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Chapter 5: Chapter Two


After falling asleep, it's not my fault it's my baby body, okay, moving on, been working on my mindscape similar to occulmency kinda i started picturing a long flat plane with trees and flowers but then it fell apart i now know that i have to individually place each piece or block of what i want to build and let me tell you it was time consuming spent like a good 5 days and if you're wondering which you're probably not that's 120 hours.

I eventually managed to build my mindscape well the beginning of it i changed it up a bit i combined lot's of fictional city's in here so bear with me, i made the outer layer the first place a invader would breach be a apocalyptic city with a orange sky dust everywhere here's the fun thing due to the invader being busy advancing through the city the dust is a nearly undetectable poison agent it would weaken you and disrupt your strength and magic reinforcing it's self and i put some creatures in there like some death claws from the fallout universe and some zombies like a horde and some mutated dogs just remember the first line of my defense is not meant to stop you it's meant to tire you out.

Onto the next line of defense, it's basically Star Wars and halo imagine the most fortified area and bump it up every army is there clone troopers, storm troopers, cis droids, sith troopers, the old republic military, spartans hundreds of thousands of spartan 2's and covenant forces and its associated assets.

As soon as the invader enters, it will be swarmed with droids from the old republic and clone wars, and from a distance, everyone opens fire, and you gotta count artillery and air support.

And if they some push forward, you gotta fight every sith and jedi because why not and the ones basically the gods of the force.

And now you're probably thinking Thor isn't that enough, and i say no it's never enough i plan to add more and i haven't really finished the last bit for now it's space marines and there primarchs and the god emperor of mankind and im done for now for my mindscape at least oh and i added a very intricate defense system on the forefront of my mind it's the honeycomb design it's one of the strongest designs in nature and i can add more to it later oh and i forgot to mention as soon as they enter they cant leave with my permission the whole design for my defense is to lure them in like a flytrap exhaust them then go in for the kill and take there knowledge pretty efficient and effective in my opinion.

Okay, now you're probably thinking what the hell happened since you got dropped in the mcu.

Well, some things have happened first, Frigga has spent more time with me, and it's not that i don't like it she just can't take the place my mother had but stepmom i can expect but odin haven't seen a sliver of him since my arrival but i guess running a kingdom is time consuming not to see your only son and 'apparent' firstborn.

But Asgard is beautiful it smells nice i can actually feel myself getting stronger while breathing my body is getting stronger, my adaptability is kicking in, and so is my godly strength i am able to move my head and limbs with alot of effort im gonna walk so and then my saga, conquest will commence okay time to sleep im knackered.


Thor, I'm quite shocked that he managed to unlock his divinity at such a young age i know that i will have to keep a watch on him so he doesn't become arrogant but i know that the future has changed for either the good or the bad i do not know.

Huginn and Muninn enter the throne room and inform me on what is going on in Asgard and the nine realms the shock of the thunderstorm as passed, and everyone has continued their lives as usual.

The frost giants of Jotunnheim are disrupting some Asgardian trading vessels i will have to reinforce the security of them and inform Hemdail to keep a watch on the frost giant's.

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