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Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Do not forget

Location: New le soume city, planet codename: Icarus

The air was somber as a national holiday was created for the grieving of hundreds of millions. Millions have died from an unfortunate event. Some creature bursted out from the crust of a planet that cause the deaths of everything on the planet crust. We called it the leviathan because it reminded the gestalts, and I the old stories about some leviathan sleeping under the sea of terra from HP Lovecraft or stories from old terran mythologies.

This holiday was created by the military staff one of the biological that isn't me. Some got promoted as captains, or even majors for their deeds, and proposed that we commemorate the day that millions died with a somber holiday. Everyone was given a day off, and was on either a vacation, on a trip, or at home grieving for their husbands, father's, or mother's. It was just days ago since it happened. We have bombed chiss military industrial factories, and bombed their diplomatic embassies.

Those families whose children, husbands, or wife's been lost we're compensated with free educational to any school for future occupations that they want to get, free housing, and grants for healthcare. I went to the pub drinking my sorrows off as I remember everything. I lost so many men, lost my eye, lost my family, lost my government, lost everything I even held dear to me. I quietly sobbed in a corner. Patrons of the pub noticed me, and was hesitant to comfort me as they knew who i am.

My anger grew as time went on. In my drunken contemplations I was mad at everything. I was mad on how everything went. How unfair... How cruel.....

The more I thought, the more I hated this god forsaken reality. I've seen compatriots die by others hands, I've seen so much atrocities committed by those filthy things that calls themselves as sentient beings.

This wasn't supposed to happen yet it happened. The lies we told ourselves about the stars is untrue, and was detrimental. We shouldn't have made first contact, and we should've watched them further to know what they were. But it's just the past now. I can't undo that.

Suddenly I got a COMS messenger from one of the gestalt admirals. I sighed, and wiped my snot with my trench coat.

thirty minutes later.....

I arrived at the location. What I saw was a hospital. Huh?

Suddenly an eye surgeon got near me, and one of the gestalt admiral's a rear admiral brought me into a stretcher with metal straps. Oh shit. I forgot about the eye surgery, and the things I said while drunk on that party last night. I sighed as I accepted my fate.

An hour later...

The surgery was successful, and i was now pumped with nanites connecting nerves to the cybernetic eye. After a few minutes the nanites successfully connected the optical nerves. Allowing me to see with my right dominant eye. The cybernetic eye has a few new upgrades unlike the old ones this had EMP resistance, and enhanced targeting capabilities unlike the old human cybernetics. Well civilians grade at least but there was a prototype for this but it was too costly to build. After everything was done I drunkenly rode my motor bike to the memorial event. Without any incidents with drunk driving.

4 kilometers of riding later....

I arrived at the memorial site, and saw grieving families for their lost loved ones. Thousands of families grieving at the unfortunate event.

Then I heard the choir from the distance.

Flander's fields

by joakim broaden/sabaton

"In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below"

"We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields."

"Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields."

Then the mass began. A vigil, and martial elegy of the dead in remembrance. Families cried at the priests who were both biologicals, and gestalts. Because of the leviathan they can't even see their loved ones who died in that planet to bring closure. The monuments we're given blessings, and was splashed with wine/an allegory of the blood of the son of god.

Families mourn at this tragedy. A few dozen children were without even families or guardians. It's sad that this had happened. Children who lost their only guardian cried in the memorials. I took pity, and told some of the gestalts to bring the fatherless children to my home. I'll raise them.

Oh I miss being a father. The children were hesitant to accept but accepted. They had nothing to lose. When all of the children were hoarded I comforted them. It broke my heart seeing children like this. Snot filled my trench coat. I sighed, and comforted the children whom lost their guardians.

Children cried at their missing guardians whom perished. They cried on how unfair everything is. Losing someone you love from a freak accident. "There, there kids. I'm here to comfort you. Please let it all out." I said in a soft tone. Then they began to cry even louder. I stroked them gently behind the back, and played some calming music like Mozart piano concerto #21, requiem, symphony #40, and the magic flute.

After thirty minutes the kinds tuckered themselves up after crying. One of the gestalts came up to me, and asked me to bring them into a car, and drive them into my home using a G.E.V or a ground effect vehicle the size of a small helicopter that can be as fast as 180 kilometers per hour, and can hover 30 inches high . My home is a humble one. It's made out of wood, and had a few outposts near my home. Its for Incase I either get lost or just want to leave my large log cabin, and just wanna watch the valleys below.

I nodded to the gestalt, and then the children where taken into a G.E.V. to my valley. I sighed, and rode my bike to bring some liquor to the valley.

I saw a lot variety of different types of liquor. I bought a box of whiskey, and smiled as I remember the friends, and comrades that died.

I left the store, and went back to the valley. I arrive to the valley after three, and a half hours of traveling in the sides of the mountain roads. I arrived at the mountains outpost, and smiled. I then created a memorial with the rocks around me carved with the names of old comrades in the human-chiss war.

I then poured a bottle of whiskey on the memorial as a way of mourning for those who I cannot drink with anymore. I miss them specially faust. Mephistopheles Faust. Or meph for short but friends just call him Faust. He was German colleague born in Berlin, and had served as recon in the German marines while I was in the national guard being a repairman/mechanic for armored vehicles, and sometimes mechanic for fighters if there is no onsite air force mechanic available due to repairing other equipment.

Faust had saved me back in titan before I was reborn and given an order by god. He died saving me. He was a good friend, and a good comrade.


I checked my scope if I was dialed in properly. I was currently searching for a prime target for my bullet. I was nervous as the cold winter snow began to fall in the afternoon. I sighed, and ate the snow around me. "So Fischer how's the family going?" Asked Faust. A man wearing a white camo with good looking facial features. "It's fine. But some of them were shaken after they didn't hear anything from their family member from the glassed worlds. I'm not telling them the truth. It's gonna because it can cause more damage to my family." Faust nodded.

Then Faust saw enemies patrolling the city streets littered with bodies, snow, and blood. I sighed from the roof tops above them, and checked if these are good viable targets.

I checked, and saw no markings of medals. Their ranks are just corporals. These are just small fry. Probably some conscripts who doesn't even know what their fighting with or for. These are not viable targets for enemy demoralization nor viable for shoot due to there are too many men to be killed that we will get noticed after the third or second shot.

The others of my squad is either dead or probably trying to hide or kill the foreign aggressors. Gunshots echoed in the distance as men from my squad desperately fight back for pride or for sheer pettiness to make as many enemies bleed. They know it's an unwinnable situation so they would rather their deaths cause as much of the enemy and a pain of their enemies or possibly more that their own.

In the distance I saw a high ranking chiss officer killing POW's. I noticed that the target's is probably a captain or probably a major due the military medals. I dialed in, and took my shot. A loud bang can be heard as the officer was shot between his eye. "Kill confirmed." Faust said while munching on snow.

Suddenly I saw in the distance the civilian labour camps where bringing out uncooperative children and shooting them a few clicks away. I grunted as I was pissed beyond belief. These aliens are doing warcrimes! These aliens shouldn't be respected by the accords yet they want us to follow the accord while we are in fight for survival of the species. We literally are holding ourselves from fully killing them in the most painful ways to die. I put my sniper in my back because it's better to use a handgun than a rifle with high recoil in close combat.

We hurried down as quietly as possible. Little did we know that a patrol nearby heard us, and was hurrying to his area. I pulled out my pistol, and my bayonet just encase. Faust readied his gun probably putting his hand in a position encase of a firefight. I smiled at this. So this is probably how i'll die? Fighting for survival with my friend?

Suddenly we heard footsteps coming from the stairs. I pulled out a grenade, and unpinned it to kill the enemies from above.

I check and saw bodies, and blood coming from the bottom floor flowing fresh blood coming put of their bodies. We continued the decent down. Suddenly when Faust was finally at the bottom some chiss soldier holding a gun shot Faust in the shoulder thankfully not in the lungs. The chiss died shortly after due to the wounds caused by the grenade.

Suddenly a chiss soldier came out of the public bathroom nearby. Then Faust got hit in the right side of the lung causing the right to collapse because he pushed me out of the way from the shooter. I shot back and domed him. "Shit..."

I then pulled out a med kit, and special bandages for this type of injuries called chest seals. I then pumped him with little doses of adrenaline to make him survive longer. "Code red. I repeat code red. Requesting med evac." I said over the radio. A military airbus heard this over the communication channels, and sent me coordinates. ETA 2 mins.

I shouldered him, and ran quickly. Safety be damned I don't care if I was heard. Plus enemies are probably far away from me a few hundred meters. I endured the heaviness of my partner.

I smiled at I arrived at evac. The Airbus was already there. I hurried as the medics came up to me and picked up my comrade using a stretcher.

He began to be treated but suddenly he began having a spasm. He began to wheeze as his pulse began to flat line. I was weirdly calm. It's probably due to the training for stress management. I then pulled out a stress ball, and squeezed it. He then died right in front of me. Then the stress ball popped. I shed at the tear at my friend who just died in front of me. The sheer anger made me want to punch a hole into the VTOL.

End of flashback.....

I saluted the memorial, and began to sing a lifetime of war.

A lifetime of war

By sabaton

"Two ways to view the world

So similar at times.

Two ways to rule the world

To justify their crimes!"

"By kings and queens young men

Are sent to die in war.

Their propaganda speaks

Those words been heard before!"

"Two ways to view the world

Brought Europe down in flames.

Two ways to rule...

Has man gone insane?"

"A few will remain

Who'll find a way

To live one more day

Through decades of war?

It spreads like disease

There's no sign of peace

Religion and greed

Cause millions to bleed

Three decades of war..."

"From dawn to dawn they're fighting

Die where they stand

The fog of war lies thick

When armies scorch the land

When all of Europe is burning

What can be done?

They've been to war a decade."

"Two more to come!

Long way from home

(Döpas och dö i strid)

Lifetime at war..."

"Has man gone insane?

A few will remain

Who'll find a way

To live one more day

Through decades of war?

It spreads like disease

There's no sign of peace

Religion and greed

Cause millions to bleed

Three decades of war..."

"When they face death they're all alike:

No right or wrong

Rich or poor...

No matter who they served before

Good or bad...

They're all the same

Rest side by side now..."

I saluted and drank myself to sleep in the memorial area. Sobbing quietly as memories of the past was remembered. Bitter sweet memories of my life. My life as a father, and. a husband. I shall not allow myself to forgive the species whom enslaved mine for greed. They killed untold billions why forgive them.

I gave them a solution to stop this upcoming great war. Ye they didn't accept. They don't want to repent. SO NO MERCY FOR THE ENEMY! KILL THE THEM!

To be continued...

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