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Mysterious Abyssal Arts{Light Arts}

Light Arts:

The Light Arts harnessed through Yang energy, represent a facet of the Mysterious Abyssal Arts that emphasize control and precision. In contrast to their name, these arts are not inherently benevolent but are known for their meticulous manipulation of energy.

Practitioners prioritize mastery over raw power, utilizing their skills to influence, enhance, and shape the fundamental energies of the universe.

The path of Light Arts leans towards the control and direction of energy, fostering the delicate balance between their capabilities and responsibilities.

Rather than pure destruction, these arts find strength in their restraint, offering a testament to the potential of precise control and manipulation within the Mysterious Abyssal Arts.


1. Karma: Yang Rebirth:

A radiant counterpart to its Yin-based kin, Karma: Yang Rebirth is a technique that draws upon the luminous essence of Yang energy. This art allows practitioners to rekindle the spirit's vitality, offering a spiritual rejuvenation that mirrors the rejuvenation of the physical body.

The effectiveness of the technique remains intertwined with one's Karma, and in times of insufficient Yang energy, a profound sacrifice is needed to restore the spiritual essence—a testament to the delicate balance within the Light Arts.

2. Fluxus (Flux): (A/N: This is arguably the most powerful technique in OC's arsenal)

"Fluxus" is the art of manipulating the fundamental energy of the universe, a skill that grants practitioners the ability to control the very essence of existence. Users progress through a spectrum of abilities, each with its unique applications and constraints.

This skill is a journey of understanding and mastery, enabling individuals to shape, redirect, and infuse energy in its various forms.

While each sub-skill aligns with different ranks, all practitioners share a common understanding of the interconnectedness of energy in the cosmos.

"Fluxus" allows for a multitude of applications, including the manipulation of living organisms' bio-energetic fields, the crafting of ethereal constructs, and even the ability to control the distribution and flow of energy within systems and objects that depend on it; systems that require the flow of energy.

As practitioners advance in their knowledge, they gain control over chaotic energy, elemental forces, time manipulation, and cosmic phenomena. "Fluxus" users learn to shape destinies and even transcend the boundaries of reality itself.

However, mastery of "Fluxus" comes with its own set of challenges and responsibilities. The balance between capability and limitation must be carefully maintained to avoid unintended consequences and the potential for disruption in the very fabric of existence.

With each rank and sub-skill, users unlock new dimensions of control over the fundamental forces of existence. This affords unique advantages in various situations and the potential to reshape reality itself.

While the limits of "Fluxus" are not fully known, it remains an intricate and potent skill that serves as a testament to the limitless potential of human or otherworldly mastery.

(Note: I have distributed the sub-skills and arranged them according to the rank required for one to use them, let me know what you think?)

Scavenger / Howling:

a. Vitali-Flux Infusio (aka Vitali-Flux Infusion): At this rank, users can infuse objects with vitality, enhancing their life force and durability.

b. Sensus Surge Energiae (aka Energy Surge Sense): Users can sense surges of energy in their vicinity, helping them identify energy-dependent objects or potential threats.

Impaired / Rusty:

a. Psycho-Energeticum (aka Psycho-Energetic Resonance): Users can establish deeper connections with the psyche of living organisms, influencing emotions and thoughts.

b. Energeticum Ethericum Manifestatio (Etheric Flux Manifestation): The ability to materialize ethereal energy is typically accessible to users at this rank.

These four subskills mentioned above are rather passive, so most of the time, I wouldn't mention them in the chapters since they operate in the background. However, if there is a moment where clarification is needed, I would be happy to explain it at that moment

Outlawed / Forbidden:

a. Energiae Interruption (aka Energy Disruption): Energy Disruption: Users can disrupt the flow of energy, causing interference and chaos within energy-dependent systems and objects.

This disruption temporarily shuts down the system, but once someone starts them again or applies external force, everything is restored to its previous state.

b. Energetica Accumulans (aka Energy Accumulation): This skill focuses on accumulating energy and further enhances their superhuman abilities or it lets them just gather energy for an energy accumulated discharge attack.

Fallen / Sinful:

a. Alchemia Chaos-Flux (aka Chaos-Flux Alchemy): Users of this skill have the power to manipulate entropy, causing systems or objects to move from a state of order to one of disorder, randomness, or chaos.

They can introduce chaotic energy into a system, disrupting its natural order and potentially causing damage to its functionality. This disruption temporarily disables the system, leading to a random and disordered state.

However, once the chaotic energy is removed or neutralized, the system returns to its original state, albeit it could be damaged.

b. Elementorum Energeticum Dominatio (aka Mastery of Elemental Energy): Users of this skill possess the ability to influence specific properties and behaviours of the classical elements: earth, fire, water, and air, in ways that adhere to scientific principles.

Anguished / Agony:

a. Distortio Temporal-Flux (aka Temporal-Flux Distortion): Users of this skill can manipulate minuscule instances of time within a limited area, allowing for subtle alterations of events at a micro-level.

Instead of controlling time as a whole, they can influence very brief moments, making minor adjustments to the temporal flow.

b. Convergentia Cosmicum Flux (aka Cosmic Flux Convergence): This skill involves harnessing cosmic forces to the extent that users can affect celestial bodies or tap into the power of distant stars.

Reborn / Red Lotus:

a. Aetheriale Flux Unio (aka Aetherial Flux Unison): Users can merge their energies with the aether, gaining control over ethereal and otherworldly energies, including astral planes and spiritual realms.

Myriad / Nirvana:

a. Quantum Fluxus Dominatio (aka Quantum Flux Master): This skill grants users the ability to manipulate quantum states, affecting the fundamental building blocks of reality and quantum phenomena.

Zenith / Apex:

a. Manipulatio Dimensionum Cosmicarum (aka Cosmic Dimension Manipulation): This skill allows users to manipulate the fabric of the universe by controlling dimensions. Practitioners gain the ability to alter the dimensional structure, traverse different dimensions, and affect the fundamental laws that govern reality across these various planes of existence.

Here are some Limitations of Fluxus Mastery:

a. Comprehensive Knowledge Requirement: To effectively control various forms of flux, the user must possess an in-depth understanding of the scientific principles that govern them.

b. Mental and Physical Exhaustion: Manipulating diverse forms of flux places a significant mental and physical strain on the user.

Extensive use of the skill in a short period can lead to fatigue, concentration lapses, and even headaches or physical exhaustion. Rest and recovery are essential for maintaining the skill's effectiveness.

c. Body Limitation: While manipulating flux, the user's body may become vulnerable due to the immense concentration required.

In this state, the user may be less able to defend themselves or respond to immediate physical threats. This limitation makes them susceptible to physical harm when using the skill.

d. Specific Environmental Conditions: Achieving mastery over various forms of flux might require specific environmental conditions.

e. Concentration and Precision: Manipulating flux with precision and accuracy requires intense concentration. Any distractions or interruptions can lead to unintended consequences, potentially causing harm to the user or others.

f. Energy Depletion: The user's own energy and stamina are sources for manipulating flux. Excessive or prolonged use of the skill could lead to physical exhaustion and depletion of the user's personal energy reserves, necessitating time to recover and regain strength.

3. Psychic Dominion:

"Psychic Dominion," is a mental discipline that encompasses a range of psychic abilities. It allows practitioners to exert a measured level of control over the thoughts, emotions, and perceptions of both themselves and others.

It is a skill which is not just about overpowering one's targets but rather subtly influencing and shaping the mental landscape to achieve strategic advantage in various situations.

Psychic Dominion practitioners can create a connection between their minds and the minds of those they interact with, leading to a complex web of influence and understanding.

By honing their abilities, they can create an atmosphere of subtle manipulation, strategic decision-making, and tactical advantage. This skill requires a deep understanding of the human psyche.

As users progress in their mastery of Psychic Dominion, they learn to strike a balance between their own mental fortitude and their ability to influence others, making it a versatile skill that can be applied to various situations, from negotiations and diplomacy to subtle manipulation in battle.


a. Thought Manipulation: Users can subtly influence the thoughts and decisions of others without direct control, making them more suggestible to ideas or opinions.

b. Emotional Resonance: This sub-skill allows the user to influence the emotions of others, creating feelings of trust, fear, or camaraderie to sway the tide of battle.

c. Subliminal Suggestion: Users can plant subtle ideas or suggestions into the minds of their targets, influencing their decisions or actions without them realizing the source of the influence.

d. Sensory Distortion: This skill enables the user to temporarily manipulate what others perceive through their senses, causing disorientation or misinterpretation of their surroundings.

e. Mental Cloaking: Users can shield their thoughts and emotions, making it difficult for others to read or sense their intentions, providing a tactical advantage.

f.Psychic Projection: This sub-skill enables the user to project their consciousness or thoughts into a remote location, allowing them to observe or interact with distant places mentally.

g.Telepathic Communication: Users can establish a psychic link with others, facilitating silent and private communication through thoughts, even over long distances.

h. The Void Mind: An enigmatic technique enabling the user to induce a passive state within their own mind. Often considered risky due to its reputation, this method becomes Shroud's preferred choice when circumstances demand it.

While wielding the power of the Void Mind, the user's brain enters a passive mode, but this carries a significant peril. Their entire body goes passive, leading to involuntary actions and leaving them exposed.

i. Remote Control: This skill grants the user the ability to manipulate the body of a target. Operating in the mental realm, Remote Control offers a means to influence another's actions and decisions, making it a potent tool within the realm of mental abilities.

To employ Remote Control effectively, the psychic capabilities of the user must surpass those of their adversary, ensuring a delicate balance of power and control.

4. Thousand Hands: Avalokiteshvara:

In the realm of Light Arts, where precision and control reign supreme, "Thousand Hands Avalokiteshvara" stands as the embodiment of tranquillity and protection.

This technique draws its inspiration from the compassionate and benevolent Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva of mercy and enlightenment.

Unlike its fiery counterpart, "Thousand Hands: Asura", the "Thousand Hands Avalokiteshvara" channels Yang's energy to nurture and safeguard. It is a guardian of serenity, a bastion of peace, and a shield of compassion.

When practitioners invoke this technique, their aura transforms into an ethereal tapestry of countless luminous hands, each representing a unique facet of protection and solace. These hands radiate a soothing, golden light that envelops the user and those they seek to defend.

Each hand has a specific purpose:

Hand of Sanctuary: This hand radiates an aura of safety, creating an impenetrable barrier against external threats. It shields the user and allies from harm, providing refuge in times of peril.

Hand of Healing: A gentle touch from this hand soothes wounds and ailments, promoting swift recovery and alleviating suffering.

Hand of Empathy: This hand channels the user's empathy, allowing them to understand the emotions and intentions of others. It fosters communication and peace, de-escalating conflicts and misunderstandings.

Hand of Clarity: This hand dispels confusion and uncertainty, illuminating the path forward. It enhances decision-making and strategic planning in the midst of chaos.

Hand of Serenity: When activated, this hand bestows inner peace and tranquillity upon the user and their allies, fortifying their resolve and mental fortitude.

As the user advances in the mastery of "Thousand Hands Avalokiteshvara," they gain the ability to manifest a greater number of hands, offering enhanced protection and serenity.

Additionally, the technique can adapt to the user's intent. It can be deployed proactively, to create an aura of peace and harmony, or reactively, to shield against impending danger.

The ultimate expression of this technique, known as "Avalokiteshvara's Embrace," empowers the user to envelop entire communities or even nations in a protective and nurturing embrace, fostering peace and understanding on a grand scale.

"Thousand Hands Avalokiteshvara" is a testament to the Light Arts' focus on control and preservation, a beacon of hope and protection in the face of adversity.


A/N: These are all the skills that come under the Light arts. Feel free to comment on your thoughts.

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