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Chapter 2: Vina

A young girl looked to be around fourteen years, with matted hair and a stained tunic. She looked weary and out of breath as if she had been running for a long time. Her eyes darted back and forth, constantly checking her surroundings for any signs of danger. Despite being in the heart of a highly advanced city, she seemed completely out of place, as if she didn't belong in this world of gleaming skyscrapers and sophisticated technology. The building she was leaning against was a stark contrast to the modernity of the city, with peeling paint and broken windows, and it added to her air of desperation and vulnerability.

The young girl leans against the wall, her chest heaving as she pants heavily. Her broken left arm hangs limply at her side, the shattered bones visible through the torn fabric of her shirt. Her eyes are wide and filled with fear, and her face is etched with pain as she takes in the desolate surroundings. Despite the obvious trauma she's suffered, there's a fierce determination in her gaze, a determination that she's not going to let this setback defeat her. She grits her teeth and struggles to remain upright, her breaths coming in short gasps as she tries to steady herself.

Every so often, a low-level creature or a drug addict stumbles by this abandoned alleyway, and the girl desperately calls out to them for help. She pleads for spirit stones, her voice cracking with desperation.

As the occasional passerby approaches the young girl, they immediately take notice of her broken arm hanging limply at her side and the desperation etched onto her features. Despite her pitiful state and pleas for help, they quickly realize that something is off about the situation, causing them to retreat instinctively. This repeated pattern has been ongoing for the past three days, leaving the girl alone and without aid for an extended period. Her once hopeful expression has now turned into one of hopelessness and fear as she continues to wait for someone, anyone, to come to her aid.

She suddenly noticed two figures at the end of the street. Despite the pain and exhaustion, her eyes lit up with hope. This could be her chance to get help. She struggled to her feet and stumbled towards them, her voice weak but filled with urgency. "Please, help me! I've been here for three days and I need help!" she cried out, hoping that these two individuals would be different from the others who had passed by and fled without a second glance.

As the two silhouettes grew closer, the girl's heart began to race with hope. Perhaps this time, someone would finally offer her the help she needed. With her broken arm hanging limply by her side and her body exhausted from three days on the streets, she was desperate for assistance.

But as the two figures approached, the girl's hopes were quickly extinguished. The towering, hulking figures were not the compassionate souls she had hoped for, but two orcs. Their rough, green skin and sharp teeth were a clear indication of their fearsome nature. The girl's eyes widened in fear as the orcs began to size her up, their beady eyes roaming over her broken form. She was frozen, unable to speak or move as the orcs closed in on her.

She was trapped in a desperate situation and she knew it. Her heart sank as she realized that these orcs were no ordinary ones. They had the look of seasoned hunters, and the greed in their eyes was evident. She tried to recall why she was in this state, "If I hadn't blasted out the whole orc village, or fled from those greedy Dragons, I might not end up like this today," She muttered to herself, regretting the choices that led her to this moment. She was at the mercy of these orc hunters and she could feel the fear gripping her heart as they approached her with greedy eyes.

The young girl's eyes widened in shock as she heard the sound of breaking glass and saw the figure of a young boy falling from the third floor of the building. She watched as he plummeted towards the ground, seemingly in slow motion, before finally landing with a loud thud and rolling several meters. The force of the impact caused the earth to shake beneath her, and she could only imagine the extent of the damage the boy must have sustained. Despite the fear that was now gripping her, she felt a twinge of compassion for the fallen boy, hoping that he was not too badly hurt. The orcs, on the other hand, appeared unfazed by the commotion and instead looked at the boy with interest, possibly considering him as their next potential target.

The girl closed her eyes and repeated her prayer over and over again, trying to keep herself calm and hopeful. She knew she was in a dangerous and helpless situation, with no one to turn to for help. The two orcs were getting closer, their cruel grins growing wider with each step. She felt like she was caught in a nightmare from which she could never wake up. The fear and desperation were overwhelming as she whispered her prayers, hoping for a miracle to save her from this brutal fate.

The two orcs smile badly at her and start to tear out her clothes, their intentions are obvious, they want to rape her before killing her. Usually, the bad condition of the girl would prevent doing something like this, but these orcs seem to be on a mission to complete this task.

This time the boy spoke in a loud voice, "There is no one here to help you, the creator is the owner of the universe, we are not his concerns, and the only one who can help you is yourself."

The girl's heart sank as she heard the boy's words. She had always relied on divine intervention to save her in dire situations, but it seemed like her pleas were falling on deaf ears. Her gaze shifted from the sky to the boy, as she tried to make sense of his words. She asked in a broken voice, "What do you mean, the only one who can help me is myself? How can I possibly help myself in this state?" The boy got up and dusted himself. He replied in a determined tone, "You have the power within you to survive, to fight. It may not seem like much, but it's enough to make a difference." She was in a desperate situation and this statement from the boy just added fuel to the fire. Her thoughts were racing, and she felt a sense of hopelessness wash over her. She felt like the whole world was against her, and there was no one to turn to. The realization that she was on her own was a heavy weight on her shoulders. She felt like she was running out of options. However, in the depths of her desperation, she found a spark of determination. She realized that if she didn't act fast, she would fall victim to the orcs' intentions. The fear and hopelessness inside her turned into anger, and she started to channel that energy into finding a way out of the situation. She saw her broken hand and an idea lit up. When one orc was busy pulling her pants, she gritted her teeth and tore out her hand and after gathering her remaining strength she pushed the sharp bone to one orc's eyeball. She pushed the bone further into the orc's brain. Seeing the situation turn sour, the second orc gave a heavy punch to the girl. The intense pain from moving her broken hand was too much for her to handle, and her body finally gave in to the exhaustion and trauma. As her head began to droop, the girl felt herself slipping into unconsciousness. She fought against it with all her might, determined to cling to consciousness for just a little while longer.

The first orc died immediately. While watching this, the boy looked at the girl sympathetically. He decided to give her a helping hand.

The boy approached the girl with caution, observing the orc who was now preoccupied with tearing apart her clothes. He could see himself in her situation, and remember the feelings of being helpless and alone. But he had overcome those obstacles and found a way to help himself. And now, he was determined to do the same for her.

He stepped forward and shouted at the last orcs to stop. The orc, taken aback by the sudden interruption, turned its attention to the boy. The boy stood tall, exuding confidence, ready to face whatever came his way to protect the girl.

He called out in his mind, 'Open up the panel and show me the state of the orc'.

The orc's state appeared in his mind in a holographic window.

Name: Orc #1

Level: 5

HP: 150

MP: 25


Strength: 20

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 10


Passive skills:

Ferocity Lv. 3

Active skills:

Brutal Strike Lv. 2

The boy quickly grabbed his scythe and mounted it on his high-speed flying hoverboard, ready for any challenge that may come his way. The orc, upon seeing the boy approaching, roared and activated its Ferocity skill. With increased strength and ferocity, it charged toward the boy, brandishing its crude weapon.

However, the boy was well prepared for the orc's attack. He swiftly swooped down from his hoverboard, avoiding the orc's Brutal Strike with remarkable dexterity. The girl saw the boy approaching on a shiny hoverboard, brandishing a blood-red scythe. Through her blurry vision, she watched as he expertly wielded the weapon, dodging the orc's attacks and striking with deadly precision. The orc's arm was swiftly cut off by the boy's scythe and sent flying. The orc bellowed in agony, but the boy was relentless. He struck again with his scythe, this time delivering a fatal blow to the orc's neck. The fight was over in a matter of seconds, with the orc collapsing to the ground, dead. The girl couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the boy's incredible skills, even as she slipped into unconsciousness.

Two days later the girl opened her eyes, she saw her whole body was bandaged, especially her broken arm. She wondered how her broken arm was healed. She tried to get up and groaned again. She felt pain all over her body. She looked over and saw the boy looking over a window.

As the girl slowly regained consciousness, she was immediately aware of the tight bandages that covered her entire body. With a soft groan, she tried to move, only to be met with a barrage of pain. But despite the discomfort, she was eager to find out how her broken arm had been healed.

As she tried to sit up, she caught the boy's gaze through the nearby window. She was about to speak, but before she could, he turned to her with a smile.

"Welcome back to the land of the living," he said in a cheerful voice. "You're one tough cookie, you know that?"

The girl let out a small chuckle despite the pain. "I guess so. How long have I been out?"

"Two days," he replied, walking over to her bedside. "I took care of you, made sure you got proper treatment. Your arm was broken, but it's all good now."

She looked down at her arm, still wrapped tightly in bandages, and marveled at the speed of her recovery. "Thank you," she said, meeting his gaze. "But I still don't understand how all this happened."

The boy grinned. "It's a long story. But the short version is that I helped you, and now we're both here."

The girl couldn't help but smile back. Despite the circumstances that brought them here, she felt a glimmer of hope for the first time in a long time. And she couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, things were finally looking up.

Vina gathered the courage to break the silence and introduce herself to the stranger who had saved her life. "So, let me tell you a little about myself. You may call me Vina," she said with a hint of a smile.

Her thoughts then turned to the danger she had faced and the reason behind her battered condition. "I had to do a dangerous task and that's what led to my previous state," she continued.

The boy listened intently and then introduced himself, "I'm Artyom. Just a passerby," he said nonchalantly as if his actions of saving her life were just a mere coincidence.

"Nice to meet you, Vina," Artyom said after that with a warm smile, "I came across you by chance and decided to help you. What kind of dangerous task were you trying to complete?"

"Well," Vina said with a sigh, "I was on a mission to retrieve a valuable artifact for my employer. It was supposed to be an easy job, but it turned out to be much more dangerous than I expected."

"So, let me get this straight," Artyom said with a chuckle, "You thought an easy job would be a piece of cake, and now you're here all banged up. Classic Vina."

"Hey, I never said it was going to be easy!" Vina retorted, "I just thought it wouldn't be this hard!"

"Well, it's a good thing I came along," Artyom said with a grin, "Or who knows what kind of mess you would have gotten yourself into."

Vina pouted, "Hey, I can handle myself!"

"Sure, sure," Artyom said with a smirk, "But it's always better to have a backup, right?"

The two of them laughed, and Vina couldn't help but feel grateful for Artyom's company. She had been on her own for so long, it was refreshing to have someone to talk to.

"So, what brings you here, Artyom?" Vina asked, curious about her savior.

"Oh, just passing through," Artyom said with a casual wave of his hand, "I heard there was some trouble here, so I decided to check it out.""And you just happened to have a flying hoverboard and a wicked scythe with you?" Vina said with a raised eyebrow.

Artyom shrugged, "What can I say? I like to be prepared."

Tufaan Tufaan

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