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Chapter 6: Surprise!!

She returned to her room smiling, because for a moment she thought that she was going to lose one of the most precious gifts she ever received but no matter how many times she looked at it she couldn't find an explanation to why it was that expensive.

Rayme put the Rosary on to the gold chain and wore it to see how it looks, it looked magical lying on her pale skin. The elegance and beauty it had was slowly hypnotizing her. It was as if the pendant was telling her not to take it off.

Just like how her mind told her, she ended up not taking it off. Instead, to please her parents, she wore a turtleneck to hide the fact that she was wearing the pendant. She had realized that even if she wanted to take it off, she could never bring herself to do so.

She called Dylan right before sleeping, wondering how he was doing.

"So, did you try wearing the rosary?" he asked.

It was very clear to Rayme that his parents buying her the pendant of a vampire wasn't intentional. The rosary also proved one more thing. It was how desperate the vampires were to blend into the human society. Though it was probably for their survival, still wearing something that might be dangerous if it was from the holy place proved how desperate they were.

"Yes, I am wearing it even now. It keeps reminding me about you." She said out of nowhere when she wasn't really thinking about him that much.

"Well, it is nice to hear that, but you don't sound like yourself, Rayme. I hope everything is alright. You can talk to me about anything, just like before. It is not like I won't listen to you or don't want to listen to you because we are in a relationship." Dylan said, truly worried about her after hearing her say those words.

Cause before they got into a relationship, the only reason why she thought about him was because she had something troubling her mind.

"Well, I do kinda miss you. Let's meet day after tomorrow at school. I am going to sleep now;" she said.

Her heart was beating so fast for some reason, it was as if she was hearing him for the first time. She felt deeply attracted to his voice and the attraction she felt wasn't something she could describe by words.

She ended up falling asleep after a few minutes.

Rayme woke up the next morning upon hearing her siblings screaming "Happy Birthday to our stupid sister." She was happy that her siblings came to wish her a happy birthday when she never expected them to do so.

"Go down, mom and dad are waiting for you to go shopping and you probably didn't realize that it is already 11 in the morning. You almost slept the whole freaking morning, sis," her sister said, putting a birthday card on her bed. She left the room without saying another room.

But even before Rayme could sit to see what was on the birthday card, her sister appeared at the door again.

"I almost forgot to tell you; your boyfriend has been calling you all morning. I guess he misses you." She said.

"Who said I was his boyfriend?" Rayme asked.

" heard you talking to him last night and then I checked your phone to see what the last call you made was, and it was none other than that pale looking Dylan."

"You absolutely can't tell mom and dad, especially not that little troublemaker! If you tell him, all the people in the town will know that I started dating him."

"Sis, you should have believed it when mom said that a girl and a boy can't be best friends." Her sister smirked at her and left the room.

Rayme was sure that her sister won't spill a word until she makes her angry. She picked up the letter to see whom it was from. It surprised her to see who had sent it.

It was none other than Dylan. She quickly opened the letter to see what was in it. It was a cute birthday card with a press dried rose.

After staring at it for a while as if it is going to disappear, she put it into the drawer after taking a picture of it and uploading it to the cloud to ensure that she will always possess that memory.

She went down, ready to go shopping. Her parents and siblings were waiting for her all this time. "Let's eat lunch from outside today and get home before 6 to cut your cake." Rayme's mom said.

Rayme bought herself a few clothes after a long time and got to talk to their parents about a lot of things that happened at school. After picking up the cake from the bakery, they reached home around 6.

"The time is just perfect." Rayme's mom said, looking at the clock.

She started arranging all the decorations with the help of everyone and switched on all the lights to make everything seem brighter.

"Birthday girl, go and stand behind the cake. Let's take some photos and cut it." Rayme's mom said.

In the next few minutes, she sang happy birthday and took photos with her parents and siblings. They all her a knock on the door right when she was about the cut the cake to pieces to eat it as a dessert after dinner.

Rayme's dad went to the door. It surprised him to see who was standing behind the door. It was none other than Dylan.

"Rayme, come and see who is here to wish you a happy birthday!" upon hearing that she walked to the door wondering who it was.

Seeing him at the door was surprising but yet concerning at the same time. He had made it to the birthday party, though it was not a good idea for him to go out. She grabbed his hand and walked out of the house into the garden.

"I told you not to come here, and that was because I didn't want anything to happen to you! At least not on my birthday. Don't act like someone without a mind! Imagine something happening to you on my birthday. Do you think that I will be able to live if something happened?"

"Rayme, calm yourself down. Everything is going to be alright. At this rate, your parents are going to realise that you are in a relationship with me."

"I don't care," Rayme cried out.

"Alright, alright, I promise you that I am going to return home as soon as I eat a piece of your cake."

"Come in. I am not going to let you moon bathe anymore and I am telling this again it is not a good idea for you to come out on a day like this." She dragged him in to the house so that he is away from the moonlight.

He handed over another small box to Rayme and told her to open it, disregarding the fact that she was Infront of her family.

She opened the box, the moment she saw what was inside the box she almost dropped it but regardless she held onto it with a fake smile, hoping that her mom won't make a mean comment that would hurt Dylan in any way.

"Dylan, don't you think that you are over the line? You first gave me a rosary that was worth more than a million pounds, and now this. I don't think I can accept this."

"Alright then, listen to me first. The price is not the issue here. What my mom's wish is what brought you this. The rosary you are wearing was something my mom got her hands by a coincidence. She was looking for a rosary to match the one she lost from the set you are holding."

"My family has this tradition. They hand over this set from generation to generation. Since my mom doesn't have a daughter and she is not planning on having one, my mom and my dad decided that you should be the one to hold on to this."

"They told me that even if I am to bring a bride home one day, the won't feel what they are feeling from you."

"So, you have to accept this. I can't take it home with me. Put my dad aside, but my mom would be so hurt."

She couldn't help but hold on to the box. No matter how much she wanted to return it, she couldn't return it back to them if that was what they were thinking of when giving it to her.

"Tell your mom that I am really grateful for what she gave to me. I promise you that I will protect this with my life, since this meant so much to your family."

"Alright kids, enough of that sentimental talk, lets all just sit down and eat something. Let me tell you Dylan, Rayme's mom cooked a lot of delicious dishes from her hometown. I promise you that they are going to be super tasty."

Come to think of it, Mr. Mendes, may I please take Rayme to the arcade and play some game with her? She is not going out of the house so, may I? He asked out of nowhere.

Everyone stayed still, wondering what the words that are going to come out of his mouth is going to be like.

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