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And there went all my hopes, all these months despite the training to discover my abilities, I have not advanced at all, according to Sarasvi, a God knows immediately what his abilities are, but I have not had any revelation, and my quick ability to process information I had from when I was a mortal so it does not count, maybe this has to do with me being an anomaly.

wonder what else I can do, although the prairie pleases me, I'm not going to sleep or live outdoors. I decided to channel my energy once again, I wanted to create a house, or better, a castle. I always liked castles, in my life as Zandor I always wanted to live in a castle, surrounded by riches, with thousands of servants attending to my needs. it's time to fulfill my fantasy. Maybe the wealth and servants thing can't be done, anyway, Sarasvi noticed that I'm trying to use my powers to create something.

[You know, I shouldn't use energy so often. Remember you just created your domain, and now you want to create something else]?

"don't worry Sarasvi, I just want to build a castle, it's not like it's the universe."

[okay, but you should take my advice into consideration]

"yes, yes. less talk, and more action".

First, I want it to be more of a mansion than a castle because, only I will live, and well, Sarasvi too, but she doesn't even take up space, just because of that weird tattoo that appeared after Orion gave her to me. With a strong wind generated out of nowhere and a bright light, an imposing wall with battlements and an imposing central tower was created out of nowhere, guarding my future home inside. as far as I can see the wall is made of quartz blocks, perfectly chiseled, carrying runic inscriptions, giving them a faint purple glow.

"but i didn't imagine a wall..."

[he thought I would just sit idly by while he created his home, well mind you, no, those walls with the inscriptions are a gift, they serve to strengthen the defenses in case of any possible attack in the future]

"wow, how generous of you "miss books""

[my name is Sarasvi, which was given to me by you, why do you call me "Miss Books"?]

"it was a joke. Well never mind, let's go inside now, even though I don't need to sleep I feel too tired."

[that's due to using your powers too much. You're still an infant as far as divinity is concerned]

"yeah, yeah. i don't want a "i warned you" better go inside ok?"

Although I would have liked to carefully appreciate the infrastructure of the mansion, I felt too tired to be able to do so, so entering through the main doors I found a living room arranged of various furniture but I wasn't very interested in them at the moment. I headed down the central hallway in the direction of any of the rooms on the second floor, I opened the door and found a double bed padded, there were other furniture, but as I said I was tired. lying down on the bed I close my eyes falling asleep immediately.

"wake me up in a little while more Sarasvi, ok?"

[yes sir]




[sir?, I think you've had enough sleep]





"AHH, WHAT? What happened Sarasvi, I told you to wake me up in a while..."

sir slept for almost a week]

"What? But it felt like it was 5 minutes, why didn't you wake me up earlier? "

[I tried to wake him up, but he didn't react to any stimulus, finally I got fed up and decided to release a faint sonic pulse into his sound receptors]

"So you screamed in my ears?"

[in simple words, yes.]

"Do you have any idea why I slept so much?"

[The main reason was an overload in his powers, but I sense that it was more due to some possible sequel in the anomaly he caused in his domain]

"mmm, I'll keep that in mind, did anything new happen while I was gone?"

[no sir, if anything that in this time, I decided to use my sensors to explore the building check the things I think. due to you leaving me here, alone and without any mission].

"hehehe, sorry about that, um anyway, now that I feel more refreshed, why don't we take a walk around the mansion, since I still don't know what you opened up"

[sounds like an excellent idea sir]

Leaving the room where I slept for a week, the first thing I notice is that the material the walls are made of seems to be Cedar wood along with limestone, giving a finish similar to that of a castle. Moving along the corridor, there are a decent amount of paintings that I had never seen before, portraying imposing battles as well as mystical beings, one caught my attention, it looked like a deer, but of an albino color, without fur, with severe malnutrition, its limbs were stretched, it had no eyes and its antlers looked like branches of dead trees, giving a finish in a forest of giant trees withered from the winter.

[I didn't know you knew about Zarcalods, I thought there were none in your world.]

"no, I've never seen them before, what are they?"

[they are entities created by a god, as he once commented, he wanted to create a being capable of giving in a first impression that it is a prey, to later change that thought and discover the alpha predator of the extinct giant forests. I wanted them to be a proof of the twisted side of nature, therefore, they do not possess souls, they only move based on reflexes and instincts].

Mmm, that left a bad taste in my mouth. Continuing on my walk I notice that there seems to be an extensive amount of rooms, deciding to enter one the first thing I see is that it is completely empty. Well, what did I expect, I only did the superficial, I did not add things like furniture in each of the rooms, indeed, I do not remember having imagined it that way, anyway, continuing, I find another exit, which leads to what seems to be an interior garden, in which there is a huge amount of flowers, along with some trees that give a nice shade.

Returning to the place where I entered the mansion I can appreciate more clearly that the living room is adorned with more modern armchairs than the decoration itself, giving a slight contrast in terms of old and new, in the center of the wall there is a fireplace with blue fire burning, curious, this also I did not imagine adding it in my order. Walking out the front door, I can see that The exterior of the mansion is composed of natural stone to give it a fortress-like appearance. With large entrance gates, being adorned with wrought iron being an example of the craftsmanship that has gone into the mansion, even though it was built from scratch

"well, that's it isn't it?"

[something is still missing my lord]

"and what would that be"

[the room where your universe will be]


[Missing the room of...]

DreadxRuby DreadxRuby

Hello everyone, here is today's chapter, I hope you like it, you know, any mistake comment in the error paragraph.

Another thing, I made a mistake in the last message and it was not Wednesday, it was Thursday hehehe, sorry a slight error. I will fix it right away once this is published.

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