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Chapter 2: CHAPTER 3

'its him!' Larisa screamed in her mind, she was more confused than ever, so she was right about the dream and the creepy Empire. "let me go! what do you think you're doing?" she shrieked with her small but sharp voice when she finally found it.

The prince and the mysterious man suddenly turned their gaze towards her, immediately Lothaire's blazing gaze fell on her, her brain melted, he! 'snap out of it!' her inner self yelled at her, then she composed herself and gave a hard glare because she knew the prince didn't drag her there for nothing and at that point a million reasons why she was there popped into her head.

She suddenly jumped out of her thought when the prince effortlessly gave her a push towards Lothaire, making her to yelp and stumble so hard that she almost fell, the force she had used to collide on his body was enough to make him fall hard but she was surprised that he didn't even flinch.

She realised how tall he was when she collided on him cause her head was resting on his torso and when she looked up, she swore she almost drool, he smelled exquisite and his scent evaded her brain. 'damn! Was he a man or a god?'.

If he told her he was a god, she would easily believe it cause he looked nothing like a human and his aura was so dark and enigmatic, he looked like an Angel of darkness.


Lothaire looked at the Angel like figure before him, practically drooling at his appearance, it was nothing new to him, all the women were like that but she was different, even he felt it and he hated it.

"Was I cursed or something?" he asked rhetorically and his deep husky voice woke Larisa up from her thoughts.

"Its nature" Darius(the prince) replied with the straightest face she had ever seen.

"So its natural that my breed mate is a weak, frail human. Ahhh...." he said nonchalantly. Larisa was in a state of confusion, did she just hear right?Breed mate? was he a werewolf? So many ridiculous thoughts ran through her mind.

"breed mate? If you guys are trying to use me for sex trafficking, its not gonna happen cause my friend would never leave without me!" She stated as confidently as ever,she didn't even know where she got the courage to speak in front of these two majestic creatures.

Her brows creased in annoyance and confusion, if there was one thing she hated, it was been left in the dark and right now there was no hint of light to find her way out.

"Darius did you take care of the friend?" Lothaire asked, ignoring her and Darius nodded in affirmation.

"wh..what did you do to Lise?" Larisa yelled in fear that her friend was hurt or worse because of her.

"hurting her would be causing our Empire to be revealed, so she's safe but not here". Darius explained in a straight uninterested voice as of he read her mind.

" If she's not here, where's she?" Larisa asked.

"Home" Darius replied with a straight voice. "If you have any more questions, ask Lothaire" he added sternly and turned to leave, while Larisa just watched him in shock, could he be lying about her friend?

But he was right because her family was wealthy and if they did hurt her, their creepy Empire would be revealed in an ugly way, but she still had more questions, it didn't look as if she was been sold for sex slavery since it was out of question, so what then? She pondered.

"wait! You cant leave me here? What do you want from me? why am I here?". She asked all her questions at once facing Darius since Lothaire's face was a huge distraction for her. Darius ignored her questions and walked out of the room shutting the double doors behind him.

Immediately he left, she felt her heart drop from her chest because she realized she was alone with Lothaire, she could feel the pure darkness and eeriness oozing from his body which made her tremble slightly.

She felt him walking towards a chair, front of the amazing fireplace, he walked majestically towards the chair and his body moved in elegance, she wondered how he did everything so elegantly.

Larisa hadn't even noticed his room until he started moving, really his room defined him in a sense, every single thing in the room screamed luxury, the walls and tiles were made of black marble and gold designs with a king sized bed with thick black luxurious sheets. Atop the bed she saw the same dragon symbol she had saw earlier.

" Don't you want your explanation?". Lothaire's deep voice resonated in her head stopping her in her thoughts. Then an idea popped in her head, this was her chance to escape since she was closer to the door but his voice stopped her in her thoughts again.

"Don't even think about running, it'll be a hassle...." He hadn't completed his sentence before she sped to the door like lightning but before she could get hold of the door knob, she felt a gush of wind brush through her skin, then two strong hands trapping her between the door. Larisa was shocked on how fast he had caught hold of her.

Lothaire towered above her and trapped her between him and the door, she felt so small that she wanted to curl up and hide, his cold blazing golden eyes staring down at her was intimidating and felt like she was been sucked into an endless abyss.


Lothaire couldn't believe she had actually tried to outrun him, she was unbelievable, he could hear her racing heart thump hard, she was scared but brave.

"Sit!" He commanded and watched her bite her lower lip in regret while she move meekly to the chair. She watched as he walked gracefully and sat opposite her, crossing one long leg over the other, he ran his long sexy fingers over his inky black hair, 'even his fingers are glorious' her inner self drooled while she tried to maintain a straight face.

"Its story time". Lothaire said nonchalantly. She didn't say a word but waited for the so called story he was about to tell her, but Lothaire just stared at her as if he was observing her expression, then he spoke.

" I don't enjoy beating around the bush so I'll just go straight to the point....My mother was a pure bred vampire and she was married to king Luthor, then she got seduced by the Devil and gave birth to me....The Devil's been causing war with the pure bred vampires because I refused to join him in his ridiculous quests, so I need my breed mate's blood to be stronger so that I can kill him.....And yes, you're my breed mate". Lothaire explained effortlessly.

Since he started explaining, Larisa's eyes were as wide as saucers and her mouth hanging open and close like a fish. Larisa couldn't find it hard to believe as much as she wanted to because this was the only liable explanation to what was going on and why she saw his eyes in her dreams, that couldn't be a coincidence, besides his expressionless face didn't look as if he was making it up and that could explain why he looked like an Angel of darkness.

"I..I wasn't expecting any of this...I mean do I have to stay here forever? And how do you know I'm your breed mate? Why now?" She asked multiple questions all at once. Lothaire sighed but surprisingly he wasn't frustrated at her, he knew it was the mating bond at work and he hated more than anything that his breed mate had to be a fragile human girl that could die from just falling down the stairs.

"We only found you when you stepped foot in Empire D and a demon can know its mate by scent and vice versa, you won't stay here forever only until I've killed the fucker....No more questions". He ordered and stood up walking to the window, he took a cigarette and lit it up, inhaling the nicotine, he blew out a puff of smoke while Larisa couldn't help but admire him 'how could someone look so perfect doing anything' her inner self drooled.

He turned around and said,

." I more thing.... " He drawled, which looked super sexy to Larisa who was too stunned to speak "We're getting married tomorrow". He stated in an uninterested way.

Larisa yelped as she stood abruptly from her chair in sheer shock, immediately coming back to reality, the voice she thought she had lost suddenly came back to her.

" no, no, no. You cant just kidnap someone and start telling them you're the devil's son and start saying they're your breed mate and as if that's not enough you just drop 'we're getting married tomorrow' on them as if any normal human is going to just believe that, I'm leaving!" She confidently stated and turned around to leave.

"You won't last a day if you leave". Lothaire stated and she halted, then turned around. " No one knew who you were until you stepped foot here, not even the devil himself but since you're already here he'll be sending his minions after you to stop me from been strong enough to kill him and the only way you're safe is if you marry me but if you still want to leave then you're free to do so". He stated as a point of fact.

Larisa started having mixed feelings, deep down she knew he was saying the truth even if he felt dangerous, he seemed like he would really protect her, besides if he wanted to hurt her, he wouldn't let her leave freely and she had to stay alive if she wanted to see BTS one day.

Larisa took a deep breath and said

"Fine! I'll stay....." Lothaire gave a wicked smirk and he looked even more gorgeous than before making Larisa's legs wobble that she had to sit down. "But you have to promise to protect me no matter what". She concluded, she couldn't die now, not now.

" You have my word". He promised with a wicked glint in his golden eyes.

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