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Chapter 34: Crafting An Armor

"So, what is the plan to deal with the devils?" iris asked softly while looking at Sora who was calmly waiting for the ores he asked for. Sora closed his eyes for a moment at her words, indeed... what were his plans for the devils?

"It's not like I plan to kill the gods, I will slaughter many, but many more would remain alive. I'm also not sure if I could kill them, for now, I guess I could look into seals or something of the kind. but if all the gods needed to come together to form the seal, I can guess how powerful the seal needs to be. so for now, I have nothing." Sora said with a shrug, making Iris speechless for a moment.

"No need to worry, I have contacted the dwarfs, the someones who crafted Thor's Hammer, and Odin's spear, I also have a powerful summon that can make powerful items. this armor should at least put me at the same level as the lords of Sins. It shall be made with the strongest and best ores..." Sora said softly while looking at the blood sky,

"what about the humans?" Iris asked, Sora sighed softly at her questions,

"This is war, many would die and others would live. some might flee to live somewhere else, and so on. but at the end of the day, I'm still 75% human, even though humans disappoint me, not all humans are the same. I have no wish to slaughter a whole race." Sora before standing up walked over to Iris and got to one knee so that they were at eye level.

"I don't want you in this war, you've been through enough already. the demon realm is safe, think about it carefully. this realm has none of that sick and tasted the stuff, the whole race is united for the single goal to take down the gods. demons kill, injure others, and might even cripple them, but they don't do such things out of pleasure or any twisted means. they even fear that I would bring such things to them." Sora said softly,

"under my rule, I plan to build schools, better loyal, and so on, this way, after the demons kill the gods they are not lost. I want them to remain pure if not... then I will try my best to make sure they don't become the very thing we are going to destroy." Sora said as he held her hands slightly and looked her deeply in the eyes

"I want to change this world, for the better. and I will need a bright mind like yours by my side... your heart is heavy, so do something which could distract you from this conflict, something that could help you forget." Sora said softly, Iris looked at Sora with a complicated look before she simply hugged Sora.

"I want to your right hand." She said softly, Sora hesitated for a moment, he wanted her to be like a teacher or something, but sure. she could stay by his side,

"Alright, let's go to the fairy's forest, there is something I wish to talk about with the elves people," Sora said as he rubbed her head slightly, Iris nodded as she followed Sora who went to have a demon guard to get Tsuki and Julia who were walking around the demon realm. although they were being glared at by the demons, they of course could understand. for many years, only demons stepped foot within this world,

the only time those of the outside world stepped within this world, it was those nasty humans who wanted to slaughter them or something of the side. the hero also always has a party, of course, the news of Julia and the others being a part of the hero's party was suppressed, but it didn't mean they would be welcomed.

a demon with bat-like wings flew over to the two and informed them that Sora was seeking them. after getting the news, they returned to find Sora in the meeting room with the lords of sins.

"you wish to ally the demon race with the elves and the fairies?" Gluttony, a pig demon was shocked at Sora's words, Sora nodded slightly at his words. the lords of sins instantly voiced out their unwillingness to agree with this, but Sora cut them off.

"how many years have the demons and gods fought?" Sora asked calmly, making them all go quiet, it had been over 1 billion years.

"With so long, it's clear demons alone can't defeat the gods. the former demon lord skipped the hero, and they herself at the gods, and even then with you and a bunch of other demons of an around similar level of power, how many supreme gods did she kill?" Sora asked calmly, making the 7 frown slightly, the former demon lord held a deeper role in their heart than Sora, so they were now happy with Sora talking down about her like this.

"she killed none, at most injuring them to spend a few thousand years sleeping. and many of the demon races die there. you 7 are all we have now, and you're saying to what? avoid making allies against races that hate the gods? no wonder none of the former demon lords could pull off a win," Sora said enraging the 6 of them, but Greed froze at Sora's words

"the gods have made many enemies, if I manage to have the fairies and elves join us what would happen? If I could pull the mermaids to join us, what would happen? if I can have the dwarfs join us, what would happen? you want to win, but you never bother to learn after being defeated. the former demon lord bought us a chance and gave us the plan to follow, but it doesn't mean we can't improve upon it." Sora said in annoyance, and once his small speech ended, Greed laughed slightly as he fell to knee with bright eyes while looking at Sora

"I Lord Of Greed Shall Support the Demon." He said with a smile, the others looked speechless for a moment, but with Greed's actions, they were forced to go over Sora's words.

"they are weak. they have no value to us in the grand battle." Warth said with a snort, Sora looked at him for a moment before he nodded deep down. the other races were indeed weak compared to the demons. looking at the elves, their strongest members were around level 90, with the elves at around similar levels. looking at the giants, they too showed similar levels of powers, which was not enough to even face 1 lesser god, who was at least at level 120

"Strength can be increased, just because they are weak today doesn't mean they would be weak tomorrow. The giants are a race greatly loved by the earth, what would happen if they gained Earth Dragon Slayer magic, Earth God Slayer magic, or Earth Devil Slayer Magic?" Sora asked stunning the demons once more, and Iris who was hearing of Sora's plans.

"than there are the other races, if we give them this much more powerful version of their magic, what do you think would happen? for these next few months, I want schools built to train demons to fight and grow stronger. that no sense of killing the weak shall end today, spread knowledge, and support each other. those who dare to go against these orders would be treated as if they are supporting the gods." Sora said coldly while standing up, the 7 lords of sins all fell to their knees, and with a booming voice, they all followed Sora's aura, before they left.

today, Sora had shocked these 7 to the core with this sudden plan, they were too sample-minded to think they could do all of this on their own, when the gods, on the other hand, had the humans helping them.

So, while they headed off to spread the order, Greed took over, as he saw the benefits within these orders, if things went as planned, then maybe more smart demons... leading to far improvement within the demons. they were too prideful to copy the humans, but maybe it was time to start learning from others.

meanwhile, Sora, Iris, Tsuki, and Julia teleported to the elf's forest, and he went on to seek a meeting with all the elves' tribe leaders, along with the fairy king. they all stand under the tree, as Sora wanted to hear the tree's thoughts on this.

"as you are all cut off from the outside world, you might not know that I'm the demon lord," Sora said calmly, stunning the group of leaders who all jumped up in shock, but the tree of life moved, patting their head as if calming down. Sora could sense that it wanted to know what he wanted to say, so he nodded and went on to speak.

"as the saying goes, an enemy of an enemy is a friend. I want to form an alliance with you all against the gods." Sora said stunning the elves, who quickly shook their head, they were no match for the gods, but Sora shook his head slightly at their words.

"you are all weak here, but under me, I can make you all much more powerful. Tree Of life, if you help, they could do more than simply push back the gods, they could even kill it." Sora said softly, confusing the elves and fairies. the tree of life was at level 275. this was the strongest thing Sora have ever seen, and with an HP of over a million, it showed.

"what do you mean?" the fairy king asked with a deep frown, why was their mother protecting the demon king?

"I want to teach your race more powerful magic, I wish to be the last demon lord and end the nonsense with the gods. So, I want to work together with every race. If we all work together, we can not only overthrow the gods, but we could even place a new seal, to seal away the Devils. You live in fear behind this barrier, it's peaceful, but your home is your prison." Sora said softly, leaving all of them quiet. He looked at the for a moment before sighing,

"what magic do you wish to teach us?" one of the elves asked, Sora sat back while thinking for a moment, before answering.

"God Slayer magic," Sora said calmly, the elves went quiet for some time. but Sora didn't give them time to think much as he got up,

"the demons for the longest have been fighting a 2v1. they have been fighting the humans and gods, but under my rule, I will do more than even the playing field, I will not do something as cruel as kill your people if you refuse, the demon race will ignore you like always if you still want to stay out... just know, if we lose this battle, we would take the races which join us into the demon realm, where they can grow stronger, work together, and when the new demon lord is chosen, they would be ready for round 2." Sora said calmly,

"I will be within a month, I will accept any answer you all give. including yours." Sora said as he patted the tree slightly, causing it shakes slightly as if nodded, and with a nod, Sora said goodbye and left taking Iris, Julia, and Tsuki remained to inform the others of her thought on the matter.

And so, Sora went on around, to the many races, the dwarf joined the easiest, and even wanted to join Sora. they were sick of the gods, forcing them to create stuff for them, and if they didn't they would suffer their wrath, so, under Sora, they fled to the demon realm. although some loyal dwarfs to the gods remain, Sora secretly killed them, he didn't want the gods to become more powerful,

The giant was hesitating on doing so, some wanted to join and others wanted to remain. Sora went on to take the giants which wanted to join in this battle, Sora even searched for the remains of the forest giants, the strongest giants to walk this world, but they were almost all slaughtered by the gods, and once Sora asked, they, of course, joined the demons in this battle.

Sora went on to get the goblins, trolls, and other powerful races he could find, many agree, and many more disagree, but in the end, many people from each race followed Sora to the demon realm. the fairies and elves soon also agreed, and Sora went on to teleport the whole forest to an empty spot within the demon realm.

Using magic, the sky had changed color long ago, and the rain of acid stopped, although it was going to be hard getting used to this new realm, this realm was more reached in Mana than the outside world, and so on, so they shall become stronger here.

Sora had a demon look after all of their needs, and made sure they felt welcomed, the same thing was done for the other races. and with everyone done, Sora wanted to do a few more things before the creation of his new armor begins.

Sora headed far away, where a dungeon held a monster feared by the world. Sora stepped foot into the cave, and as he entered feed, he sat stone statues of people with horrified looks, Sora looked at all of them, and simply passed them until he reached the end of the wave, where he saw a humanoid monster with the hair of snakes, sitting upon a throne with closed eyes.

this was none other than, Medusa. Her eyes slowly opened, and with a boundless hatred, her eyes and Sora's eyes met, and instantly, Sora saw his body turning into stone. but the effect began to disappear soon after.

"just a look is all you need?" Sora asked softly, Medusa seeing someone she looked at not turn into stone was enraged. Her eyes glowed as she looked at Sora, even though their eyes didn't mean, Sora saw himself turning to stone, this time he failed to block it

Medusa's snake-like body got off the throne and got close to Sora, no human have ever resisted her ability before. but as she neared, she saw cracks appearing on Sora's body, before the stone just exploded, revealing Sora.

"it's pointless talking to a monster, let me help you regain your humanity." Sora cast as he went on to cast [Cleanse Ward], and instantly, Medusa froze as she felt the curse on her weakening. Sora cast the spell many times, and after a few minutes, the once scary monster which stood before Sora had turned into a beautiful woman, with the lower body of a snake.

"This is the most I can do... but you should have regained your humanity..." Sora said with a smile, Medusa, the woman raped by a god when married, only to be punished by the gods for cheating. truly, the gods didn't even care that they could do as they wish.

Medusa opened her mouth to speak, but it had been so long since she spoke, and all she could do was make snake sounds. her body shook for a moment, as she just fell to the ground and rolled up into a ball, and cried away,

"I seem to be able to understand a bit of snake... which is weird. you need not thank me, there are many like you out there, I want to save you all." Sora said as he sat down, next to her, Medusa was stunned hearing Sora's words, she let out a few snake sounds and Sora nodded as he spoke with her like this.

She had been a snake monster for thousands of years, she didn't know how to speak anymore, so after talking with her for some time, Medusa caught on to the current state of the world, being at level 110, she agreed to join Sora in the battle against the gods. although she was not sure if her curse could work upon the gods, Sora explained she had turned that curse into her power long ago, she only needs to control it now.

So, with that, sora went on seek another person who was cursed by the gods and turned into a monster. the mother of all spiders,

meanwhile, back within the demon realm, Sora's main body stood before the dwarfs, who were looking at him with huge smiles. the dwarfs found out that they shall not be working for free under Sora. they would be paid enough money to buy a week's worth of alcohol, which made them instantly love Sora

"Now, You would be working with another being to build this armor... other than myself," Sora said with a smile, confusing the group of dwarfs who were getting ready to work on this armor and weapons.

Sora cast [Hephaestus], and with a powerful heat wave, Hephaestus appeared with a sword in his hands, ready for battle. but there were no enemies, So he looked toward Sora in confusion. Hephaestus as one might guess was the god of blacksmiths, he was a 3 Mana spell which Sora managed to lower down to 2 Mana.

"a god?" the dwarfs were stunned when looking at the humanoid bird, they didn't remember seeing a bird god like this. they could sense the divinity coming off Hephaestus, so they knew this was a god. Sora smiled slightly at their reactions, good thing he had this room sealed off.

"This is a god from another world. Hephaestus, he is just summoned to this world by me. he is not like the gods of this world, trust me." Sora said calmly, stunning the dwarfs who looked at Hephaestus.

"Well, I didn't summon you here for battle. but to ask for your help in crafting a set of gear for me." Sora said calmly

"Are you capable of holding me to this world for that long? it could take weeks or longer. I can't just stop mid-way just for you to summon me again." Hephaestus said with a raised eyebrow, Sora nodded slightly as he already thought of this,

"My Mana recovery speed can keep up, it recovers faster than it cost to have you here. and with you using your mana to craft, I would say I could hold you for about 6 days with no problem, adding the positions I have, that's like a month." Sora said with a smile, Hephaestus nodded slightly before putting the blade away, and looking at the table in front of him, filled with ores he has never seen before. it would take some time for him to know each of them, his eyes couldn't help but brighten seeing this,

and so, while the demon realm went quiet, the human world was not quiet at all. with the war taking place, humans began finding out that the dragon slayer magic was not so perfect when those using started turning into dragons which went on a rampage, slaughtering humans.

Irene of course suffered many fearful looks, all those who had dragon slayer magic were arrested, meanwhile, she had to leave the humans as she could no longer stay there, fearing she too would turn into a dragon, although she was sure she could control herself if she was to turn into a dragon, she couldn't take that risk.

So, she, Anna, and the others left, seeing the remaining seeks, and training hard while waiting for their battle with Sora and the others.

while they were away, the war of course continued, but not as before. the dragons which were fighting for the humans were winning, but things quickly turned south, a dragon named Acnologia stepped forward, slaughtering all the dragons it saw, not caring for which side they were on, and feeding upon their flesh.

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