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Chapter 10: Ch 10- Testing new powers & Making a new friend

It was late night around 11 Pm. Now it might be very sus for anyone to be out so late at night especially at such an desolate area. But for me it wasn't too difficult I mean even if I did get caught I can just hypnotize them.

I was just very very excited to test my new powers. Other than hell Domain I've not been able to properly test the others properly. I just had too find a good place to test them as it makes get a bit loud so I gotta find some place where it's far from the people at home sleeping.

It wasn't too hard to find it. I just found a empty mine this should be good enough for my tests. Now for anyone else this might be very scary to be alone in an abandoned dark mine but for me it's not. Mostly because my personality took a sharp turn after getting my powers plus my undead are more scary then this so it's not a big deal.

First thing ony my list is to test 'Lesser Arts of Necromancy'

I summon all my Undead's around me. More than 50 undead immediately materialize out of nowhere. All of them looking very fierce and scary with some having ancient looking robes.

This is the amount of undead i was able to get by killing some unsavory people that need not to be mentioned.

I commanded one my undead's to stand infront of me. Then i started doing my work. Soul modifications.

I was immediately brought inside what looked to be like a completely dark dimension. This was the soul of my undead. I quickly went towards the middle where a plethora of activities where happening. There was a root like structure and orb alongside there was also a black flame. There were the primary root of all the powers my undead's currently have.

The root is used to judge their talents, the black flame is the indication of their element and finally the orb stands for their rank and how much total strength they can dish out. All of these can be improved when my undead have enough essence or exp which they gain from killing other beings. With the Arts of Necromancy i can modify these things without my minions even having to evolve. I immediately started pouring dark energy from my body and saturating the core of the undead. After the core was pitch black it almost felt like it was shaking as if it will break.

I knew what this was i recalled one of my undead's. It's sould was in my hand and i injected it into the core of this undead. There was a sound of glass breaking than the sound of a small explosion. Now infront of me stood a strong and bigger looking root with even a bigger looking orb and the flame also looked more refined as well.

I got out of the undead's soul origin space. immediately what greeted my eyes was an undead that was 9 ft tall with an expanding body. The undead's sockets were burning brighter than the rest not only that but the undead also had an ancient knightly armored equipped. It had a skull in the middle of the armor chest plate. Other than that the undead also carried a big dark blade that almost looks like an energy blade.

Overall the undead looked even more badass than before. I quickly did the same with an undead mage. It did not grew larger but looked more define and with a floating dark grimoire in front of it. The robes also looked more sagely and alluring.

The Undead turned into a Death Knight and the Mage turned into a Death Mage.

The knight has improved strength which i believe is strong enough to easily life a six-wheeler truck. The mage has new spells one of which is apparently the iconic Turn Undead spell. It's basically an inferior version of my Raise Undead spell. other than that the previous powers were all upgraded.

I soon did the same thing with the rest of my undead's while taking a small break in the middle to replenish my death energy. before there was i had 50 undead's now i have 25 of them. But i am not disappointed at all cause all of these undead can easily take on ten times the amount of their previous selves.

After evolving all of my undead i got on to my next objective that i wanted to do. i struck my palms together and moved them in the directions as instructed in the arts in learned. At first there was nothing but soon enough a had a small black flame in my hands. After a while i grew bigger. I used it to cover my whole body and soon enough i had pitch black looking armour with various gold coloured runes on it. Death Energy Manipulation... The same thing my undead use to create their armour and weapons i can now also do the same with it as well.

Next on i tried some curses on a few animals and insects i found in the mines and they spectacularly. Also performed some other stuff that involves in making death pacts and death deals. A death pact basically means a promise if broken can cause death to the party that broke it. The death deal is basically the same but a bit different both parties take a death deal and if they can't complete their end of the task then they will both die.

I tried a few more things that weren't that crazy and stuff but it was all a very unique concept to learn and practice about. The next thing on my list is to turn a living being into an abyssal. I was always a bit interested in my abyssal abilities but sadly the one i got at the begining wasn't one i could use very often due to it's high risk of exposure and that unknown thing that always grows where the beam hit.

Because of this reason this ability of mine fell behind all the other one's so far. But thankfully this new ability is one that i can use without having to risk my powers very openly.

I sent one my newly created undead knight's outside and gave him a command to bring back a living being here. Due to them evolving they can know understand more complicated commands. Soon it brought back a dog. The dog looked malnourished and looked like it was gonna die anytime soon.

I honestly felt bad but then again it's not like i'm gonna kill it if it survives the process it will get to live a completely new life.

For this ability to activate i need to touch the target. I touched the dog's head and activated the ability while giving a silent prayer for the dog to succeed. The doggo got completely enveloped in a dark reddish energy. Soon the energy was acting unstable it felt like it was gonna explode or something but then after a while it completely stopped.

What came before me was nothing like it's previous self. It was almost big as one story house. With reddish gold fur. It's canines were almost as big as me and it's body no longer looked malnourished but looked like it was filled with power. I feel like if i was to fight this guy without my undead i would no doubt lose. Soon the dog opened it's two large Dark crimson eyes and stared at me. There was an uncomfortable silence before it suddenly opened it's mouth and started licking me. I was startled as this was unexpected. I kept petting the dog if it can be even called one anymore.

Curiously i looked at it's stats and i was immediately blown away. First of all this big guy was at level 25 almost 15 levels above me. It has ten time my health, energy and strength. But strangely enough it only had three skills. All of it's abilities though were not weak at all cause it had abyssal beam just like me also had a skill called abyssal protection which i believe is a defense ability. Other than that the final ability seemed very unique. it was called Abyssal aura.. the desc says it's an aura filled with abyssal energy and it can be used to create weapons and other objects out of thin air other than that it can also increase physical power as well.

It seemed very cool. I noticed the Doggo was waving it's tail while looking at me i then thought about giving it a name. "Do you want a name?" I questioned it and it nodded it's head as if to confirm.

"Alright than, From now on i'll call you Iven." I told the doggo and it furiously shook it's tail as if to agree with me.

I then returned back on Iven's back as he could run very fast like fast fast and since it was night nobody noticed.

When we were nearing my neighbourhood i dismounted from Iven. I also commanded him to reside inside the abyssal domain inside of me. I discovered this domain while i was testing Iven's strength. It's basically a very dark place unlike space this place had no laws of of physics of anything. Surprisingly iven liked this place very much.

So after saying Goodnight to Iven i also fell asleep even though it was almost past midnight. The last thing on my mind while sleeping was if i should make more of such beings like Iven but i immediately shook off the idea as it wasn't currently necessary.

I fell asleep completely shortly after.

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