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Chapter 2: Green No.1: Fading Light

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" A woman screamed as she runs for her life

"Why! Why do you do this?" She asked him as she was cornered into an alleyway


As he fires, a man then jumps down and blocks the bullet with the palm of his right hand, the bullet then became nothing but glowing dust as it disappears into thin air

"Di-Did you just-" He said but let out a little squeal as he sees the same man that erased his bullet, run at his at full speed

He just kept shooting at him but the man keeps accurately grabbing them and wiping them out, except for one that wounded the left side of his shoulder

The psychotic man then loses all his bullet and with that, the heroic man punches him straight in the face

the man was launched into the floor and knocked out as the hero looks back at the girl who is in tears, he then walks up to her

"Are you alright? did he hurt you?" he asked

"No but thank you for saving me" she said as he hugs him and weeps in his shoulder

"Its ok, he can't harm you anymore. I'll make sure of it" he said as he pats her on the back

As he grabs the unconscious man, the woman stops him before he leaves

she reached out her hand and shouted "Wait! May I know who you are"

He turns around and answered "I am called Hamuro, The 2nd member of the Koruba. And shall I ask you, who you are aswell?"

"Oh yes, I am Hanayo Kojima"

The hero's face went pale, sweating at an alarming rate. Like something bad had happened, Nothing but pure utter silence

"What's the matter? Did I say something wrong?" she said to break the ice

"N-No, It's nothing. I gotta go now, just call out my name. Hamuro. I will be here when you call" he said as he sprints out while lifting the man

Just what was on that man's mind?

shall we see then?


I thought as I go to my local police station and take that man to justice

"Good work, Hamuro" said a man with red eyes

"No, Problem sir" I responded

The man with red eyes is Kijon Guritus, The head police officer of our state. He started being a police at the age of 17 but had been working with his father Yuu Guritus who is also a police officer, ever since he was 14 years old. Not really much is known about him since he's not just cold hearted but also kinda to the point

"Have you found out where the long hair is located?" Kijon questioned

"Sorry sir but It seems that he has been laying low" I told him

"Damn him, Ok then. Oh also, The first Kuroba wanted to say that they are having an Important meeting. Please be sure to attend" He said

"Oh yeah.....I'll start soon" I said in a downhearted tone

"Yeah, I know. Just hope for the best and we end up teaming" Kijon said as he gives me some cash and headed out the building

I head out aswell and gone to the groceries to buy some ingredients, I knock on my apartment and the door open

"Welcome back!!" She said with such a cheery demeanor as always

This woman is the love of my life, She is Maori Kojima. She saved me when I was in time of need, and she had always been there for me. Her joy is what fuels me to wake up everyday, She motivates me to help people like how she had helped me, She is a magazine editor and works from home.

I go in and place the bags at the counter while she goes back to her laptop and continue her job

"Sooo.....umm... I have a request" I said

"what is it?" she asked

"Can your older sister not meet up with us today" I asked her

"Oh! Funny thing about is uh" she said in an embarrassed way

"I'm already heeeeereeee! welcome to the fam bro-en-low" Hanayo said energetically as she showers him in confetti

She takes a look at him and gets a shocked face

"what's the matter? You've gone pale, sister" Maori said to her

"I-Its nothing, I have something to discuss with your boyfriend" she told her as she drags me into a room

"Okeyy, don't hurt him alright" I hear Maori screamed to us as Hanayo closes the door and locks it

"So...Hamuro, I'm guessing she doesn't know" she said as she sits on our bed

"Yeah, and Its kind of my job that she doesn't know, it's in my contract" I said to her

"So, when are you gonna tell her?" she asked me as she looks around in our room

"Never really, If I can keep this secret to the grave I would. I just want to live a normal life with her while helping people" I said as I looked at a photo with me and her enjoying ourself at our date. A big milkshake with two straws, dining at our favorite restaurant before It was sold and became a salon. what a happy memory, I thought to myself

"We can't be normal, that's why we have these powers, we will die unnaturally or have blood on our hands" she told to me but I could only focus on one word she said

"I'm sorry, did you say 'We' " I asked her as she turned around and looked back at me

she opened one of our drawers and took out a gun

"Uh ok, We do not own guns in this house, Lets make that clear..... Although unless Maori has some explaining to do" I told her

"No, this is my role Dior-sel. See?" she says as she covers her hand with a towel and once she uncovers it, she has a taser in her hands. Like a magic trick for dangerous items

"What does it do?" I asked as I am still confused on the concept

"I can just pull out lethal weapons out of anywhere. I can even pull out an RPG out of a toilet bowl if I feel like it" she said jokingly as she lets out a little cute chuckle

I still couldn't wrap my mind around it, the fact that I would also have to kill her, not just my sister-in-law, a friend that I had always cherished...

A memory I still hold dear to my heart, even if it pains me


{About 7 years ago}

"Hi, I am Hanayo Kojima, I am please to meet you all and I hope we can get along very well" she said in a calm voice

you can tell she was a straight forward person, the type that if she wanted to say something then she would talk about it without worrying of the judgement of others. I admired that about her

And fortunately she was assigned to sit next to me in class, I was interested on what she was like so I started to talk to her

"So, hey there" I said awkwardly

"Is there something you want" she asked me

"what's your name" I asked her

"I just said it a few seconds ago" she told me

"oh yeah..." I said, It was not my proudest moment and I was nervous

she chuckled, teasing me "Its Hanayo, don't forget it ok" she told me

there it was, a start of our friendship

we started to know each other

we started eating lunch together

skipping school to do wacky things

tell our stories and talk about our day

even though we were so different, it felt like we were connected

and before I knew it


I fell inlove with her

we had known eachother for 2 years at this point but the last time I saw her, before this meeting. was at a park, at the night where we sit at the bench and just talk with each other

"so, how are you and your family doing" I asked her as I open a can of softdrink

"not well, I'm kind of on edge these days" she said to me with a saddening tone in her voice

"why is that?" I asked her worryingly

"I cannot say, unfortunately" she told me as she looks down

and before I knew it, I don't know if I did it accidentally or by nature of the situation but I wrapped my hand on hers and I held it without noticing

she swiped her hand out of mine and said "Sorry" and left

it took me a few seconds to understand the situation I was in but when it dawn on me, it was already to late

I could scream my apologies and beg for forgives but she was already far away, and I couldn't see her anymore

It would be fine if she rejected me but this situation, it wasn't even because I wanted to, I got my answer by no choice of my own and It cost me my relationship with her

I still remember I cried so hard on that bench

I waited for her at school, ready to explain that it was all a misunderstanding but she wasn't there

I waited for her, even checked where we would do our shenanigans almost on a daily

and of course, after almost every class I would waste my time on waiting for her at that exact bench

I did this for months, there was even a time where I slept on the bench

and then those months turned into one and a half year

I wasted so much time for nothing, I got depression and had to take anti-depressants, the state I was in was the worse

and I was at the point, I gave up

I shut myself out of society, no one knew me, not even my parents, they only saw me as a child they had to pay for school and once school was over, the money was over as well

I just lived a boring life











*ding dong*

someone was at the door

which was weird since I didn't order anything

I opened the door, "May I help you?" I asked the woman infront of me

"Are you Makoma?" she asked me

"Yes, how much is the food" I said guessing she was a food deliverer

"No no, I'm Maori Kojima. Hanayo's sister"

I then tried to shut the door but she was persistent

while her hands are trying to counter mine pushing the door she talked to me

"please listen to what I have to say"

"Thank you, but I'm fine"

"It's about my sister"

"I figured"

"My sister missed you"



I let my guard down


"its the truth"

"You had a better chance of convincing me that she's dead, work your your acting"

but she opened her phone to show that what she was saying is truth, she worked for the government in replace of her mother who was in critical conditions

"I'm sorry" she told me

"for what"

"I've seen what you've been doing for the last year or so, and what led you to this path"

"heh, so you watched me..."

"yes, as it was her request"

"then why didn't you stop me..."

"I trie-"


"please liste-"

I didn't want to hear her, I pushed her and gone out, I didn't even bother closing the door

I went back to the place where it all came crumbling down

I sat down at the bench and collected my thoughts, but as I did it spiraled into me crying at that bench in the middle of the day, the attention was all on me as they looked in disgust and annoyance at a broken man crying on a bench

almost half an hour went by and I left and had gone to a hardware store

with some money I saved, I bought one item

A rope

I went back home, I saw my messy apartment and got a chair and tried to hang myself, but she came just in time, she cuts the rope and luckily I was still alive

she had set a surveillance camera to check up on me, and on how I was doing. and she booked a stay near my room

"WHY DID YOU DO THAT, THERE WAS A REASON THAT I DID THAT-" I shouted angerly at her but then I saw her face

she had tears in her eyes, she hugged me and told me "I'm sorry I couldn't have stop you in the past but I can't undo what's already done, I'll help you no matter what from this day on because my action in the present are the ones that matter more. And please, just because you wasted your time doesn't mean you can throw what remains of it away. take care of yourself, ok? because even if everyone says that your worthless, even you yourself, just know that you will always be worth more than anything to me"

I couldn't help but cry aswell, I felt safe, like nothing could ever hurt me. It was like I had seen the beautiful white light and had escape from the endless darkness. I saw something new to me, something I thought I couldn't achieve, for the first time in my life

I saw hope


{The present day}

"are you ok" she asked me

"yes, I'm fine I guess" I said

"did the realization that you had to kill me kicked in?" she said teasingly, which is weird she's talking about fighting each other to the death so casually

I nothing in response, "It was obvious by your face, by the way" she said

"why are you so calm about this, were talking about one of us dying"

"Its fine, that just means we could take more and get to know each other like we were 15 again" she said

"wait, since you had this power, why didn't you use it when you were threatened?" I asked

"well, its simple really, I wanted you to save me"

"what?" I said in confusion

"I want to tell you something, a secret, since I know yours then its fair if I give my own as well" she said in a breathy voice

"Ok, I swear" I said out of curiosity

as I was getting near her, she pulled me and kissed me on the lips for long good moment

"I love you, for a long time" she said in a soft and calming voice

she then picks up my phone, puts her number in and calls herself

"call me whenever you want " she said as she unlocks the door and goes out

"Hey, so what's up?" Maori said

"sorry sis, urgent business. I'll be back soon or later" Hanayo said as she rushes out and leaves the apartment

"hmm, what was that all about. Do you know?" she said

"No, sorry, It seems so sudden though" I lied, I fully knew that there was no "urgent business" and just wanted an excuse to leave fast using her government job.....

I really should have asked her about that... huh... welp, to late

I then recalled our meeting, lucky I wasn't gonna be late but I still had to hurry

but I still needed an excuse to give to her or she would get suspicious and maybe even find out that I'm part of Kuroba

"Hey, I'm gonna go with Hanayo, I'll be back soon thought" I told her

"Ok? are you sure, it seems like she need to do something important" she told me

"Don't worry, it's fine. I got this" I said to her as I take my leave

I run to our own little hideout, and while running I pick up my phone and call Hanayo, In just 1 ring, she picks up

"If you aren't quick" she said

"just tell Maori that I was with you this whole time, and if you bump into her, just make some random excuse on why I wasn't there" he said

"Okey doki" she said it a joyful tone just like Maori

I hang up and the phone and kept running

and within a few minutes, I was there

I got inside and there were all the 3 other members

"Sorry, I'm guessing I'm late" I said as I was panting from the exhaustion

"No, actually. quite the contrary" Aika, The 3rd member of the Koruba said

"Yes, your actually very early, about 2 minutes early to be exact" Keiko, the 4th member responded to her

"So don't sweat it, I am very happy to see everyone likes to join early like me. As a leader, I am proud of all of you" Kiyoshi, The 1st and Leader of the Koruba assured me

The purpose of Kuroba is to make the world a better place, because even if we have to kill each other and either spill blood or get spilled with blood, we want to make a brightful impact with the time we have left, and its also a great way to explore our abilities and improve not just our skills but ourselves aswell.

I am Hamuro, The 2nd member of Kuroba.


I am Makoma, Makoma Mokusei. I had seen what true hope is, and how it makes me feel. and I want to share that hope with everyone else who was not fortunate enough to have someone by their side, I want to become the Maori of the world and bring the light to erase the darkness that covers us. The world may not be fair but all it takes is one moment to shatter that injustice, So no matter what, I will find a way to save everyone. Because everyone deserves to have hope in their life





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