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Chapter 10: New Order? No, it's My New World!

Arik Pov

[Due to excessive continuous fighting for your current body, your unique ability <Evolutionary Body>, has adapted, and you have gained a basic Land body physique, greatly increasing your terrestrial combat abilities.]

[Due to continuous fighting, your unique ability <Prodigious Mind>, has glimpsed into the basics of battle, and you have acquired the skill <Battle Instincts> and the titles Battle Genius, and Combat Apt.]

This is what I was waiting for!

From the attrition hunts of prehistoric times to the wars of B.C. Together with the arranged fights at the greek coliseum, to then martial arts, modern wars, and fighting sports, it all came to me like some sort of vision as unlike before, I could take it all in despite the immense amount of information being passed down.

[Due to continuous Information assimilation, your unique ability <Prodigious Mind>, has glimpsed into the basics of info assimilation, and you have acquired the skills <accelarated thinking>, and <Parallel mind>, as well as the titles Philosopher, and The Thinker.]

Almost immediately once again a vision came to me of following great thinkers and minds from all throughout history, from philosophers to great generals to political geniuses, to scientific minds, it all flashed before my eyes.

Instantly my body moved as it automatically, but I was conscious of what I was doing as I knocked out 5 henchmen at the same time before I began one-tapping every opponent in my range of movement, my body didn't just move better, it was better just from all the knowledge I got together with the skills. I could now use my muscles in little ways that made all the difference between a strong hit and hurting myself.

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.4), and you have gained 2 experience points]

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.3), and you have gained 1 experience point]

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.5), and you have gained 3 experience points]

[You have defeated a basic henchman(Lv.3), and you have gained 1 experience point]

Like some sort of typhoon, I cleaned up the area with all the goons, I came across unto before I knew it, I was already at 50 henchmen defeated in total. While Hana had just reached 31 on her total, fortunately for me, she was momentarily distracted by my sudden power-up, and this gave me all the time I needed as I defeated the remaining henchmen with ease, marking a total of 58 defeated by many.

[You have met the experience point requirement. Your level has risen to 11.]

"What the hell just happened?! How??" Hana was as expected confused by my performance.

"I was just giving you a heads up, you know to make things fair." I obviously don't tell her and simply smile and wink at her.

"Urgh... I mean... Don't you think your sweet sister deserves more love? I just did my nails, you can't expect me to do your chores as well, right?" Hana tried to escape.

Hana used cute little sister.

It was not very effective.

"How unfortunate, however, I don't really see a reason not to." I respond not really affected by her attempt.

"Fine! Just wait, I won't lose next time!... But I have to admit... That was kind of impressive." Hana admitted with a small smile and a bit of a blush.

[Quest #2: Do The Chores(Complete)]

[Description: A bet was made and you HAVE to win, after all, how could you lose such an easy match? Just destroy your younger sister and assert your dominance once and for all.

Objective: Defeat at least 55 of the 89 Drakken henchmen in this room.(0/89)

Failure conditions: Death, Hana defeats over 34 henchmen, You are defeated by the henchmen

Rewards: +5 Hana's respect; 10 exp; 50$

Punishments: -10 Hana's respect; 1 week of Hana's chores

Time Left: -]

"Let's go and catch up to the other two, we can discuss this later." I headpat her as speak before pulling her along.

It didn't take too long before we reached the central room, where it was all happening, and just as we got there, we found Kim using Shego with her glowy green hands to knock out shat seemed to be Drakken's henchmen but instead of red, most of them were dressed in back, and the rest in white.

Meanwhile, Ron was being followed by sweaty henchmen in black... Yup, he really takes up from Dad... What crazy stamina though.

"Go, and help Ron. I'll go assist Kim." I order and Hana nods before doing as I said.

Moving from there, I get to Kim who was now basically fighting Shego and two henchmen in white and one in black, while a bunch of others, were laying on the ground a bit further.

Not asking any questions, I immediately came in knocking out the henchmen in white, one after the other with little difficulty.

[You have defeated a skilled henchman(Lv.15), and you have gained 25 experience points]

[You have defeated a skilled henchman(Lv.13), and you have gained 19 experience points]

[You have defeated a decent henchman(Lv.9), and you have gained 8 experience points]

"I hope you don't mind changing dancing partners midway through. I just really wanted to give it a go with you." I said standing in front of Shego before she could attack Kim anymore.

"Kid, I understand why you would, but this dancing class Is way out of your league, so beat it before I beat you out." Shego threatened.

"Hum... Doesn't sound like that awful of a situation in the right context." I respond.

"Urgh! Teenagers... Ok, then I'll give you this one chance, don't blow it immediately." She rolled her eyes before coming to attack me.

Taking this chance, I signal Kim to go get Drakken something to which she nods before moving along.

Then my battle with Shego initiates, but my objective here is a bit different from just winning. As we fought, I dodged and countered her moves at a relatively good pace, even though this seemed she was overall stronger, I could keep up due to my abilities and knowledge.

It was as did so, that I made it so that she would use her green energy fists to break through the wall so that we could change scenery, and so this leading of our fight by me continued until I found we were in a good enough location.

"Just stay still, and I'll give you a once-in-a-lifetime experience, I promise you won't regret it." Shego teased me.

"So death? How misleading of you." I retort.

"Can you blame a girl for shooting her shot every once in a while?" Shego proclaimed.

"No, but I can make an offer." I finally start part of the reason, I even came here, to begin with.

"Hum... If you're going to ask for the cake thing, for the last time. I don't do cakes, 'kay? I don't bake 'em and I DON'T jump out of 'em!" Shego replied with an association that made me chuckle a bit.

"No, that's not the matter at hand, but we might have to talk about that in the future. Anyway, for now, I want you to join me instead, what do you say?" I put the offer on the table.

"No thanks, being a goodie-two-shoes hero is a bit vomit-inducing, and it doesn't pay nearly as well, you're cute but not that cute, so just do me, a favor and die." She rejected it as we continued to fight.

"No, I don't mean Team Possible, I'm talking about working for me, and believe me when I say I'm far from a hero but noticed you're quite capable, so I thought of it. Even still, the idea of it doesn't ring with you, how about we bet on this fight? If you win, you get to use me as a hostage no big deal, however, if I win, you'll have to join me." I propose.

"Hum... Yeah, yeah, do you really expect me to believe that? What do you even hope to achieve?" Shego was not convinced not that I expected anything else.

"Yes, I'm going for world domination, I know that's quite typical, but let's just say the plans I have for it aren't. I'm a quite perverse individual with slightly tyrannical tendencies, and I'll turn everything into my domain, and part of my fun. Once, I take control it will be my playground, and the rules will change for everyone. It won't just be some sort of new order, it will be my first harem domain, conquered by myself and drenched in depravity as I see fit." I let out a bit of my true self for a bit at the moment.

"Hahahaga.... Holy shit! You're insane! Fine, you damn lunatic, if you win I'll join, honestly sounds like a fun ride, but I want my slice of the cake if you do manage to take over on the condition that I do join you." Shego was surprised by my words, to say the least.

"Good! Let us dance then." I declare.

[A quest has been generated]

[Quest #3: Recruitment(In Progress)]

[Description: Another bet was made and you HAVE to win, after all, how could you lose at this point?! You're basically an unstoppable machine as far as this world goes, and you have to use that to your advantage! Wreck Shego and fully assert your dominance!

Objective: Defeat Shego

Failure conditions: Death, Shego defeats you

Rewards: +25 Shego's respect; 50 exp; 250$

Punishments: -50 Shego's respect; Severe Injuries

Time Left: -]

(The rewards are overall still pretty bad...) I couldn't help but point out.

[Master, that is due to the system at place. Rewards will get slightly better every time a quest is made, of course, harder quests will give more, but the bottom line will keep increasing. While it is bad now, at some point in the future, even mundane quests will give tremendous rewards.]

(Hahaha! I'll definitely have to abuse that later.) I decide as I continue to avoid Shego's attacks, and she doesn't represent much of a threat to me as things stand.

Using an opening I put her on a lock, having my arms locking her arms as my palms press against her neck, effectively putting her on a Nelson hold. Due to the nature of this move and how I was well, behind her at such a close range, it was only to be expected that I would take advanta- I mean accidentally having my crouch pressed on her fat ass, and boy does it jiggle, cause I'm pretty sure someone turned up the jiggle physics setting of the world just for this, a quite enjoyable experience if k do say so myself.

"Just admit defeat, I already have you," I say calmly.

"Fuck off! This is far from enough to... Really?! At a moment like this? Urgh, teenagers... Is it still... Damn, I have to say even if you don't make it as a villain, you already have the assets for the adult film industry, you just take your shot.... What are you? A horse?!" Shego was going to retort when she noticed what was going on and rolled her eyes again before being struck with shock.

"I like to see myself as more of a dragon blade, but if we go by real-world standards, I guess whale blade fits me more than horse blade, but that's a pretty good one still." I respond shamelessly.

"Yeah, yeah, don't get too happy about it, that thing is basically useless at that point unless you want to use it as a murder weapon, in which case that's pretty damn terrifying... Just imagine being torn apart from the inside... Hahaha! I definitely have to see you do that at some point!" Shego talked about a quite haunting Image that was put in my mind.

"Don't even mention it, because of it, I haven't had the chance that get down with my girlfriend, but I'll find a way around it, I always do. Submit before I break your neck." Getting a bit impatient I put actual pressure on Shego.

"Ahh! Ahhh! Ok! Ok! You win! Fuck! So brutish! No wonder your girl doesn't want to do it, you would definitely destroy her with that attitude." Shego complied so, I let her go.

[Quest #3: Recruitment(Complete)]

[Description: Another bet was made and you HAVE to win, after all, how could you lose at this point?! You're basically an unstoppable machine as far as this world goes, and you have to use that to your advantage! Wreck Shego and fully assert your dominance!

Objective: Defeat Shego

Failure conditions: Death, Shego defeats you

Rewards: +25 Shego's respect; 50 exp; 250$

Punishments: -50 Shego's respect; Severe Injuries

Time Left: -]

Rolling my eyes at her behavior, I say. "Good, now you'll pretend to join Team Possible for now, but don't worry later on things will get more interesting than that, and yes, I'll pay you for all the jobs you get involved in."

"... Aww, that's so sweet of you, now can you add a healthcare and dental plan in the mix? Oh and a beauty plan as well, I need my spa once a month." Shego calmly responded.

"Do well, and I'll think about it." I answer.

She got up and put her hand on my cheek before slowly and gently taking it down to my chest, then while slightly hitting her lower lip she said. "I can so so much better than good."

"Nice try, but unless I want it, my lust does not take center front. However, maybe you'll catch me off guard if you keep trying." I say while trying to use reserve psychology to discourage her from trying again, but also internally hoping she doubles down and starts going harder.

As is now, not only is it physically dangerous for me to engage with her, it will give her too much freedom if I do so. I need to properly assert myself before I give her that, so let's exercise restraint, I've done it so far, it won't be impossible to keep doing it.

"You think I don't know what you're trying to do! I'll get you and by the time I'm done, you'll be begging for it, like all the other losers." Shego declared.

"We shall see about that." I simply smile as we get moving along, and she slightly reluctantly follows along.

Let us start things, one step at a time, eventually I'll have my new world.

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