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Author: Chimdi_nma

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: LOSER!

Ever wondered what it's like to give up your future or dreams you never had for someone you love? Getting punished for something you didn't do and watching the person you love dearly betray you?

This is the story of Marsai Modrick. A girl in her early twenties.

"Life sucks!" Marsai scoffed putting her books into her school bag.

‎ "Life sucks and everyone knows that, stop acting like a kid going through puberty or a high school kid" Grandma Nini retorted.

"Whatever" Marsai adjusted her bag on her shoulders.

"Grandma, I'm off to school!" Marsai shouted.

"Wait, have you eaten?" Grandma Nini asked curiously.

"Grandma, I've eaten, and you know that." Marsai smiled.

"Did you pray?" Grandma asked adjusting the collar of her shirt.

"You know very well that I don't forget to pray" Marsai laughed.

Grandma Nini looked at Marsai's shoes, her shoelace wasn't tied properly. Grandma bent down and tied the white shoelace properly. Although the shoe looks too old and worn out. Grandma sighed.

Grandma Nini looked at Marsai and smiled.

"I promise to get you new shoes, okay?"

Marsai nodded her head.

"If anyone bullies you in school, don't forget to tell me, okay'' Grandma tied Marsai's hair.

"No one dares bully me in class, I'm the oldest. I'll say they're scared of me." I laughed.

"I hope so, bye" Grandma waved at Marsai.

That's a lie. The kids aren't afraid of Marsai despite the fact that she's the oldest in the class. Instead, they called her all sought of names like a bully and a murderer.

People always encourage us to let go of our past but not Marsai. Hers kept following her everywhere, as if it were her shadow.

Marsai is only going to school because Grandma Nini advised her to. She was at the verge of committing suicide when Grandma Nini saved her. It was like a moment of her life she will never forget.

Marsai stood at the tip of the river. She stared at the water. Tears ran down her cheeks, she sniffed continuously.

Marsai's skin was bleeding profusely, she looked like someone that was beaten mercilessly.

"Martins!" she shouted continuously with a shaky voice.

Grandma Nini was picking seashells when she met Marsai for the first time.

"Getting periwinkles is so hard these days" Grandma Nini sighed standing up.

"What is a kid doing at the river by this time of the night? She looks so tired and hungry at the same time… wha..what is she trying to do?"

Marsai closed her eyes about to fall into the river.

Grandma Nini ran to save her from falling into the river, but it was too late, she had already let go of herself.

"I haven't run this way since I entered my sixty's" Grandma Nini breathed heavily.

Grandma Nini is very good at swimming. She entered the water and brought Marsai out of the water. Marsai almost drowned but Grandma Nini saved her.

Grandma Nini dropped her walking stick beside Marsai.

Grandma Nini placed the heel of one hand on the centre of Marsai's chest at the nipple line. She also pushed one hand on the other. Grandma Nini did this for a few minutes.

Marsai started coughing out water.

"Thank goodness she has regained consciousness. Why are most kids committing suicide these days?'' Grandma Nini asked.

Marsai's face looked very pale. Her eyes were swollen. By looking at her face, you'll know that she's been crying for a very long time.

Well, that was six years ago.

Marsai walked quietly to the bus stop despite the fact that she was already late to school. Marsai always looked undisturbed, she always looked pale like someone who is tired of life.

Marsai is naturally beautiful, her siren eyes always attracted people not to talk of her long hair and bright eyes. Marsai is tall and has an olive skin complexion, her face is spotless unlike her hands and legs. She had scars all over her body except her face.

Marsai looked eighteen but she's twenty-two years old and a high school student. This is the part where everything gets suspicious.

"How can she be twenty-two and still be in grade eleven? Beauty without brains" people will always laugh at her.

She's already used to getting called different kinds of names including drop out who decided to come back to school.

Marsai had no friends in school. She's an island, always discriminating herself from other people.

"Marsaiiii!!" a voice screamed from afar.

Marsai turned as she was curious to know who is calling her.

That's Jake.

Jake is a friend of Marsai. Not really a friend. Jake considers himself as Marsai's best friend, but Marsai doesn't even consider him as a friend.

"Jake" Marsai sighed.

"I brought some snacks for us, your favourite snack bar!" Jake smiled, raising it up.

Marsai stared at him without saying anything.

"you're eating right? I saw you trying to buy it last week, but it looks like you were out of cash. So, I wanted to surprise you." Jake smiled earnestly.

"Do you know what we have in common?" Marsai smirked.

"Uhm, let me think…" Jake placed index fingers on his lips.

"I don't really think we have something in common, maybe we live in the same neighbourhood, right?" Jake laughed.

"No, you're very wrong. We are both losers" Marsai laughed.

"Losers? Is that what we have in common?'' Jake asked, confused.

"Yes, we're both losers," Marsai laughed loudly.

"Isn't that funny?" Marsai continued laughing.

Jake joined her in laughing.

Marsai stopped laughing and stared at Jake awkwardly.

"That wasn't supposed to be funny".

"But it is, I've always been called a loser in school. So, finding out I have someone who is also a loser, that's kind of fun." Jake smiled.

Marsai stood still staring at Jake. His fat cheeks beaming with a smile.

Jake is fat and short, the fact that he is fat, ugly and short made people body shame him always and tell him he looks disgusting. That is one of the reasons why Marsai referred to him as a loser. He is seventeen years old. He always refers to Marsai as his big sister but since Marsai warned him sternly to stop calling her that, he stopped immediately.

"Let's go, the bus is already here"" Jake hopped into the bus.

He waved at Marsai to sit with him. Marsai was reluctant at first but later joined him. Jake was obviously the happiest boy in the world, he thought he and Marsai had become friends already.

They arrived at the school.

Jake and Marsai walked together. The whole students were surprised to see someone with Marsai because Marsai was always treated as an outcast.

"Two outcast walking together. That obviously makes sense. The ugly one and the beautiful murderer" Hailey's friends laughed at Marsai and Jake.

Marsai glared at them without saying a word. Jake looked down because he was afraid of Hailey's friends.

"Guys stop it. You shouldn't bully someone or call them ugly" Hailey scolded her friends.

Hailey is the Queen bee of the school. They always referred to her as the Queen bee because she is popular on social media and also a popular model.

"Marsai, please I apologise on their behalf" Hailey smiled.

"That smile, that mischievous smile Mira always gave to me, there's a lot behind that smile, jealousy and hate is what that smile is all about"" Marsai said in her mind.

"Let's go Jake".


Jake walked behind Marsai with his head bent down.

"I heard that we would be having a new teacher today. From what I heard from the teachers; I heard his very handsome" Jake whispered in Marsai's ear.

"I don't care," Marsai said, increasing her footsteps.

"You really don't?" Jake asked, walking faster.


They entered the class together. It took a while before a teacher entered the class. The students thought there would be no lesson for the day.

"Good day students" the teacher addressed the class.

"I thought there is no lesson for today, our mathematics teacher is sick" The students murmured amongst themselves.

"Yes, your mathematics teacher is severely sick and is being treated in the hospital but there will be a new teacher replacing her." The teacher announced.

The students paid more attention now to find out who their new teacher is.

"Sir, is our new teacher handsome? Does he look like a kdrama actor or an anime character? '' Tiara asked.

The student's laughed.

"I think he's beyond handsome."

"Beyond handsome?" They murmured.

Marsai smiled.

"Lets welcome Mr. Martins" The teacher made way for Martins.

"Good day students, I'll-

Martins couldn't complete what he was saying.

"His voice and face. He looks like a character that came out of a comic book." The students gushed.

Marsai seemed less interested but the voice of the teacher sounded familiar. She had to look up to see who it was.

Lo and behold, it was Martin's. The guy she had a long, interesting history with.

"Martins?" she opened her mouth in surprise.

Martins looked round the class and they had eye contact.

"Marsai?" He asked in disbelief.

Chimdi_nma Chimdi_nma

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