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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Senior year is fast approaching. In fact we are two weeks from its start. Harriet is excited, after winning nationals a few months ago she has been planning the new year with precision and a dedication only she would be able to pull off. Twiddling the red vines between my fingers I tug a little off and let it sit in my mouth, forgotten as I scroll through Facebook. Looking at all the Summer photo's , the weird things my aunts always tag me in. My mother has been posting baby photos of us again, so quickly, logging out and back into her account I delete them. She can never understand why they keep disappearing-my explanation is that Facebook takes them down to prevent child endangerment. But I do not need everyone seeing my baby fat in tight pink.

"Mom is still on her phone, idiot." Harriet comes into my room on her phone- obviously just back from the pool because she is wearing her bikini and shorts. Her hair done up in a bun on the top of her head. "You have to wait at least five minutes before you delete them."

"Doesn't matter," I push away from my desk, spinning my chair to face her as she flops down on my bed. "I made her believe she has a virus."

"You are evil."

"You want your baby pictures all over the internet?"

Her eyeroll is enough of a reply. She has more of a reputation to uphold than I do. "Did dad try have the college talk with you?"

"No, they expect me to attend community college and be pregnant by 19." Harriet has a learning disorder that makes school work super difficult for her. We often joke that I got all the brains in the womb. Which really isn't funny but humor to cover up the pain is a thing! "Besides, I have been avoiding him for days, ever since he caught Spencer coming out my room the other morning."

"I do not want to know." Spinning around I pull on my headphones. I made both of them promise that I would not have to hear about their relationships intimacy and they would avoid PDA as much as possible around me.

"We didn't do anything! He just fell asleep."

"LA la lala." I sing loudly, interrupted only by our mother walking in with her iPad.

"Harper, I think I should go to the shop, even my iPad seems to have a virus."

Internally, I am groaning, outwardly, I tell her I would fix everything. I am going to run out of technical issues to use as an excuse as to why her Facebook deletes baby photos. Harriet stares at me with raised eyebrows as if to say she told me so. Shooing them both away I throw her tablet on the bed, watch it is safe and get back to my social media scrolling. She will not ask for her iPad till later.

A friend request pings in the corner and drawing my mouse closer and clicking my jaw drops mid red vine bite. There she is, the girl who disappeared after nationals and I haven't seen her since. Her water bottle mysteriously disappeared as well. Or maybe I left it, I was super busy helping Harriet and the team. She requested to follow me? How does she know my name?

Alena Reed has requested to follow you. Hovering over the buttons I press accept, almost a millisecond later I get a message.

"Does this count as finding you later?

"Certainly accounts for your stalker skills"

I do not have to wait long for a reply.

"you are Harriet Wilders sister?"

"Twin sister...

"Will it bother her for us to be friends?"

"Who said we are friends- stranger." Grinning I open another packet of red vines, tearing them into my mouth with my teeth.

"We are if I say we are."



I grin once more, so she can hold her own? I admire that. I hear our loud gothic doorbell go off which means pizza is here. Grinning I jump up, only when I reach the door my laptop pings again so doing a 180 twist and, looking like a string puppet given conflicting instructions, I dive for my chair once more.

"There is a party tomorrow night at a friends, you in?"

She attaches the invite- I see it is a pool party, most likely for all the Barbie's in the neighborhood.

"Nah," I grin sending it before continuing to type. I see her speech bubbles appear then disappear. " Dream house parties are not really my thing."

I wait while I bundle my curls on top of my head, hearing my dad shout that pizza is here.

"Be there. you can even bring your own 'Barbie'." Grinning I shut my laptop off and head down stairs- No matter how good looking the person on the other side of the message is food comes first. Somehow, finding Alena attractive doesn't bother me as much I would have thought. Feels natural and exciting.

Unfortunately once Harriet got wind of the party she was all in and Spencer being the somewhat willing boyfriend made me tag along. Honestly. Tugging at the dress Harriet made me wear I follow them up the stairs to some mansion that definitely qualifies as dream house status.

"Try enjoy yourself. "Harriet says, squaring her shoulders as she rings the bell. As if willing to fulfill every stereotype, a tall blonde haired ken opens the door, abs on display. Spencer scratches his head nervously, I am sure he wants to disappear anywhere away from this house fill of built men who will no doubt ogle Harriet. They do not have a jealous relationship but there is only so much a guy can take when it comes to his ego.

"Welcome to the pad!" I am so glad I brought snacks- I refused to give up my side bag of snacks, no matter how much Harriet begged. You do not go into enemy territory with no supplies.

The house is filled with people enjoying the last few weeks of Summer in bikinis and sarongs. I tug at the dress once more. I do have a costume under it but the chances of me swimming are slim to none. Body confidence is Harriet's thing not mine. Besides- you could hardly call my swimming suit revealing.

"Stop fiddling!" Harriet hisses when I tug once more. "Can you point us to the kitchen?" She asks Ken who happily obliges and tugging on Spencer's hand they lead the way. I try get all the particulars of the house but it is difficult with the multi coloured lights and magnitudes of people blending into one big glittery picture. I barely listen to the explanation of the different drinks and as soon as Ken disappears I poor myself some punch- which is definitely spiked. Waving off Harriet and Spencer's attempt to get me dancing I head outside, the air is warm and thick with music and shouts of glee. The sun is setting and I realize that this party has been going on for way longer than the invitation says- clearly this is the second string. And whatever energy was being conserved is now bubbling under the surface of shit faced teenagers.

"Want to join our volley ball game?" Turning I spot a less Ken like Ken but still very much belonging at this house. His grin is small but it takes over his whole face. I follow his gaze, spotting a group of people assembled.

"Sure." I have no objection to sports- Abandoning my drink and slip slops I follow him, everyone is either in board shorts or swimming costumes. Sighing I yank my dress off to a series of hoots, with my middle finger raised I join my team, quickly gathering my unruly hair into a top knot. Luckily I had put shorts on under the dress, only with a one piece costume. That way it was just like wearing a tank top.

"First to 21!"

The game begins and after realizing that these people are professional I have to step up my game, not caring if I am short and the dudes often seem to need to lift me up to get the shot. It is fun, We end up winning which means shots are dished out all round and I find myself relaxing in the presence of these models.

"Another game?" Another girls asks me this time, she has large hoop earrings and a wicked grin, her caramel skin shining in the fading light. I think body glitter is responsible for that. Eager she grins before looking over my shoulder.

"Alena! Come join us!" I freeze when I hear the honey thick voice agree, in a second said girl is standing by my side, grinning down at me with her perfect makeup and intense eyes.

"I see you made it."

"Forced." I manage, sending my own grin up at her " I was told I had to."

Her laugh is wicked, she glances down, looking over my outfit. I see a glint in her eye but she hides it with a smirk, I Feel hot all over, nodding towards the game "Well lets see if you still got moves." She watched the last game, my toes curl against the floor as I watch her retreating figure. It is filling out the sports bikini is epic proportion. Her skin tanned and smooth. Her confidence only the cherry on top of a masterpiece. "Come on!" She looks back, grinning as is she knows what I am thinking and enjoys the fact immensely. Two can play that game.

I choose the opposing team and boy is the competition hot. My side plays mean but so does their side and we end up losing by five points. Clutching my side I and breathing deep I accept the pats from fellow team mates. Spotting Harriet and Spencer waving from the sidelines, glancing to see Alena engaged in conversation with almost Ken Ken- Maybe I should call him Ken 2 for clarity- I head over to them to see them. Both look a little glassy eyed.

"Are you going to spend the whole time being socially awkward and playing volleyball?" Harriet's frown makes it seem like a bad thing and in her books I guess it is, it hurts a little that she often doesn't value what I do for enjoyment when I am super supportive of her and her hobbies. Moving my eyes to Spencer I see him flinch, catching the hurt behind the innocent words.

"Probably," I will not let her words hurt me, squaring my shoulders I glance behind me, catching the deep eyes of said invitee. "Want to play the next round?"



Spencer is clearly keen, dancing has never been his 'thing' but he doesn't seem to mind when it comes to Harriet. Harriet smiles at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek to let him know she is not bothered by him heading off to play some volleyball. High fiving him we leave her to socialize with her peers, nearing the courts once more.

"Back for some more ass whipping?" Alena teases, a glint in her eyes as she watches me walk over to her side it changes to a question.

"Strategies can change." I smirk in her direction and watch the fire that courses through the space between our eyes. "Besides, wouldn't want you to tire yourself with the effort of keeping up with me."

There is the honey laugh once more. Tilting her head I watch as her strands get caught in the breeze and the setting sun, sparking a warm brown to get caught between the strings of silk. "Serve, Harper." She says my name in a drawl and I feel the goosebumps arise on my exposed arms. She needs to stop before I loose control of all inhibition's.

"You going down!" I flip off Spencer when he yells from the other side of thee net, High fiving Ken 2. Lifting my arm up I serve, watching it serve in a perfect arch towards the other side of the net. Satisfaction fills me while the other team dives for it, getting it over the net. We volley for a while before our team gets the first point. Grinning I happily high five the other short girl on our team. She is smaller than me but very good.

"Faye!" And her name is Faye, I watch as she answers to the call and gets the ball back across the net in the Knick of time, scoring us our second point.

"You are on fire gurrrrl!" I shout jumping on her shoulders as she laughs. Her grin is easy and carefree. The game gets intense after that as the other team tries their hardest to take us down. Not succeeding. I grin, which turns into a wobbly hyperventilating one when Alena grins at me, pulling me into a hug. My chin just meets her shoulders, I feel every part of her flush against me and I am not sure whether to freeze in shock of melt from the lava that is cursing through all parts of my body. She lets go far too soon and I am suddenly facing Spencer who is pouting and saying he wants a rematch. I merely manage a shake of my head before I head off the court space and make my way over to Harriet, I see Sarah has joined her and happily fit myself to her side in a half hug.

"Hey little H, mean volleyball game." Her presence calms the storm inside of me and I slot myself comfortably under her arm while she chats to those in the circle. When I gain my strength and courage once more I let my eyes wonder and spot Alena off to the side, sipping at a solo cup, she is staring right at me, I feel guilty being this close to Sarah but only because she is staring flames in my direction. Raising my eyebrows at her I can see her visibly shake herself out of it with a scoff and turning away disappears into the house. I do not see her again the rest of the evening.

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