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Chapter 97: The Act 2

In a secluded corner of Qīyùchéng city, a young woman with flowing ebony locks dashed through the area, her eyes fraught with apprehension and her breaths shallow and erratic.

"Ah, there you are," a male voice called out, causing the girl's hair to bristle in response. Despite her efforts to flee, she was quickly apprehended. "Gotcha!"

"Kyaa!- *mmph*," the girl attempted to scream, only to have her mouth muffled by the man's hand. She struggled against his grip, panic evident in her wide eyes, as he leaned in with a sinister proposition: "Won't you accompany me tonight, my dear?"

Terror gripped the girl as she recoiled from the man's advances, when suddenly...

"Hmm, you'll do," a melodious female voice resonated from the shadows, causing the man to glance around nervously. His gaze settled on a figure with cascading snow-white tresses and eyes like amber jewels, approaching them with an ethereal grace.

"What a beauty," the man murmured, his gaze fixated on the newcomer's enchanting allure. Pushing the girl away, he turned his attention to the captivating woman. "Oh, what a beauty you are. Care to indulge in some fun?" he proposed with a lecherous grin.

Yet, the woman remained silent, her gaze fixed on the girl lying forgotten on the ground. Enraged by her disregard, the man turned towards the woman and yelled, "Oi woman, don't ignore me!"

However, his protest had fallen on deaf ears as the white-haired woman lifted the chin of the black-haired girl and declared, "You will be a good vessel for the third."

"Don't ignore me!" the man shouted, lashing out with a punch, only to receive a sharp slap in return.


He crashed into the wall with a sickening crack, bones snapping audibly as he crumpled to the ground, blood seeping from his wounds, motionless.

Witnessing the scene unfold, the black-haired girl was unsure of what to do. For once, she felt gratitude towards the white-haired woman for saving her, but seeing the man's fate left her uncertain about her own.

"T-Thank you," the girl stammered and then immediately pleaded to be spared. "Can you please spare me?" she asked.

In response, the white-haired woman declared, "You shall be spared if you do your job, Third," before plunging her hand into the girl's chest.

Though the girl felt no pain, the sight of her saviour's hand embedded in her chest overwhelmed her, and she fainted on the spot. Unperturbed, the white-haired woman implanted a small gemstone inside the girl's heart before departing from the area.


Atop the hill overlooking Qīyùchéng, Luna, the woman with flowing white hair, materialized once more, her presence commanding the stillness of the night. "Two days remain until the appointed time. We must bolster our forces," she declared resolutely before setting off toward a specific destination.

Her keen eyes scanned the surroundings, expecting to encounter the menacing Honkai beasts that typically roamed the area. Yet, to her astonishment, she found a towering mound composed of their corpses.

Approaching the mountain of carcasses with furrowed brows, Luna muttered in disbelief, "Who could have done this?" She had been absent for only a brief span, yet her meticulously assembled army had been decimated in her absence.

With clenched fists, Luna scoured the area for any clues that might lead her to the perpetrator. After minutes of searching, she discovered a single strand of hair—jet black with a striking silver tip.

As she examined the unusual hair, a figure materialized in her mind she couldn't help but say out loud, "Senior?". Luna recalled Shroud's face, wondering if he was somehow connected to the devastation before her. 

Yet, her contemplation was interrupted as she spotted a peculiar marking beneath the heap of corpses. Intrigued, Luna swept aside the grisly remains with a wave of her hand, revealing a cryptic message etched into the earth: "Tomorrow, 9:30 AM, Qīyùchéng Culinary Restaurant."

"Did he expect my presence?" Luna muttered, her voice barely a whisper against the backdrop of uncertainty. Intrigued and wary, Luna's mind raced with questions. What awaited her at the specified time and place?

"I guess I will have to go and ask him directly," Luna muttered before gracefully departing from the area.


Tomorrow, precisely at 9:30 AM, within the confines of a private room at the Qīyùchéng Culinary Restaurant, a man savoured every bite of his delectable meal, immersed in culinary delight. Suddenly...


The sound of a gentle knock echoed through the room, followed by a voice. "Dear customer, a guest wishes to meet you," the voice belonged to a restaurant staff member. In response, the man nodded, his curiosity piqued. "Let her in."


With a creak, the doors swung open, revealing Luna, her presence ushering in an aura of intrigue and anticipation. She adorned a sleek black blazer over a crisp white blouse, paired with tailored black trousers.

Completing her ensemble were black leather ankle boots and a delicate silver pendant around her neck. Simple yet sophisticated, her outfit exuded confidence and elegance.

Her gaze swept the room with a discerning eye, ensuring every detail was in place, before settling on the man engrossed in his meal.

"He's still indulging his appetite with gusto," Luna mused to herself, suppressing a smirk to maintain her composed demeanour. Yet, the man's unexpected retort caught her off guard. "You know, it's not polite to remark on someone's dining habits."

Luna's response was swift, though she struggled to mask her surprise. "Understood," she replied tersely, while Autumn merely offered a nonchalant hum in return.

"First things first, please take a seat. It wouldn't do to leave a guest standing," Autumn graciously insisted, prompting Luna to accept and settle across from him.

With the meal concluded, Autumn's penetrating gaze met Luna's before he broached the topic at hand. "I sense curiosity brewing within you, much as it does within me. However..."

His pause was deliberate, his eyes locking with Luna's in silent understanding. "I suspect neither of us is inclined to accept simple answers at face value," he remarked, acknowledging the cautious dance they both performed.

From his pocket, Autumn withdrew a document, presenting it to Luna with solemnity. As Luna perused its contents, she observed the title: "Contract of Honesty."

At its apex lay a single sentence, accompanied by a fingerprint at the bottom corner—etched in blood. Luna raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Senior Shroud, This?"

"It's Autumn. Shroud is but an alias of the past," Autumn corrected Luna, pointing to his name beneath the blood print.

Regarding the document, Autumn elucidated, "This piece of parchment is exactly as its title suggests—an agreement of absolute honesty. We each pose one query, bound by the obligation to answer truthfully."

"Why present this to me?" Luna inquired, met with Autumn's earnest response. "I harbour a pressing question for you. Yet, fairness dictates reciprocity, hence this gesture."

Luna stifled a chuckle, inwardly acknowledging Autumn's newfound sense of equity. "Indeed," she muttered, "quite the turnaround for one so inquisitive in the Tundra."

As Luna glanced at the seemingly ordinary paper, she couldn't shake off the suspicion that it held more than met the eye. Yet, to her, it felt like just any ordinary paper—no mystical aura or hidden power emanated from it. She found herself stifling laughter, inwardly amused by what she perceived as Autumn's childish and foolish proposal.

However, it wasn't just her stifling laughter. Within Autumn's inner consciousness, he discerned faint whispers of stifled laughs and muffled chuckles. Although these sounds had a different origin and due to a different reason than hers, they were as clear as day, well within Autumn's consciousness that is.

Meanwhile, Autumn remained seated, observing Luna as she regained her composure. When Luna asked how to sign the document, Autumn simply explained, "Just stamp your fingerprint on the bottom left side, opposite to mine. It also requires your blood stamp."

"I see, quite an interesting toy you've got," Luna muttered with a mischievous smile. She wasn't entirely convinced of the document's authenticity, suspecting that Autumn was merely putting on an act to make it seem genuine.

She glanced around and spotted a small butter knife nearby. Without hesitation, she nicked her thumb with it and playfully stamped her thumb onto the paper. Then, just as she was about to ask for a pen, a sudden phenomenon interrupted her.

Words materialized beneath the spot where she had imprinted her thumb with blood—an inscription that read, "Kiana Fjórtán."

Kiana's eyes widened in disbelief as she fixed her gaze on the paper. Below the mark she had left, her true name now stood, a revelation that sent a chill down her spine.

"This..." Kiana murmured in shock as Autumn calmly remarked, "So, that's your true name, huh Kiana? Quite a nice name, given your previous alias Luna. It's no surprise your real name is associated with the moon, or rather, the Moonlight."

Kiana's palm twitched, when suddenly...


Before she could react, Autumn swiftly caught her attempted strike and held her in a firm grip. Despite her struggles, she couldn't break free. With a serious expression, Kiana began to exude the aura of a Reborn, ready to fight back. But then, Autumn's question halted her.

"Are you sure about this?"

Kiana paused, locking eyes with Autumn as his words hung in the air. "You know you can't kill me, right?"


Autumn's remark seemed to ignite a spark within her, fueling her aggression. With a swift motion, her jab edged closer to Autumn's chest, the pressure increasing dangerously. Another ounce of force and his rib cage might shatter beneath the onslaught.

"Senior," Kiana called out, her voice laced with a menacing edge that belied her usual aloof demeanour. Autumn met her gaze with his characteristic aloofness as she pressed her jab into his heart. Despite the pressure, he remained unfazed.

"Do you think that I can't kill you?" Kiana questioned, her voice dripping with menace.

Autumn paused, contemplating her words before responding calmly, "Though I may not know you well, I can confidently guarantee that you don't possess the heart of a monster."

"!!?" As Kiana heard those words, the intensity in her jab wavered, and her hand started to retract as she stared at Autumn with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. "Just who are you?" she demanded, her voice laced with urgency.

In response, Autumn posed a counter-question, "Is that the question you wish to ask me?"

After a moment of contemplation, Kiana nodded, affirming her inquiry. With a strange force seemingly binding him, Autumn met her gaze and answered truthfully, "I am a transmigrator..."


{Your Grace, you know you're quite the jerk for taking advantage of that girl,} Whisper remarked as Autumn made his way toward Thousand Feather College, where the Sports Feast was set to commence.

"Well, sometimes you must get your hands dirty, even if it may seem excessive," Autumn nonchalantly replied.

{However, you know that this plan was quite dangerous, right? Even if you were confident that the girl wouldn't kill you, you were a bit too carefree for your own safety,} Whisper complained, expressing concern over Autumn's bold strategy.

"Hey, it's her who decided to believe in that fake contract paper. Can you even believe an Honesty contract exists?" Autumn countered.

Indeed, the contract was a fabrication, but one question lingered: how was the paper able to discern Luna's true identity, or more specifically, Kiana's? The answer lay in Whisper's powers, specifically the Arts which he practised—Knowlegium Quantum Codex.


Art name: Knowledgeium Quantum Codex

Medium: Materialization on Illusive Canvas


The Knowledgeium Quantum Codex stands as a pinnacle of Blood Sea artistry, a singular masterpiece coveted by seekers of ultimate wisdom. It is said that those who possess it gain access to unparalleled omniscient knowledge, granted they possess the elusive lead necessary for activation.

This enigmatic canvas defies conventional perception, its surface swirling with cryptic symbols and hidden truths waiting to be unravelled. Promising enlightenment to those bold enough to decipher its secrets, it offers a gateway to true omniscient knowledge.

However, this profound enlightenment comes with a price. Once materialized, the canvas disappears for an extended period, its absence determined by the value and depth of the knowledge it imparts.


It was the power of the Knowledgeium Quantum Codex that assisted in revealing Luna's true name, with her blood stamp serving as the key.

{*Hah* Still, are you sure that asking that question was the right choice?} Whisper questioned as Autumn reminisced about the conversation he had with Kiana earlier.


"Alright, now that I have answered your query, I believe it's my turn," Autumn declared. Kiana looked at him with a wary gaze before eventually nodding in agreement. "Are you affiliated with the Honkai?" he asked.

As soon as the question left Autumn's lips, Kiana sensed a strange aura enveloping her, distinct from Autumn's presence. Proceeding cautiously, she decided to tell the truth.

"Yes," she replied, choosing not to divulge any further details. Autumn nodded and accepted her reply before rising from his seat and heading towards the door.

"You can eat all you want; I'll take care of the bill," he stated before exiting the room, leaving Kiana to contemplate the revelations of their candid exchange.

However, the tantalizing aroma of the food soon teased her senses, drawing her attention to the array of delicacies laid out before her. Her stomach let out an audible growl, signalling its hunger.

Glancing towards the door through which Autumn had departed, Kiana couldn't help but acknowledge, "At least he retains some semblance of conscience." A faint smile graced her lips, acknowledging Autumn's gesture with a hint of appreciation.

Yet, she couldn't shake off the perplexing sensation of satisfaction stemming from Autumn's seemingly basic act of courtesy. As she mulled over her conflicting emotions, a multitude of questions swirled within Kiana's mind.

Why did she find herself so pleased with such simple gestures of hospitality from Autumn? Shouldn't this be considered the bare minimum of expected civility? Despite knowing this, she couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment at being treated with even a modicum of kindness by him.

The questions continued to swirl within Kiana's thoughts as she settled in to savour her meal, Autumn's motives occupying the forefront of her mind.

Autumn's earlier inquiry, "Are you affiliated with the Honkai?" echoed in her thoughts, prompting her to ponder its significance. While the question seemed straightforward, Kiana couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it.

Was there a hidden agenda behind Autumn's curiosity, or was it simply an act of guilt? With a resigned sigh, she conceded, "*sigh*—I can't read that idiot at all."

To be continued...


A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter and feel free to comment. Your thoughts and criticism are valuable in helping me improve and stay motivated to write more.

Alright, I'm done with a chapter. I apologize for the inactivity; I am trying to finish this volume before going on hiatus as my exams are coming soon.

Also, regarding Luna, or more specifically "Kiana Fjórtán," the image I published isn't her true appearance [I know what everyone knows what she looks like]. Additionally, about the name, I am sure you all are familiar with the first name but might have questions about the last name.

So, the name Fjórtán is of Nordic origin, which means "fourteenth." I am sure this doesn't need more explanation. As a bonus fact, Valkyrie's origins are from Nordic mythology, so yeah, that's all I have to say.

And I also noticed that there is no official image of Autumn. So, here is one I found the closest to match Autumn's physical description. [pics here]

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