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Chapter 57: EP 55 - THE BANQUET.

The Five were seated at a Iong table in a large hall where the banquet was being held. A wonderful aroma hung in the air as Servants arrived holding trays and dropping it on the table. A maid in a cool's attire served their food all the while flirting with all her male companions . She served Avyanna with a sneer and as sashayed away .

Avyanna opened her plate to see her dinner....


It was a plate of green peas, boiled potatoes , Cabbage and boiled eggs."

Why did they take her for??

A vegetarian?!

She glanced at Levi's plate. .THAT bratty girl had served him Seared lamb with mushroom risotto and Salmon coulibiac.

Avyanna turned to the man sitting next to her. He was engaging another noble lady by his side in an engrossing conversation. She slyly eyed his platter that lay uncovered on the table . It was a dish of roasted pheasant , Slices of fried pork and beef and a small bowl filled with strawberry jelly. She looked up at the man again.

Still talking.

Seems he didn't need the food.

Carefully switched places of the food and smiled happily to herself as she ate the roasted pheasant leg.

The Nobleman had now turned to face his food and had a shocked expression on his face. He glanced at Avyanna in astonishment as she held to her mouth , a greasy pheasant leg.

"How you doing mate?" She greeted , saluting him with the Pheasant Lap .

After dinner, The court musicians took their places at the edge of the hall and began to play a slow waltz. Men went forward asking ladies to dance and they stretched out their hands in acceptance. The maid from earlier Came around and refilled their goblets with wine. Levi who hadn't eaten only a little part of his food winked at her and she smiled.

Conrad was eating hurriedly as he was famished took notice of a frisky maid. He tapped Levi interrupting the moment.

"What!!" Levi groaned.

" Excuse me , But are you going to eat that??"He pointed to Levi's food.

Levi pushed it over to him and gave him a false smile.

"Here. Its all yours."

Conrad grinned and Levi continued his conversation with the maid . Kyra's felt anger rising up in her that made her wonder.

The maid whispered something in Levi ear and he smirked.She left him as the music continued. Conrad had decided to take the hand of a genteel maiden and he held her waist as they glided across the floor. None of the remaining four made any effort to dance. Avyanna was deep in thought and decide to share these thoughts with the others.

"What or rather who do you think is the thing that attacked them???"She asked."

it could be a demon?"Kyra contributed .

"There are many possibilities. It could be a HARPIE??"Levi said grinning at another Maiden who was now alone on the dance floor. who lowered her head in shyness.

"It doesn't have to be a magical entity. The most plausible line of thought is that it could be a wild animal on a killing spree." Percival cut in.

"Excuse me."

Levi stood up and approached the lady he had been watching. They stood at a corner and spoke for few minutes . Promptly , The husky man grabbed the Royal by the waist and gave her a kiss. She giggled lightly in response.

Kyra felt bile rising in her stomach as she was Suddenly realizing that Levi could go far with any other girl ...

Except her.

"How do women so easily fall for you?" Conrad asked , when he returned.

"Its all about the looks and Charm , my man." He grinned.

"I thought a person should like another based on their deeply found understanding and love." Percival queried

Avyanna motioned for a maid to come over to their table and refill her cup. When she did , Conrad beckoned to her.

"And you ,fair maiden, Have you met my companion? His name is Percival the Light Bringer and he's a dragon slayer!" He winked at Percival who ducked his head.

"Nice to meet you, Sir Percival. I'm Leticia." The maid smiled and The Paladin held his cross and began muttering " Lead me not into temptation , O Lord."

The girl , now feeling weird left and Conrad rolled his eyes..

"What is wrong with you man?!!!!"

"The Priest obviously needs to get out more." Kyra tittered.

"There is nothing like a true relationship. knowing that your love is being reciprocated and it makes it worth it." Percival sighed , remembering Michelle.

"You're preaching to the Choir , Monk." Avyanna said .

"For the last time, Percival is not a Monk nor a Priest. He is a Paladin!"Sky protested.

"Monk , priest even Nun , ... We're saying the same thing!" Obi countered.

Percival groaned.

Conrad shifted closer to Levi. "Teach me, the ways of flirting!!! Let me be your student!"

Levi turned to face the person by his side and scoffed. "Don't waste your time, Human. I have better things to do."

Conrad put his arm round Levi's neck to his distaste . "Let me become your apprentice. With your Wisdom and my Looks , we'll set the world on fire. Just take me under your tutelage."

"Ask Percival to teach you

"I don't do tutoring ...

"Great! " Percival cheered and leaned in . "Now listen very closely , like your life depends on it."

"Why would his life depend on Flirting?" Kyra questioned and seriously why is the monk giving you a flirting lessons.

Avyanna looked at Conrad,you really want to take a flirting lesson from him?.take it from me Conrad walk away. I have always admired your innocent, and some girls still do find that attractive and charming you know. so don't ruin that.

Percival still bent on making himself relevant insisted on giving the lessons anyways

"you have to master the act of flirting he continued because it takes only skillful guy like us to know the right words and right things to do and say. Doctors has recommended that a few flirting does easy the stress and makes you feel good about yourself especially when it goes your way." so you don't develop the A.M.S

John nodded solemnly and Obi couldn't stop laughing.

"what is A.M.S Su ling asked ?.

It means "Awkward Moments Syndrome with a girl ".John answered her.

"That is totally untrue!!!!!" Su ling rolled her eyes.

"How do you know?!" John retorted , waving her off.

"There is no such syndrome in all my medical books. You made it up!"

"You probably didn't read it well enough Su ling . Go through it again." John dismissed her jokingly.

"I've gone through my medical textbook up to twenty times and that syndrome isn't there!" Su ling wasn't ready to give up.

"Sheesh!" Sky whispered to Eva "Su ling's read her textbook Twenty times and I haven't even gone past more than Five pages."

"Your case is even bearable. Immediately I open the damned thing, I fall asleep for no reason at all." Eva groaned.

"You were probably reading 'Anesthetics." I fell asleep too."Sky jested.

Eva turned to the Two individuals still engrossed in their argument. "Alright you too, Cut it out. Lets continue."

Su ling sneered at John and he reacted in a likewise manner.

Eva sighed and simpered.


They were both acting like little kids.


Night was fast setting in as the largely filled hall gradually began to reduce in population.Kyra turned in and Percival with Conrad in unison decided to retire to their rooms.

After they had left, the maid that Levi had chatted up earlier stood by the doorway and signaled to him.

He made to get up and saw Avyanna straggled across the table. Levi uttered a sigh.

He tapped her shoulder lightly and she nodded bibulously.She had had too much to drink.

Levi hiked her over his shoulder and took her to to the room that the chamber maids had directed him to. He dropped her gently on the soft bed and covered her up with some feathery sheets. Strands of Avyanna's dark hair fell loosely around her face. Levi tucked them behind her ear and let himself out of the room closing the door behind him with a soft thud.

Avyanna didn't get up until she heard the footsteps departing from the door. She got up and moved briskly to the window. She inspected the casings for some seconds. It has been painted shut. Avyanna took out her Katana and swiftly raised her sword. She opened the shutters, careful not to make a sound.

This So called Kingdom of the Northern Lights didn't sit well with her.

All the arrangements felt so sketchy.

Avyanna had a gut feeling that their were some deep , dark secrets that Erylis was hiding...

And her gut was never wrong and she wasn't going to rest until she unveil the truth...

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