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23.07% The godly duo

Chapter 3: pills

As daniel fell to the ground ragnar punched him in the face slamming daniel towards the ground making him hit the floor and bounce off it.

Daniel tried springing back up but ragnar tried to stomp on daniels stomach but daniel rolled away and then got up.

Daniel tried to do a kick but ragnar checked it and rushed in and kneed him in the gut then put him in a clinch.

Ragnar went to town on daniel kneeing him in the ribs and stomach. Daniel the gave up on getting out of the clinch and went on the offensive.

Daniel then started striking ragnar on the jaw and kneeing him in the stomach. The arena then turned into a blood fest.

Daniel broke ragnar's nose and knocked one of his teeth out and left a huge purple and red bruise on his stomach. While ragnar fractured daniel's ribs also leaving a red bruise with purple dots on his rib cage.

Daniel then struck ragnar in the face repeatedly with his elbows causing a loud CRACK then ragnar slumped to the floor. Daniel ignored the sound and then he lifted his arms in celebration.

But when the ref checked on ragnar he wasn't responding. Daniel accidentally broke his jaw

cutting his celebration short.

People rushed into the arena and put ragnar on a stretcher.

The next day the news announced that ragnar was going to recover but he would not be the same or be able to fight the same.

That was daniels last fight.

Well officially…


Jose daniels older brother smacked him on the back of the head waking him up from his flash back.

Jose asked are you still thinking about that moment? You know it was an accident and you didn't mean to go that far, daniel sighed yea you're right i'll try not to think about it anymore.

Jose asked hey were you up last night by any chance? Nah I took some pills and fell asleep why?

Well, while you were being a sleeping beauty there was a meteorite passing over, and apparently some pieces broke off and fell nearby.

I don't know what happened to the rest of the meteorite, but I heard there is some fog or smth leaking out and that some people are gonna go check it out and it's gonna be restricted for a while.

But knowing you, you're probably gonna sneak in or parkour over the fence like usual. Guess you do know me best also we need to go to walmart cause I need to get some more pills and some munchies.

Dude you don't need any more pills, but munchies do sound hella good plus we can leave some in the bag in the car for later.

Alr let me get ready so we can go go turn on the car and leave the ac on it's hot as hell outside ill be back in 5 minutes or so.

Daniel went to his room and put on a black T-shirt with some black jeans and some black and white running shoes. He also go a duffle bag with some shorts and a thing jacket and a sleeveless shirt for the gym later tonight.

He left the house and opened the gate so they could go get some munchies.

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