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Chapter 79: The House of Screams

Unexpectedly for Soisen, it turns out that he hit it off with Cedric once they started talking about Herbology. While Cedric was surprised at Soisen's obvious lack of interest in Quidditch, it didn't stop him from talking about some related topics somewhere in between, such as growing trees for broom wood.

-"The Dementors are a nightmare," complained Cedric much later, when they were more familiar with each other, "If it wasn't for the strange shield that was installed this year, who knows what traumas some of the students would have suffered. The ones traveling with me were crying for several minutes until I managed to calm them down.

-I can get an idea," Soisen said, remembering Luna's state when the danger passed, "I've always wondered why they don't give euphoric potions to the prisoners in Azkaban. Not only would that serve as punishment for those cruel wizards and witches, but it would also keep the Dementors so happy they wouldn't want to leave.

-That's... a brilliant and chilling idea -Cedric shuddered at the possible scene -Do you always have such creative ideas?

-Believe me, you haven't seen a fraction of what I'm capable of.

Cedric was quite enthusiastic as a guide, especially since he was about to be caught by another group of female admirers and Soisen averted tragedy with his disillusionment charm, causing them to pass him without seeing him. Although he had some knowledge of how to cast it, it wasn't as good and certainly not as fast.

-It's a pity you're not interested in quidditch, with your reflexes, I'm sure you'd make a good seeker or hitter," he lamented.

-"Come on, if half of what I've heard about you is true, then I think that if the Triwizard Tournament were to be held again in the future, you would definitely be chosen as Hogwarts' representative.

-Do you really think so? -Cedric looked at him in surprise, because that meant that the Goblet considered him eligible out of all Hogwarts students.

-Of course, if it's ever held, I'll bet on you. Literally! -You know the Weasley twins, don't you? I'm sure they'll open a betting booth, right after they try to become contestants.

-Ha ha! Yes, that would be quite like them," Cedric nodded, "And why didn't you think of yourself? Silvia mentions that you are more than capable," he asked curiously.

After all, what wizard doesn't dream of the honor of being Champion?

-Seeing how the Ministry is working these years, I'm sure they would establish something like a minimum age to participate, because of the mortal danger and all that. Can you imagine first year students being chosen? It would be suicide for them," he shook his head, "I'd rather set up a parade with tournament souvenirs and make some money. When the time comes, I'll look for you to authorize me to make some dolls and pins with your image on them.

-In fact, it is likely that they will take some action," Cedric found the explanation reasonable and logical, "Silvia wasn't joking that you like to make money, either," he laughed.

Make young wizards who can't even cast a light charm fight in tests of magical skill, courage and knowledge?

The tournament would last a short time, perhaps fifteen minutes to be generous.

And that's if we count the time for the opening and closing speeches!

-What can I say, business runs through my veins," Soisen joked. "Thank you for guiding me, Cedric. Let's say goodbye here.

-Don't you want me to walk you back to Hogwarts?

-I'm not going back," he pointed to the battered house on the other side of the broken fence, "I'm going to the Shrieking House to have a look around, curiosity, if you know what I mean.

-You shouldn't," Cedric frowned, "What if Black's hiding there?

Soisen restrained himself from looking at him like a three-headed parrot.

How the hell had he come up with that and how could he have gotten it so right?

-Relax, the paper saw him still far away and I don't intend to stay long. Just long enough to rule out the rumors.

-The Dementors are still running around here and I happen to have some practice with the Patronus spell.

Soisen raised his finger in rebuttal, but on second thought, it didn't really matter if he came. As he stated just three seconds ago, he just wanted to get an idea of the interior layout for later.

And he really didn't know if those dementors would dare to come near.

-All right, let's go then.

They both entered the Shrieking House and Soisen wasted no time, he quickly examined the interior. The ceiling was in disrepair, the wood creaked under his feet and there were cobwebs. He took note of what should be the entrance under the Boxing Willow, located the room where Sirius should hide later and set a simple alarm spell to know when there was movement in the place. Also, to prevent him from jumping for some wild animal, he set it to react only to human presences or proportions exceeding five feet in height. Meanwhile, Cedric was trying to contain the urge to cough due to the large amount of dust in the environment.

In less than three minutes, they were outside, once again stepping on the earth outside and breathing in the fresh air.

-That was exciting, but not very enlightening," said Cedric, who was still a bit startled to enter a place like this, "The place is pretty run down, but there are no ghosts or screams. It seems that rumors are just rumors.

-Yes, it was really disappointing," said Soisen, satisfied that nothing went wrong. I promised Silvia and a friend of mine that I would go to Honeydukes to get some candy. I'll go there and then I'll go back to the castle, are you in?

-I think I'll pass," Cedric waved his hands after thinking about it for a few moments, "Honeydukes is a place where the chances of finding some "fans" is too high, I think I'll go straight back. Nice to meet you, Soisen, keep me posted if you do anything interesting!

-You too, Cedric. Count on it," Soisen dismissed as he headed back to Hogsmeade.

On his way to Honeydukes, he spotted the infamous Hog's Head tavern, which should be being run by Albus Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth. He stared at the place for a few seconds before continuing on his way.

There was nothing interesting there, except for the passageway behind Ariana's painting connecting to the Hall of Menesters. Besides, the place was worse in hygiene even than the Leaky Cauldron, a pigsty that he wasn't quite clear how it was still operating when the Three Broomsticks was operating just a few streets away and Miss Rosmerta was attracting almost every customer.

After locating the candy store, he grabbed some chocolate frogs and some jelly slugs, before going to the cashier to pay.

-Do you have any snake-shaped sweets?

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