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Chapter 2: Anomaly

I couldn't think straight at all, shock had started to set in as I thought of all the possibilities of the situation. I was sleeping in my warm bed with no worries of the world besides how I would tackle my research project assessment for school, and now I'm in a world possibly filled with superpowered zombies.

It was possible that I would be hunted down by superpowered zombies, including the likes of Iron Man, Wolverine, Captain America, Spider-man etc. all because he just happened to be transported to this world.

On the other hand, there was the possibility that a zombified version of Thanos with a 5 stone powered gauntlet was waiting in Wakanda to get the last infinity stone.

Then on the other, other hand, this could be a completely new world, one that didn't have such overpowered beings as zombies. Maybe this world was one where the heroes were still fighting back against the zombie horde with the last remnants of humanity.

None of these options were good, but the final option at least gave me a chance of surviving in this wasteland without having to unlock the Master Control on the Omnitrix and Alien X. Of course, I was still going to try that, but first I was going to focus on calming down after having a complete mental breakdown from this insane situation.

Giving myself a few minutes to calm down and stop hyperventilating, I walked away back to the lobby of the building. I looked out onto the street and viewed as some of the zombies just walked past the door and ignored me.

It was weird that they weren't attacking me, or that they couldn't smell me through this glass door, but who was I to look a gift horse in the mouth. I turned back and headed up the stairs of this building once again to find a room I could open.

If I really wanted to, I could use one of my aliens to knock down the doors but I wanted to save the energy just in case a super zombie decided it wanted to mess with me. It took me a few floors, but I eventually came to an open room and proceeded to enter.

I was still cautious of any zombies that may have been hiding from me, but it appeared I got lucky and stumbled into a room without any. I walked to the bedroom of the apartment, hoping to find something that I could use to carry things like food and water.

I didn't know when I would get the opportunity to find any more food or water, so I needed to stock up on as much as possible. I didn't even know if I would make it out of this place alive, but it can never hurt to be optimistic.

After looking in the closet I found what was essentially a gym bag, perfect for storing large amounts of food and water. I emptied it of all the previous owner's old gym clothes, doubt they even use them anymore, and walked into the apartments kitchen area to raid the fridge.

I opened the door and to my relief there was a few bottles of clean water still sealed. There were also some cans of what appeared to be canned meat. I remember that my grandparents used to eat a meat known as spam back when I was in the regular world.

Spam was a great find here, being able to last for at 2-5 years after it was initially purchased. Of course, I didn't actually know when this was bought so I couldn't be sure if it was still good so I needed to open one of the cans and see if I could smell if it was bad.

This also helped me because I was starting to get hungry, although I wasn't a huge fan of spam, I would do what needed to be done for my survival. Opening the can of spam, I couldn't really tell if the food had gone off. With a prepared mind and opened stomach, I decided to take a bite out of the block and see if anything went wrong.

It tasted like I remembered it to so that was a good sign. Of course, I wouldn't be able to immediately tell if I would get food poisoning or anything, so I would have to take the food with me while I traveled and hope that nothing bad happens.

I finished the block of meat and tossed the can on the floor, no need to care about a random apartment that I would never come back to. After I checked the water faucet, hoping that I might be able to acquire some more water and store it in some other containers, but no such luck as the water had stopped running.

I packed up the rest of the water and food and picked the bag up and walked down the stairs to the lobby one more time. I had a crazy idea that may let me create my own safe area, free from zombies, but of course there would be a risk to this plan.

There was also the possibility that if I did this, someone would take notice and investigate, saving me from this god forsaken place. If not, they could try to kill me and I would probably let them, I don't want anything to do with this terrible place if even other survivors don't want me around.

With an idea in my head, I dropped my bag of supplies and moved the couch from the door after making sure that I wasn't near any zombies. With the couch out of the way I would be able to run out and attract as many zombies as I could then lead them away from the area before transforming back into Heatblast and burning them all to ashes.

I wanted to be away from this area so that I didn't accidentally burn the supplies I had gathered and need to scrounge for more. I was going to do something along the lines of what happened to the Extremis virus victims.

I was going to basically explode, reaching a temperature of over 3000 degrees Celsius, except instead of me blowing up and leaving nothing behind, I would be fine because of my alien physiology.

With my plan in mind, I ran out into the streets of New York and screamed my head off. I had no idea if this would attract more zombies to my area, but hell if it didn't feel good to be screaming. I ran a few blocks before finally coming to a stop.

There were now a large group of zombies in front of me, stopping me from advancing any further. I turned back, thinking I could find a different way and maybe attract more zombies to the area, but I was greeted by another group of zombies that were closing the distance between us.

I was cornered, nowhere to run anymore and hundreds of zombies pouring out of buildings and from alleys to reach my location stopping me from changing my direction.

It was now or never, I had one chance at this. If I didn't take out all these zombies right here and now then I would turn, becoming one of them, or just be eaten by the large horde. With no more hesitation I pressed the button for the Omnitrix and began my transformation into Heatblast.

After one second, I was in my Pyronite form and ready to kick some zombie ass. However, I waited for them to get closer, bring as many zombies into my blast range as possible. When they were 10 meters away from me, I began the process of heating up and spewing fire into my surroundings.

After 5 seconds I had reached the desired temperature and the zombies in the surrounding area had begun turning to dust. The concrete I was standing on and the area around me also melted and turned into molten rock.

With one final push I expelled as much fire as I could, hoping to destroy as many as I could. The scene looked like a supernova exploding and taking everything with it.

With no more energy, I fell to my knees and began to look around the area I had just eviscerated with my fiery explosion. Corners of buildings were turned into molten rock, the road was filled with a pool of lava and the corpses of the zombies had all vanished into the wind.

"I think... I'll just take... a quick breather... before I go back..." I lied down on the only piece of solid land that was left in the entire area. I needed to catch my breath and now was a perfect time to do that, no zombies around and no way for any of them to reach me even if they do approach me.


"Mr. Stark, there has been an anomaly in the vicinity of New York, I believe it is worth investigating." A robotic voice sounded out in the dark room. There was only one man presently here and he was currently having a light nap.

Hearing that the voice was calling him he groggily got up from his nap and stretched. "Jarvis, what is it? It's been months, what could possibly be worth investigating?"

It had been almost a full year since the beginning of the apocalypse, and this was the first time that Jarvis had ever spoken about an anomaly. There were cases where a group of survivors was found and someone had to step in to save them, but this was a new situation.

"I have detected a heat signature similar to that of the explosion caused by the Extremis virus. The local temperature exceeded 3000 degrees Celsius." Jarvis, the disembodied voice explained to his creator.

With those words, Stark was indeed interested. It had been a few years since he had anything to do with the Extremis virus, after the Mandarin incident he thought he had heard the last of it.

"Fine, fire up the suit, can't hurt to have a look around."

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