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Chapter 2: Hallway 57-B

Once I'd assembled a pile of things to take with me out of this place I wrapped them up in my bag made of surgical scrubs and went back into the hallway and made my way towards the damaged section and just as I reached my original lab I injected the first of 4 injectors that had already been proven to enhance mental abilities on previous subjects this one wasn't one of the ones included in my original cocktail of injections that I'd been subjected to the ones I'd been subjected to were less proven but showed significant progress in that regard. After taking the first injection I injected the next 3 once every 15 minutes until the last had been finished then I tried to reach out and detect anything with my mind honestly I could tell changes had been made and on my wrist com my intelligence and will stats had gone from solid 9s to 27s though the average human was at a 7 according to the wrist coms database so I was suddenly very smart but what that would actually amount to we would find out I guess.

As I ventured into the destroyed hallway I suddenly felt something shift in my head some previously unknown door opened and suddenly I remembered everything from infancy to the present and even things I'd been mostly asleep for honestly I hope no one ever has to remember everything in that level of detail it's flat ridiculous. My brain hurt and in some odd way I just waved my hands and things started flying my head stopped hurting and suddenly I could simply think of something happening and it would depending on how strongly I focused I could spark paper into fire or liquefy steel while bending and molding it in my mind like play dough terrifying cosmic power here I come.

I realized that my list of abilities was pretty good honestly I could create and manipulate fire use telekinesis and if I tried I could launch bolts of lightning granted that lightning was just extra electricity taken directly from my body and anything else with a charge nearby so to fire off more than a single bolt I'd have to carry around some kind of power source heck I could even steal the energy from static granted it didn't restore itself fast enough for more than a bolt from all sources every 10 minutes. After discovering my new abilities I felt pretty secure just walking along the hallway but then they got their first test out of one of the labs came 8 marines and I threw lightning into the lead guy as soon as I saw them and it jumped between them but didn't seem to effect them so I ran.

Bullets pinging all around me I fled back to my original lab and started preparing my defenses first by removing anything that they could use as cover then by putting volatile barrels next to the entrance and lastly building my own cover as far from the entrance as possible then I waited. I didn't have to wait long before the marines found my room and I waited until they committed to the room before hitting the barrels with my lightning ability on max which blasted the marines and then detonated the explosives then to top insult on injury I threw all of my jars of chemicals on them which quickly obscured the marines in an ugly green fog and then I booked it hoping my genetic mods would see me through.

I escaped the lad intact and made my way down the corridor quickly before I heard the creature again and ducked into a lab off the main path. Quickly hiding myself in the lab I decided to restock my weapons as soon as possible as my lightning was proving to be less than effective against marines. Using telekinesis I created darts to launch at the marines and once again tried to leave the labs but I saw the carnage that creature had made, it had torn through the marines like tissue paper and left a gruesome mess.

Somewhat armed and ready to face the future I turned away from the carnage and ran as fast as my limbs could carry me quickly finding the end of the hallway and taking the first corner into a different area before I slowed. The corridor was eerily quiet but I knew I had to get out of there so I pushed on as quiet as I could while going as fast as I could. I came an lift and I hopped in and started pressing buttons eventually the doors closed and I could feel the pull as the lift rose upwards through the decks though that sensation grew stronger as I went as if I were nearing the core of a torus before the lift came to a stop and the door opened into some kind of loading bay.

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