It was more like a comfortable silence with soft music playing from the radio.

He stops at my house and doesn't even look at me. I drop another cupcake as a thank you, even though he practically forced me to come here with him. I left his car without a glance back. I could here him zoom off immediately i left his car. I roll my eyes and open the door.

I say hi to trish and go up to my room. I flop down on my bed and pick up my phone to text Mikel. After that i took a bath and went back to my bed. Decided to pick up a book to read but immediately i climbed my bed, the darkness took over.

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