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Chapter 42: The Duke's Bracelet

"I am contemplating on summoning a weapon from my wellspring of armaments, an artefact I had forsaken in the unfathomable depths of the Abyss," Shroud declared, an exotic gleam cavorting within his gaze, veiling the conventional countenance he bore in this realm.

The Whisper, unfailingly astute, discerned this shimmer and concealed a subtle smile, whispering within itself, [It appears that you have not entirely disentangled yourself from your former self, Autumn.]

[Very well, I shall lend my assistance in the summoning ritual, but I must forewarn you, my capabilities extend only to providing the exact measure of energy requisite for the creation of a fleeting spatial rift,] The Whisper declared.

[In that ephemeral juncture, it is imperative that you seize hold of a formidable armament,] The Whisper cautioned, its ethereal essence taking tangible form in the corporeal realm.

The Whisper's ethereal energy coagulated into a doppelganger of Shroud, assuming form before him. They bore an eerie semblance, yet radiated entirely disparate auras.

One projected a tranquil yet formidable presence, while the other exuded the essence of a primordial, untamed beast.

The Whisper elegantly stretched forth its arm, signalling Shroud to replicate the gesture. Discerning the unspoken cue, Shroud extended his own arm, and their palms converged in a graceful clasp.

[Remember, I will provide only the necessary energy. Ensure you utilize it all, or the procedure may fail,] The Whisper admonished, signalling Shroud to brace himself.

A torrent of energy surged from The Whisper's palm into Shroud's, revitalizing his severed meridians. However, Shroud harboured no intention of mending them at this moment.

With deft mastery, he restricted the alien energy to his limb, its brilliance now confined to his arm. Shroud cast a fleeting glance toward The Whisper, who responded with an approving nod.

In response to The Whisper's silent approval, Shroud initiated a sweeping arc through the air, resulting in a deafening rupture echoing through the expanse.

The very fabric of the dimensional realm trembled and started to splinter beneath the force of his slash. "[Shroud, the moment is upon us,]" The Whisper urged, while a diminutive, football-sized rift into another dimension manifested before Shroud.

With the successful creation of the dimensional rift and The Whisper's task complete, [Haiz, materializing a body consumes an immense amount of energy,] it complained as its physical form disintegrated, returning to Shroud's mental consciousness.

After returning to Shroud's mental consciousness, The Whisper observed with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, fully aware of the unpredictable consequences that could arise from rupturing the fabric of space.

[You possess a mere span of 20 seconds,] The Whisper reminded Shroud, emphasizing the limited timeframe before the dimensional rift would seal.

Acknowledging the limited time, Shroud inclined his head and gazed into the newly opened dimensional rift, unveiling the liminal expanse between realms that harboured the vestiges of his bygone existence—the Abyss.

With deliberate intent, Shroud extended his hands into the rift, closing his eyes to immerse himself in unwavering concentration, fixating on the coveted weapon buried within the recesses of his memories.

Visions of the Abyss flitted across his inner sight, resurrecting recollections of his days as the illustrious Grand Duke and the formidable armament he had relinquished—the Ebor Nocturnal Nexus.

Ebor Nocturnal Nexus, the weapon that had once been the indomitable emblem of his reign as the Grand Duke of the Abyss, languished in profound obscurity.

Its very appellation bore the gravitas of myth—an artefact born in the crucible of unbridled chaos, tempered by the vitae of innumerable skirmishes.

Ebor Nocturnal Nexus transcended the mere classification of a weapon; it was an heirloom of his personal craftsmanship, meticulously designed to harmonize with his singular combat technique.

Shroud extended his hand, his fingers quivering with a fusion of eager anticipation and lingering uncertainty. The merest tremor of the sought-after weapon resonated within his senses.

Drawing in a deep, fortifying breath, his unwavering gaze pierced the rift's abyssal expanse. In a resolute and commanding tone, he pronounced, "Manifest."


Amidst the immeasurable reaches of the Abyss sprawl, numerous realms are fraught with peril. Among this treacherous labyrinth of locales, a particular region, perched at the extreme northern precipice, bears the sobriquet of the Absolute North.

It is within this ethereal dominion that The Duchery of the Grand Duke holds its sovereign domain. Here, ensconced in the heart of the Grand Duchy's Hall of Nebula, lies the repository of the Grand Duke Autumn Korosten's uncountable wealth and the array of formidable armaments he wielded.

Though a mere three months had transpired since the Duke's departure from the Abyss, the inner sanctums retained their timeless allure, preserved in their pristine state through the diligent efforts of a singularly industrious servant—Trinity.

Yet, on this particular day, an anomaly unfurled. From the heart of the nebulous inner hall, an object commenced to quiver—an object of unassuming elegance, a wrist adornment of modest proportions. This bracelet, bedecked with three resplendent gems encircling its perimeter, belied its apparent simplicity.

The once sombre, greyish-black gems that adorned the bracelet underwent a striking metamorphosis, their hues morphing into vivid crimson. In an inexplicable display of sentience, the bracelet levitated, suspended in the air and commenced a graceful pirouette.

Then, with an abrupt *swoosh* followed by a resounding *shatter*, it catapulted forward with astonishing force, shattering one of the grand windows in its path.

A palpable yearning emanated from the bracelet, an irresistible pull, guiding it toward a direction that seemed to call out to it with an almost magnetic allure.


As Shroud's connection to the resonating force strengthened, he began to perceive the presence of the weapon with greater clarity.

His eyes, now imbued with an otherworldly luminescence reminiscent of his former state as the Grand Duke, glistened with renewed purpose.

"It is here," Shroud murmured, the conviction in his voice reflecting his certainty. Sensations akin to adhesive tendrils enveloped his wrist as if the bracelet had melded with his flesh.

"Success," Shroud pronounced in a dispassionate monotone, yet The Whisper's prompt drew his attention, compelling him to respond promptly. [Withdraw your hand, now,] The Whisper urgently communicated. Without hesitation, Shroud disentangled his hand from the dimensional threshold, narrowly evading the rift's closure.

In that split-second of timing, a fraction of delay would have resulted in the catastrophic severing of his hand from his body.

As the dimensional fabric knit itself back together in accordance with the laws of spacetime, Shroud watched the healing rift before diverting his gaze to his left wrist, now adorned with the Ebor Nocturnal Nexus.


Item Name: Ebor Nocturnal Nexus(Bracelet form)

Grade: Supreme Transcendental Prestige Weapon

Description: Crafted by the Grand Duke of the Eternal Abyss, Autumn Korosten, this peerless artefact bears the appellation of a Supreme Transcendental Prestige Weapon.

State: Dormant, <Charge: 0%>

Conditions for Awakening: Requisite energy infusion to achieve activation.


As both Shroud and The Whisper fixed their gaze upon the Ebor Nocturnal Nexus, The Whisper's voice resonated with an undeniable sense of awe.

[Ebor Nocturnal Nexus... Hahaha, so this was the weapon you sought,] The Whisper exclaimed, its ethereal tone carrying both awe and astonishment. [I must say I am impressed, Autumn,] The Whisper added.

"It was indeed a risk, but it appears that my connection with this weapon remains unbroken. Now, I believe it's time for us to embark on our task," Shroud declared, his words resolute, just as a looming shadow cast its vast silhouette over them.

With a deft and precise movement, Shroud swivelled, delivering a swift blow that struck a Chariot in mid-leap as it charged toward him. Given his current physical prowess, Shroud's strike caused only minor damage to the outer shell of the Honkai beast.

However, the unique bracelet, having been the instrument of impact, exerted more formidable durability than Shroud's own physical strength. Consequently, the exterior of the Chariot Honkai beast's shell began to fissure and crack due to the bracelet's sturdiness.

*Growl* Emitting a subdued growl, the Chariot beast faltered, its colossal form succumbing to the relentless assault.

At this moment, the gems adorning the bracelet responded with an ethereal radiance, embarking on their arcane work. With an otherworldly glow, they commenced the absorption of Honkai energy from the lifeless remains of the beast.

In swift succession, the bracelet completed its absorption of the entirety of the Honkai energy contained within the fallen beast.

As the last vestiges of energy were assimilated, the once-mighty creature disintegrated into a cascade of Honkai particles, dissipating into the ether. Simultaneously, the resplendent luminescence within the gems diminished, signifying the termination of their spectral radiance.

Ebor Nocturnal Nexus: <Charge: 0.04%>

To be continued...


A/N: I hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

So, I've designed the Honkai beasts and zombies in a way that when an Honkai beast dies, remnants of Honkai energy remain within its body, aiding in maintaining its form.

This concept mirrors how electrostatic interactions among atoms and molecules uphold our own bodies. For Honkai beasts, their internal Honkai energy preserves their bodies' integrity; upon death, these interactions gradually wane.

Once fully dissipated, the Honkai beast's body either diffuses into the air as residual Honkai energy or undergoes decomposition, akin to other animals. It's as if their bodies experience decomposition—or perhaps disintegration in their case—similar to our own bodies, but contingent on their size.

A larger Honkai beast retains more residual Honkai energy, which delays disintegration, offering a reason why they don't immediately turn to dust. The lingering energy in their bodies postmortem sustains the preservation of their corpses.

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