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Chapter 10: Chapter-10 Soul Skill

Master Yun stood in front of Hun Yu, studying him closely. Hun Yu could feel the master's piercing gaze, but he stood tall and proud, knowing that he was about to prove himself as a worthy Soul Master.

"So, Hun Yu," Master Yun said, his voice deep and stern. "Tell me about your Soul Skill."

Hun Yu took a deep breath and replied, "My Soul Skill is Called Peacock's Precision."

Master Yun raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Peacock's Precision, you say? Tell me more about this skill."

Hun Yu eagerly began to explain, "With Peacock's Precision, I have the ability to temporarily increase the accuracy and range of my Holy Bow. This allows me to hit my targets more easily, even from a distance. The cooldown for this skill is relatively short, making it particularly useful in battles against fast-moving or evasive enemies."

Master Yun nodded, impressed. "That is indeed a valuable skill. The ability to accurately hit your target is crucial in any battle, and your Peacock's Precision will certainly give you an advantage. It is a good match for you and will help you improve your accuracy and range with the Holy Bow."

Hun Yu felt a sense of pride swelling within him. He had always known that his Soul Skill was special, but hearing it acknowledged by a master like Yun was truly a proud moment for him.

"I see great potential in you, Hun Yu," Master Yun continued. "But remember, your success as a Soul Master is not solely dependent on your Soul Skill. You must also hone your spirit and your mind, for only then can you truly harness the power of your spirit ring and reach new heights."

Hun Yu nodded, understanding the weight of the master's words.

As we were starting to depart, we suddenly caught sight of a commotion taking place in the distance. I immediately asked my master, Yun, what was going on, and he explained that there was a fierce battle between two Spirit Douluos and one Spirit Grandmaster, and they were facing off against a Title Douluo. I was taken aback by this news, and I couldn't help but ask how these Spirit Masters could possibly take on a Title Douluo. My master replied, "You should know that for Spirit Masters at the entry stage, fighting against a Title Douluo is tantamount to courting death. However, it seems that these Spirit Masters have found a way to combine their powers through some kind of fusion skill, and they are giving the Title Douluo a run for his money."

I looked towards my master and asked, "Master Yun, if you were to fight against that Title Douluo, do you think you could win?" My master's expression turned serious as he replied, "Are you doubting my power, young one? Well, let me tell you that if I were to fight against that Title Douluo, I would not only defeat him, but I would do so with ease. You see, I have a great resistance to poison, and based on what I can see, the Title Douluo's combat power doesn't seem to be all that strong."

With these words, my master left no doubt in my mind that he was a true force to be reckoned with in the world of the Spirit Masters.

As we made our way from the Sunset Forest towards Yunshan Village, Master Yun's mood was far from jovial. Flying effortlessly through the air, he carried me with a sense of irritation and annoyance.

"You could have at least made the ride a little more pleasant," I ventured, trying to steady myself against the wind.

Master Yun gave a harsh snort in response. "Pleasant? I'm a peak-level Spirit Master and you expect me to waste my energy on making a simple flight comfortable for you?"

I winced at the disdain in his voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend-"

"Offend?" he cut in, his tone sharp. "You always seem to be in a rush, never taking the time to think things through."

I hung my head, feeling chastised. "I'll be more careful in the future."

After some time, we finally arrived at our destination. Master Yun dropped me off at my hut and headed towards his own home. "Remember," he warned, "I'll be testing the strength of your Spirit Ring tomorrow. Don't disappoint me." With that, he took off into the air and disappeared from view.

The next day, I anxiously awaited Master Yun's arrival. When he finally arrived, he immediately demanded that I release my soul ring. I complied, and a yellow-colored ring floated in the air beside me.

"Now, show me what you've got," he challenged. "Target a fish in that river over there, and do it in less than a minute."

I frowned, thinking back to the last time I had attempted this exercise. "Last time I did it, it took me over five minutes," I admitted.

Master Yun scowled. "I expect improvement from my disciples, not excuses. Focus your senses and use your soul ring to target that fish in less than a minute."

With a nod, I focused my attention on the river and fired an arrow. The arrow traveled through the air, slicing through the water and zeroing in on its target. It hit the fish with pinpoint accuracy, and I let out a triumphant whoop.

Master Yun's expression softened slightly. "Well done. Your first soul ring will prove to be invaluable in targeting moving or distant targets with ease. But this is just the beginning. There's still much for you to learn and master."

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