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Chapter 21: All might


All Might yelled, but I didn't need any warning as I saw the muscles in his arms tense, I'd seen too many videos of him to know what was coming next.

so I hastily braced myself and thrust my left arm into the ground and with the other hand I pulled Itsuka close to me.

But I wasn't the only one to prepare myself, most of the other students ran away frantically, while others who were braver decided to wait and see what All might would do and I wasn't going to take responsibility for these fools.

And just as I'd guessed, he assumed a fighting stance, crouched down a bit, and performed a right Uppercut toward the sky while screaming.


The wind pressure slammed into me violently, almost ripping the bandana off my head and dragging me backward meanwhile the building debris in the sky was completely pulverized, along with the clouds that were dispersed.

This... was power, naked and raw.

A power that people had long since stopped questioning.

A thought crossed my mind upon seeing this display of strength.

' I want to be like him, I want that power.'

It was a terrible thought, I didn't need that strength and I didn't want it, but that greed, that thirst for power inside me sometimes rose higher.

But I quickly managed to calm that feeling by remembering one thing, my father's expression as he vented.

I should always remember, that power is often accompanied by responsibilities and sacrifices.

All might himself had no relationship and that got me thinking about something.

Was I ready to sacrifice my father, to sacrifice Melina?

No, I was not

I wouldn't sacrifice even this little friendship that was forming between Itsuka kendo and me.

That lust for power was something, born only of momentary admiration.

I sighed, tired of my thoughts and monologues, a habit I was used to performing when I was in the afterlife.

I needed to do something productive before it got stuck in my mind so I decided to check out Kendo who was hugging tightly to my chest and had her face buried in my chest, but I could definitely feel that she was crying.



ALL might cough as he approached, though I suspect he did it on purpose.

"Sorry to interrupt young people, but are you all right? Are you hurt somewhere?"

All might ask as he approached awkwardly and with his usual smile, but then I realized how abnormal she was.

He was a very large man with an equally muscular and well-defined physique, a face with a strong jaw, high cheekbones, and bushy eyebrows. short blonde hair, slicked back, with two distinct tufts protruding above her head, slanting slightly to either side.

Everything about him seemed to indicate a perfect hero, straight out of a comic book.

Even his costume, which fans called the bronze age.

But for some reason... I thought his smile was forced...tired as if he was smiling out of habit and not for happiness or to give hope.

Seeing him in person, he gave the impression of being a figure... pretty miserable.

Maybe it was because I wasn't thinking like a fan and was looking at him from a colder point of view or just my eye was too excellent.

"I'm fine, but my friend ended up cutting her face."

I calmly answered him as I got up with kendo still attached to me, and it didn't look like she was going to let go anytime soon.

"This is not good! I'll be right back! I'll bring medical help."

And he disappeared at an inexplicable speed after finishing talking.

Had this man crossed the speed of sound?

No, it was better not to think about it, I feel like it would only give me a headache to think about this man's speed and strength.

I had a higher priority these days.

"Kendo-san, are you alright?"

I asked as I gently placed my hands on her shoulders, seeking to gain some kind of reaction from her, no matter what it was, whether it was just words or actions, I needed to know if she had suffered trauma, something that was very likely to happen, it was a society of heroes and I doubt people were used to a piece of a building falling on their heads.

I don't even want to think about what could have happened if I hadn't been there at that moment.

"I should be asking that!"

She lifted her head, her head buried in my chest as she stared at me with a pained look and eyes red from crying.

At least she managed to respond and released me relatively quickly, which wasn't a bad thing when it came to trauma, maybe she just had some problems when she slept.

But my concern still remained when I saw the distressed look she had, she wasn't blaming herself, right?

But it was better to remove the doubt.

"You're not blaming yourself for what happened, are you?

She didn't answer me but looked away and with that I didn't need any spoken words to understand her.

That idiot!

It wasn't right to scold someone who had just gone through a potentially traumatic event, but this idiot was making me teach her common sense!

And of course, that was just my intention and I couldn't carry it out, as I was interrupted by the return of a big noisy guy who was carrying an elderly woman on his shoulders.

"I went back!"

All Might be proclaimed as he placed the lady on the ground and flexed his biceps.


Unexpectedly, the little lady jumped and slammed a giant syringe she was carrying into All Might's head.

And as for his reaction…he just chuckled as he crossed his arms and laugh as if it was something normal.

After the aggression, the lady walked towards us while muttering: "how is it possible, it gets older and more and more stupid."

She was a short, elderly woman with gray hair pulled back in a net bun, a remarkably small nose, rather squinty eyes, and a long mouth with defined nasolabial folds.

She wears a doctor's coat and a dress with yellow and red vest designs on both sides, two yellow buttons, and a belt with a pink "R"-shaped buckle. With pink boots and also a helmet on the sides of the head with a purple visor joining it over the eyes.

"I know you're young, but you should show some decency, especially you sir muscle."

The old lady poked my leg with her cane syringe and it made me aware of the surroundings and noticing the same Kendo hurriedly released me while blushing intensely.

There were still many onlookers around who were judging us with reproachful glances and I'm sure to them, Kendo and I looked like an indecent couple who were embracing each other boldly in front of the peace symbol.

Even the lady was giving me an incriminating look as if I were some perverted boyfriend who was tainted with his girlfriend's purity.

I normally didn't care what others thought of me, but strangely I felt like my reputation was on the line and I felt entitled to defend my honor.

"It's not what you're imagining, I was hugging Kendo-san to calm her down and my shirt ripped during the fight, I'm not a pervert who likes to show off his body."

I hastily apologized to the lady as she walked over to Kendo, however, that didn't seem to have much of an effect as her judgmental look continued, although it seemed to have lessened.

That was unfair, it was Kendo who had the initiative to hug a shirtless guy, if anyone was a pervert then it was her!

A heavy hand lightly tapped my left shoulder as a large shadow covered me.

I looked back and saw All Might giving me an understanding smile while holding a white shirt in his other hand, this man was truly a saint who helps those in need.

But that impression changed when I saw the initials that were on the shirt.

'All might is amazing!!!'

I sighed and put the Shirt on without expressing any complaints, it was better than being bare-chested.

Shirt on, I turned my attention to kendo and the grumpy old woman and raised my eyebrow in surprise at the way the old woman healed her.

She kissed kendo's cheek and the wound was suddenly healed, however, it wasn't a complete cure, with my eyes it was possible to see small marks that would normally go unnoticed if the person didn't look very closely and I judge that about three days and there would be no more marks, it was quite an interesting Quirk, but having to kiss someone made it kind of useless in action and the cure seemed to have its limitations.

"And you young man? Do you have any injuries?"

The old woman asked and I hurriedly shook my head and even if there was, I wouldn't admit it.

Especially because [extreme coagulation] was able to regenerate severed limbs if placed again within a limited time, and I wasn't in the mood to be kissed by an unknown old woman.

"Fine! I'd like to request some of your time young Kazuhira, director's orders."

All might spoke with his hand still on my shoulder and I felt compelled to listen to him, not least because he was at the director's behest, so I nodded in agreement.

"Hmm, we just need to find a secluded spot... I found it!"

All might speak while looking up towards a building, I thought we were going to walk there and we would talk along the way but I didn't expect that he would grab me and put me on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and then jump in the air, everything was so fast that I could hardly react and I only managed to sketch a reaction when we landed on top of a building.

"Shit! You could have warned me earlier!

I exclaimed in shock at the sudden change of scenery.

"I'm sorry young Kazuhira, I didn't mean to be so rude, but time hasn't been in my favor and the most I can stay is just 30 minutes"

All might apologize while scratching his head in embarrassment.

Now I had to know what he wants because I'm pretty sure he lied earlier, only for me to agree.

There was no way it was the director's request, kidnapping me to the top of a random building, with nothing around and no sign of the director, he had done it on his own.

"The director didn't ask you to do this, did he?"

I decided to voice my doubts out loud, after all, what harm could he do to me?

He was the symbol of peace and no one holding that position would ever mean harm to a student.

Wait, it would be a real danger if he was the same as the homelander.

"Exactly! I lied!"

What an audacious person, he even looked proud of his lie, if his haughty pose with crossed arms was any indication.

There was no way this guy could be the equal of the homelander.

"Well, then what is the matter so important that you lied to talk to me?"

I asked casually as he crossed his arms, expecting to get a cheery response, something that seemed to be something of his trademark, ever-present optimism.

But I didn't get the kind of response I was hoping for.

His face was solemn, with no hint of a smile, he took three steps back and prostrated himself with his head on the ground.


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