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Chapter 13: Age of Ultron (7)

On the bridge, Jasmine and Steve are seen fighting Ultron bots. Steve grabbed a bot before ramming it towards a metal beam ripping it head off. Jasmine on the other hand, grabbed a ripped off robot leg and used to bash more of them.

They then heard screams from civilians who are trapped inside their car.

Steve: "Jasmine!"

Jasmine: "On it!"

She jumped towards one of the cars as she grabbed it from the back preventing it from leaning forward and falling off the cliff. Digging her feet into the asphalt, she gritted her teeth before using all her strength to pull the car from the edge of the bridge. She was then grabbed from behind by an Ultron bot as two more arrived and grabbed her arms. Having enough, she slammed the one who is grabbing her right arm on the ground before using her free hand to crush the head of the robot who is grabbing here from behind.

She grabbed the last one by the arm as she ripped it off before using it to beat it down. She then grabbed it by the neck and threw it off the bridge. She saw the woman who Steve just saved was about to be attacked. That's when Steve's shield came flying towards the robot embedding it on its chest.

Ultron Bot: "You can't save them all. You'll never--"

Steve got back up and called his shield back with the bot still attached to it. He then threw the bot off the bridge once he got his shield back.

Steve: "Never what?! You didn't finish!"

A car then landed with Thor landing on top of it. He got down as Steve and Jasmine ran up to him.

Steve: "What, were you napping?"

Jasmine: "I'm going ahead. See you guys later."

Using her super leaping, she jumped towards where the police of Sokovia were helping deal with the robots. Natasha is also there fighting them as Jasmine landed at the center before throwing a metal pole stabbing a few Ultron bots towards the wall. Steve and Thor also arrived as Thor took them down easily. They saw more coming as Steve kicked his shield up from the floor before Thor hit it with such force that it was sent ripping through multiple robots before the shield stopped when it hit one last robot as it got stuck in a car.

More robots surrounded Thor as he just spun around with his hammer sending then crashing on the ground with one hitting a fuel tanker making it explode. Ultron who flew back to the city saw this and got more furious.

Ultron: "Thor! You're bothering me."

He grabbed Thor by the neck as the two flew out away from the others. Clint was still fighting the robots as he startted get overwhelmed. That's when Wanda came out with a determined fave and used her powers to destroy the robots with ease. With one last burst of energy, all the robots around then got destroyed into pieces.

Clint: "Alright, we're all cleared here."

We see Steve bashing a robot using his shield.

Steve: "We are not clear! We are very not clear."

Clint: "Alright, coming to you!"

Pietro then arrived as he carried Wanda bridal style before running off.

Pietro: "Keep up old man."

Clint: "Nobody would know."

Clint aimed his bow to where Pietro just ran off to until he brought it down and jogged his way towards where the others are.

Clint: "The last I saw him, when Ultron was sitting on him. Uh...yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little *******. I miss him already."

Hyperion is flying around the city fighting more Ultron bots that tried to attack him. Of course the robots are no match for him as he just rip them apart like paper. That's when he saw Ultron throw Thor towards the church as Thor went through the roof of the church before hitting a pillar.

He flew towards them and was about to help Thor but Vision beat him to it when he used Mjolnir to hit Ultron sending him flying out of the church.

Hyperion: "I guess they didn't need any help."

Pietro arrived back at the plaza as Wanda used her powers to dismantle more robots as Pietro blitz around ripping more of them.

Soldier: "Hold your fire!"

A stray bullet grazed Pietro on the shoulder as he stopped and turned towards the soldiers. They just stared at him until the speedster just gave then a look.

Steve: "Natasha!"

Steve threw his shield towards a robot who was about to attack Natasha from the back.

Natasha: "Thanks!"

She grabbed the shield and used it to bash more robots. She then passed it back to Steve who handled the remaining robots. Tony is flying under the city trying to find a way to bring it down without casualties.

FRIDAY: "The anti-gravs are rigged to flip. Touch 'em, they'll go full reverse thrust. The city's not coming down slow."

Tony: "The spire's Vibranium. If I get Thor or the old man to hit it..."

FRIDAY: "It'll crack, but that's not enough. The impact would still be devastating."

Tony: "Maybe if we cap the other end, keep the atomic action doubling back."

FRIDAY: "That could vaporize the city and everyone on it."

Steve, Hyperion and Nat stood around as they stood ground protecting the people. They just finished the wave of robots as Natasha and Steve got the time to breath.

Steve: "The next wave is gonna hurt any minute. What have you got Stark?"

Tony: "Well, nothing great. Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear."

Hyperion: "There's still civilians in the city Tony."

Tony: "I know but the impact radius is getting bigger any second. We're going to have to make a choice."

Natasha: "Cap, these people are going nowhere. If!Stark finds a way to blow this rock.."

Steve: "Not until everyone's safe."

Hyperion: "Everyone up here and everyone down there Steve. Think about it."

Steve: "I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it."

Natasha: "I didn't say we should leave. There's worse ways to go. Where else am I gonna get a view like this."

Hyperion then heard engines as he turned towards the clouds.

Steve: "What is it Hyperion?"

Hyperion: "Something's coming."

Fury: "Glad you like the view Romanoff. It's about to get better."

Ascending from the clouds, the Helicarrier started to rise up until was beside the city fro everyone to see. Pietro ran around until he stopped at a cliff overlooking the Helicarrier as he stared at it in amazement.

Fury: "Nice right? I pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do."

Steve: "Fury you son of a bitch."

Fury: "Ooooh! You kiss your mother with that mouth?"

Hyperion: "Job well done Fury. You always impress me."

Hill: "Altitude is eighteen thousand and climbing."

Klein: "Lifeboats secure to deploy. Disengage in three, two... take 'em out."

A few lifeboats were then deployed as they flew towards the city to help with the evacuation of civilians.

Pietro: "This is SHIELD?"

Hyperion: "This is what SHIELD's supposed to be."

Pietro: "This is not so bad."

Jasmine then landed near Hyperion and walked towards them.

Jasmine: "That's the last of the Ultron - Woah!"

Hyperion: "Nice view right?"

Steve: "Let's load them up."

Hill: "Sir, we have multiple bogies converging on our starboard flank."

Fury: "Show 'em what we got."

Hill: "You're up."

The Ultron bots are then shot down by a rain of bullets as War Machine came flying and punched one of them.

Rhodey: "Yes! This is gonna be a good story."

A few more appeared but Tony flew in and blasted them with his repulsors.

Tony: "Yup, if you live to tell it."

Rhodey: "You think I can't hold my own?"

Tony: "We get through this, I'll hold your own." Rhodey: "You have make it weird."

The two then tag teamed the Ultron bots blasting them and shooting them down in the air with ease.

Clint: "Alright, let's load 'em up! Alright, here we

go. Here we go, let's move. Let's go everyone!"

Klein: "Number six boat is topped and locked. Or, uh, or stocked, topped. It... it's, uh, full of people."

Maria then saw one of the Ultron bots flying towards them not stopping.

Hill: "Incoming!"

But before the Ultron bot can crash through the window, Hyperion grabbed it by the back before ripping it in two.

Hyperion: "Your welcome."

Fury: "Nice save."

Tony flew around the Helicarrier trying to fend off more of the robots so that it won't get near the Helicarrier.

Tony: "I got it! Create a heat seal. Hyperion and I.... can supercharge the spire from below."

FRIDAY: "Running numbers."

One of the Ultron bots destroyed one of the engines of a lifeboat as Tony flew towards it and caught it from below helping to stabilize.

FRIDAY: "A heat seal would work with enough power."

Tony: "Thor, Hyperion. I got a plan."

Thor: "We're out of time. They're coming for the core."

Tony: "Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board the Helicarrier."

Rhodey: "On it."

Hyperion: "Everyone let's go. Time to work for a living."

Tony and Hyperion went back towards the church and fend off the Ultron bots who are trying to touch the core helping Thor and Vision. Tony blasted them as Hyperion did the same. Pietro also arrived and helped before Clint and Wanda arrived. Cap also arrived with him bashing a robot with his shield. Jasmine also arrived as she landed outside of the church before regrouping with everyone.

Pietro: "You good?"

Wanda: "Yeah."

Hyperion: "Where's the big guy? I just saw him moments ago."

Tony: "Romanoff? You and Banner better not be playing "hide the zucchini"."

Romanoff: "Relax, Shell-head. Not all of us can fly."

She was driving a truck towards the church running over more of the robots before walking in.

Natasha: "What's the drill?"

Hyperion: "This is the drill."

Tony: "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose?"

Hulk then arrived and backhanded a robot as Ultron floated in the air watching them.

Thor: "Is this the best you can do ?"

Ultron raised his hand as more Bots arrived as Jasmine just gave him a look.

Jasmine: "Really?!"

Steve: "You had to ask?"

An explosion then occurred as Arkus flew in the air. Taking off his damaged helmet as his eyes glowed red in anger. Signs of damage are seen around his body as Hyperion could only smirk. Arkus floated beside Ultron as he gave Hyperion a glare.

Ultron: "This is the best I can do. This is exactly what I wanted. All of you, against all of me. How could you possibly hope to stop me?"

Tony: "Well, just like what Cap and the old man said."

He then turned to Cap and Hyperion as they nod.

Tony: "Together."

Hulk let out a mighty roar as all the robots swarmed the church. Everyone fought them off not letting them get near the core. Pietro used his speed to run around with Wanda assisting using her powers. With everyone's combined might, they fend off the Ultron bots with ease making Ultron and Arkus furious. Having enough, Arkus blitzed towards Jasmine but Hyperion tackled him out of the church.

Hyperion: "Let's end this once and for all."

Arkus pushed Hyperion back as the two fought in the city away from the church.

Hyperion: "You guys deal with Ultron, I'll handle Arkus. I'm ending this."

They flew around the city as Hyperion dodged some of Arkus Cosmic Blasts. He maneuvered around buildings until he caught Arkus off guard by ramming him from behind and through multiple buildings. Arkus then leaned his head back hitting Hyperion stunning him. He then delivered hard crosses towards Hyperion as the Eternal stumbled back. Arkus then fired a beam hitting Hyperion pushing to the ground creating a crater. Arkus landed and was about to sledgehammer Hyperion but Hyperion dodged and elbowed Arkus to the face before punching him with so much force the shockwave he created made the crater even bigger and sent Arkus flying up.

Hyperion flew up and grabbed Arkus by the head before headbutting him making his nose bleed. He grabbed Arkus by the leg before twirling him around and throwing him towards another building. Arkus slowly got back up and wiped the blood from his mouth. With a roar he tackled Hyperion and slammed him towards a building. He dragged him up the building as Hyperion tried his best to escape his hold. He fired his Atomic Vision hitting Arkus. He flew towards him and punched him away as he did this a few times before dropping and kicking him making him crash to the ground.

Hyperion landed on top of him and punched him two times then blasted him with his Atomic Vision. Arkus went for a punch but Hyperion leaned to the side and grabbed him in a choke hold. Arkus created a sword and was about to stab Hyperion with it but the Eternal flew back. Arkus then infuses his Cosmic Energy into the blade and aims it towards Hyperion.

Arkus: "I'll cut your head off and once I'm done, I'll send your head to Arishem."

Hyperion: "You can try!"

Arkus charged at Hyperion and swung his swords trying to slash him with it. Hyperion. Would dodge the blades he punched Arkus back. Arkus went for another slash but Hyperion ducked down and uppercut Arkus sent him flying up hitting a building. Arkus floated in the air as Hyperion came with a haymaker to the gut. Hyperion then kicked Arkus' swords away but Arkus made a mace hitting Hyperion on the face sending him towards a building.

Arkus flew inside the building as Hyperion slammed a table on him but Arkus punched him on the face before lifting him up then slamming him through the floor as Hyperion landed a few floors below. Arkus was about to jump down but Hyperion flew up as he tackled Arkus towards the ceiling going through all the floors until they burst out of the building. They flew back a few feet and then charged once more clashing fists creating another shockwave. But Arkus started to lose all of his strength from the damage he received as Hyperion pushed through and his fist met Arkus' face sending him barreling down. Hyperion flew towards him and grabbed him in a choke hold as he rammed Arkus on the concrete floor creating yet another crater.

Arkus: "A-Arishem will c-come for y-you. I-It will be the e-end of this w-world."

Hyperion: "Let him come."

Hyperion flew up with Arkus still in a chokehold trying his best to escape Hyperion's hold. He kept on choking as he elbowed Hyperion's chest multiple times but the Eternal only tightened his hold. With all his strength, Hyperion ended Arkus by twisting his neck around his body finally killing the Eternal who was sent to stop him from rebelling on Arishem's wishes. He let go of the Eternal as Hyperion watched his dead body descend from the sky then passed the floating city.

Hyperion: "Good riddance."

He then stared at the Sun and basked in its radiation as he felt energized even more. Having an infinite supply of Cosmic and Solar energy, he felt good as new.

Hyperion: "Now time to end this war."

He flew back towards the church and saw Ultron fighting Vision. Hyperion flew in and punched Ultron out of the church as the Eternal fired his Atomic Vision making Ultron shield himself and also pushing him back. Vision, Thor and Tony also joined Hyperion as they blasted him with all their might as Ultron's vibranium body started to break. With one last push, Ultron's body finally broke as he fell to his knees.

Ultron: "You know, with the benefit of hindsight-"

He was then cut off as the Hulk punched him sending him flying. He then turned to the remaining Ultron bots who started to run away and flew out of the city.

Thor: "They are trying to leave the city."

Tony: "We can't let them, not even one. Rhodey!"

Rhodey: "I'm on it!"

War Machine flew towards the remaining robots and was about to shoot them down.

Rhodey: "Oh, no, I didn't say you could leave. War Machine, comin' at you, right--"

Vision then appeared and destroyed the remaining robots surprising Rhodey.

Rhodey: "Okay, what?"

Steve: "We gotta move out. Even I can tell the air is getting thin. You guys get to the boats, I'll sweep for stragglers, be right behind you."

Jasmine: "I'll help Cap."

Clint: "What about the core?"

Wanda: "I'll protect it. It's my job."

Hyperion: "Are you sure?"

Wanda: "Yes. Get the people on the boats."

Pietro: "I'm not leaving you."

Shen then blasted one last robot as she looked towards her twin.

Wanda: "I can handle this. Come back for me when everyone else is off, not before."

Pietro: "Hmmm."

Wanda: "Do you understand?"

Pietro: "You know, I'm twelve minutes older than you."

Wanda: *chuckles* "Go."

He ran off to go and find more civilians as Hyperion stayed behind.

Hyperion: "Are you sure about this Wanda?"

Wanda: "Yes. Now go and help the others. There might be more civilians trapped around the city."

Hyperion: "Okay then. Be careful."

He was about to fly into the city until Wanda called him making him turn.

Wanda: "Thanks for the words earlier and for always worrying for us."

Hyperion: "You guys are young and still have a future in this world. I want to see what you and your brother could do. You guys will do wonderful things."

She smiled and nodded as Hyperion flew into the air as Wanda stood her ground. She could feel something towards Hyperion. She could feel comfort when he is near. Like a father to his children.



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