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10.52% Naruto : Frosted Core / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Fallen Angel IV

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: The Fallen Angel IV

He would never consider Sasuke someone precious to him as long as he lived. But as his teammate and fellow Konoha-nin, he was the closest to fulfilling that description, even if it's just for a moment.

He wanted to live by those words spoken by the angel who gave him newfound strength and determination.

He pictured it was her lying there instead of Sasuke. When he did, something inside him snapped and a monstrous amount of chakra burst from his body, saturating the atmosphere of the bridge with an air of oppression and malevolence.

Haku was shocked at the power that her friend was radiating. It was palpable in the air. She never imagined he was this strong from their interactions.

He was always so gentle and caring towards her. Thinking about it made her heart flutter. Looking at him now, she couldn't help but smile. While she only knew him for a few days, she can say with confidence that she knows him well enough to know what he is thinking right now.

He is probably repeating the words she spoke to him and trying to live up to them. That brought a warm smile to her face knowing that her words brought out his inner strength.

For a large part of her life, she viewed herself as a tool. A tool for Zabuza-sama to use. But even if it's for a few moments, she will be the tool that will give her new friend the strength to break his shackles.

With that in mind she directed her senbon at him, aiming for non-fatal spots.

He didn't even move as the visible shroud of chakra around him deflected the senbon much to her shock. She decided to dart between her mirrors to get a better angle but she found herself momentarily frozen as Naruto followed her speed and intercepted her.

That fraction of a second was all that he needed though as he delivered as thunderous haymaker right to her face sending her crashing out of the dome causing the entire structure to collapse.

Naruto felt the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He would admit that the power he was feeling was a bit addictive but then he pictured Haku's face and he promised himself that he would never lose himself to it.

As his opponent groggily stood up, cracks could be seen showing of their mask. Naruto charged in once more to deliver a finishing blow. As his fist neared the face of his opponent, her mask shattered, revealing the face of the person he now held closest to his heart.

Even covered in blood and wounds, she was the most beautiful person in his eyes. Her sad smile tugged painfully at his heartstrings. At this moment, he was lost and confused. All his power just ebbed away in her presence.

"Haku-chan..? Why?" He questioned with a hitch in his throat. She just looked at him sadly.

"I am Zabuza-sama's tool. I'm sorry Naruto-kun. I seem to have outlived my usefulness. Please finish me off.

I can die happily knowing it was by your hands." She said sombrely. Naruto was having trouble comprehending the last few moments of his life. He was starting questioning his interactions with the girl.

The fact that Haku was an enemy hurt him, but more than that, hearing her defeatist attitude and calling herself a tool pushed him over the edge.

"How can you say that?! You're my friend Haku and I would never hurt you! You're the one who made me see that I was worth something.

You're the one that taught me to value my life no matter what I've been through so how can you think so little of yours! I won't allow you to think that way!" Countered Naruto emphatically bringing a bright smile to her face.

His presence alone filled her with incredible warmth and security. He was like a gentle ray of sunlight in her dark world. She had no problem admitting to herself that what she felt for him was far deeper than she anticipated.

Her reply was cut off though by the loud sounds of what sounded like chirping birds. She looked towards Zabuza-sama and saw that he was in trouble. Although what she was about to do filled her with sadness, she couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun. It looks like this broken tool has one final purpose to fulfil." She spoke with deep regret as she gathered the final vestiges of her power and disappeared from the spot.

Naruto screamed out her name in anguish and ran in the direction he knew he would find her and could only hope he wasn't too late.


Kakashi was exhausted after a gruelling fight with the infamous Demon of the Mist as powered up his only original justsu to finish the job.

He was finally able to catch Zabuza off guard with his summons holding him in place for him to deliver the final blow. He ran forward with as much velocity as he could gather and thrust his hand towards the chest of his enemy.



The sound and sensation of his hand sinking into flesh greeted him but as he looked up and saw the face of a young girl, one that he realised from the way she dressed was Zabuza's accomplice.

This was the scene that Naruto walked into. The hand of his sensei stuck in the chest of his most precious person.

"HAKU-CHAN!" He screamed hysterically, snapping Kakashi out of his funk, making him withdraw his hand causing the girl to fall forward.

As she was about to hit the ground, Naruto rushed forward and slid on his knees, skinning them in the process and gathered her in his arms.

As he gazed upon her dying visage, Naruto felt the dam break. Never once in his life has he ever given into the sadness that plagued him. He refused to shed tears. Throughout it all he stayed strong.

But as he looked at the state Haku was in he felt all the tears he ever held back burst out of him. He held her close as he sobbed his heart out. As he cired though, he felt a soft dainty hand gently cup his cheek. He followed the hand to the face of his angel. The one who brought him salvation.

"You're always such a cry-baby Naruto-kun." She joked at his expense.

"Why Haku-chan?" He questioned weakly.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun. My body just reacted on its own. But I don't regret it. I was able to protect my precious person." She answered with a happy smile.

"Was it all a lie? The time we spent together?" Questioned Naruto desperately. He needed to know.

"Of course not Naruto-kun...cough….I treasured every moment I spent with you. I told you I always thought of myself as a tool. But when I'm with you I feel like a can just be a regular girl. You made me feel human for the first time in my life.

Every second spent with you is something I will forever hold in my heart. I know you….cough….have no reason to trust me Naruto-kun, but please believe me when I say you mean the world to me." Said Haku with a gentle smile on her face. Naruto felt his heart swell at that and even more tears came to his eyes.

"You mean the same to me. Before I met you I was so lost. I felt I had no purpose in my life. But you came along and filled me with this sense of warmth that I never felt with before.

Your smile filled me with happiness that I've never known. Hearing you laugh made me feel as though I could spend the rest of my life listening to such a beautiful sound.

I swore that I would protect you with my life if I had to just to preserve that smile. I know I'm a pretty dumb guy so I told myself the next time I see you I would ask you what those strange feelings meant because I just didn't understand them." Said Naruto in a bit of a rush.

All he got in response was the same beautiful laugh that he became addicted to.

"Love Naruto-kun. That feeling is love." Answered Haku with the brightest most beautiful smile he has ever seen from her. Even near death, her radiance was unmatched in his eyes.

"I know that because I feel the same way when I am with you. I love you too Naruto-kun." She said with a tears of happiness in her eyes.

Hearing those words broke through every psychological barrier he has ever set up in his life and pierced his very soul.

The happiness he felt from that single statement made his entire life worth it. All the abuse was worth it if it meant hearing those magical words from this angel in his arms. It seemed as his entire life lead to this one moment. He never knew he could feel this at peace with himself.

He felt as though he could topple mountains with a punch and take on the gods themselves if it was for her sake. As he was stuck on cloud nine, an unwelcome sound brought his happiness crashing down.


Was the sound of Haku coughing up blood. Her breathing was getting shallower. Naruto started panicking.

"Haku-chan! Hang in there please." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry Naruto-kun, but I'm not going to make it." She said with a sad smile.

"No! Don't say that! I know you can fight this. Please you have to!" He cried.

"Don't be sad Naruto-kun. I'm happy that if I'm going to die it would be in the arms of the man I love. There is no better way to go for me." Replied Haku with a content expression on her face.

"No! Don't say that Haku-chan! I still need you! You're the only one that loves me! I can't go back to the way things were.

I can't go on without you Haku-chan….please…please I'm begging you…please don't leave me…" Begged Naruto as he sobbed into her chest. It broke Haku's heart to see him like this.

She too wished that she could spend the rest of her life with him. She could almost picture them living in a little house near the river with her taking care of their beautiful children while her Naruto-kun went out fishing to bring home food.

She pictured him as a goofy and over-affectionate dad that clung to their children, annoying them to no end. She pictured the beautiful moments that they would share as lovers.

But she knew that it would never happen and it broke her heart. Those images, no matter how fleeting, were ones she longed for and she knew her beloved was the same. It brought tears to her eyes knowing the pain he would be in because of this. That's why she needed him to know. She needed him to make peace with what was about to happen.

"Naruto-kun….I know. I know it hurts. I don't want to leave you either. I wanted to live with you. To start a family with you.

To grow old with you. But I won't make it…sob…I know it will hurt but I also know that you are strong and that you will overcome this…..I know in my heart that you will be somebody great in this world Naruto-kun….I can feel it in my heart….that my Naruto-kun will change this cursed world we live in someday.

So please….please be strong for me….don't close your heart off to others. I'm selfish in that I don't want you to ever forget me but I also don't want you to be alone for the rest of your life.

Promise me Naruto-kun….as my dying wish…promise me that you will find love again...promise me…" Pleaded Haku.

Naruto felt even more pain at the thought of forgetting his angel. He didn't know if he could do as she asked but there isn't anything in this world he wouldn't do for her. With a wry chuckle, he responded to her.

"You aren't fair Haku-chan. You know I would never deny you anything."

His response made her giggle. The giggle that he loved so much. He just took this time to gaze at her beautiful face. Engraving every feature of hers into his mind and his soul. Her hand weakly came up to cup his cheek as he looked into her gorgeous brown eyes that drew him in. She smiled softly.

"Can be selfish once more and ask for one more request." She asked weakly. The put his hand over the one that cupped his face and kissed it gently, feeling his emotions overwhelm him.

"Anything for you Haku-chan." He replied causing her eyes to shine with happiness.

"Can you please…take my first…and my last kiss?" Pleaded Haku causing his eyes to widen before he looked at her tenderly.

Even though he could feel himself breaking, he needed to stay strong for her. He simply nodded his head causing her eyes to sparkle with happiness.

He gently cupped her face as she did the same to him. As they drew closer, they could feel theor hearts beating as one.

Everything in the world seemed insignificant to them in this moment. Only the presence of the one they loved mattered in this moment. As her soulful eyes looked up at him with all the love she could muster. She said the words that set his heart aflame once more.

"I love you Naruto-kun." She said tenderly. Her face filled with love and contentment.

"I love you too Tenshi-chan." Replied Naruto with a smile as he felt her soft pink lips connect with his. His world exploded into colour from the simple act.

The dull world that he lived in was suddenly filled with vibrant colours, brought forth from the angel that saved him from himself.

It was a bittersweet moment to him knowing that he might never experience this happiness again. The happiness of sharing you heart fully with one who loves you just the same.

As he the tears fell from his eyes and he lost himself in the sensations of his first kiss, he felt the hand Haku was cupping his face with fall limply.

He could no longer feel her gentle breath on his lips and her body was completely still. As realisation finally sank in, the pain he felt in that moment was unbearable.

All that could be heard from the now silent bridge was the anguished wail of a heartbroken young boy.

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