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Chapter 19: Ch - 18 Request of Devi Ganga

Inside river Ganga ~

After few hours passed, Raghav woke up deep inside the river. He looked very different from what he used to look like. His eyes which were brown, turned into shining golden. His hairs which were black were now white in colour. On his back, there were 6 pairs of wings fully opened. He was shining with a bright white light which was comming from his wings.

Raghav - 'System, am I a seraph? But I heard seraphs had only 6 wings not six pairs.'

[ Host is not a seraphim. Host have 6 pairs because he was not created by biblical God. This is also the reason Host does not have a halo on his head. ]

Raghav - 'Then why do I have white hairs and golden eyes? I didn't have these when I became an angel.'

[ It is due to Host being inside the purest river Ganga. During the transformation, all the impurities washed out of Host. Previously, you were not pure enough to have these features but now you have this because transformation happened inside river Ganga. ]

Raghav - 'So, do I have something like Omnipotence? I mean I have Sun divinity, shouldn't I have something like that?'

[ No, Host does not have such power as of now. Host needs to train his Sun divinity. When Host has enough control. If Host has proper control over his divinity, Host will have something similar to Omnipotence.]

Raghav - 'Explain'

[ Where ever the rays of the Sun reaches, Host can know about it by just thinking. So during day, you will know what is happening where and why but only when you have a good control over your divinity.]

Raghav - 'Lot more explaining to do now.'

He sighed as he knew he now have to explain everything to other. Ofcourse he won't tell others that he became an angel. He will just say that he got a boon or something.

[ Hidden mission complete ]

[ Objective - Have 3 or more pairs of wings. ]

[ Rewards - Wish totem, Strength x3, One free weapon ticket in store. ]

[ Wish totem - You can invoke any God or divine beast and ask for anything you want.

uses - 10/10 ]

Raghav - 'More or less useless. I may ask some of Divine beast to become my pet. How cool would it look like. As for weapon ticket, I have to think what I want.'

He soon came out of the river with his wings still out. When he came outside, the water splashed and he started flying in the air.

Raghav - "COOOOOOOL."

He flew up in the sky with an incredible speed. Even the birds Flying in the sky were shocked seeing a human, or atleast what they thought he was, flying in the air.

[ Thor - Looks like this is the birth of a new God. ]

[ Wukong - No idiot, he was already an angel before and already had Divinities. He just got more powerful. ]

[ Thor - How did you know he had Divinities? ]

[ Athena - Because he streams most of the time. ]

[ Wukong - Yup ]

[ Thor - Yeah whatever. I just wanna fight him now. He looks powerful.]

And so another discussion started in the group. Raghav on the other hand, had calmed down and sat near a tree with his wings closed. He could easily hide his wings.

Raghav - 'I just have to train my Divinities enough so that I can easily defeat any God or demon or devil.'

So he began to practice his water divinity near the river.

After about 4 hours ~

Raghav was now sitting near the river, washing the sweat all over his body. While he was doing this, a certain lady was watching him. She was watching him from the second he came near the river. Raghav noticed her presence but he ignored her. He did not do anything because the lady was just watching him and he had a rough idea on who the lady is.

After washing himself, he prepared to leave when a the lady appeared behind him. She was very beautiful. She was wearing a white saree with some jewelries. Without turning his head, he said -

Raghav (mischievous) - "You know, it's not good to spy on other people."

lady (Smiling) - "Well, I can't do anything about that. You came near me. Whatever happens near the river or inside the river, I will know about it, easily."

Raghav smiled as he realized who the lady was, he quickly turned and folded his hands to greet the lady.

Raghav - "Pranipat, Devi (Goddess) Ganga."

Ganga - " Always stay happy son."

Raghav - "So, what can I do for a Goddess?"

Ganga - "I want your help, Raghav."

Hearing this, he was a bit taken aback. Why would she need his help? Like what could be the reason she chose specifically him.

Raghav - "May I ask why you want 'my' help. I mean your son, Bhishm, is still alive and is in Hastinapur."

Ganga - "That is the thing son. He follow his Dharma blindly and because of that he did several bad things. He is also not strong enough to help me."

Raghav - "Well you are his mother, you should guide him but you still support him, maybe I should handle him myself."

Hearing this Ganga's heartbeat increased several times. She roughly knew how strong Raghav was and if he fought with Bhishm, Bhishm will definitely die. She also would not be able to help her son as gods are not allowed to mess with mortals. Raghav seeing her face understood what is happening.

Raghav (co) - "Ah I guess you misunderstood my words. I said I will handle him myself, meaning I want to guide him to the correct path. He is a good warrior, just distracted from his path. Also I will help you but what can I do?"

Ganga had a sigh of relief. She just misunderstood the person infront of him but what he said wasn't wrong. She would be sure to scold her son for what he did in the past again.

Ganga - "There are few Rakshasa(monsters) who are killing alot of innocent people and then throwing them in the river. I want to ask your help in controlling them."

Raghav - 'Perfect time to test my powers.'

Raghav - "Alright, Tell me the path and I will go there now."

Ganga - "Follow the direction of river. After about 6 km, there is a small village. It was a human village but now it is filled with various monsters."

Raghav - "Alright, don't worry Devi, I will handle them. Please bless me."

Ofcourse he doesn't need her blessings to win but this is just basic manners. Also the fact that Goddess Ganga reminded him of his mother. He made sure that after this all is over, he will go meet his parents.

Ganga - "Be victorious"

Ganga Blessed him and the returned inside the river. It was like she just disappeared from her place. Raghav was pretty chill about he. He was now used to stuff like this.

Then he looked at the sky and from his back, 6 pairs of wings emerged. The beautiful Goldenish-white wings were more than twice his size which he thought was pretty cool. Then he flew off in the sky and followed the path of the river.

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