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Chapter 14: Chapter 14: A Small Journey to Japan

-M29. 671. Italica-

It was dawn. Italica had been rebuilt from medieval-level civilization buildings to the bastion of civilization in the entire Falmart.

The sky scrapper majestically stands in the center of the city. A flying fortress that always stays vigilant as a reminder of the might of the Imperium. Its massive size was intentional to ensure no one dared to enter Imperium's aegis.

In front of the eastern gate were JSDF personnel and a group of Solar Guardians from the 5th Recon Team and other teams.

"I think we are ready," Raias said to the convoys, standing beside his Land Raider.

"We need to wait for the Princess, though," Maiya remarked, checking her Nanosuit via her HUD.

"Well, there they are," Mal said, signaling his peers to look in a certain direction.

The girls in question slowly walked their way from the gate. Although calm, their transhuman nature caused the Solar Guardians to see through their masks.

Pina is scared, slightly trembling.

While Bozes. She was utterly trying her best composure to conceal her shock. In very small seconds, she glanced at her surrounding.

Raias glanced in the said direction. It was the destruction caused by the minor skirmish when the bandit sieged Italica.

Craters, holes, and black ashes on the earth show its full horror to the Saderan. The Lord General intentionally did not give them any order to repair the damages.

Psychological warfare is the best way imaginable to defeat the much primitive civilization.

Raias could not hold his will to smirk.

"My apologies for keeping all of you waiting," Pina said apologetically.

"It is fine, Your Highness. It was a journey to another world, after all." Itami said dismissively, smiling empathetically.

Pina nodded, slowly turning her face to the Imperium's soldiers. Her hand was slightly clenched, which made Raias chuckle.

"Please, ease yourself, Princess. We acknowledge you as our honored guest. We will cause you no harm." Raias waved his hand, neutrally smiling. A perfect poker expression that did not bring any comfort to the scared Princess.

"Well... Solar Guardian," A feminine voice called Raias. It was the voice that caused him to draw his Volkite pistol nearly.

"What can I help you with, Rory?" Raias asked with the most welcoming demeanor he could make.

"The church. Why does your country demand a dismantling of the temple of my god? Not only Emroy but also the other deities as well. Answer me." Rory demanded. Even though she is smiling, it is dangerously threatening.

Intimidation is a strong emotion in her eyes, ready to swing her halberd to slay anyone who dared to oppose her.

"It was our duty to spread the Imperial Truth." Maiya defended her Captain, stepping forward.

"Your Imperial Truth, huh? A fake belief that destroys any religion. What a fool!" Rory swung her halberd at a speed anyone besides the Guardians could not follow.

Instantly, Raias grabbed the weapon's hilt before it could touch Maiya's armor. A small shockwave blared across the earth.

"Please, cease this futile endeavor, Rory Mercury, if you want your answer. The Emperor will give it to you when you arrive at Terra. I promise." Raias determinedly replied, staring deep into the Apostle's eyes without any sign of fear.

All of the mortals around them were shocked by the situation before them. No one can overcome the full power of an Apostle, let alone stop any of their attacks. But to these Solar Guardians, it was not a big problem.

Rory herself was not the exception. With her halberd, she had claimed countless souls of humans and creatures alike. But among her centuries of life, it was the first time someone could withstand her halberd. Slowly, she understands why the Solar Guardians addressed the Italican and JSDF as mortals.

"Very well," Rory slowly loosened her muscle, withdrawing her weapon. "Only this one, and I will judge your Emperor's decision, Lord Raias."

"That's acceptable," Raias answered with a shrug.

"Rory! What was that?!" Itami said to the Apostle with concern.

"Nothing!" She replied with a teasing smile.

As the atmosphere began to return to its initial state, Raias used his vox to increase his voice.

"If there is nothing else. Let's move out." The booming voice draws all the attention he needs. The JSDF began to enter their vehicles, followed by the trio.

"Princess," Raias asked the still baffled Saderan Princess.

"U-Uh!" She jolted in shock. As her eyes meet the Solar Guardian, she quickly regains her composure. "What do you need, Lord Raias?"

"I just want to ask you, to whom do you want to ride with?" The question piqued the red-haired Saderan's curiosity.

She wants to go alongside the JSDF, as their presence is nothing like the Solar Guardian. Yet, the most dangerous enemy from both Gates is the Imperium of Man, which is her top priority to open diplomatic ties.

"I will go with you, Lord Raias," Pina said with determination.

"Very well. Nathaniel, open the personnel carrier." Raias said, using his vox channel.

"In seconds, Captain." With that, the giant metal vehicle vibrated, causing a humming noise. In an instant, the steel skin of the Land Raider opened, showing a large section of the room filled with seats. From a slight glance alone, it was enough to determine the quality of those seats.

They are beyond anything that Pina had witnessed.

"So... This is our gap." She muttered, clenching her hand in desperation. Slowly, she makes her way enter the Land Raider.

The Solar Guardians heard what the Princess said. They smiled in acknowledgment.

"Princess," The Captain softly called.

"Yes, Lord Raias?" Pina stopped, turning into the said Captain.

"Think your words wisely. If you do that, I'm sure the Emperor will grant you the luxury and power you need. Just be careful with everything." Raias said softly to the Saderan Princess.

Pina slightly widened her eyes. She did not expect words to come from a being like Solar Guardian. Indeed, they are inhumanly perfect, both in diplomatic and martial prowess. Yet, this one is genuine, like he wants to communicate on the same level as her.

"Thank you for the advice, Lord Raias." Pina thanked, smiling softly.

"Just call me Captain, Princess." He nodded, heading to the other entrance, which led to the commander's seat.

"Princess, let's in," Bozes told the said Princess.

"Yeah," She agreed, taking one of the seats. As her back finally rested on the chair, Pina could feel her exhaustions suddenly vanish.

"I can't believe this was their... Military facility, not intended to be created for noble. I..." Bozes tried to utter another sentence, though she lost interest in it. "Imperium of Man... What kind of country is that."

Pina only watched her knight sympathetically. They will visit the JSDF first and then the Imperium of Man. Pina is sure that the Imperium of Man excelled even the JSDF by an impossible distance.

"We can only hope for the best, Bozes." Pina tried to calm her friend, smiling to ease the blonde knight.

"Thank you, your Highness." The knight nodded, returning Pina's smile with her own.

Then, the metal wall suddenly changed with a shimmering light, showing the environment around them.

"What is this?!" Pina shouted in panic.

"Don't worry. It is just a projection to show the environment outside of the vehicle. Nothing is harmful." Mal's voice echoed through the metal wall.

"Projection?" Pina touched the supposed projection. It was solid and cold as if the metal wall was still there.

"Amazing," Bozes murmured.

"Well then, hang on your seat. Engine starting up." With that command, they began to float.

"Floating... We are floating," The Princess knight remarked.

"Let's head back to our seats, then." Thus, both of them take their seats. Secretly marveling at the miracle in front of them.

Then without any given moment, the gigantic vehicle began to move. Something intrigued Pina about the mechanism behind this horseless carriage.

It has the size of the entire house, even almost rivaling the length of Formal's manor. Despite that, this vehicle could move at a speed she had never witnessed before.

Even when faced with terrain that would make it impossible for any normal wagon to traverse, this gigantic machine was able to get through without any difficulty.

Even though the road was rocky and dry, she did not hear a scraping sound from the ground. It actually floats perfectly, like a wizard's levitation magic.

Deep in her mind, Pina prayed for the best outcome.


"Captain," Maiya called the man beside her.

"Is there something wrong, Lieutenant?" Raias replied, glancing at the woman.

"I just want to ask. Are you ever meet the Emperor?" It was a question that invited the others.

Meets the Emperor directly or even having once in their life to stand near him was a pride in itself. The majestic presence of the Emperor is something beyond even their transhuman tongue to speak.

"I have. Once, back when I was just a mortal." He replied. Even though his face is concealed behind his mask, they are sure he is smiling though it is slightly.

"How about you, Maiya?" The Captain inquired.

"I have met His Majesty two times." The sound of a whistling answered her claim.

"That was amazing, Maiya. To be honest, I haven't met His Majesty, so I was utterly jealous of you." Mal said with his jovial smile, teasing her with a chuckle.

"I'm just lucky at those moments. First, when I was a kid, I witnessed His Majesty parading on our Imperatus Laurus day. Then the second one, when I accompanied my mother to the unknown Xenos ruin, His Majesty just happened to be there with a contingent of his Primus Custodies. And also there was Lady Erd-" Maiya wrapped her hand around her mouth, which only drove the Apothecary to stare at her more intensely.

"That was beyond luck, Maiya." The man said with facepalmed, sighing in desperation. "Not only the Emperor but also Lady Erda."

"Wait. Lady Erda, you said?" Nathaniel asked, his brows heavily furrowed.

"Well, yes?" It was not a firm statement. It is instead a questioned answer.

"How you can deduce her as Lady Erda?" The bald man insisted as his eyes narrowed in curiosity.

"The Emperor himself addressed her like that." The red-haired Solar Guardian simply answered. "His Majesty would not carelessly call anyone dear to him like that, after all."

All of them except Raphael and Raias hummed. They wondered if that statement was the truth. Someone had managed to glimpse a legendary figure like Lady Erda, which is something beyond rarity.

The sight of the Emperor outside pictures is something to be reckoned with. But to someone like Lady Erda is something even could not be described by words.

She was by far the most mythical person within the Imperium. Being part of the infamous Golden Order only boosted her reputation.

"I wish I could be there," Mal muttered, receiving an apologetic smile from the female Solar Guardian.

"You will have your opportunity," Raias said reassuringly.

"I hope so... I hope so." He repeats his words as if he wants to convince himself. With a closer look, it was clear that really hoping to meet the legendary woman.

"It seems we have a fanboy here," Raias remarked, smirking under his helmet.

"Don't call me like that. Is it wrong to idolize someone like her? A person that... Alongside the Emperor saved us and the entire species?" Mal defended his action smoothly, giving his peers some eye contact to reassure them.

"Well said, Mal. Well said." The tanned man scoffed.

The Apothecary rolled his eyes, only causing the rest of his team to laugh. Even Raphael is smirking, though it was just a mere second.

"Speaking of that, we have arrived," Nathaniel informed his group. Their destination is just a short distance away, around two kilometers ahead.

"Well, let's greet our ancestors," Raias touched a button on his seat. "Princess Pina, we have arrived at our destination. Please prepare yourself."

"Is that necessary?" Surprisingly, it was Raphael who asked.

"Just in case." Raias uses his WAR-CASTER to mentally command his Nano suit to connect to UR-982's Noosphere. "82, are you there?"

"Always, Captain." The Ferrous Mind immediately responded.

"Good. I want access to detailed information about the JSDF schedule for Princess Pina and Itami." Raias told the A.I. Instantly, a stream of information flooded his WAR-CASTER.

"Those were the data you needed for smooth negotiation,"

"Thank you," Raias scanned the data with his transhuman mind.

Those were not that unexpected. All of them were just ordinary atomic-age civilization's first contact protocol. Even thousands of data regarding M2 earth's cultures have been transferred into his WAR-Caster. Nothing was out of the ordinary until his mind lay on the redacted document.

"82, what is this?" The Solar Guardian asked the Man of Iron.

"It is simple data about the report of the entire world beyond." It simply answered.

"But why was it redacted?" The answer only came with the most inhuman voice Raias heard from UR-982.

"It was sanctioned directly by the High Lords themselves. Even I did not know the exact answer." Raias raises his eyebrows, feeling intrigued.

"Very well, thank you." Before Raias could end their connections, UR-982 interjected.

"Captain. I also had recently assigned to accompany your team to the Old Earth." This statement made the Captain widen his eyes before smirking.

"I think we will stick on the same boat again, 82." The man said welcomely.

"Apparently, Captain," UR-982 replied, creating a pattern that resembled a smile in its Noosphere.

"Well then, you have my authorization to inform my team, 82." With that permission, the Ferrous Mind enters the 5th Recon Team's WAR-CASTER, informing its intention.

"Well, welcome to our party," Mal said with a smile.

"With this, it will be easier to learn their history," said Maiya with a happy expression.

The rest of the team only nodded in approval. Raias only watched his team with amusement. Silently, he sighed. It was not an emotional sigh, but it was hollow.

Something is causing his emotional control to snap. Something that made his mind clouded with distraction. As he was lost in his mind, a feminine voice snapped him out of his train of thought.

"Captain," He turned his head to the woman. That woman smiles brightly at him. "Your order."

A faint whisper came to his ears. A long-lost voice since the War of Retribution.

"Your order, sir." The same jovial voice alongside the almost identical smile.

"Let's prepare ourselves and follow the instructions and protocols. I don't want any incident to happen because we are dealing with Old Earth's civilization." Raias proclaimed.

"Yes, sir!"

The world when humanity is far from reaching its M29 counterpart. A time when mankind was an ignorant race, utterly blind from the truth.

This was also the era when humanity only cared about killing each other rather than helping others to ascendancy.

Deep in Raias' heart, he knew their primary duty was to come to the Old Earth.

It would be ugly, but he hoped it would not be bloody.

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Nothing in particular in this chapter. Only small talk and char dev, nothing more.

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